When laying out a group, the Windows Ribbon Framework supports some predefined layouts. One of the layouts, which requires four buttons is called FourButtons.
This layout supports 3 different sizes, Large, Medium, and Small. In each case it gives the layouts:
Right now i am using the FourButtons predefined template in my xml file as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Application xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2009/Ribbon">
<Tab CommandName="tabHome">
<Group CommandName="grpActivity" SizeDefinition="FourButtons">
<Button CommandName="cmdStartWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdStopWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdPrint" />
<Button CommandName="cmdDuplicateTicket" />
And you can see the line
<Group CommandName="grpActivity" SizeDefinition="FourButtons">
which specifies the FourButtons layout template.
And my layout is FourButtons:
Except i don't want FourButtons layout, i want "Four Buttons, Two Big Two Small".
In the same way that there is ThreeButtons-OneBigAndTwoSmall:
And there is a FiveButtons:
i want a FourButtons-TwoBigTwoSmall, which i can manually mockup:
Unfortunately declarative programming that Microsoft invented for creating custom layouts confounds me as a programmer.
Can anyone decipher the declarative language example at the bottom of the page and come up with a FourButton-TwoBigTwoSmall template?
Note: All the pretty graphics, formatting, links, and stuff are used to attract squirrels - who love shiny graphics. And if you actually read this far i could actually use your help.
you should use BigButtonsAndSmallButtonsOrInputs SizeDefinition
<Group CommandName="cmdGroupBatch" SizeDefinition="BigButtonsAndSmallButtonsOrInputs">
<Button CommandName="cmdButtonGetBatch" />
<Button CommandName="cmdButtonPutBatch" />
<Button CommandName="cmdButtonSaveBatch" />
<Button CommandName="cmdButtonDiscartBatch" />
Just check, if your Group has Size="Large" in your Tab.ScalingPolicy.
i eventually did figure it out.
First is the control map, which mandates that the group have (in this case) four buttons. By having four entries in the ControlNameMap we mandate that the group using this size definition actually has four buttons.
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button1"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button2"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button3"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button4"/>
The four buttons are given aliases:
so that they can be referenced in the definitions to follow. First is the Large template:
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Large">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
which causes two large buttons, a separator, and another 2 large buttons.
The medium template:
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Medium">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
causes two large buttons, a separator, and then two rows (with each row containing one small button).
The small template:
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Small">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
causes two rows, of two small buttons in each, to appear.
Bringing it all together:
<Group CommandName="grpActivity" >
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button1"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button2"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button3"/>
<ControlNameDefinition Name="button4"/>
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Large">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Medium">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Large" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ColumnBreak ShowSeparator="true"/>
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<GroupSizeDefinition Size="Small">
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button1" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button3" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button2" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="true" />
<ControlSizeDefinition ControlName="button4" ImageSize="Small" IsLabelVisible="false" />
<Button CommandName="cmdStartWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdStopWorking" />
<Button CommandName="cmdPrint" />
<Button CommandName="cmdDuplicateTicket" />
I am relatively new to BI Publisher and I have to date only worked with line and bar charts.
I am working on a report that uses Ring Charts, and the default thickness of the chart is too much. I want it to look like a hoola hoop and not a doughnut, as below. But I dont know what node to change in the XML, can someone advise?
Chart Currently looks like this:
I would like it to look like this:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Chart Code
<Graph seriesEffect="SE_NONE" graphType="RING">
<LegendArea visible="false" />
<Series id="0" color="#447A27" />
<Series id="1" color="#96b27f" />
<Series id="2" color="#c4c5c7" />
<Series id="3" color="#EA4848" />
<Series id="4" color="#C41C24" />
<SliceLabel visible="false">
<ViewFormat decimalDigit="0" decimalDigitUsed="true" />
<LocalGridData colCount="1" rowCount="{count(.//DATASET[condition='Test'])}">
<xsl:for-each select=".//DATASET[condition='Test']" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:value-of select="QUALITY_LEVEL" />
<xsl:for-each select=".//DATASET[condition='Test']" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:value-of select="COUNT" />
<GraphFont size="50" fontColor="#c4c5c7" />
I am very perplexed with the XUL's 'Box Model' layout.
I want to make a table-like layout of elements.
The layout should consist of one row and three columns.
The columns should have the same width and occupy the whole width of the page.
I will put different elements inside the columns, but the width of the columns should remain the same
and the elements should have their normal sizes, not stretched out.
Say, first column is empty, second contains an image, third contains a button.
How can I achieve that?
I tried boxes and grids, but the columns just seem to assume arbitrary width.
Thank you.
This does not work:
<columns flex="1">
<spacer flex="1"/>
<image src="MyImage.png"/>
<button id="MyButton" label="MyButton"/>
Specify the min and max width of each column and make each cell in the grid an hbox width specific widths and heights. Something like this:
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<window id="yourwindow" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<columns flex="1">
<column maxwidth="100" minwidth="100"/>
<column maxwidth="100" minwidth="100"/>
<column maxwidth="100" minwidth="100"/>
<hbox maxwidth="100">
xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
<hbox maxwidth="100" minwidth="100" maxheight="10">
<button id="MyButton1" label="MyButton1"/>
<hbox maxwidth="100" minwidth="100" maxheight="30">
<button id="MyButton1" label="MyButton2"/>
<hbox maxwidth="100" minwidth="100" maxheight="40">
<button id="MyButton3" label="MyButton3"/>
In Xul, the width and length attributes are always in pixels. You cannot specify a percentage like you can with css. This means you will have to know your page width in advance and specify widths accordingly if you want the columns to be evenly spaced and extend to the page width.
Here's another way. Use this:
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
<window id="yourwindow" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<column flex="1"/>
<column flex="1"/>
<column flex="1"/>
<button label="MyButton1"/>
<button label="MyButton2"/>
<button label="MyButton3"/>
to create this:
The buttons/columns will adjust as the window size is changed.
I suggest to use in combo with flex="1" on the column elements
<columns equalsize="always">
<column flex="1">
a/p documentation
you can also use equalsize="always" on the rows as well, this is how it is accomplished in the Thunderbird Lightning calendar layout
Title sounds like a real mouthful, so let me try to explain this. I'm very strong with grinding out Web Forms and this is my second crack at using a framework and MVC (don't ask about the first one). Start with a table like this:
Title: Milestones
Id int - Auto, PK
Project_Id int - FK, Many Milestones to One Project, Provided static for now
Number int
Name varchar(50)
Status_Id int - FK One Status to One Milestone
PlannedDate date
LatestEstimate date
MilestoneType_ID int - FK One Type to One Milestone
These all sit on an SQL server, are pulled in by an Entity and then are pulled in by an ObjectDataSource, like this:
<asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" ID="MilestonesObjectSource" SelectMethod="GetByProject"
DeleteMethod="DeleteMilestone" TypeName="TCProjectManagement.Models.MilestonesAddition">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="6" Name="ProjectID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Number" />
<asp:Parameter Type="String" Name="Name" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="Status_Id" />
<asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="PlannedDate" />
<asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="LatestEstimate" />
<asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="MilestoneType_ID" />
Sofar so good. Data pull seems to work out okay. I've got a couple more Object Sources that deal exclusively with the Foriegn Keys, so I'll skip those since they seem to be working.
The problems I have are attempting to stitch together many examples that don't seem to go together well. My objectives, in no paticular order:
1) Pin Editing: Click a button to edit, click it again to confirm. Rather do this than have somebody infer to double click for a change. Sofar, this sorta works.
2) Drop Downs for Foriegn Keys: While not in edit mode, should display the "Name" field of the FK. While in edit it should be a Drop Down for options (there's only three). This stays blank dispite what I do.
3) Deletion: Press a button to blow away a row. I put the button there but it's a copy of the JS for editing. What do I need to use to have it be deletion?
4) Dates: This doesn't work at all. One of the weird parts is that from the SQL server's type of Date, it gets changed to DateTime in the Entity and stays that way throughout. However, I cannot get the desired control of ext:DateField to cooperate with the provided data since it displays a time and completely blanks out when editing.. I know I'm doing something wrong here.
5) Saving Changes: Not quite sure I set it up right (or at all).
Provisions of Javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
var pinEditors = function (btn, pressed) {
var columnConfig = btn.column,
column = columnConfig.column;
if (pressed) {
column.showComponent(columnConfig.record, true);
} else {
var pinDeleters = function (btn, pressed) { };
And ASP Code:
<ext:GridPanel ID="MilestonesGridPanel" runat="server" Title="Milestones" Width="1000px"
<ext:Store ID="MilestonesGridStore" runat="server" DataSourceID="MilestonesObjectSource">
<ext:Model runat="server" IDProperty="Id">
<ext:ModelField Name="Id" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Number" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Name" Type="String" />
<ext:ModelField Name="Status_Id" Type="Int" />
<ext:ModelField Name="PlannedDate" />
<ext:ModelField Name="LatestEstimate" />
<ext:ModelField Name="MilestoneType_ID" Type="Int" />
<ext:Column ID="IdColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Id" Text="DBID" Visible="false" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="NumberColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Number" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Number" Editor="true">
<ext:NumberField ID="NumberColumnNumberField" runat="server" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="NameColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Name" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Name" Editor="true">
<ext:TextField ID="NameColumnTextField" runat="server" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="StatusColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="Status_Id" OverOnly="true"
Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Status" Editor="true">
<ext:ComboBox ID="StatusColumnDropDownBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false"
StoreID="MilestoneStatusStore" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="ID" EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="PlannedDateColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="PlannedDate"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Planned Date" Editor="true">
<Renderer Format="Date" FormatArgs="'m/d/y'" />
<ext:DateField ID="PlannedDateColumnTextField" runat="server" Format="MM/dd/yyyy"
EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="LatestEstimateColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="LatestEstimate"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Latest ETA" Editor="true">
<Renderer Format="Date" FormatArgs="'m/d/y'" />
<ext:DateField ID="LatestEstimateColumnTextField" runat="server" Format="MM/dd/yyyy"
EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="MilestoneTypeColumn" runat="server" DataIndex="MilestoneType_ID"
OverOnly="true" Pin="true" Flex="1" Text="Milestone Type" Editor="true">
<ext:ComboBox ID="MilestoneTypeColumnComboBox" runat="server" QueryMode="Local" Editable="false"
StoreID="MilestoneTypesStore" DisplayField="Name" ValueField="ID" EmptyText="Empty" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="EditColumn" runat="server" Width="30" PinAllColumns="false"
AutoWidthComponent="false" OverOnly="true" Text="Edit" Sortable="False">
<ext:Button ID="EditButton" runat="server" ToolTip="Pin Editors" Icon="Pencil" AllowDepress="true"
EnableToggle="true" Width="25">
<Toggle Fn="pinEditors" />
<ext:ComponentColumn ID="DeleteColumn" runat="server" Width="30" PinAllColumns="false"
AutoWidthComponent="false" OverOnly="true" Text="Delete" Sortable="False">
<ext:Button ID="DeleteButton" runat="server" ToolTip="Delete Milestone" Icon="Delete"
AllowDepress="true" EnableToggle="false" Width="25">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.remove(this.parentMenu.dataRecord)" />
<ext:RowSelectionModel runat="server" Mode="Single">
<Select Handler="#{DeleteMilestoneGridButton}.enable();" />
<Deselect Handler="if (!#{MilestonesGridPanel}.selModel.hasSelection()) {
}" />
<ext:Button ID="AddtoMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Insert" Icon="Add">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.insert(0, {}); #{MilestonesGridPanel}.editingPlugin.startEditByPosition({row:0, column:0});" />
<ext:Button ID="DeleteMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Delete" Icon="Delete"
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridPanel}.deleteSelected();
if (!#{MilestonesGridPanel}.hasSelection()) {
}" />
<ext:Button ID="RefreshMilestonesGridButton" runat="server" Text="RefresH" Icon="Reload">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.load();" />
<ext:Button ID="SaveMilestoneGridButton" runat="server" Text="Save" Icon="Disk">
<Click Handler="#{MilestonesGridStore}.sync();" />
I have a 2010 Excel Spreadsheet (OpenXML) with a textbox "LengthVariableTextBox" on it. I wish to change the textbox value (currently ##.# just as a placeholder) using the openxml SDK with VB.Net (perfered) or C#. Below is a XML fragment from drawing7.xml showing the textbox.
Thanks for the Help!
M. Scott Blalock
<xdr:sp macro="" textlink="">
<xdr:cNvPr id="287" name="3:24 PM 9/19/2012" />
<xdr:cNvSpPr txBox="1" />
<a:off x="1722120" y="1386840" />
<a:ext cx="617220" cy="198120" />
<a:prstGeom prst="rect">
<a:avLst />
<a:schemeClr val="tx1" />
<a:ln w="9525" cmpd="sng">
<a:schemeClr val="lt1">
<a:shade val="50000" />
<a:lnRef idx="0">
<a:scrgbClr r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<a:fillRef idx="0">
<a:scrgbClr r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<a:effectRef idx="0">
<a:scrgbClr r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<a:fontRef idx="minor">
<a:schemeClr val="dk1" />
<a:bodyPr vertOverflow="clip" wrap="square" rtlCol="0" anchor="t" />
<a:lstStyle />
<a:rPr lang="en-US" sz="1100">
<a:schemeClr val="bg1" />
<xdr:clientData />
Here is the answer:
I am facing a problem in binding the values to the StackedColumnGraph of visiblox in WP7 dynamically.
the XAML code has hard coded values..
<Style x:Key="NoBorder" TargetType="Border">
<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />
<local:PartyList x:Key="Labour" >
<local:ElectionResult Year="1997" VotesMillions="13.5" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2001" VotesMillions="10.7" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2005" VotesMillions="9.6" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2010" VotesMillions="8.6"/>
<local:PartyList x:Key="Conservatives">
<local:ElectionResult Year="1997" VotesMillions="9.6" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2001" VotesMillions="8.4" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2005" VotesMillions="8.8" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2010" VotesMillions="10.7"/>
<local:PartyList x:Key="LibDem">
<local:ElectionResult Year="1997" VotesMillions="5.2" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2001" VotesMillions="4.8" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2005" VotesMillions="6.0" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2010" VotesMillions="6.8"/>
<local:PartyList x:Key="Others">
<local:ElectionResult Year="1997" VotesMillions="2.9" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2001" VotesMillions="2.5" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2005" VotesMillions="2.8" />
<local:ElectionResult Year="2010" VotesMillions="3.5"/>
I have a Collection where the fetched data from the service are stored,One thing I need to know how to bind those values with these hard coded values to plot the graph...
You might want to take a look at the following blog post as that explains in general terms how to bind data to a Visiblox Charts. In short, there's a few different options depending on at which level you're trying to do the binding but the BindableDataSeries is the basic building block.
[Disclaimer: I work for Visiblox]