UI Automation FrameWork for iPhone - xcode

I am exploring the newly exposed framework UI Automation in iphoneOS 4.0. Has anybody tested their application using this framework. I will appreciate any help.
I am trying to test a sample application that just contains a textfield and a button. I have written a script as
UIALogger.logStart("Starting Test");
var view = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow().elements()[0];
var textfields = view.textFields();
if (textfields.length != 1) {
UIALogger.logFail("Wrong number of text fields");
} else {
UIALogger.logPass("Right number of text fields");
The problem is that the value of textfield is not getting set and no button is tapped. When I run the instruments only the view(with textfield and button) appears and then notting is happening.
There is a message in instruments "Something else has happened".

If your main window contains a button and a text field (in this order in the hierarchy) then your first line of code will return you the UIAButton element, so the next line is incorrect, because you're trying to call textFields() on a button.
The first part should look like this:
var view = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow();
var textfields = view.textFields();
if (textfields.length != 1) {
UIALogger.logFail("Wrong number of text fields");
} else {
UIALogger.logPass("Right number of text fields");
And in that case I think there are two ways of testing the tap and text field. Like this:
or like this:
And personally I prefer getting objects by using Accessibility Label instead of index. For more information look for a UIAElement Class Reference and take a look here:
UI Automation Reference Collection

All this stuff is gonna work only if the application is made with that accessibility thing (its own accessibility protocol: by tagging all its UI controls in Interface Builder with names, by setting the Accessability label to a unique value for the view). Or if you work with iPhone standard controls.
If the application doesn't contain anything like that, you won't be able to do much with UI Automation and will see only a 320x480 empty canvas.
You can check this link for some more details.
For example, I work on a OpenGL application that was not built with any accessibility tag and I cannot see anything through UI Automation besides a 320x480 empty form.


How to add several panels to script palette in Digital Micrograph GMS 2.x

I'm wondering how to add several UI panels to a scripting palette in GMS 2.x. I found some commands in Gatan's outdated documentation (http://digitalmicrograph-scripting.tavernmaker.de/other%20resources/Old-DMHelp/FloatingPalettes.htm) but most of them are not found in GMS 2.32.
Given a UI class "UI_class" (including an init() function that creates the interface) I've already successfully registered the script palette and opened the corresponding gadget using:
object UI=Alloc(UI_class).init()
Unfortunately, the command GadgetWindowAddGadgetPanel() which seemed to be the most promising to me in the first instance in order to add a second UI to the same palette cannot be found.
Does anybody know a working equivalent?
Thank you in advance for sharing your experience, I'm looking forward to see some nicely designed floating palettes!
I'm not 100% sure I understood the question correctly. Each UI derived object forms it's own "dialog", which can be displayed either as
Modal Dialog - using Pose( DlgObj )
Modeless Dialog - using Display( DlgObj, "name" )
Gadget panel - by first 'registering' it and then displaying a registed dialog
If you have multiple gadget of same width, you can add them together by drag-and drop. This is not part of the dialog - just part of how the UI interaction with dialogs. ( You drag a palette to the side of the screen to attach it, and then you can dragg other palettes on top of it. )
Example script to produce some dialogs:
Object CreateDlgObj()
TagGroup DialogTG = DLGCreateDialog("My Dialog")
TagGroup StrFieldTG = DLGCreateStringField("Some string",20)
Object DialogObj = Alloc(UIFrame)
return DialogObj
// Show dialog as modal dialog
// CreateDLGObj().Pose()
// Show dialog as modeless dialog
// CreateDLGObj().Display( "NewName" )
// Register dialog as gadget and then display
// RegisterScriptPalette( CreateDLGObj(),"", "RegDlg" )
// OpenGadgetPanel( "RegDlg" )
// Create, register and display multiple dialogs as palettes
number nMax = 2
For( number i =0; i<nMax; i++)
string name = "MyDlg_" + i
RegisterScriptPalette( CreateDLGObj(),"", name )
OpenGadgetPanel( name )
Note that "Gadget panels" or "tool palettes" or whatever you call them are different in GMS 1.x, GMS 2.x and GMS 3.x as it is always the "main program" which decides how to handle the dialogs. GMS 2.x is the only version, where the program "remembers" the layout of multiple such palettes. These layouts can be saved and loaded. GMS 3 no longer has this, as all UI palettes are fixed in position. (Old custom dialogs still appear, but in a somewhat 'out-of-style' way.
GMS 2.x's "Floating Window Layout" tool:
The "layout" information stored with this tool is actually stored in the Windows registry.
But I have never used that so far. (And it also only applies to GMS 2.x.)
It is also worth mentioning, that RegisterScriptPalette does exactly what is says: It adds the UI permanently to the list of palettes the appliction knows of.
So running the script twice, you get two identical palettes. You usually don't want that! Just use OpenGadgetPanel to show any already registered palette.
However, 'registered' palettes will only remain 'registered' as long as the application is running, so they are gone at restart of DM.
If you want somethng more persistent, you need to install the code as a Library via the File menu. Note, that any executeable part of the code will be automatically run on startup. So you want to have the RegisterScriptPalette be part of that code, but not the OpenGadgetPanel.

Action Bar and Activity Handling in Xamarin

I have two questions:
I want to change the Action Bar color. Right now I'm using the default theme for the application. How can I do this?
The next question is: How can I show some specific activities when the application is running for the very first time on device after installation? I don't want to show them again after that.
You can change the color exactly like in an native android app.
Here is a xamarin related tutorial: https://blog.xamarin.com/android-tips-hello-material-design-v7-appcompat/
2) You could use the Settings Plugin and then read a boolean value like
var settings = CrossSettings.Current;
var shownFirstLaunch = settings.GetValueOrDefault<bool>("FirstLaunchShown", false);
if(shownFirstLaunch) {
// show Mainactivity
else {
settings.AddOrUpdateValue<bool>("FirstLaunchShown", true);
// show first launch activity

How to deselect the contents of a TextField in swift

I have a simple desktop app where a TextField should be focused when the window loads. I have this working, but it's a little annoying that, having loaded the users content into the TextField, the entire contents of the field become selected automatically. The user may want to start editing the content, but they will rarely/never want to replace it all at once (imagine a text editor doing this, to see what I mean).
I see there is an Action for selectAll: but what I want is the opposite Action of selectNone:
I tried passing nil to the selectText method, but that doesn't work:
I found a number of answers on StackOverflow that mention a selectedTextRange, but this appears to be outdated, because Xcode 6.3 doesn't recognize this as a valid property on TextField.
Can anyone explain how I do this?
It's been a while since I've dealt with NSTextFields to this level (I work mostly in iOS these days).
After doing a little digging I found this on the net:
NSText* textEditor = [window fieldEditor:YES forObject:textField];
NSRange range = {start, length};
[textEditor setSelectedRange:range];
window is the window containing your field, textField.
This requires the field editor to be managing your field, what can be done simply by previously selecting the whole text of the field using the selectText:sender method.
Here is the final swift code that I got working based on what Duncan C posted:
if let window = NSApplication.sharedApplication().mainWindow {
let textEditor = window.fieldEditor(true, forObject: textField)!
let range = NSRange(0..<0)
textEditor.selectedRange = range

Get selected text from any application by means of another applicaiton

I'm working on a concept that works like copy & paste but uses my own algorithm instead of using the clipboard.
We have users that use many different programs that contain part numbers. This is how my concept would work.
User highlights part number from any application (word, excel, pdf, JDE, etc)
Either by hotkey or clicking on another application the user launches my routine.
My routine grabs that text from the original application and processes it accordingly.
I know how to use the clipboard to get text.
What I'm not sure of is how to get currently selected text from the application that was active prior to running my code? Do I need to force my user to copy to clipboard first and then run my app or can I create my own copy/paste type windows add-in?
Preferred VB for this but can also use C++ or C# if easier.
As to the question why, because we want to the action to be seamless to the user. There will be several behind the scenes actions that take place and then the user will be presented a browser with pertinent information related to that part number. Ultimately, I don't want an in-between screen to pop up, but rather completely hidden from the user. If I require them to copy and then run my routine then I'm adding in one extra step to the user path that I'm hoping to avoid.
I looked into right click menu context a bit but found that each program can have their own override. I wasn't able to locate a way to globally override all right click context menus to include a new action.
From this article:
var element = AutomationElement.FocusedElement;
if (element != null)
object pattern;
if (element.TryGetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern, out pattern))
var tp = (TextPattern) pattern;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var r in tp.GetSelection())
var selectedText = sb.ToString();
It's in C# but it should be pretty trivial to translate.

Automatically re-sizing the JavaFX 2 HTMLEditor control

I'm trying to make an editable control using the HTMLEditor ( I'd like a rich-text pane like Swing's JEditorPane or JTextPane but it seems I need to wait a couple of years for that ). I want to have the user type in text and the control grows to suit. I have tried catching an event when the scroll-bar appears and increasing the size until it disappears but I can't work out how to wait until the JavaFX thread has actually re-sized the control on its parent.
There's probably a better way to do it than that... any ideas? Any ideas how to reduce it if text is removed?
TIA Mike Watts
For the edit control, use a WebView with contenteditable set to true like this example or a customized HTMLEditor.
Interact with it using the Java/JavaScript bridge similar to this editor. You can script the WebView using JQuery. Run a Timeline which polls the edit control's text dimensions using a JQuery dimension query script and adjust the control size appropriately.
[side note: I've added this as an answer even though it is just the details from jewelsea's - I couldn't format the code when replying as a comment].
This is what has worked to a certain extent:
in the html of the WebView component, added a tag <div id='measured'> around all of the text blocks
added a handler to the WebView using setOnKeyPressed and that calls checkHeight()
private int lastOffsetHeight;
private void checkHeight() {
int newHeight = (Integer)webview.getEngine().executeScript(
"document.getElementById(\"measured\").offsetHeight;") + 14;
if (newHeight != lastOffsetHeight) {
lastOffsetHeight = newHeight;
This is not too bad, main problem is that if all of the text is deleted then the WebView component deletes the div. As jewelsea mentioned, JQuery might be a better solution but I'll update this if I ever fix the problem of including the library ;-)
