How to print a string in backward, in scheme? - scheme

I know if I write my scheme code in the following way and type in (word ‘(a b c)), it will out put the list in the same order. Could you please tell me if there was a way I can print it out in opposite order. Ex- (list ‘c ‘b ‘a).
it needs to be the user's input I print out in opposite order. So, I can't call it (reverse '(a b c)). since the user input can be something like '(x y z).
Thanks a lot.
(define(word x )
(if(null? x) x
(cons(car x)(word (cdr x)))))
(word '(a b c))
(list 'a 'b 'c)

(reverse '(a b c))
will reverse your string. However I suspect that this is probably homework and you are supposed to write your own reverse function.
If so, can you reverse an empty list? If you have a list and have the reverse of the rest of the list, can you get the reverse of the whole list? Can you see how to make a function that reverses the list from these pieces?

Is this what you want?
(list->string (reverse (string->list "market")))

Thanks all for your information and help. I found a way to do it. just in-case there was anyone else looking.
(define (word lis)
(if (null? lis)
(append (word (cdr lis))
(list (car lis)))))

Hint: cons creates a list composed of its first argument followed by its second argument. Right now, you're using it to create a list of the first element followed by the same function applied to the rest of the elements, and that creates a list in the same order as it was.
What do you suppose would happen if you created a list of the same function applied to the rest of the elements followed by the first element?


How to multiply a list in scheme?

New to scheme but trying to learn the basics.
Let's say I passed a list in as a parameter and I wanted to multiply each element by -1. Right now I have this:
(define (negative b)
(* (car b) -1 )))
Which returns the first element as -1 * that element
So in this case giving it (negative '(5 1 2 3)) returns -5.
But lets say I want it to return
-5 -1 -2 -3
How would I go about making the rest of the list negative? Using cdr recursively?
Do it recursively.
(define (negative l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (* (car l) -1)
(negative (cdr l)))))
If the list is empty, this just returns an empty list, as the base case.
Otherwise, it calculates -1 * the first element, the negative of the rest of the list, and combines them to produce the result.
The purpose of your exercise may be for you to code up your own map procedure, in which case that's fine. But if not, use scheme's built in 'map' procedure which is intended for just this kind of purpose.
'map' has been available at least since R4RS (that is, a long time ago) and possibly earlier.
by using map. If you want it returned as list.
It would be like this
(define negative
(lambda (b)
(map - b)))
Map is going through list b, and apply procedure "-" to each number in list
If you want to return as single numbers not in list you apply values on the list.
(define negative1
(lambda (b)
(apply values (map - b))))
Edit: I saw that you are asking for recursive solution, which would go like this
(define negative1
(lambda (b)
(if (null? b)
(cons (- (car b)) (negative1 (cdr b))))))

Scheme: how to get first atom from list

I need help with one issue: I can't handle how to get the first atom from the list in SCHEME language. I think I should make a loop, something like "while" and compare each element on boolean (?atom) and print first matched item.
Unfortunately, It's difficult for me to handle scheme syntax.
Please, can you propose any solution for me?
define func ?atom:
(define (atom? x) (not (or (pair? x) (null? x))))
Recursion is not that different from the usual way yo solve problems - you just have to be careful and set some meaningful base cases. For instance, how would you solve this problem in Java? by traversing all the list, and stoping when either 1) we found the element that matches the condition or 2) there are no more elements. This is exactly what we need to do:
(define (first-atom lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f) ; there are no more elements in the list
((atom? (car lst)) ; current element is an atom
(car lst)) ; return it
(else ; otherwise
(first-atom (cdr lst))))) ; look in the rest of the list
It works as expected:
(first-atom '((2) 42 (3)))
=> 42
(first-atom '((1) (2)(3)))
=> #f
In your question you have the definition to atom? that returns #t if the argument is an atom and #f otherwise.
The function should handle the empty list. eg. What should happen when you do this:
(first-atom '())
Thus you need to check if the argument is the empty list and return whatever you supposed to return when there are no atoms in the arguments. Then you'll have a else expression that handles the rest.
You can use first to get the first element to check if it is an atom and then return it or you recure with the rest of the list.
Now here is something very similar that finds the number of elements in a list:
(define (length lst)
(if (null? lst)
0 ; obviously a 0 length list
(+ 1 (length (cdr lst))))) ; obviously one plus whatever length the rest is
Imagine what happens if you do (length '(1 2)). It does (+ 1 (length '(2))) which again does (+ 1 (+ 1 (length '()))) which again does (+ 1 (+ 1 0)). Simple as that. All loops are recursive functions in Scheme.
You reference to while indicates you might be familiar with other programming languages. I knew C, C++, Pascal, perl, PHP, and Java when starting to learn Lisp and I suddenly realized all the languages I knew were only subtle dialects of one language, Algol. I wasn't learning my sixth language, but my second. Scheme doesn't have a while loop. It has recursion. you need to get a book and start at the first page as if you didn't know how to program at all as assimilation from Algol will point you in the wrong direction.

How to convert a list into its elements

This must be very easy to accomplish but I am new to racket and dont know how:
I have a list (1 2 3 4) and would like to convert it into (1)(2)(3)(4)
Or is there a way to build it as (1)(2)(3)(4). I am using
cons '(element) call-function
to build it inside a function (recursively)
Try this:
(map list '(1 2 3 4))
From your text, I see that you do '(element). Problem with that is that everything which is quoted is never anything but what you see. Thus if element happens to be a variable it won't be expanded because of the quote.
The right way to get a list with one element would be to use list. eg. (list element) to get whatever the variable element to be the one element in your list. However, you won't need this in a roll-your-own recursive procedure:
(define (listify lst)
(if (null? lst) ; if lst is null we are done
'() ; evaluate to the empty list
(cons (list (car lst)) ; else we make a list with the first element
(listify (cdr lst))))) ; and listify the rest of the list too
Most of the procedure now is facilitating going through the argument, but since it's a common thing to do we can use higher order procedures with foldr so that you only concentrating on what is going to happen with the element in this chain in correspondence with the rest of the process:
(define (listify lst)
(foldr (lambda (e acc)
(cons (list e) ; chain this element wrapped in a list
acc)) ; with the result from the rest of the list
'() ; initiate with an empty list
lst)) ; go through lst
Of course, since we do something with each element in a list and nothing fancy by using map we only need to supply what to do with each element rather telling how to join the chains in the list together as well.
(define (listify lst)
(map list lst)) ; make a new list by applying a list of each element
It's actually a single argument version of zip:
(require srfi/1)
(zip '(1 2 3 4)) ; ==> ((1) (2) (3) (4))
(zip '(1 2 3) '(a b c)) ; ==> ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
There you go. As simple as it can get.

How do you use dotted-tail notation correctly in this algorithm?

I'm doing the exercises from SICP (not homework) and exercise 2.20 introduces dotted-tail notation, which is where you use (define (f a . b) ...) to pass a variable number of arguments (which end up in a list b). This problem in particular wants a procedure which takes an integer a and returns a list of all arguments with parity equal to a's. The problem is not difficult; here is my solution:
(define (same-parity a . b); a is an int, b is any number of int arguments
(let ((parity (remainder a 2)))
(define (proc li)
(cond ((null? li) null)
; If parity of the head of the list is = parity of a,
((= (remainder (car li) 2) parity)
; keep it and check the rest of the list.
(cons (car li) (proc (cdr li))))
; Otherwise ignore it and check the rest of the list.
(else (proc (cdr li)))))
(cons a (proc b))))
My question is that I don't seem to be using the dotted-tail feature at all. I might as well have just accepted exactly two arguments, a number and a list; I'm effectively wrapping the algorithm in a procedure proc which does away with the dotted-tail thing.
Before I wrote this solution, I wanted to have a recursive call resembling
(same-parity a . (cdr b))
or something spiritually similar, but no matter how I tried it, I kept passing lists of lists or extra procedures or whatever. This could be because I don't know exactly what . does, only what I want it to do (the Racket docs didn't clear anything up either). To sum up,
Is my solution what was intended for this exercise, or is there a way to actually use the dot notation (which seems to be the point of the exercise) in the algorithm?
You can't use (same-parity a . (cdr b)) (since that would be read in as (same-parity a cdr b)), but you can use (apply same-parity a (cdr b)). That's how you "splat" a list into arguments.
However, the "inner procedure" approach you had is generally more efficient, as there is less list copying going on.

Scheme,level intermediate student, find min without recursion

How can I write a function using abstract list functions (foldr, map, and filter) without recursion that consumes a list of numbers (list a1 a2 a3 ...) and produces a new list removing the minimum number from the original list?
The recursion code is:
(define (find-min lst)
[(empty? (rest lst)) (first lst)]
(local [(define min-rest (find-min (rest lst)))]
[(< (first lst) min-rest) (first lst)]
[else min-rest]))]))
A fold applies a 2-argument function against a given value and the car of a list uses the result against the successive cars or the cdrs or the list. this is what we want.
Whereas map returns a new list by doing something with each element of a list.
And filter returns a smaller or equal list based on some predicate.
Now just to formulate a function that can choose the lessor of two arguments
(define (the-lessor x y)
(if (< x y)
From there implementation is straightforward.
(define (min L) (fold the-lessor (car L) (cdr L)))
Since this looks like a homework question, I'm not going to provide all the code, but hopefully push you in the right direction.
From the HTDP book, we see that "The Intermediate Student language adds local bindings and higher-order functions." The trick here is probably going to using "local bindings".
Some assumptions:
(remove-min-from-list '()) => not allowed: input list must be non-empty
(remove-min-from-list '(1)) => '()
(remove-min-from-list '(1 2 3 1 2 3)) => '(2 3 2 3) ; all instances of 1 were removed
Somehow, we need to find the minimum value of the list. Call this function min-of-list. What are its inputs and outputs? It's input is a list of numbers and its output is a number. Of the abstract list functions, which ones allow us to turn a list of numbers into a number? (And not another list.) This looks like foldl/foldr to me.
(define (min-of-list lst)
(foldr some-function some-base lst))
Since you already showed that you could write min-of-list recursively, let's move on. See #WorBlux's answer for hints there.
How would we use this in our next function remove-min-from-list? What are the inputs and outputs of remove-min-from-list? It takes a list of numbers and returns a list of numbers. Okay, that looks like map or filter. However, the input list is potentially shorter than that output list, so filter and not map.
(define (remove-min-from-list lst)
(filter some-predicate list))
What does some-predicate look like? It needs to return #f for the minimum value of the list.
Let's pull this all together and use local to write one function:
(define (remove-min-from-list lst)
(local [(define min-value ...)
(define (should-stay-in-list? number) ...min-value ...)]
(filter should-stay-in-list? lst)))
The key here, is that the definition for should-stay-in-list? can refer to min-value because min-value came before it in the local definitions block and that the filter later on can use should-stay-in-list? because it is in the body of the local.
(define (comparator n) (local [(define (compare v) (not (equal? v n)))] compare))
(define (without-min list) (filter (comparator (foldr min (foldr max 0 list) list)) list))
