JCE groups - problems with multiple permissions - joomla

I have Joomla site using JCE. I use the JCE groups to create permissions for different users.
I have created few groups and every group is permitted to control one media directory.
I have combined a specific user to two different groups assuming that this user will have the ability to access two different media directories.
But the user can access only one directory -- the first one I have assigned.
Can anybody help me to fix this problem?
What should I do in order to give a specific user access to different directories?


SonarQube 6.0 authorization using groups

I am using SonarQube (SQ) 6.0 community version and trying to setup authorization using groups and project permissions. There doesn't appear to be a way to assign permissions to a created group, even though the defined SQ groups have permissions assigned to them. What I wanted to do was assign permissions to a created group via the Admininistration->Security->Global Permissions process. But this action only returns the Anyone and sonar-administrators defined groups based on the usage of the internal API api/permissions/groups, which only returns groups with permissions. This same API is used in the action Administration->Projects->Management->Actions->Edit Permissions. From this last action the goal was to remove permissions for this project from the Anyone group and allow permissions from a created group (which would apply to the users in that group). But that doesn't seem possible. I've looked at permission templates, but that doesn't seem to allow association to a group. What I'm really attempting to do is a common RBAC process, which SQ does not seem to support. Is there a solution in SQ for this capability?
Yup, the UI is very confusing in this area, I struggled for quite some time before realising what to do.
What you need to do is first search for a string in the search box ("sonar" is a good query), and then the list will be populated with all users/groups matching that query. You can then assign them permissions as you see fit.
There are two different concepts at work here. Global permissions grant users and groups the ability to make global-level changes, i.e. changes that effect everyone such as which plugins are installed and what rules are active in a Quality Profile. Project permissions grant users and groups the ability to see and change individual projects.
Once your group is created and populated, you have two options:
Edit Permissions of Individual Permissions
Give the group specific permissions to individual projects by navigating to the project, then Administration > Permissions. This could get tedious if you have a lot of projects to update.
Create a Permissions Template
Create a permission template (Administration > Security > Permission Templates) and populate it by granting the group specific permissions. At this point no permissions have actually changed.
Once your template is properly constructed, you can apply it to projects individually, en masse, and/or by default as new projects are created via the template's Project Key Pattern. You can also make your new template the default so that its settings are automatically applied to all new projects regardless of project key.
Note that there is no ongoing relationship between a Permissions Template and the projects to which it has been applied. Subsequently editing a template will not update the permissions of any project.

Set permissions for custom views

In Tableau Server, I have some statistics which can be filtered by-project with the default quick filter. I set each filter as a view.
I'd like different users to only be able to view projects relevant to them. How can I assign view permissions for different user groups? I can set views as public or not public but I don't see an option for individual permissions.
What version of Tableau Server are you on? In 9.2 they added a different way to edit the permissions of a project by a number of different ways.
permissions window
Under the 'View' tab, you can set any combination of rules to dictate what users see and don't see.
You can also set permissions at the workbook level when you upload.
Setting permissions in tableau

Best practice to restrict permissions on newly created folders?

I've got a script that the user runs which creates a group of sub-folders in the chosen directory. Obviously the newly created folders inherit the permissions of the parent directory. I need one folder in that newly created group to have a single different ACL to restrict one specific user from access.
Is there a way to automate this at the creation of the folder? Or is there a better way to deal with this?
So, to clarify: Imagine a folder path like the following: E:\datastore\marcstone bids\7501-8000\7501 some high school project\management documents
See how the second to last directory is a project name? There are literally hundreds of these, inside of which are the same 10 folders. I want all my users to have access to all those folders, except I need to restrict access to one folder for one user.
Unless I'm missing something, no matter how I set up the parent directory permissions (which will get inherited) I will still need to either remove or add a permission from/to that one folder after it's created. This just feels clumsy and complicated. Am I missing something? Is there another way to do this?
The best practice is to make that one user a member of a different group, and grant that group
traverse permission on the parent folder (non-inheritable), and
access on that one child folder (inheritable).
If you only want to deny access to one subfolder, it's even simpler: just add a deny ACE for that group on the respective folder.
Nothing clumsy or complicated about it.

show specific content for each registered user in joomla 1.6

I am looking for a module/extension, or something that can help me to
make a page/item that only one specific user registered can see.
I would like also create a space dedicated to this user, where i can publish there pages and aticles.
Maybe using php and the variable that contains the username and an iframe, but I dont know how to doit.
Thank for the help
GMAccess is a Joomla! component that makes managing groups and access permissions easy, you will be able to create a special group and add your user (via Joomla's user management) to it and manage which pages can be viewed by that group.

Joomla 1.5 user group questions

Does it affect the way joomla authenticate users if I add a custom user groups in the Joomla 1.5.15 and does it make it less secure?
I'm planning to add a custom group using the table jos_core_acl_aro_groups as described at http://docs.joomla.org/Custom_user_groups.
But someone told me that if I add a new user group and the group_id is greater than 25 (this is the ID of the Super Administrator), that new group will have the same access as the super admin in the default joomla core files without changing anything just the additional user group. Is this true?
Don't you have a local instsall of Joomla to try this?
Anyways, it's not true because it can't be, why should the group_id define the access rights? That would be a terrible ACL implementation. But please try it, before you actually use it live.
In Joomla 1.5 you can make user groups but they will have one of the existing role patterns. In Joomla 1.6 (alpha) there will be full flexibility in defining your groups, roles and granular ownership settings for each article, module, etc.
There are several extension you can find at:
Which enhance the core ACL functions. Give them a look and you'll probably find the solution without hacking the core files.
