cakePHP optional validation for file upload - validation

How to make file uploading as optional with validation?
The code below validates even if i didn't selected any file.
I want to check the extension only if i selected the the file.
If i am not selecting any file it should not return any validation error.
class Catalog extends AppModel{
var $name = 'Catalog';
var $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'rule' => '/^[a-z0-9 ]{0,}$/i',
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'Invalid Catalog name'
'imageupload' => array(
'rule' => array('extension',array('jpeg','jpg','png','gif')),
'required' => false,
'allowEmpty' => true,
'message' => 'Invalid file'
thanks in advance

"I assign $this->data['Catalog']['image'] = $this->data['Catalog']['imageupload']['name'];"
So by the time you save your data array, it looks something like this I assume:
'image' => 'foobar',
'imageupload' => array(
'name' => 'foobar',
'size' => 1234567,
'error' => 0,
Which means, the imageupload validation rule is trying to work on this data:
'name' => 'foobar',
'size' => 1234567,
'error' => 0,
I.e. the value it's trying to validate is an array of stuff, not just a string. And that is unlikely to pass the specified validation rule. It's also probably never "empty".
Either you create a custom validation rule that can handle this array, or you need to do some more processing in the controller before you try to validate it.

In Controller, before validating, or saving (which does validation automatically by default) check if any file is uploaded. If not uploaded, then unset validator for the file field.
Sample code:
// is any image uploaded?
$isNoFileUploaded = ($this->request->data['Model']['field_name']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) ? true : false ;
if ($isNoFileUploaded) {
This solution comes under preprocessing as one of the two alternative approaches (preprocessing in controller, custom validation in model) suggested by #deceze's answer


Magnento module file upload not working

have a Magento module that takes an input and creates a new item off that input. Everything works fine, and I wanted to add a field that would input an image with the item. I made sure to add the corresponding database column, and made sure to make the change every where it would be needed, but when i upload an image through the new input the image field does not send in my post data. I still get an object with all the fields and values from my form but the File field is always omitted. Using $_FILE to try to access it yields nothing also.
Here is the form:
$form = new Varien_Data_Form(array(
'id' => 'edit_form',
'action' => $this->getUrl('*/*/edit', array('embroidery_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParam('embroidery_id'))),
'method' => 'post',
'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset(
'legend' => $this->__('Details')
And here are the fields:
$this->_addFieldsToFieldset($fieldset, array(
'name' => array(
'label' => $this->__('Name'),
'input' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'file_t' => array(
'label' => $this->__('File path'),
'required' => false,
'class' => 'disable',
'input' => 'file',
'name' => 'file_t',
'value' => 'file_t',
Any help or guidance would be appreciated. i already did some googling and looked at all the top results for adding in a file upload field, and I copied some of the code exactly but the post field for the file input is still empty.
For Clarification:
The _addFieldsToFieldset function just loops through the fields array and either fills them in with data or adds the field onto the $fieldset variable. I also tried adding the field straight onto the variable with the following code but it did not work also.
$fieldset->addField('file_t', 'file', array(
'label' => $this->__('File path'),
'required' => false,
'name' => 'file_t',
Here is the function that handles the saving. This function does work, it has been tried and tested multiple times when I submitted other forms, and all the fields were successfully saved, and everything was sent through, but whenever I add the file field on, the post data looks exactly the same, and everything still works, it just does not send the file field through the post.
echo 'TRUE';
var_dump($this->getRequest()->getPost()); exit();
$this->__('The embroidery has been saved.')
// redirect to remove $_POST data from the request
return $this->_redirect(
array('embroidery_id' => $em->getID())
I simplified alot of the code down to only include the important parts. I also have the var_dump function there to troubleshoot the code. The results of var_dump were the whole post array that was sent, except for the file field.
please try to put this form before body end and then submit.
what web browser do you use, and which version of php?

Magento creating custom attribute with custom validations

I need to create an attribute. Also i need to validate that attribute value. So i created a new .js file and add some functions. Then in setup file, i call the function name. But after creating the attribute that validation class wont come with the field.
$installer->addAttribute(MageTest_Module_Model_Name::ENTITY, 'test_value', array(
'input' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Test Value',
'backend' => '',
'user_defined' => false,
'visible' => 1,
'required' => 0,
'position' => 60,
'class' => 'validate-testValue',
'note' => 'This should contains 2 digits. Example 00',
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'validate-testValue' is my js function name. Can anyone help me to solve this please.
Thank You.
to use Magento form validator you have to register your method with the Validator object.
Try something like that in your custom js file
Validation.add('validate-testValue','HERE your error message if the field is not valid',function(fieldValue) {
return Validation.get('IsEmpty').test(fieldValue) || fieldValue == "testValue";
Ok, this example will only validate if your field value is "testValue", not very usefull.
But you can adapt it I guess :)

sending form data via PHP

I'm trying to submit a form using PHP and the mailchimp 2.0 api.
I'm getting an error that says:
FNAME must be provided
My form has a field for the first name:
<input type="text" name="fname">
So it must have something to do with the way I am handling it the php side.
Here is the bit of php that handles FNAME:
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array(
'id' => 'myid',
'email' => array( 'email' => $_POST['email']),
'FNAME' => $_POST['fname'],
'LNAME' => $_POST['lname'],
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false
I'm not sure if I'm forming the array correctly or not.
By the way, I'm using this wrapper, but I think my error has to do with how I create $result and not the wrapper.
Any help would be appreciated.
Peep the example at the bottom of the page you linked to. I've pasted it here:
$result = $MailChimp->call('lists/subscribe', array(
'id' => 'b1234346',
'email' => array('email'=>''),
'merge_vars' => array('FNAME'=>'Davy', 'LNAME'=>'Jones'),
'double_optin' => false,
'update_existing' => true,
'replace_interests' => false,
'send_welcome' => false,
Your merge vars (ex. FNAME and LNAME) need to be in its own array. So, add a 'merge_vars' in your array and create an array that contains your field's merge variables.

CakePHP when using $model->save() validate rules and skip other rules

I'm using CakePHP 2.0 and I have a model that I use validation on it like this:
var $validate = array(
'title' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'on' => 'create',
'message' => 'This title has already been taken.'
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message' => 'The title field is required.'
, and in the controller I have an edit action and I use $model->save() to save date from $this->request->data, but it fails the isUnique validation rule, although it is not a new record insertion.
Is there any way to specify that it is an existing record, not a new one ?
If I got the question right you have to set the model's ID before calling $model->save(); so cakephp knows it's an update.
"Creating or updating is controlled by the model’s id field. If $Model->id is set, the record with this primary key is updated. Otherwise a new record is created:"
// Create: id isn't set or is null
// Update: id is set to a numerical value
$this->Recipe->id = 2;
your validation array is wrong you haven't set a rule for 'required_rule' wich might trigger the isUnique error message.
var $validate = array(
'title' => array(
'rule' => 'isUnique',
'on' => 'create',
'message' => 'This title has already been taken.',
'last' => true
'rule' => array('notEmpty'),
'message' => 'The title field is required.'
Also remember that using required=>true will NOT result check for actual data, it only wants the field to be present in the data-array and "" is also considered as present

CakePHP $this->Plan->validates() Validation from non-model form

I've been at this most of the day now, and I cannot get this working for the life of me (well I can get it 1/2 working but not fully correctly).
Basically, I am trying to use Validation on a search form field like so:
if(isset($search['ApplicantAge']) && !empty($search['ApplicantAge'])) {
if ($this->Plan->validates()) {
$ApplicantAge = $search['ApplicantAge'];
And here is my model code:
'ApplicantAge' => array(
'required' => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'rule' => 'numeric',
'message' => 'A valid Age is required. Please enter a valid Age.'),
The validation is working BUT when I enter a number (numeric), it displays my error! And when it's blank NO error displays, and when I enter letters it seems to work : ( ??
Does anyone know a trick to this odd behavior?
Try using the 'notEmpty' rule instead of the required/allowEmpty stuff.
'ApplicantAge' => array(
'applicant-age-numeric'=> array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'message' => 'A valid Age is required. Please enter a valid Age.'
'applicant-age-not-empty'=> array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message' => 'This field cannot be left blank'
firstly why are you using the field 'ApplicantAge' when the conventions say its should be lower case under scored?
to answer your question the best way to do validation like that is
the other option is to do $this->Model->save($data, array('validate' => 'only'));
The manual did not assist me at all : (
But your suggestion on the validate => only array seems to have done the trick. This is how I got it working:
if (isset($search['ApplicantAge'])) {
$this->Plan->save($search, array('validate' => 'only'));
if ($this->Plan->validates($this->data)) {
$ApplicantAge = $search['ApplicantAge'];
plan.php (model)
var $validate = array(
'ApplicantAge' => array(
'applicant-age-numeric' => array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'message' => 'A valid Age is required. Please enter a valid Age.'),
'applicant-age-not-empty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message' => 'This field cannot be left blank'),
Now, if no data is entered in the ApplicateAge field, the proper message is displayed. And if a non-numeric is entered, the correct message is also displayed.
This was a lot more challenging than I thought it would be!
For the record, I'll make a correction to my earlier accepted post. Little did I know the validate => only on the save() was actually still saving data to my plans table.
I was able to get it working using set(). Here is the code that completely solved the problem:
if (isset($search['ApplicantAge'])) {
if ($this->Plan->validates()) {
$ApplicantAge = $search['ApplicantAge'];
plan.php (model):
var $validate = array(
'ApplicantAge' => array(
'applicant-age-numeric' => array(
'rule' => 'numeric',
'message' => 'A valid Age is required. Please enter a valid Age.'),
'applicant-age-not-empty' => array(
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'message' => 'This field cannot be left blank'),
