How can I correct this in the visual studio 2010 theme? - visual-studio-2010

I have recently moved to a dark color theme for all my code editors. It is much easier on the eyes. But I recently came across an issue that I can’t figure out how to correct and was hoping that someone will have an answer.
When the method info box pops up this is what it looks like this:
Notice the method info is unreadable because the colors in the theme are meant for a dark background. How can I change the background of this popup?
The theme is a modified version of Coding Instinct available on StudioStyles. Here is my modified version. It sets the background for the linenumbers/marker margin plus some other minor tweaks.

It's Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools extension causing the issue. Someone on the Q&A discussion thread for Visual Studio 2010 Pro Power Tools said:
it seems that the Fonts and Colors selection for "Signature Help Tooltip Background" is the Text Editor color definition that effects this.


Visual Studio 2022 Color Messup

I'm having this issue with visual studio 2022 where the borders of the software are white when it's meant to be fully dark. The coloring of the text is normal however. And also, the option buttons like file, edit dropdown. Currently the only temporary fix is to restart my computer but it only works for one launch, after that launch it doesn't work again so it's an extreme hassle. Any help will be appreciated!

Is there plugins/addons for visual studio 2010 to change the code and text editor's background color?

I have been looking for , lets use the word "mods", for visual studio left and right to be able to change the background and font color of the code editor for quite a while now. This is a simple question and hopefully not a duplicate of Is it possible to change backround color of editor and autocomplete tooltips in Visual Studio?. If I can refine my question a bit more, is it possible to manually change the background color of the code and text editor, or does mods or plugins or addons exist somewhere to do this feature for me? My eyes are straining on the white background...
I am using visual studio 2010
From the main menu, go to Tools -> Options. From there open up Environment -> Fonts and Colors. If you don't want to spent the time configuring it that way (which would be completely understandable), download the theme editor, or pick and download a nice theme at

How to set editor tooltip color and background in Visual Studio 2010?

i am using black scheme and set up color setting for editor tooltips:
Sample preview is correct but actual result is different:
Is it possible to set up tooltip colors in Visual Studio 2010 properly?
After installing the Productivity Power Tools and following this post it is at least possible to read the signatures again, but that post gives me little hope how to fix the other color settings.
Edit: Installing CSharpIntellisencePresenter makes the Auto-Complete readable in a dark theme, see this question
I tried using Hack-It to enable the "Custom..." buttons with VS2008 and changed color settings were saved (still present after a VS restart).
But I was not changing the colors for the correct item I guess.
I am using Visual Assist and I think the 'Editor Tooltip' is not the item I want to change the colors from.
You could give it a try...
Anyone knows from which item I must change colors to affect Visual Assist tool tips when hovering a function ?
For Visual Assist tooltip I need to change Windows theme...

Visual Studio 2010 + ReSharper 5.1 Class Highlighting Problem

I have recently started using Visual Studio 2010 and ReSharper 5.1. It's working pretty well for me so far except for this one issue which I'm hoping someone has the answer for. Basically, like many others, I tend to use a dark colour scheme to improve readability over the default VS colour scheme. Having installed ReSharper I have noticed that when I navigate to a class name, the class name and any references to it get highlighted. That in itself is fine but with the colour scheme I've chosen, I'm getting a light-on-light combination which is unreadable.
I've gone through the Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors menu a few times but there doesn't seem to be an appropriate ReSharper item.
Here is a screenshot illustrating the highlighting problem
Set Highlighted Reference background color. It is not resharper one.

Tired of Visual Studio themes

It is really so relaxing to use dark or blue background for editor so i interested in Visual Studio color themes.
I found alot of them which was looking nice at first sight but i realized all of them has ugly problems when i use them. Color settings wasn't tuned well in all scenario so there were a lot of time that i can not read my codes.
I love Ruby theme so is there any well designed settings for ruby theme or any theme ?
All the Visual Studio themes you can shake a stick at.
I love the wombat color scheme in Vim and so I looked around and found this: My attempt at converting the VIM Wombat theme to support Visual Studio
Works fine for me in VS2008.
