How to package website and database projects - visual-studio-2010

I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have a solution that has 2 SqlServer Database projects and Web application projects. When I build each of these projects they generate SQL scripts and zip files for websites that can then be imported in IIS with MSDeploy.
I want to create a setup project of some sort that will package these sql and zip file outputs and build an installer for me. This installer just needs to copy the files to a particular folder.
I tried creating a Setup project and then adding project outputs from the web and database projects to it, but there doesn't seem to be a way to add the sql/ files instead.
How can I create a setup project that will aggregate these output sql and website zip files?


Deploying Multiple Sites in Single Solution by FTP in Visual Studio Team Services / Azure DevOps

I have a Visual Studio solution which has various class libraries and several ASP.NET website projects. The website projects reference the class library projects, so for ease of working they need to be in the same solution.
The whole solution is version controlled through Visual Studio Team Services (now Azure DevOps).
When the solution is committed to VSTS, the solution is automatically built by VSTS.
I also want to use continuous integration and deploy the website projects in the solution to various web servers via FTP (FTP is the only option for this, MSDeploy etc is not available). The releases will be triggered by the build on commit.
The problem is that I need to publish the actual website files via FTP during a release triggered by the build, but the build artifact only contains .zip files.
For example, if the solution has a website project called 'MyWebsite' the build artifact has a zip called, but no files are accessible. As such, I can deploy a zip file to the web server, but not the actual website files.
How can I deploy these files?
Furthermore, I don't want to deploy all of the files in the website project. I want to deploy a release version (similar to what is published using Visual Studio 2017's Publish tool), which the zip file seems to contain.
VSTS/Azure Dev Ops has Tasks built in to Extract Files and FTP Upload. The release pipeline also has a variables which you can access via release tasks and powershell. $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) is where artifacts(built code) are downloaded to. An Agent Job with two tasks should be able to accomplish what you are looking for.
Azure Dev Ops Release Variables

Publish Web application to ZIP file from Visual Studio 2015

I want to publish my Web application to a ZIP file. To date I have been doing this by publishing to the file system, then manually zipping the output.
Is there a way of creating the ZIP file directly from Visual Studio? I've tried publishing using the publish method "Web Deploy Package". This generates a ZIP file, but the ZIP file contains a folder hierarchy that looks something like:
that mimics the folder hierarchy on my development machine. I just want the actual web content, i.e. the content of the PackageTmp folder.
I don't understand why the ZIP file contains this folder hierarchy: it means that deployments created on two different development machines with different working folders for the same source-controlled Visual Studio solution will produce different packages.

Create WebDeploy Zip Containing Web Project and Unreferenced Modules

We have a VS 2017 Solution with a main web project in it. We also have 3 other web projects - these are modules that depend on the main web project. However, the main web project doesn't reference or known anything about that modules. When the solution builds the modules copy their output to the bin folder of the primary web project. The modules must depend on the latest version of the main project, so it needs to build main first and then the modules. This all works great locally - the site loads the modules work etc.
We are currently using Octopus and its Octopack step runs after Solution and gets all the files. We are trying to move to just using VSTS and are having problems getting the module files into a standard web deploy zip.
When MSBbuild runs on Solution it creates a zip file per web project. The zip file for the main project doesn't contain the Dll files for the modules (even though they are in bin folder). Therefore when we deploy via VSTS site is missing the modules. How do we tell MSBuild to create a single webdeploy package for the solution including the built modules?
The MSBuild command is basically the out the box one from VSTS:
As far as I can see MsBuild is making the webdeploy zip before the other solution items copy their contents into the bin folder. MSBuild is a bit of a mystery to me at the best of times.
Largely this is just a case of making MSBuild include extra files that aren't part of the project. The pack web project publish only cares about files that are included in the project.
I updated main web project Csproj file following the guide in this question How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?. I ran MSBuild once to build Solution so module dll files were available and I then ran MSBuild again with main web project to create the WebDeploy output with the extra included files.
Not sure this is the best way - seems a bit convoluted just to add some files but it works.

WebDeployment is not

I am trying to deploy an web application that was created on VB with the .NET Framework 2.0 using the TFS 2017 continuous deploy. It doesn’t have a solution file inside like vbproj or csproj, so I needed to avoid all the suggestions to include extra information on the vbproj.In order to run the MSBuild even locally I need to change in my .sln this tag, so all my compiled code is also there
Debug.AspNetCompiler.TargetPath = "....\PrecompiledWeb\ARB\Debug\"
Unfortunately, I can’t deploy the application using the TFS. So far I tried to deploy it through my Visual Studio project, and is working fine with every option: I tried MSDeploy, Web Deploy Package, and FileSystem, and is working fine from the Visual Studio Publish Option
With that, even my transformation take place.
Now lets say I go to my TFS and I put this parameters on the MSBuild
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsASingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="\\MyServer\Content"
My files are compiled but never stored in my Content folder. No one of them!!! I can’t figure out what is going on here.
From your screenshot, you are using a Web Site project, not a Web Application project. The output structure of a Web Site project in TFS is different from build in VS (you can see a PrecompiledWeb folder in your build source directory on build agent server). Instead of using MSBuild argument, you can consider add tasks below to copy the files you want to publish:
We strongly suggest you switch from Web Site projects to Web Application projects to avoid these issues.

Problems Building a WCF Project with TFS 2010

I have a WCF project with a single .svc file and some .config files in it. I'm trying to create a build definition in TFS 2010 that will copy these files to an IIS folder on another machine.
I've done similar things with other MVC projects using the CopyDirectory task in the build XAML template. In those, I copy from the _PublishedWebsites folder to the IIS folder. However, with the WCF project, there is no _PublishedWebsites folder.
So I tried updating the MSBuild script for the WCF project to create a _PublishedWebsites folder and copy the files to it. This works when I build locally in Visual Studio 2010. But when it runs on the TFS build server, it doesn't quite work.
What I see there is that in "C:\Builds\1\PROJECT\PROJECT (Continuous Build)\Sources\PROJECT\bin\_PublishedWebsites", I can see all the files.
I'm guessing this "1 folder" is a temporary folder used for building...? I'm not sure what it's used for. But when I look at the actual drop location for the build, in "C:\Builds\PROJECT (Continuous Build)\PROJECT_BUILDNUMBER\", I see nothing except log files. None of the files from the "1 folder" are there.
Note that this same solution also has a WiX project to create a deployment package. That seems to build fine, and shows up in the drop location with no issue.
"1 folder" is a temporary folder used for building
Yes. "1" is number of build agent(service that actually executes builds activities) on your build machine.
But when I look at the actual drop location for the build, in "C:\Builds\PROJECT (Continuous Build)\PROJECT_BUILDNUMBER\", I see nothing except log files.
- Usually "Copy Files To Drop Location" flag is responsible for that.
