Linking simple products to configurable product via SOAP API V2 - magento

Does anyone know how to link a configurable product to a simple product via the API?
I don't think the Product Link API does this:
Seems others are having the same issue.. just trying to see if anyone here has a solution:

I haven't seen any solution outside of custom code to save the objects. There are community modules to accomplish this, as I recall.


Umbraco 7.5.x developing for custom data

In Umbraco 7.5, I want to develop a custom 'module' (or whatever it is called in Umbraco) to maintain a product catalog. Products can have images, categories and attributes. Of course, I could make some document types and templates but I don't want to add products as content items. I need to be able to maintain a list of products in the back-end, and then use those products on content pages.
The umbraco documentation for developers is seriously lacking, and the most important pages are throwing 404 errors. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
There is not single place to get all those knowledge. Following articles will be helpful to you to getting started.
Extending backoffice:
Using petapoco (ORM):
I think Ucommerce is the best to use in your situation and it works great with Umbraco.
Here are few links. Hope it helps!
Ucommerce Developer Section
Products Catalog doc

How to show products price from external websites in magento

We have requirement where we need to integrate the price comparison feature on our website in magento just like the below reference link:-
How can we accomplish this in magento by integration some feeds or any other way.
What we need to think through is how to use this in conjunction with data feeds from other sites / portals??
Any Suggestions would be welcome!!

Is it possible to use Twitter Bootstrap to create a Magento site?

A client wants a Magento site done, and I have never used it before. I thought, "Sure, I'll create a standard site using Bootstrap and just query the database for the products". Now that I've been looking into it, it looks like the only way to use Magento is by creating a Theme which doesn't look to be Bootstrap friendly.
Please someone tell me that creating Themes isn't the only legitimate way of creating a Magento site.
Some starting points: (info and code) or demo here (doesn't seem too active though ?)
If this is something you are planning on doing yourself, the second link looks like a promising candidate to download, reverse engineer then cusomise!
Good luck
Newest, Magento 1.8 supported
Yes, Try this Magento Bootstrap framework but it's unstable version.

Magento: adding product from frontend form

I have magento demo shop and for example i want registered user to be available to post a product from frontend? Can anyone hook me up with some code showing how to make it? Is it even possible in magento?
It's certainly possible. It actually shouldn't be all that difficult. You're going to create a module, programmatically create an order, and link this page from somewhere. You should be able to hack one together with the following resources:
Programmatically Creating Orders - Inchoo
Creating a Custom Module part 1-8
yes dear it is possible, you have to create a module for that and i think you give to link/tab in customer account page in front account page you provide form of add new have also provide all option like in magento back end. but some customization are required

Creating a configurable Magento attribute from scratch

I need to extend Magento to allow changing the price of a product based on an attribute, such as size or color. I can't use any in-built facilities Magento might have for this - I need to write the code myself. I'm a beginning Magento developer. Can anybody help? Maybe point me to a guide or walk-through for this on the internet? Thanks!
You may wish to read some of the basic guides on Magento to answer a question like this. This is entirely the point of configurable products and of custom product options.
Hope that helps
