An algorithm to check if a vertex is reachable - algorithm

Is there an algorithm that can check, in a directed graph, if a vertex, let's say V2, is reachable from a vertex V1, without traversing all the vertices?

You might find a route to that node without traversing all the edges, and if so you can give a yes answer as soon as you do. Nothing short of traversing all the edges can confirm that the node isn't reachable (unless there's some other constraint you haven't stated that could be used to eliminate the possibility earlier).
Edit: I should add that it depends on how often you need to do queries versus how large (and dense) your graph is. If you need to do a huge number of queries on a relatively small graph, it may make sense to pre-process the data in the graph to produce a matrix with a bit at the intersection of any V1 and V2 to indicate whether there's a connection from V1 to V2. This doesn't avoid traversing the graph, but it can avoid traversing the graph at the time of the query. I.e., it's basically a greedy algorithm that assumes you're going to eventually use enough of the combinations that it's easiest to just traverse them all and store the result. Depending on the size of the graph, the pre-processing step may be slow, but once it's done executing a query becomes quite fast (constant time, and usually a pretty small constant at that).

Depth first search or breadth first search. Stop when you find one. But there's no way to tell there's none without going through every one, no. You can improve the performance sometimes with some heuristics, like if you have additional information about the graph. For example, if the graph represents a coordinate space like a real map, and most of the time you know that there's going to be a mostly direct path, then you can attempt to have the depth-first search look along lines that "aim towards the target". However, imagine the case where the start and end points are right next to each other, but with no vector inbetween, and to find it, you have to go way out of the way. You have to check every case in order to be exhaustive.

I doubt it has a name, but a breadth-first search might go like this:
Add V1 to a queue of nodes to be visited
While there are nodes in the queue:
If the node is V2, return true
Mark the node as visited
For every node at the end of an outgoing edge which is not yet visited:
Add this node to the queue
End for
End while
Return false

Create an adjacency matrix when the graph is created. At the same time you do this, create matrices consisting of the powers of the adjacency matrix up to the number of nodes in the graph. To find if there is a path from node u to node v, check the matrices (starting from M^1 and going to M^n) and examine the value at (u, v) in each matrix. If, for any of the matrices checked, that value is greater than zero, you can stop the check because there is indeed a connection. (This gives you even more information as well: the power tells you the number of steps between nodes, and the value tells you how many paths there are between nodes for that step number.)
(Note that if you know the number of steps in the longest path in your graph, for whatever reason, you only need to create a number of matrices up to that power. As well, if you want to save memory, you could just store the base adjacency matrix and create the others as you go along, but for large matrices that may take a fair amount of time if you aren't using an efficient method of doing the multiplications, whether from a library or written on your own.)
It would probably be easiest to just do a depth- or breadth-first search, though, as others have suggested, not only because they're comparatively easy to implement but also because you can generate the path between nodes as you go along. (Technically you'd be generating multiple paths and discarding loops/dead-end ones along the way, but whatever.)

In principle, you can't determine that a path exists without traversing some part of the graph, because the failure case (a path does not exist) cannot be determined without traversing the entire graph.
You MAY be able to improve your performance by searching backwards (search from destination to starting point), or by alternating between forward and backward search steps.
Any good AI textbook will talk at length about search techniques. Elaine Rich's book was good in this area. Amazon is your FRIEND.

You mentioned here that the graph represents a road network. If the graph is planar, you could use Thorup's Algorithm which creates an O(nlogn) space data structure that takes O(nlogn) time to build and answers queries in O(1) time.

Another approach to this problem would allow you to ignore all of the vertices. If you were to only look at the edges, you can produce a transitive closure array that will show you each vertex that is reachable from any other vertex.
Start with your list of edges:
Va -> Vc
Va -> Vd
Create an array with start location as the rows and end location as the columns. Fill the arrays with 0. For each edge in the list of edges, place a one in the start,end coordinate of the edge.
Now you iterate a few times until either V1,V2 is 1 or there are no changes.
For each row:
NextRowN = RowN
For each column that is true for RowN
Use boolean OR to OR in the results of that row of that number with the current NextRowN.
Set RowN to NextRowN
If you run this algorithm until the end, you will quickly have a complete list of all reachable vertices without looking at any of them. The runtime is proportional to the number of edges. This would work well with a reasonable implementation and a reasonable number of edges.
A slightly more complex version of this algorithm would be to only calculate the vertices reachable by V1. To do this, you would focus your scope on the ones that are currently reachable at any given time. You can also limit adding rows to only one time, since the other rows are never changing.

In order to be sure, you either have to find a path, or traverse all vertices that are reachable from V1 once.
I would recommend an implementation of depth first or breadth first search that stops when it encounters a vertex that it has already seen. The vertex will be processed on the first occurrence only. You need to make sure that the search starts at V1 and stops when it runs out of vertices or encounters V2.


Fixing Karger's min cut algorithm with union-find data structure

I was trying to implement Karger's min cut algorithm in the same way it is explained here but I don't like the fact that at each step of the while loop we can pick an edge with it's two endpoints already in a supernode. More specifically, this part
// If two corners belong to same subset,
// then no point considering this edge
if (subset1 == subset2)
Is there a quick fix for avoiding this problem?
It might help to back up and think about why there’s a union-find structure here at all and why it’s worth improving on the continue statement.
Conceptually, each contraction performed changes the graph in the following way:
The nodes contracted get replaced with a single node.
The edges incident to either node get replaced with an edge to the new joint node.
The edges running between the two earlier nodes get removed.
The question, then, is how to actually do this to the graph. The code you’ve found does this lazily. It doesn’t actually change the graph when the contraction is done. Instead, it uses the union-find structure to show which nodes are now equivalent to one another. When it samples a random edge, it then has to check whether that edge is one of the ones that would have been deleted in step (3). If so, it skips it and moves on. This has the effect that early contractions are really fast (the likelihood of picking two edges that are part of contracted nodes is very low when few edges are contracted), but later contractions might be a lot slower (once edges have started being contracted, lots of edges may have been deleted).
Here’s a simple modification you can use to speed this step up. Whenever you pick an edge to contract and find that its endpoints are already connected, discard that edge, and remove it from the list of edges so that it never gets picked again. You can do this by swapping that edge to the end of the list of edges, then removing the last element of the list. This has the effect that every edge processed will never be seen again, so across all iterations of the algorithm every edge will be processed at most once. That gives a runtime of one randomized contraction phase as O(m + nα(n)), where m is the number of edges and n is the number of nodes. The factor of α(n) comes from the use of the union-find structure.
If you truly want to remove all semblance of that continue statement, an alternative approach would be to directly simulate the contraction. After each contraction, iterate over all m edges and adjust each one by seeing whether it needs to remain unchanged, point to the new contracted node, or be removed altogether. This will take time O(m) per contraction for a net cost of O(mn) for the overall min cut calculation.
There are ways to speed things up beyond this. Karger’s original paper suggests generating a random permutation of the edges and using binary search over that array with a clever use of BFS or DFS to find the cut produced in time O(m), which is slightly faster than the O(m + nα(n)) approach for large graphs. The basic idea is the following:
Probe the middle element of the list of edges.
Run a BFS on the graph formed by only using those edges and see if there are exactly two connected components.
If so, great! Those two CCs are the ones you want.
If there is only one CC, discard the back half of the array of edges and try again.
If there is more than one CC, contract each CC into a single node and update a global table indicating which CC each node belongs to. Then discard the first half of the array and try again.
The cost of each BFS is O(m), where m is the number of edges in the graph, and this gives the recurrence T(m) = T(m/2) + O(m) because at each stage we’re throwing away half of the edges. That solves to O(m) total time, though as you can see, it’s a much trickier way of coding this algorithm up!
To summarize:
With a very small modification to the provided code, you can keep the continue statement in but still have a very fast implementation of the randomized contraction algorithm.
To eliminate that continue without sacrificing the runtime of the algorithm, you need to do some major surgery and change approaches to something only marginally asymptotically faster than keeping the continue in.
Hope this helps!

Algorithm: Minimal path alternating colors

Let G be a directed weighted graph with nodes colored black or white, and all weights non-negative. No other information is specified--no start or terminal vertex.
I need to find a path (not necessarily simple) of minimal weight which alternates colors at least n times. My first thought is to run Kosaraju's algorithm to get the component graph, then find a minimal path between the components. Then you could select nodes with in-degree equal to zero since those will have at least as many color alternations as paths which start at components with in-degree positive. However, that also means that you may have an unnecessarily long path.
I've thought about maybe trying to modify the graph somehow, by perhaps making copies of the graph that black-to-white edges or white-to-black edges point into, or copying or deleting edges, but nothing that I'm brain-storming seems to work.
The comments mention using Dijkstra's algorithm, and in fact there is a way to make this work. If we create an new "root" vertex in the graph, and connect every other vertex to it with a directed edge, we can run a modified Dijkstra's algorithm from the root outwards, terminating when a given path's inversions exceeds n. It is important to note that we must allow revisiting each vertex in the implementation, so the key of each vertex in our priority queue will not be merely node_id, but a tuple (node_id, inversion_count), representing that vertex on its ith visit. In doing so, we implicitly make n copies of each vertex, one per potential visit. Visually, we are effectively making n copies of our graph, and translating the edges between each (black_vertex, white_vertex) pair to connect between the i and i+1th inversion graphs. We run the algorithm until we reach a path with n inversions. Alternatively, we can connect each vertex on the nth inversion graph to a "sink" vertex, and run any conventional path finding algorithm on this graph, unmodified. This will run in O(n(E + Vlog(nV))) time. You could optimize this quite heavily, and also consider using A* instead, with the smallest_inversion_weight * (n - inversion_count) as a heuristic.
Furthermore, another idea hit me regarding using knowledge of the inversion requirement to speedup the search, but I was unable to find a way to implement it without exceeding O(V^2) time. The idea is that you can use an addition-chain (like binary exponentiation) to decompose the shortest n-inversion path into two smaller paths, and rinse and repeat in a divide and conquer fashion. The issue is you would need to construct tables for the shortest i-inversion path from any two vertices, which would be O(V^2) entries per i, and O(V^2logn) overall. To construct each table, for every entry in the preceding table you'd need to append V other paths, so it'd be O(V^3logn) time overall. Maybe someone else will see a way to merge these two ideas into a O((logn)(E + Vlog(Vlogn))) time algorithm or something.

Check if a changing undirected graph has at least one circle

I have an undirected graph which initially has no edges. Now in every step an edge is added or deleted and one has to check whether the graph has at least one circle. Probably the easiest sufficient condition for that is
connected components + number of edges <= number of nodes.
As the "steps" I mentioned above are executed millions of times, this check has to be really fast. So I wonder what would be a quick way to check the condition depending on the fact that in each step only one edge changes.
Any suggestions?
If you are keen, you can try to implement a fully dynamic graph connectivity data structure like described in "Poly-logarithmic deterministic fully-dynamic graph algorithms I: connectivity and minimum spanning tree" by Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup.
When adding an edge, you check whether the two endpoints are connected. If not, the number of connected components decreases by one. After deleting an edge, check if the two endpoints are stil connected. If not, the number of connected components increases by one. The amortized runtime of edge insertion and deletion would be O(log^2 n), but I can imagine the constant factor is quite high.
There are newer result with better bounds. There is also an experimental evaluation of some of the dynamic connectivity algorithms that considers implementation details as well. There is also a Javascript implementation. I have no idea how good it is.
I guess in practice you can have it much easier by maintaining a spanning forest. You get edge additions and non-tree edge deletions (almost) for free. For tree edge deletions you could just use "brute force" in the form of BFS or DFS to check whether the end points are still connected. Especially if the number of nodes is bounded, maybe that works well enough in practice, BFS and DFS are both O(n^2) for dense graphs and you can charge some of that work to the operations where you got lucky and didn't have a lot to do.
I suggest you label all the nodes. Use integers, that's easiest.
At any point, your graph will be divided into a number of disjoint subgraphs. Initially, each node is in its own subgraph.
Maintain the condition that each subgraph has a unique label, and all the nodes in the subgraph carry that label. Initially, just give each node a unique label. If your problem includes adding nodes, you might want to maintain a variable to hold the next available label.
If and only if a new edge would connect two nodes with identical labels, then the edge would create a cycle.
Whenever you add an edge, you will connect two previously disjoint subgraphs. You must relabel one of the subgraphs to match the other, which will require visiting all the nodes of one subgraph. This is the highest computatonal burden in this scheme.
If you don't mind allocating more space, you should also maintain a list of labels in use, associated with a count of the nodes carrying that label. This will allow you to choose the smaller subgraph when relabeling.
If you know which two nodes are being connected by the new edge, you could use some sort of path finding algorithm to detect an alternative path between the two nodes. In other words, if a path exists which connects the two nodes of your new edge before you add the new edge, adding the new edge will create a circle.
Your problem then reduces to finding the paths between two given nodes.

how to decide whether two persons are connected

Here is the problem:
assuming two persons are registered in a social networking website, how to decide whether they are connected or not?
my analysis (after reading more): actually, the question is looking for - the shortest path from A to B in a graph. I think both BFS and Dijkstra's Algorithms works here and time complexity is exactly the same (O(V+E)) because it is an unweighted graph, so we can't take advantage of the priority queue. So, a simple queue could resolve the problem. But, both of them doesnt resolve the problem that: find the path between them.
Bidrectrol should be a better solution at this point.
To find a path between the two, you should begin with a breadth first search. First find all neighbors of A, then find all neighbors of all neighbors of A, etc. Once B is hit, not only do you have a path from A to B, but you also have a shortest such path.
Dijkstra's algorithm rocks, and you may be able to speed this up by working from both end, i.e. find neighbors of A and neighbors of B, and compare.
If you do a depth first search, then you're following one path at a time. This will be much much slower.
If you do dfs for finding whether two people are connected on a social network, then it will take too long!
You already know the two persons, so you should use Bidirectional Search.. But, simple bidirectional search won't be enough for a graph as big as a social networking site. You will have to use some heuristics. Wikipedia page has some links to it.
You may also be able to use A* search. From wikipedia : "A* uses a best-first search and finds the least-cost path from a given initial node to one goal node (out of one or more possible goals)."
Edit: I suggest A* because "The additional complexity of performing a bidirectional search means that the A* search algorithm is often a better choice if we have a reasonable heuristic." So, if you can't form a reasonable heuristic, then use Bidirectional search. (Forming a good heuristic is never easy ;).)
One way is to use Union Find, add all links union(from,to), and if find(A) is find(B) is True then A and B are connected. This avoids the recursive search but it actually computes the connectivity of all pairs and doesn't give you the paths that connects A and B.
I think that the true criteria is: there are at least N paths between A and B shorter then K, or A and B are connected diectly. I would go with K = 3 and N near 5, i.e. have 5 common friends.
Note: answer edited.
Any method might end up being very slow. If you need to do this repeatedly, it's best to find the connected components of the graph, after which the task becomes a trivial O(1) operation: if two people are in the same component, they are connected.
Note that finding connected components for the first time might be slow, but keeping them updated as new edges/nodes are added to the graph is fast.
There are several methods for finding connected components.
One method is to construct the Laplacian of the graph, and look at its eigenvalues / eigenvectors. The number of zero eigenvalues gives you the number of connected components. The non-zero elements of the corresponding eigenvectors gives the nodes belonging to the respective components.
Another way is along the following lines:
Create a transformation table of nodes. Element n of the array contains the index of the node that node n transforms to.
Loop through all edges (i,j) in the graph (denoting a connection between i and j):
Compute recursively which node do i and j transform to based on the current table. Let us denote the results by k and l. Update entry k to make it transform to l. Update entries i and j to point to l as well.
Loop through the table again, and update each entry to point directly to the node it recursively transforms to.
Now nodes in the same connected component will have the same entry in the transformation table. So to check if two nodes are connected, just check if they transform to the same value.
Every time a new node or edge is added to the graph, the transformation table needs to be updated, but this update will be much faster than the original calculation of the table.

Find connected-blocks with certain value in a grid

I'm having trouble finding an algorithm for my problem.
I have a grid of 8x8 blocks, each block has a value ranging from 0 to 9. And I want to find collections of connected blocks that match a total value of for example 15. My first approach was to start of at the border, that worked fine. But when starting in the middle of the grid my algorithm gets lost.
Would anyone know a simple algorithm to use or can you point me in the right direction?
As far as I know, no simple algorithm exists for this. As for pointing you in the right direction, an 8x8 grid is really just a special case of a graph, so I'd start with graph traversal algorithms. I find that in cases like this, it sometimes helps to think how you would solve the problem for a smaller grid (say, 3x3 or 4x4) and then see if your algorithm scales up to "full size."
My proposed algorithm is a modified depth-first traversal. To use it, you'll have to convert your grid into a graph. The graph should be undirected, since connected blocks are connected equally in both directions.
Each graph node represents a single block, containing the block's value and a visited variable. Edge weights represent their edges' resistance to being followed. Set them by summing the values of the nodes they connect. Depending on the sum you're looking for, you may be able to optimize this by removing edges that are guaranteed to fail. For example, if you're looking for 15, you can delete all edges with weight of 16 or greater.
The rest of the algorithm will be performed as many times as there are blocks, with each block serving as the starting block once. Traverse the graph by following the lowest-weighted edge from the current node, unless that takes you to a visited node. Push each visited node onto a stack and set its visited variable to true. Keep a running sum for every path followed.
Whenever the desired sum is reached, save the current path as one of your answers. Do not stop traversal, because the current node could be connected to a zero.
Whenever the total exceeds the desired sum, backtrack by setting visited to false and popping the current node off the stack.
Whenever all edges for a given node have been explored, backtrack.
After every possible path from a given starting node is analyzed, every answer that includes that node has been found. So, remove all edges touching the starting node and choose a new starting node.
I haven't fully analyzed the efficiency/running time of this algorithm yet, but... it's not good. (Consider the number of paths to be searched in a graph containing all zeroes.) That said, it's far better than pure brute force.
