Overcoming limitations of firewalls - ruby

If a regular internet user wishes to contact a TCP service on their computer but without having to go through the hassle of firewall translation I think I'm right in saying that the 'best' way to do this is by having a 3rd party in the middle that will accept connections from both the user's home computer and their travelling computer and act as a proxy.
But how exactly is this achieved? Obviously the travelling computer just contacts the proxy server whenever it wants information, but how is this then relayed back to the home computer? Does the home computer keep a constant connection open with the proxy which allows bidirectional data flow?
If this is the case, how would I go about designing a Ruby/Sinatra server that would keep track of these permanent connections and then forward a travelling computer's queries onwards? (Assume that the home computer's service can make whatever calls would be necessary to establish the link)
Thanks guys!
I think I over-generalised, I'm forwarding HTTP requests (or at least, the requests coming from the travelling computer will be HTTP based), so I figured it made sense to use sinatra to capture the requests from the traveller. My problem though is how to keep an open connection from the home computer to the proxy so I can forward the requests immediately.
I know persistent HTTP connections can be done, but that they're a little convoluted, would I be better off having the home computer continually establish a lower level connection with the proxy and push the requests over that?

I think your general methodology will work - relay event messages from one computer to another by having the traveling computer send signals to the proxy and having the home computer request new information from the proxy.
If you want more continuous data flow, you may not want to use sinatra - specifically for receiving the data from the travelling computer. Check out Event Machine - https://github.com/eventmachine/eventmachine/wiki


Is it necessary to secure a connection to a local wifi with https?

I am currently writing an app that is planned to control a machine. The machine is controlled by a Raspberry Pi, which offers an API (via flask) to the local wifi. The app on the other hand is also connected to the same wifi and accesses the API.
To make sure that not everybody who downloads the app and is connected to the wifi, can control the machine, I setup some basic authentication.
My next step was actually to switch to https with a self-signed certificate. But the machine(/the raspberry pi) and the app need to be in the same wifi to communicate. So there are actually no intermediaries in the communication. This again makes me wonder if there is any possibility of a man-in-the-middle-attack and if I really need https communication.
So my question is: do I need https here?
A subjective answer. First you have to decide what is the risk to your machine if someone/thing gets control of it. For most consumer applications, within the household maybe that risk is low (maybe not - what about an irrigation controller or heater?). Then why and with what probability would someone WANT to hack in (maybe if your machine is a best seller across the globe it might be a fun target).
You might be surprised at how many devices are on a normal households wifi - dozens at least. Furthermore - while most consumer devices don't rely on inbound access (most use a website to bounce control/commands through) there are probably a lot more inbound (from the internet) ports that have been opened through firewalls than you imagine.
So - I do think there are many opportunities for MITM in a normal household wifi. Whether that would be a concern in early product development - that's up to you.
This SO answer: Is it possible to prevent man-in-the-middle attack when using self-signed certificates? might be useful when actually implementing.

p2p direct data exchange...via HTTPS?

Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Can you not use HTTP GET/POST/DELETE directly between two devices when their device data is known to the user(s)?
I would very much like to know if there is ANY software/protocols that can do this.
thank you!
The internet is build on the Internet Protocol suite. This suite has 5 different layers of protocols: The physical layer, the link layer, the network layer, the transport layer and the application layer. Each depends on the one before.
If you just use the browser, by default HTTP (application layer) is used, which relies on TCP (transport layer), which relies on IP (v4 or v6, network layer), which relies on ethernet (link layer), which finally relies on the actual cable that's plugged into your computer (for WiFi, the first three are the same but the last two differ if I'm not mistaken).
Now to your question: Is there any protocol, API or software in existence that can send data/IM/etc directly from one device to another with no server?
Yes there is. I suggest you start looking at protocols that are in the application layer. To highlight a few standards next to HTTP(S): FTP is for file transfer, IMAP is for emails clients, SMTP is for email servers and SSH is a secure shell which can also be used to tunnel data through.
For your specific case, I think either FTP (FTPS if you want it over SSL), or SSH can be a solution, but it's hard to know for sure without the specifics.
The only thing that these protocols have in common is that one of the two computers will act like server and the other computer as client. This has as downside that port-forwarding might be necessary.
If you've chosen the protocol you'd like to use, then you're up for the next step, selecting a program that can do that for you. For HTTP(S), I'd recommend Apache. If you're using Linux and chose SSH, then you're in luck, there is a build in SSH server in Linux, you can use that. For other protocols, you might just want to search yourself, as I do not have any suggestions.
I hope this answers most of your questions!
In browser context, WebRTC is probably what you are looking for: It allows user to user communications.

931107 - configuring squid

i'm too beginner in squid. i want a way to remain anonymous over the net. i also want to be able to access the contents of the internet which are filtered. my Windows computer is beyond firewall (filtered). my server (CentOS 5) is not. for example, when i enter http://facebook.com in the browser url, it redirects to an intranet ip which tells me to avoid going to this site!
now i've installed squid on server and traffic is propagated through this server. but this redirection occurs. so still i can't open filtered sites.
what can i do? a friend of mine told that the only way is to use https. ie. the connection between browser (Firefox) and the server must use this protocol. is it right? and how can i do that?
what's your suggestion? i don't want necessarily to use squid. besides, https protocol gets banned or decreased in speed in my country sometimes. so i prefer the protocol remain http. i thought also about writing a code in client and server to transform, compress/decompress and packetize as hoax binary http packets to be sent as much speed and success as possible. but i'm not an expert in this context and now i prefer more straightforward ways.
i respect any help/info.
I assume you are located in Iran. I would suggest using TOR if you mainly access websites. The latest release works reasonably well in Iran. It also includes an option to obfuscate traffic so it is not easily detectable that you are using TOR.
See also this question: https://tor.stackexchange.com/questions/1639/using-tor-in-iran-for-the-first-time-user-guide
A easy way to get the TOR package is using the autoresponder: https://www.torproject.org/projects/gettor.html
In case the website is blocked, it works as follows:
Users can communicate with GetTor robot by sending messages via email.
Currently, the best known GetTor email address is gettor#torproject.org.
This should be the most current stable GetTor robot as
it is operated by Tor Project.
To ask for Tor Browser a user should send an email to GetTor robot
with one of the following options in the message body:
windows: If the user needs Tor Browser for Windows.
linux: If the user needs Tor Browser for Linux.
osx: If the user needs Tor Browser for Mac OSX.

VPN or Proxy or what to serve a specific group of users

My scenario is this:
I have a web-service (hosted in US) that is being accessed by our users. I have a new users from China and my web-service might get blocked by Great Firewall of China. My question is, is it possible that my web-service will use some kind of proxy or something(i don't know exactly what technology it is) that will have my service a Chinese IP Address (hoping to not get blocked) without having each users (web service consumer) to modify their browser settings of some sort?
Thanks in advance.
Technically, you could setup another server (IP) that port forwards to your service. That is a little awkward though, as you could just provide your service via that IP. There's not really a way to automatically proxy a user (that would be scary).
Also consider speed when serving to China. If your potential clientele warrants it, you may consider getting a Chinese I.P. Address & server. There are some tax issues and legal documents to sign though. I actually just went through the process with ChinaNetCloud.
The main thing to get a Chinese server is the SIR form. Here is a sales pitch from CNC... Just remember that China is HUGE and you may even want to co-locate. Even a server in Hong Kong is slow in Beijing. HK is on the other side of the Great Firewall.
Possibly look at this: firewall. https://serverfault.com/questions/147232/port-forwarding-with-multiple-ips

How can I detect another instance of the same Win32 application running on another workstation?

I have a small application, which is free for personal use, but requires a paid license for corporate use.
It is most likely that in a corporate environment my application will run on multiple workstations. If it is the freeware version, I want to show an unobtrusive message. (and continue)
It doesn't have to be bulletproof, if it is not possible (i.e. firewall) then the application should just continue. And I don't want to make the user set up some kind of central service to track the instances. I don't want to annoy my users (especially not the paying ones *g*)
Is there any way to achive this kind of functionality?
I remember an older version of Dreamweaver had this kind of feature. You couldn't run it more than once in the same network.
One way: Listen for UDP broadcast on specific ports. Let each instance send broadcast UDP packet on this port to local network. If application receives such packet, and recognizes its structure, it knows that other instance is running.
You can include license details to avoid messages if two valid licenses are used.
Broadcasts usually aren't routed, so this works on local network only. (And user can disable it completely via firewall too... but if you will use some standard port like 53 (DNS), it won't be blocked).
Other way is to use custom server, which is informed about all running instances around the world ;-)
There are two primary ways to achieve this:
First, you can set up a small server application on each workstation that communicates with other workstations on the network (personally I would use Bonjour for discovery, but there are other options). The drawback here is that you're going to write quite a bit more code to make this work than option #2.
Second (probably simpler) would be to use WMI to enumerate processes on other workstations (again, probably use a Bonjour-like system for discovery), and find your process running on other machines. The drawback to this is that your enumeration code will require privileges on all machines to conduct the search.
When the application starts, it sends out a UDP broadcast on a specific port. This will be restricted to the local subnet, and might not make it through firewalls. This is the "is anyone else running, or can I start?" query.
If there are no responses, the application starts as normal, listening for this UDP broadcast. If it sees one, it responds with an "I'm already running; you can't start" packet.
The application that's just started receives this response packet and then refuses to start or (if you don't want to be that strict) displays a warning to the user.
You'd want to include the product ID and license key (or a hash) in the initial request, so that you can have more than one license on the same network. The response probably wants the machine name in it, so that the second user can go and find the first user and ask if they really need to use the application.
Evil corporation solution:
Have the application call home every time it starts. If more than one application for a license wakes up, tell it not to. If there is no internet connection, don't start at all.
