VS 2010 Web Service project template missing? - visual-studio-2010

This may be a silly question, but I can't find the web service application template when I try to create a new project.

You propably want a WCF Service Project: New Project -> Visual C# (or Visual Basic) -> WCF Service Application.

I've just struggled with this one myself.
It's still there buried in specific options.
New Project -> Visual C# (or VB) -> Web (important)
Make sure the .NET Framework Filter is set to 3.5 or lower
The project template is called ASP.Net Web Service Application
Counter intuitively it doesn't show up if you select the broader menu: New Project -> Visual C#

Do a full install on ultimate; it is still there.


How to associate item templates with Project Type in Visual Studio 2019?

I would like to create a new F# Web ASPNET (not Core) Application using the MSBuild based legacy project format, not the SDK project. In Visual Studio 2019, the only available option for this project type is C#. I've attempted to reverse engineer the project setup by creating a new F# class library and modify the ProjectTypeGuids.
The C# Web Application uses the following project type GUIDs
349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21 - ASP.NET MVC 5
fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc - C#
On a basic F# .NET Framework class library, I attempted to add the ASP.NET and F# project type guids to the project.
This succeeded in adding the web configuration to the project properties, but now I am unable to add any items to the project at all. It looks like in the past you needed to associate the right language templates with the project guid in the registry editor (see this link)
These entries don't appear to be anywhere that I can see in the registry, for any installed version of VS (which at this point is just 2017 and 2019). How can I enable F# item templates for my F# web application?
While not exactly an answer to the question, I think the pain of trying to do this is likely proof that you SHOULDN'T do this. In the end my approach will be to simply implement the Web Application in C#, while keeping as much code as possible in F# targeting netstandard.

Can't select .NET Core as framework for Service Fabric Application

When I create a new Service Fabric Application in Visual Studio 2019 (i.e. the project containing the .sfproj file, not an individual service), I can't select .NET Core as the framework for the project. I only get to choose between different versions of .NET Framework. Is this expected or does it have anything to do with my setup? I've migrated all the other projects in the service fabric solution to .NET Core, but I can't migrate the .sfproj project. Although not a huge problem, it would be nice to get rid of .NET Framework entirely.
Steps to reproduce: File > New > Project > Search for and select "Service Fabric Application" > Next
As JayMee points out in the comments, the first selection is for the fabric application and the subsequent selection is for the fabric service. These create two projects in your solution, using sfproj and csproj files, respectively. I chose .NET Framework 4.8 for my app and .NET Core 3.1 for my service.
Note that even though it's called a "service", it is also an application, complete with Program.cs, hence netcoreapp3.1 instead of something like netstandard for a library (this surprised me).
Note also that currently (VS 16.11.2) the app project sfproj file it creates is an old Framework style project file, not a new SDK style project file.

Making MVC templates available in a Class Library (VS 2017)

I have an Umbraco Cloud project I am working on in Visual Studio. Umbraco Cloud provides a script that creates a Visual Studio solution consisting of two projects: An MVC website containing the CMS' files, and a Class Library for the developer's own MVC code. The Class Library project contains a Controllers and a Models folder.
The problem I am having is that Visual Studio's MVC templates are not available from within the Class Library project. When I choose Add > New Item, I get many templates under "Visual C# Items" the Installed list, but nothing for MVC.
I understand that these templates are not needed to create MVC code, but they are helpful for me, and their absence is an inconvenience.
How can I make Visual Studio's MVC templates available in this Class Library project? I looked through this site for solutions, but came up with nothing. Any help is appreciated.

Which Visual Studio project type does PhoneJS use?

I am looking at phoneJs and they talk about using nuget. However they don't say what their solution is. It looks like it is a javascript solution project but I don't see that in VS2012.
It can be ASP.NET project (WebForms, MVC) or Window Store Javascript application.
Screenshots at the page you refer most probably display Windows Store project. This kind of project is only available in Windows 8.
P.S. Additional project templates with PhoneJS are included in DevExtreme: documentation.

After migrating a VS 2005 project to VS 2010, I have web references causing troubles

I have a winform project build on VS 2005 and framework 2. Recently, we moved to VS 2010, but keeping the framework v2 as target.
Everything runs fine except my web references.
When I update the web references, a new file "Reference1.cs" is created, under the reference.map file. This is causing troubles as original "Reference.cs" is still here and all classes are duplicated.
Here is the project structure :
My winform project
Web references
On the reference.map file, I have a custom tool defined : MSDiscoCodeGenerator. This custom tool seems to throw a warning :
Warning 1 A custom tool 'MSDiscoCodeGenerator' is associated with file 'Web References\MyWebService\Reference.map', but the output of the custom tool was not found in the project. You may try re-running the custom tool by right-clicking on the file in the Solution Explorer and choosing Run Custom Tool.
If I run the custom tool, the file reference1.cs is generated...
thanks in advance for the help.
I would try deleting the web reference and re-adding instead of updating.
