Why can't I use Spring:url in an href? - spring

I have seen several examples using
<a href="<spring:url value='/about/' />" >About </a>
I try this and get an error from Jetty
Caused by: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/views/footer.jspx(6,22) The value of attribute "href" associated with an element type "null" must not contain the '<' character.
Is there some encoding setting I have overlooked?
This is unfortunate because the other examples of using spring url I have seen are ugly
<spring:url value='/about' var="about_url" />
About MyFit
Do I really need an additional line for every hyperlink in my templates?
Is this something that is fairly trivial and I have overlooked?

You have a .jspx file, which must be a well-formed XML document. In .jsp files it would work fine.


How to mix href within jstl code

When I use the below jstl code
<a href="http://mysite.com?id="<c:out value="${myid}"/>/><c:out value="${myid}"/></a>
the output is :
The value 1234 corresponds to the variable value of myid but the url being generated is
"http://mysite.com?id=" so no value for myid is being generated as part of the href.
How can I amend the href so that entire href is displayed :
instead of :
Ultimately, JSP/JSTL generates HTML. You're familiar with basic HTML, right?
Look closer at the generated HTML output by rightclick, View Source in browser. You'll see:
<a href="http://mysite.com?id="1234/>1234</a>
Is that valid HTML? No, you're closing the attribute value too soon with " at wrong place and you're closing the tag too soon with />. Look, the Stack Overflow HTML syntax highlighter also got confused. Instead, it should have been:
Fix the HTML generator (i.e. the JSP/JSTL code) accordingly so that it generates the desired HTML:
<c:out value="${myid}"/>
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the <c:out> is only helpful in preventing XSS attack holes when redisplaying user-controlled input and actually the wrong tool to inline URL parameters. If you can guarantee that ${myid} is always a number (because it's a Long or Integer), you can even just leave it entirely out, making the code prettier to read:
If the ${myid} is however not a guaranteed to be a number (because it's a String), then you should use <c:url> and <c:param> to properly URL-encode it:
<c:url value="http://mysite.com" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<c:out value="${myid}" />
<c:url> tag is used to create an url. It is helpful in the case when cookies is turned off by the client, and you would be required to rewrite URLs that will be returned from a jsp page.
<c:param> tag may used as a subtag of to add the parameters in the returned URL. Using these parameters encodes the URL.
<c:url value="http://mysite.com" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<a href="${myURL}" />${myURL}</a>
Read more from here.

Fancybox data-fancybox-type="iframe" and Strict XHTML Doctype

Is there a way to use data-fancybox-type="iframe" with strict xhmtl at all so that it validates? I have everything working except for that error that I get.
Is there a way to write it so that it works with my current doctype?
Since the data-* attribute validates only with HTML5, you may prefer to use the fancybox special class to set the content type, so instead of this :
<a class="fancybox" data-fancybox-type="iframe" href="page.html">open</a>
... try :
<a class="fancybox fancybox.iframe" href="page.html">open</a>
... then your document will validate with your current DOCTYPE and it will have exactly the same effect.

How can I use Spring MVC "form" tag instead of my "input" tags?

What I have:
I have a generic JSP page that is used throughout my application for displaying certain entities. The code that I am interested in goes like this:
<form:form modelAttribute="object"/>
<core:forEach items="${sections}" var="section" varStatus="itemStat">
<core:forEach items="${section.fields}" var="fieldDef">
<form:input path="${fieldDef.fieldName}"/>
For each section, and for each field in that section, I have an input having the path fieldName, which is what I want to display from each field.
What I want:
I would like instead of the input to be a simple text, like a label.
What I have tried:
I am most certain that I can do it somehow with <form:label> but I can't really make it work. Making a <form:label path="${fieldDef.fieldName}" /> just tells the browser for which field I need the label, but doesn't get the actual value from it.
I have also tried something like ${object.fieldDef.fieldName}, but in order for this to work I would have to first analyze the value of ${fieldDef.fieldName}, which would give me the name of the column, and then do a ${object.column}, but column being a variable I haven't been able to make this work in any way.
An alternative would be to just make the inputs as disabled and remove the border with CSS, but that would be a dirty way and from what I saw it is also tricky for IE different versions. I am sure that I can handle it directly.
I am a little intrigued by the fact that <form:input path="..."> puts into the input what it finds corresponding to that path (same goes for other form elements), but with label it works different.
So, what I want is basically simple, but I haven't managed to find a way. If someone could shed some light, that would be great. Thanks in advance !
You could look into the spring bind tag. I haven't tried using it before but this may work for you, in place of the input tag
<spring:bind path="fieldDef.fieldName">
reference: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/1.1.5/taglib/tag/BindTag.html
Instead of
<form:input path="${fieldDef.fieldName}"/>
<c:out value="${fieldDef.fieldName}"/>
It would display whatever value is there instead of creating a input field. Hope this helps you. Cheers.
Using the spring form tab, one option would be to use
<form:input disabled="true" path="${fieldDef.fieldName}"/>
To further make it not look like an input you could use CSS to style it to your preference.
Some css styles you could use:
background-color:#EEEEEE;border: 0px solid;
You could look into the spring bind tag. I haven't tried using it before but this may work for you, in place of the input tag
<spring:bind path="fieldDef.fieldName">

Is it possible to add Html tags into Spring MVC3 I18N messages.properties file

Given the following MVC3 i18n use:
at a jsp file:
<s:message code="clickHere">
at message.properties file:
clickHere=Please click Here
a user's browser will display(and the word Here will be a link to http://abc.com):
Please click Here
Did you try
<s:message code="clickHere" htmlEscape="false" />
In any case you use Thymeleaf, instead of th:text, you should use the th:utext.
Example below:
# Instead of this
<div th:text="#{message}">text to be replaced</div>
# Use this
<div th:utext="#{message}">text to be replaced</div>
You should always keep in mind that using the th:utext can cause XSS Attacks.
In the properties file, you will obviously have the following,
# In properties
message=Text to be displayed

IE8 & FF XHTML error or badly formed span?

I recently have found a strange occurrence in IE8 & FF.
The designers where using js to dynamically create some span tags for layout (they were placing rounded corner graphics on some tabs). Now the xhtml, in js, looked like this: <span class=”leftcorner” /><span class=”rightcorner” /> and worked perfectly!
As we all know dynamically rendering elements in js can be quite processor intensive so I moved the elements from js into the page source, exactly as above.
... and it didn’t work... not only didn’t it work, it crashes IE8.The fix was simple, put the close span in ie: <span class=”leftcorner”></span>
I am a bit confused by this.
Firstly as far as I am aware <span class=”leftcorner” /> is perfectly valid XHTML!
Secondly it works dynamically, but not in XHTML?!?!?
Can anyone shed any light on this or is it simply another odd occurrence of browsers?
The major browsers only support a small subset of self-closing tags. (See this answer for a complete list.)
Depending on how you were creating the elements in JS, the JavaScript engine probably created a valid element to place in the DOM.
I had similar problem with a tags in IE.
The problem was my links looked like that (it was an icon set with the css, so I didn't need the text in it:
<a href="link" class="icon edit" />
Unfortunately in IE these links were not displayed at all. They have to be in
format (leaving empty text didn't work as well so I put there). So what I did is I add an few extra JS lines to fix it as I didn't want to change all my HTML just for this browser (ps. I'm using jQuery for my JS).
if ($.browser.msie) {
IE in particular does not support XHTML. That is, it will never apply proper XML parsing rules to a document - it will treat it as HTML even with proper DOCTYPE and all. XHTML is not always valid SGML, however. In some cases (such as <br/>) IE can figure it out because it's prepared to parse tagsoup, and not just valid SGML. However, in other cases, the same "tagsoup" behavior means that it won't treat /> as self-closing tag terminator.
In general, my advice is to just use HTML 4.01 Strict. That way you know exactly what to expect. And there's little point in feeding XHTML to browsers when they're treating it as HTML anyway...
See I think that one of the answers to Is writing self closing tags for elements not traditionally empty bad practice? will answer your question.
XHTML is only XHTML if it is served as application/xhtml+xml — otherwise, at least as far as browsers are concerned, it is HTML and treated as tag soup.
As a result, <span /> means "A span start tag" and not "A complete span element". (Technically it should mean "A span start tag and a greater than sign", but that is another story).
The XHTML spec tells you what you need to do to get your XHTML to parse as HTML.
One of the rules is "For non-empty elements, end tags are required". The list of elements includes a quick reference to which are empty and which are not.
