Killing a process with taskkill /F returning code 0 - windows

I need to kill a windows process (java.exe). I'm currently using:
taskkill.exe /F /IM java.exe
I need to use the /F option since is a critical process,but in this way I get a return code 1 instead I need a return code 0 (returned when I don't use /F for killing other not critical processes)
how could I fix this problem?
Many thanks

You can try with :
TASKKILL /F /IM "notepad.exe"
You can know more here. Visit this blog too.

Why don't you use PowerShell?
Stop-Process -Name java.exe
From the old command prompt:
powershell -Command "Stop-Process -Name java.exe"

I am using following command on Windows Server 2008R2
Taskkill /IM B2B_Crawler_V2.exe /F
Refer Taskkill and Killing a process in Batch and reporting on success

Execute this in CMD
Get the list of open processes
netstat -a -o -n
And then kill the process on that port with the following command
taskkill /F /PID <pid>


what is the difference if we use delete instead of taskkill

taskkill /F /IM java.exe ---I have use this before but I have 2 java.exe and I have to stop only one.
Now I have tried below command
wmic process where ExecutablePath='C:\Dir1\image.exe' delete
What will be the effect of this changw?
It will only kill/stop the process or it will delete anything?

TASKKILL specific Python script

I have a working TASKKILL command that kills python.exe using Process Name
I'd like to narrow the scope of the command to kill a specific process ( but can't use ProcessID as it changes with every run.
Is there a way I can add detail from the Command Line which knows the python script's name?
Current Command:
Taskkill /IM python.exe /F >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (echo PYTHON.exe NOT FOUND) else (echo PYTHON.exe KILLED)
You might be able to kill it based on your Python script's memory usage. In my case, the Python script is running a GUI, so the size gives it away.
taskkill /f /fi "IMAGENAME eq python.exe" /fi "MEMUSAGE gt 130000"
This reads as, forcefully kill the task (taskkill /f) identified by (/fi) the Python executable (IMAGENAME eq python.exe) which is using more than 130,000KB (MEMUSAGE gt 130000)1.
1 See taskkill /? for builtin help.
N.B. You might find this SO post helpful: Find Windows PID of a python script with Windows Command Prompt. Unfortunately, for me, It Doesn't Work™ but maybe you will have better luck.

How to kill a java application by it's process id from windows cmd?

when i run the command: taskkill /f /pid 16140
I get this : ERROR: The process "16140" not found.
Right click on Name column in Task Manager, check PID to show PID of processes, then execute taskkill /pid {PID}.
Note that some processes cannot be terminated by taskkill, for example Task Manager.
You can kill a process by the process ID (PID) or by image name (EXE filename).
Open up an Administrative level Command Prompt and run tasklist to see all of the running processes:
Image Name PID Session Name Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ ============
firefox.exe 26356 Console 139,352 K
regedit.exe 24244 Console 9,768 K
cmd.exe 18664 Console 2,380 K
conhost.exe 2528 Console 7,852 K
notepad.exe 17364 Console 7,892 K
notepad.exe 24696 Console 22,028 K
notepad.exe 25304 Console 5,852 K
explorer.exe 2864 Console 72,232 K
In the example above you can see the image name and the PID for each process. If you want to kill the firefox process run:
C:\>Taskkill /IM firefox.exe /F
C:\>Taskkill /PID 26356 /F
The /f flag is kills the process forcefully. Failure to use the /F flag will result in nothing happening in some cases. One example is whenever I want to kill the explorer.exe process I have to use the /F flag or else the process just does not terminate.
taskkill /im myprocess.exe /f
The "/f" is for "force". If you know the PID, then you can specify that, as in:
taskkill /pid 1234 /f
Lots of other options are possible, just type taskkill /? for all of them. The "/t" option kills a process and any child processes; that may be useful to you

Taskkill /PID not working in GitBash

I'm trying to kill a process on GitBash on Windows10 using the taskkill command. However, I get the following error:
$ taskkill /pid 13588
ERROR: Invalid argument/option - 'C:/Program Files/Git/pid'.
Type "TASKKILL /?" for usage.
it works fine on cmd. Can anyone help?
You have to use double slashes in this case:
taskkill //PID 13588
This is documented here:
Look at the examples on this page, especially the //foobar example.
Use TSKILL processid
To fix this I need to kill another additional program:
taskkill //F //IM "git-bash.exe"
taskkill //F //IM "bash.exe"
To delete the child processes as well, use the "/T" argument.
taskkill //PID 13588 //T
use double slashes before argument.
This is what actually worked for me:
taskkill /F /IM mintty.exe
What worked for me:
Run Git Bash as administrator
taskkill -f -fi "services eq msiserver"

Batch script to close all open Command Prompt windows

I have a .cmd file which I call to open multiple instances of Command Prompt via:
launcher.cmd -fs
launcher.cmd -tds
launcher.cmd -fsd
Each command open a new command prompt.
So what I want to do is create a batch file to automatically close all the opened Command Prompt instead of manually doing it.
Be carefull: you might kill more processes than you want:
taskkill /IM cmd.exe
You can add extra filters:
taskkill /IM cmd.exe /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq launcher*"
tasklist /FI "imagename eq cmd.exe " /V
to get a glimpse of what cmd.exe processes will be taskkill-ed
You could add the /F parameter to force the process to close but I would only use that if the process doesn't respond to a normal request.
Just a little note why accepted answer from Rene may not work. I was starting my apps from cmd file like
start "" my.exe -my -args
where my.exe was a console app and it was looking like cmd window I wanted to kill, but process name was not cmd.exe (!) and I had to use command like
taskkill /IM my.exe
So in some cases it worth to check the real process name, for example in the windows task manager.
TASKKILL /F /IM cmd.exe /T
good solution
