Have/Want List Matching Algorithm - algorithm

Have/Want List Matching Algorithm
I am implementing an item trading system on a high-traffic site. I have a large number of users that each maintain a HAVE list and a WANT list for a number of specific items. I am looking for an algorithm that will allow me to efficiently suggest trading partners based on your HAVEs and WANTs matched with theirs. Ideally I want to find partners with the highest mutual trading potential (i.e. I have a ton of things you want, you have a ton of things I want). I don't need to find the global highest-potential pair (which sounds hard), just find the highest-potential pairs for a given user (or even just some high-potential pairs, not the global max).
User 1 goes to the site and clicks a button that says
"Find Trading Partners" and the top-ranked result is
User 3, followed by User 2.
An additional source of complexity is that the items have different values, and I want to match on the highest valued trade possible, rather than on the most number of matches between two traders. So in the example above, if all items are worth 1, but A and D are both worth 10, User 1 now gets matched with User 2 above User 3.
A naive way to do this would to compute the max trade value between the user looking for partners vs. all other users in the database. I'm thinking with some lookup tables on the right things I might be able to do better. I've tried googling around, since this seems like a classical problem, but I don't know the name for it.
Can anyone recommend a good approach to solving this problem? I've seen sites like the Magic Online Trading League that seem to solve it in realtime.

You could do this in O(n*k^2) (n is the number of people, k is the average number of items they have/want) by keeping hash tables (or, in a database, indexes) of all the people who have and want given items, then giving scores for all the people who have items the current user wants, and want items the current user has. Display the top 10 or 20 scores.
[Edit] Example of how this would be implemented in SQL:
-- Get score for #userid wants
SELECT UserHas.UserID, SUM(Items.Weight) AS Score
FROM UserWants
INNER JOIN UserHas ON UserWants.ItemID = UserHas.ItemID
INNER JOIN Items ON Items.ItemID = UserWants.ItemID
WHERE UserWants.UserID = #userid
GROUP BY UserWants.UserID, UserHas.UserID
This gives you a list of other users and their score, based on what items they have that the current user wants. Do the same for items the current user has the others want, then combine them somehow (add the scores or whatever you want) and grab the top 10.

This problem looks pretty similar to stable roomamates problem. I don't see any thing wrong with the SQL implementation that got highest votes but as some else suggested this is like a dating/match making problem similar to the lines of stable marriage problem but here all the participants are in one pool.
The second wikipedia entry also has a link to a practical solution in javascript which could be useful

You could maintain a per-item list (as a complement to per-user list). Item search is then spot on. Now you can allow your self brute force search for most valuable pair by checking most valuable items first. If you want more complex (arguably faster) search you could introduce set of items that often come together as meta-items, and look for them first.

Okay, what about this:
There are basically giant "Pools"
Each "pool" contains "sections." Each "Pool" is dedicated to people who own a specific item. Each section is for people who own that item, and want another.
What I mean:
Pool A (For those requesting A)
--Section B (For those requesting A that have B)
--Section C (For those requesting A that have C, even if they also have B)
Pool B
--Section A
--Section B
Pool C
--Section A
--Section C
Each section is filled with people.
"Deals" would consist of one "Requested" item, and a "Pack," you're willing to give any or all of the items up to get the item you requested.
Every "Deal" is calculated per-pool.... if you want a given item, you go to the pools of the items you'd be willing to give, and it find the Section which belongs to the item you are requesting.
Likewise, your deal is placed in the pools. So you can immediately find all of the applicable people, because you know EXACTLY which pools, and EXACTLY which sections to search in, no sorting necessary once they've entered the system.
And, then, age would have priority, older deals would be picked, rather than new ones.

Let's assume you can hash your items, or at least sort them. Assume your goal is to find the best result for a given user, on request, as in your original example. (Optimizing trading partners to maximize overall trade value is a different question.)
This would be fast. O(log n) for each insertion operation. Worst case O(n) for suggesting trading partners, but you bound this by processing time.
You're already maintaining a list of items per user.
Give each user a score equal to the sum of the values of the items they have.
Maintain a list of user-HAVES and user-WANTS per item (#Dialecticus), sorted by user score. (You can sort on demand, or keep the lists sorted dynamically every time a user changes their HAVE list.)
When a user user1 requests suggested trade partners
Iterate over their items item in order by value.
Iterate over the user-HAVES user2 for each item, in order by user score.
Compute trade value for user1 trades-with user2.
Remember best trade so far.
Keep hash of users processed so far to avoid recomputing value for a user multiple times.
Terminate when you run out of processing time (your real-time guarantee).
Sorting by item value and user score is the approximation that makes this fast. I'm not sure how sub-optimal it would be, though. There are certainly easy examples where this would fail to find the best trade if you don't run it to completion. In practice, it seems like it might be good enough. In the limit, you can make it optimal by letting it run until it exhausts the lists in step 4.1 and 4.2. There's extra memory cost associated with the inverted lists, but you didn't say you were memory constrained. And generally, if you want speed, it's not uncommon to trade-off space to get it.

I mark item by letter and user by number.
m - number of items in all have/want lists (have or want, not have and want)
x - number of users.
For each user you have list of his wants and haves. Left line is want list, right is have list (both will be sorted so we can use binary search).
For each pair of users you generate two values and store them somewhere, you'd only generate it once and than actualize. Sorting first table and generating second, is O(m*x*log(m/x)) + O(log(m)) and will require O(x^2) extra memory. These values are: how many would first user get and how many another (if you want you can modify these values by multiplying them by value of particular item).
1-2 : 1 - 3 (user 1 gets 1) - (user 2 gets 3)
1-3 : 3 - 2
2-3 : 1 - 1
You also compute and store best trader for each user. After you've generated this helpful data you can quickly query.
Adding/Removing item - O(m*log(m/x)) (You loop through user's have/want list and do binary search on have/want list of every other user and actualize data)
Finding best connection - O(1) or O(x) (Depends on whether result stored in cache is correct or needs to be updated. You loop through user's pairs and do whatever you want with data to return to user the best connection)
By m/x I estimate number of items in single user's want/have list.
In this algorithm I'm assuming that all data isn't stored in Database (I don't know if binary search is possible with Databases) and that inserting/removing item into list is O(1).
PS. Sorry for bad english and I hope I've computed it all correctly and that it is working because I also need it.

Of course you could always seperate the system into three categories; "Wants," "Haves," and "Open Offers." So lets say User1 has Item A, User2 has Item B & C and is trading those for item A, but User1 still wants Item D, and User2 wants Item E. So User1 (assuming he's the trade "owner") puts a request, or want for Item D and Item E, thus the offer stands, and goes on the "Open Offers" list. If it isn't accepted or edited within two or so days, it's automatically cancelled. So User3 is looking for Item F and Item G, and searches on the "Have list" for Items F & G, which are split between User1 & User2. He realizes that User1 and User2's open offer includes requests for Items D & E, which he has. So he chooses to "join" the operation, and it's accepted on their terms, trading and swaping they items among them.
Lets say User1 now wants Item H. He simply searches on the "Have" list for the item, and among the results, he finds that User4 will trade Item H for Item I, which User1 happens to have. They trade, all is well.

Just make it BC only. That solves all problems.


Jira's Lexorank algorithm for new stories

I am looking to create a large list of items that allows for easy insertion of new items and for easily changing the position of items within that list. When updating the position of an item, I want to change as few fields as possible regarding the order of items.
After some research, I found that Jira's Lexorank algorithm fulfills all of these needs. Each story in Jira has a 'rank-field' containing a string which is built up of 3 parts: <bucket>|<rank>:<sub-rank>. (I don't know whether these parts have actual names, this is what I will call them for ease of reference)
Examples of valid rank-fields:
When dragging a card above 0|vmis7l:hl4, the new card will receive rank 0|vmis7l:hl2, which means that only the rank-field for this new card needs to be updated while the entire list can always be sorted on this rank-field. This is rather clever, and I can't imagine that Lexorank is the only algorithm to use this.
Is there a name for this method of sorting used in the sub-rank?
My question is related to the creation of new cards in Jira. Each new card starts with an empty sub-rank, and the rank is always chosen such that the new card is located at the bottom of the list. I've created a bunch of new stories just to see how the rank would change, and it seems that the rank is always incremented by 8 (in base-36).
Does anyone know more specifically how the rank for new cards is generated? Why is it incremented by 8?
I can only imagine that after some time (270 million cards) there are no more ranks to generate, and the system needs to recalculate the rank-field of all cards to make room for additional ranks.
Are there other triggers that require recalculation of all rank-fields?
I suppose the bucket plays a role in this recalculation. I would like to know how?
We are talking about a special kind of indexing here. This is not sorting; it is just preparing items to end up in a certain order in case someone happens to sort them (by whatever sorting algorithm). I know that variants of this kind of indexing have been used in libraries for decades, maybe centuries, to ensure that books belonging together but lacking a common title end up next to each other in the shelves, but I have never heard of a name for it.
The 8 is probably chosen wisely as a compromise, maybe even by analyzing typical use cases. Consider this: If you choose a small increment, e. g. 1, then all tickets will have ranks like [a, b, c, …]. This will be great if you create a lot of tickets (up to 26) in the correct order because then your rank fields keep small (one letter). But as soon as you move a ticket between two other tickets, you will have to add a letter: [a, b] plus a new ticket between them: [a, an, b]. If you expect to have this a lot, you better leave gaps between the ranks: [a, i, q, …], then an additional ticket can get a single letter as well: [a, e, i, q, …]. But of course if you now create lots of tickets in the correct order right in the beginning, you quickly run out of letters: [a, i, q, y, z, za, zi, zq, …]. The 8 probably is a good value which allows for enough gaps between the tickets without increasing the need for many letters too soon. Keep in mind that other scenarios (maybe not Jira tickets which are created manually) might make other values more reasonable.
You are right, the rank fields get recalculated now and then, Lexorank calls this "balancing". Basically, balancing takes place in one of three occasions: ① The ranks are exhausted (largest value reached), ② the ranks are due to user-reranking of tickets too close together ([a, b, i] and something is supposed to go in between a and b), and ③ a balancing is triggered manually in the management page. (Actually, according to the presentation, Lexorank allows for up to three letter ranks, so "too close together" can be something like aaa and aab but the idea is the same.)
The <bucket> part of the rank is increased during balancing, so a messy [0|a, 0|an, 0|b] can become a nice and clean [1|a, 1|i, 1|q] again. The brownbag presentation about Lexorank (as linked by #dandoen in the comments) mentions a round-robin use of <buckets>, so instead of a constant increment (0→1→2→3→…) a 2 is increased modulo 3, so it will turn back to 0 after the 2 (0→1→2→0→…). When comparing the ranks, the sorting algorithm can consider a 0 "greater" than a 2 (it will not be purely lexicographical then, admitted). If now the balancing algorithm works backwards (reorder the last ticket first), this will keep the sorting order intact all the time. (This is just a side aspect, that's why I keep the explanation small, but if this is interesting, ask, and I will elaborate on this.)
Sidenote: Lexorank also keeps track of minimum and maximum values of the ranks. For the functioning of the algorithm itself, this is not necessary.

Algorithm for recommending an item for a set based on another set

Say I have a corpus of items (comma-separated in this example):
User A has items 1, 2 and 3. User B has items 2, 3, and 4. User A and User B match on two out of their three items. User A should be recommended item 3, and User B should be recommended item 1.
I'm bad at finding algorithms based on vague descriptions, but from what I can tell, collaborative filtering may be what I'm looking for. Am I correct in understanding that? If not, is there something else that will work better?
1 You firstly need a clustering algorithm to separate your users to k classes.
for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering
Of course, there are tons of other clustering algorithms for you too. Also you can consider neural network.
2 After that, you can compare users within group then to recommend items based on difference between common items in group and items this user had.
This step could be straightforward. you can maintain a "Set" of common goods in group. Then you iterate users to calculate diffs.

Sorting a list based on multiple indices and weights

Sort of a very long winded explanation of what I'm looking at so I apologize in advance.
Let's consider a Recipe:
Take the bacon and weave it ...blahblahblah...
This recipe has 3 Tags
author (most important) - Chandler Bing
category (medium importance) - Meat recipe (out of meat/vegan/raw/etc categories)
subcategory (lowest importance) - Fast food (our of fast food / haute cuisine etc)
I am a new user that sees a list of randomly sorted recipes (my palate/profile isn't formed yet). I start interacting with different recipes (reading them, saving them, sharing them) and each interaction adds to my profile (each time I read a recipe a point gets added to the respective category/author/subcategory). After a while my profile starts to look something like this :
Chandler Bing - 100 points
Gordon Ramsey - 49 points
Haute cuisine - 12 points
Fast food - 35 points
... and so on
Now, the point of all this exercise is to actually sort the recipe list based on the individual user's preferences. For example in this case I will always see Chandler Bing's recipes on the top (regardless of category), then Ramsey's recipes. At the same time, Bing's recipes will be sorted based on my preferred categories and subcategories, seeing his fast food recipes higher than his haute cuisine ones.
What am I looking at here in terms of a sorting algorithm?
I hope that my question has enough information but if there's anything unclear please let me know and I'll try to add to it.
I would allow the "Tags" with the most importance to have the greatest capacity in point difference. Example: Give author a starting value of 50 points, with a range of 0-100 points. Give Category a starting value of 25 points, with a possible range of 0-50 points, give subcategory a starting value of 12.5 points, with a possible range of 0-25 points. That way, if the user's palate changes over time, s/he will only have to work down from the maximum, or work up from the minimum.
From there, you can simply add up the points for each "Tag", and use one of many languages' sort() methods to compare each recipe.
You can write a comparison function that is used in your sort(). The point is when you're comparing two recipes just add up the points respectively based on their tags and do a simple comparison. That and whatever sorting algorithm you choose should do just fine.
You can use a recursively subdividing MSD (sort of radix sort algorithm). Works as follows:
Take the most significant category of each recipe.
Sort the list of elements based on that category, grouping elements with the same category into one bucket (Ramsay bucket, Bing bucket etc).
Recursively sort each bucket, starting with the next category of importance (Meat bucket etc).
Concatenate the buckets together in order.
Complexity: O(kn) where k is the number of category types and N is the number of recipes.
I think what you're looking for is not a sorting algorithm, but a rating scheme.
You say, you want to sort by preferences. Let's assume, these preferences have different “dimensions”, like level of complexity, type of cuisine, etc.
These dimensions have different levels of measurement. These can be e.g. numeric or simple categories/tags. It would be your job to:
Create a scheme of dimensions and scales that can represent a user's preferences.
Operationalize real-world data to fit into this scheme.
Create a profile for the users which reflects their preferences. Same for the chefs; treat them just like normal users here.
To actually match a user to a chef (or, even to another user), create a sorting callback that matches all your dimensions against each other and makes sure that in each of the dimension the compared users have a similar value (on a numeric scale), or an overlapping set of properties (on a nominal scale, like tags). Then you sort the result by the best match.

n! combinations, how to find best one without killing computer?

I'll get straight to it. I'm working on an web or phone app that is responsible for scheduling. I want students to input courses they took, and I give them possible combinations of courses they should take that fits their requirements.
However, let's say there's 150 courses that fits their requirements and they're looking for 3 courses. That would be 150C3 combinations, right?.
Would it be feasible to run something like this in browser or a mobile device?
First of all you need a smarter algorithm which can prune the search tree. Also, if you are doing this for the same set of courses over and over again, doing the computation on the server would be better, and perhaps precomputing a feasible data structure can reduce the execution time of the queries. For example, you can create a tree where each sub-tree under a node contains nodes that are 'compatible'.
Sounds to me like you're viewing this completely wrong. At most institutions there are 1) curriculum requirements for graduation, and 2) prerequisites for many requirements and electives. This isn't a pure combinatorial problem, it's a dependency tree. For instance, if Course 201, Course 301, and Course 401 are all required for the student's major, higher numbers have the lower numbered ones as prereqs, and the student is a Junior, you should be strongly recommending that Course 201 be taken ASAP.
Yay, mathematics I think I can handle!
If there are 150 courses, and you have to choose 3, then the amount of possibilities are (150*149*148)/(3*2) (correction per jerry), which is certainly better than 150 factorial which is a whole lot more zeros ;)
Now, you really don't want to build an array that size, and you don't have to! All web languages have the idea of randomly choosing an element in an array, so you get an element in an array and request 3 random unique entries from it.
While the potential course combinations is very large, based on your post I see no reason to even attempt to calculate them. This task of random selection of k items from n-sized list is delightfully trivial even for old, slow devices!
Is there any particular reason you'd need to calculate all the potential course combinations, instead of just grab-bagging one random selection as a suggestion? If not, problem solved!
Option 1 (Time\Space costly): let the user on mobile phone browse the list of (150*149*148) possible choices, page by page, the processing is done at the server-side.
Option 2 (Simple): instead of the (150*149*148)-item decision tree, provide a 150-item bag, if he choose one item from the bag, remove it from the bag.
Option 3 (Complex): expand your decision tree (possible choices) using a dependency tree (parent course requires child courses) and the list of course already taken by the student, and his track\level.
As far as I know, most educational systems use the third option, which requires having a profile for the student.

Multi Attribute Matching of Profiles

I am trying to solve a problem of a dating site. Here is the problem
Each user of app will have some attributes - like the books he reads, movies he watches, music, TV show etc. These are defined top level attribute categories. Each of these categories can have any number of values. e.g. in books : Fountain Head, Love Story ...
Now, I need to match users based on profile attributes. Here is what I am planning to do :
Store the data with reverse indexing. i.f. Each of Fountain Head, Love Story etc is index key to set of users with that attribute.
When a new user joins, get the attributes of this user, find which index keys for this user, get all the users for these keys, bucket (or radix sort or similar sort) to sort on the basis of how many times a user in this merged list.
Is this good, bad, worse? Any other suggestions?
The algorithm you described is not bad, although it uses a very simple notion of similarity between people.
Let us make it more adjustable, without creating a complicated matching criteria. Let's say people who like the same book are more similar than people who listen to the same music. The same goes with every interest. That is, similarity in different fields has different weights.
Like you said, you can keep a list for each interest (like a book, a song etc) to the people who have that in their profile. Then, say you want to find matches of guy g:
for each interest i in g's interests:
for each person p in list of i
if p and g have mismatching sexual preferences
if p is already in g's match list
g->match_list[p].score += i->match_weight
add p to g->match_list with score i->match_weight
sort g->match_list based on score
The choice of weights is not a simple task though. You would need a lot of psychology to get that right. Using your common sense however, you could get values that are not that far off.
In general, matching people is much more complicated than summing some scores. For example a certain set of matching interests may have more (or in some cases less) effect than the sum of them individually. Also, an interest in one may totally result in a rejection from the other no matter what other matching interest exists (Take two very similar people that one of them loves and the other hates twilight for example)
