Send UDP broadcast on Windows 7 - windows-7

I have a PC with two network cards connected to different networks (multi homed network setup). I want to send UDP broadcast frames on both networks. The senders IP address of the frames must be the IP address of the adapter, that is used to send the frame. The destination address should be the LIMITED BROADCAST address.
The customer application should not run with administrative rights (UAC is not acceptible).
How can I send these UDP frames to the LIMITED BROADCAST address (
How could I send these frames to the NETWORK BROADCAST address (x.y.z.255)?
I know how to do this with raw sockets. But raw sockets can only be used with administrative rights.

Can't you just open two normal UDP sockets and bind one to each of the interface addresses and then simply send to the broadcast addresses ?
This will, as far as I know, deal with the sending on both networks and it will ensure that the packets sent will have the correct ip address. It wont work if you bind a single socket to INADDR_ANY which, of course, WILL work if there's only a single network adapter in the machine. To create a complete solution it's probably best to iterate over the available addresses and create a socket for each, bind to each and send from each.


UDP Packets not Sending Possibly Due to Client Not Found?

I have an application that is very simple. It sends out UDP packets to a client somewhere else on the network.
The host computer is (Windows 10), the client device is (proprietary device).
The host pc cannot see the client device, however I know that it is on and listening to traffic. When I send UDP packets from the host, I use Wireshark and I do not see the packets being sent out. Instead I see messages from ARP trying to locate the client. I assume because ARP is unsuccessful, the host cancels the sending of the packets.
If I change the destination address of the packets to a broadcast address, all of the packets get sent and I see everything on Wireshark. I need to be able to specify the IP address of the client and have Windows send the packets regardless of whether or not it thinks the client device is on the network or not. The client device looks for UDP traffic specifically addressed to itself and the client device has no way of making itself visible on the network.
Does anyone know how to work around this?
Thank you #Remy: instead to create your own ARP record manually. – Remy Lebeau
I did not realize that I could create manual entries in the ARP. I need to read more about ARP. Adding a manual entry solved my issue. I found that you could do it using ASP -s, or add neighbor using NETSH .

Force gateway for IP connection

I have two NICs in my Windows PC, one for Internet and the other for outbound UDP streams. Both NICs have gateways and I tweak the metrics so that Internet bound traffic goes to the first. I would rather disable the gateway on the second NIC and specify the gateway when I create the UDP socket. Is this possible? Can I force the destination MAC address on a socket?
You have to bind() the socket to the local IP address of the NIC you want to use. If you don't know the IP, use GetAdaptersInfo() or GetAdaptersAddresses() to enumerate the NICs until you find the one you want, and then you will know its current IP to bind to.


Say for example, my machine is multi-homed and has two network interfaces:
Wireless LAN adapter WiFi : Ip:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet: Ip:
I create two UDP sockets one listening on (1) and other on (2). The i am assuming the interface is already assigned, then why do i need IP_MULTICAST_IF and IPV6_MULTICAST_IF?
The IP_MULTICAST_IF or IPV6_MULTICAST_IF settings tell your socket which interface to send its multicast packets on. It's a separate, independent setting from the interface that you bound your socket to with bind(), since bind() controls which interface(s) the socket receives multicast packets from.
(Granted, the BSD sockets API implementers could have made the assumption that a socket would always want to send packets out over the same interface it receives packets on, but that would make a number of use cases more difficult; for example, if you are using a single socket to receive multicast packets from all interfaces (via INADDR_ANY), then when sending a packet using that socket you'd still need a way to specify which multicast interface you want that packet to be sent over)

Is it possible : modify packets with a Proxy server

Is it possible that set a proxy for windows (7) and all packets go Through the proxy server ? I mean all packets even ARP packets !
Sure it is take a look at arp spoofing/poisoning basically arp protocol works by machine saying this is my IP address and the router takes note and forwards any packets with this IP to that machine (Mac Address). SO basically you have to send out the arp messages at a faster rate tricking the router that messages should be bound to your machine and not the actual mac address that IP should belong to.
just to note (arp is a LAN protocol) so if your proxy is not within the the subnet as the machine your presumably attacking their is no way you can get these packets

Win32 sockets - Forcing ip packets to leave physical interfaces when sending to other local interfaces

Summary: I'm trying to create sockets to pass data between two physical interfaces that exist on the same machine, and Win32 sockets always forwards the traffic directly in the kernel instead of pushing through the physical interfaces. Is there any way to disable this behavior, perhaps through device settings, registry tweaks, routing table shenanigans, or socket options? We're using Windows XP SP3.
Some background. I'm attempting to build some completely automated IP tests to exercise our custom IPv4 equipment. We have a large lab of Windows XP machines, and individual physical ethernet interfaces for each device we're connecting to. Our devices are effectively ethernet routers each with their own IPs.
We need to send data out our lab machines, through our devices, then back into the same computer. We will be sending Unicast and Multicast UDP, TCP, and broadcast IP traffic through the devices.
We want (and likely need) the traffic to originate on the same machine it is destined to.
To do this, we configure two separate NICs each with their own IP on their own subnet, for instance NIC #1 with and NIC #2 with Our devices then act like simple passthrough routers, and have two interfaces, one on the subnet, one on the subnet, which they just forward packets back and forth from.
To generate our data, we'd like to be able to use Win32 sockets, since it is well-understood, well-supported, what our customers are using, and would probably be the most rapid approach. Packet injection is probably feasible for UDP and broadcast IP, but very likely not so for TCP. I'd entertain ideas that used packet injection, but would strongly prefer standard Win32 sockets.
As stated in the summary, the packets never leave the machine. I've googled like a madman and I've not found much. Any ideas?
Use Windows' command-line ROUTE utility. You can configure it so any IP packet sent to a specific IP address on a specific Subnet gets sent to another IP/device. For example:
Alternatively, if you know the index numbers of the NIC interfaces, you can specify them instead:
This way, whenever a packet is sent to NIC #1's IP, the packet goes to the device connected to NIC #2, which will then pass it on to NIC #1. And vice versa for packets sent to NIC #2's IP.
For instance, this is a useful technique for allowing WireShark to capture local IP traffic if the PC is connected to a network with a router. Packets from one local IP/Port to another local IP/Port can be bounced off the router back to the PC so they travel through physical interfaces that WireShark can monitor (WireShark will see duplicate copies of each local packet - one outbound and one inbound - but you can filter out the duplicates).
Winsock is always going to bring the packet data up into the kernel space and deal with it there. Thats the whole point to a generic API is that any device is dealt with at the same "layer". If you want to stick with Winsock, I don't believe you can (or would want to) work around this behavior.
You can remove some of the buffer copying with TransmitPackets or TransmitFile, but not between two device interfaces.
That being said, are you having a performance issue with the additional buffer coping that Winsock performs? Security concerns?
How about running the endpoints of your tester inside of distinct virtual machines? Then you need only a single piece of hardware, but you'll have separate TCP/IP stacks that don't know each other are local (and most VM solutions pass the packet straight through the host unchanged, I don't think the host is going to grab the packet and send it straight to another VM unless you configure bridging between VMs... but you'll bind each VM to a different physical network adapter).
