Any tools to export the whole Oracle DB as SQL scripts - oracle

Here is my problem, I wants to create a baseline on our development Dateabase (Oracle 10g), and check into our svn for version control, and after this we will use liquibase to help us manage the incremental database changes.
My problem is how should I create baseline of Oracle 10g? the database now consists of 500+ tables, with large amount of configuration data, and I wants my db baseline to base on a set SQL scripts to check into subversion, rather then check in Oracle dump..
I have try use liquibase generateChangeLog, but it have some performance problem.. can anyone can recommends me any tools that will help me
1. Scan any Oracle Schema
2. Generate a set of SQL Scripts (With Table structures, and Data)..
Thanks in advance

Something like
is a good start. You can tweak it with PL/SQL and UTL_FILE to get it to write each table to a different file. You will probably need to do sequences too (though versioning them is fairly pointless), and maybe triggers/procedures/functions/packages etc.
Don't forget grants.

Have you tried Oracle's free SQLDeveloper tool? It gives you the possibility of exporting DDL and data.

EXPDP with CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY option, then IMPDP with SQLFILE=your_script.sql ?

More general solution would be to dump DDL sql for selected list of tables, but additionally also other types of objects. This could be done by using all_objects and all_users views.
Example that worked for me:
select dbms_metadata.GET_DDL(u.object_type,u.object_name, u.owner)
from all_objects u
where 1=1
-- filter only selected object types
and u.object_type in ('TABLE', 'INDEX', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'VIEW',
-- don't want system objects, generated, temp, invalid etc.
and u.object_name not like 'SYS_%'
and temporary!='Y'
and generated!='Y'
and status!='INVALID'
and u.object_name not like 'TMP_%'
and u.object_name not like '%$%'
-- if you want to filter only changed from some date/timestamp:
-- and u.last_ddl_time > '2014-04-02'
-- filter by owner
and owner in (
select username from dba_USERS where DEFAULT_TABLESPACE not like 'SYS%'
and username not in ('ORACLE_OCM')
and username not like '%$%'
I wrote a python script that refreshes db schema in incremental mode based on similar sql:
runs sql with last_ddl_time>=max(last_ddl_time from last refresh)
at the end stores last_ddl_time somewhere in filesystem for next refresh
oracle dbms_metadata.GET_DDL function
oracle all_objects view


how to find the query used for creation of Temporary table in Oracle sql developer

I have created a temporary table in oracle sql developer but I forgot to save it and now I want to reuse the query but I don't remember the code used then. Is there a process to get query used creation of temp table?
You can use dbms_metadata.get_ddl()
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME_HERE')
from dual;
The result is a CLOB with the complete DDL. You might need to adjust the display in SQL Developer to make the content of that value fully visible (I don't use SQL Developer, so I don't know if that is necessary and if so, what you would need to do)
It seems SQL Developer can't display the result of this query properly unless you use the "Run Script" option. And with that you need to use a SET LONG 60000 (or some other big number) before you run it, to see the complete source code:

datagrip introspections (Oracle and PostgreSQL)

I've trying to use 0xDBE as a replace for pgAdmin+PL/SQL Developer + Aginity Workbench for Greenplum, but there is one bad thing in introspection:
The IDE shows wrong DDL both for Oracle and PostgreSQL (and Greenplum also).
e.g. it shows this:
instead of this:
create or replace view latencies_new as
select table_schema, destination_name, min(applied) as applied from (
select table_schema, table_name, destination_name, max(unload_start) as applied
from o2g_applies_full
where apply_id is not null
and unload_start > sysdate - 1
group by table_schema, table_name, destination_name
) group by table_schema, destination_name;
in Oracle RDBMS. View and underlying tables are in the same schema, which is chosen for sync in DB options in DataGrip.
Therefore Visualisation diagrams don't work at all.
The same situation with Postgres/GP - it can't show real DDL for external tables/views etc.
Is there any way to fix it? Maybe I should change drivers (now I use drivers downloaded from JetBrains site)?
One can try to use SQL Scripts → SQL Generator action to get DDL:
Found an answer by myself...
If you try to directly copy DDL from Database window (on the left) - you can only copy first code mentioned in original post, but when you choose "View Editor" - "DDL" tab - then you will see full DDL.

Oracle Execution Plan

I am using Oracle 11g and Toad for Oracle. How can I display execution plan for queries?
In Sql server management studio execution plan can be displayed as graphical format. Is there any functionality/tool like that on Toad for oracle?
Make sure you've ended the query with a semi-colon (and the query above)
You need to set-up the TOAD plan table for use. If you think it's already setup on your DB then you may just need to be granted access. Alternatively in my slightly older version of TOAD it's under:
Database --> Administer --> Server Side Objects Wizard. From here you can create the plan table(s) in a schema that you choose.
You should create the PLAN_TABLE using a script provided by Oracle
which is named UTLXPLAN.SQL and is located in one of the installation folders
on the database server.
Then, you should use the EXPLAIN PLAN statement for generating a plan for a SQL statement, like this:
EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = 'your_identifier_for_this_plan'
... your statement ... ;
Then, you can use either a select from PLAN_TABLE (usually using a hierarchical query) or the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_PLAN procedure to display the plan.
In the same folder where the UTLXPLAN.SQL file is located, there usually exist
examples of using this procedure.
Also, in SQL*PLUS you can use the SET AUTOTRACE feature.
this helped me How do I view the Explain Plan in Oracle Sql developer?, I just write what they did in sql developer and wrote in the toad editor and then execute.
explain plan for select field1, field2 from TABLE_NAME;
Check that all queries end with a semicolon, put the cursor on the query you want to analyze and hit CTRL-E.
The first time you could get a popup that asks for the name of the plan table, it suggests TOAD_PLAN_TABLE but it's better to use the standard Oracle table PLAN_TABLE that should be already available. So enter PLAN_TABLE in place of TOAD_PLAN_TABLE (do not specify a schema) and hit OK. You should get a message saying that the object already exists: hit OK again to acknowledge it. Now try CTRL-E again and you'll get the explain plan.
To view/change the currently configured plan table name go to menu "View / Toad Options / Oracle General".

Finding Oracle stored procedures

Since I am new to Oracle, please tell me what different ways to find packages, stored procedures, triggers, functions, indexes, tablespaces
The following statement gives you an overview of all database objects in the current user:
If you are searching for documentation, you can look at Morgan's Library
You can download Oracle SQL Developer free. This allows you to explore all the objects in your database via a simple interface.
I shall walk you through the different shades of "all_object":
SQL> show user
Getting all the types of object:
select distinct object_type from all_objects;
25 rows selected.
Now, you can zoom down to the "TABLE" type of object:
select object_name||','||object_id||','||owner from all_objects where object_type='TABLE' ;
Or all the objects of an owner:
select object_name||','||object_id||','||OBJECT_TYPE from all_objects where owner = 'SYS';
Trust me, you will learn more this way - anyone can click through any GUI tool, but to issue the SQL command, you will need some knowledge.

oracle in the real world

I've recently started using oracle after a few years of using mysql. I was immediately struck by how verbose oracle is compared to mysql. Four-word queries (like SHOW INDEX IN < table> ) become four-line queries in oracle.
My question is: how do real oracle DBAs interact with oracle efficiently. There must be some way to alias commonly used commands (like you do in the unix shell). I find it hard to believe that they would type something like
select index_name, column_name, column_position from user_ind_columns
where table_name='MYTABLENAME' order by index_name, column_position
every time they wanted to do something as simple as list the indexes of a table. Otherwise how can they get any work done?
You can use an IDE like SQL Developer or Toad; these have a UI to browse tables, indexes and other objects without typing any commands.
Or in SQL Plus you can simply save commonly used queries as scripts in files, for example a script called show_index could contain:
select index_name, column_name, column_position from user_ind_columns
where table_name=upper('&TABLENAME.') order by index_name, column_position;
You would run this in SQL Plus like this:
SQL> #show_index
Enter value for tablename: mytable
