How do I create an instance of Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException to use with NMock - oracle

I'm using the Oracle.DataAccess.Client data provider client. I am having trouble constructing a new instance of an OracleException object, but it keeps telling me that there are no public constructors. I saw other having the same problem and tried their solutions, but they don't seem to work. Here's my test code:
object[] args = { 1, "Test Message" };
ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(OracleException).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Instance, null, System.Type.GetTypeArray(args), null);
var e = (OracleException)ci.Invoke(args);
When debugging the test code, I always get a NULL value for 'ci'.
Has Oracle changed the library to not allow this? What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do to instantiate an OracleException object to use with NMock?
By the way, I'm using the Client library for version 10g.

OracleException in ODP.NET not the same as OracleException in Microsoft client.
OracleException have 5 constructors information of which you can obtain by GetConstructors().
In the obtained list of the constructors you will see that there are no constructor with parameters (int, string). That why you getting NULL in ci.
If you give a proper list of the parameters you will have proper ConstructorInfo and will be able to call a constructor by Invoke(param);
However, OracleException constructor not designed to be called like this - not all the fields will have a proper information.
I need following OracleException:
ORA-00001 unique constraint (string.string) violated
ORA-03113 end-of-file on communication channel
ORA-03135: connection lost contact
ORA-12170: TNS: Connect timeout occurred
for testing. How do I create them?


EF6.1 Upgrade Issues: To SQL Server CE file Location and [NotMapped] Properties

I really appreciate any insight anyone can provide.
I've come back to a project that was using the EF6.0 rc preview. After updating the projects EF to 6.1 and updating the SQL Server CE I have two problems.
Problems 1 & 2 solved Problem 3 is not.
Now with the path set via a connection string as explained above, migrations called via the package manager are not working as its an invalid path. Any ideas anyone?
When I start up the debug process, I get problem 1 and the exceptions crash; but it does create a .sdf file although in the wrong location as explained in problem 2.
During the initial creation process I get an exception
List<Equipment> duplicateTags = db.EquipmentReg
.GroupBy(e => e.TagAndLocation)
.Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
.SelectMany(g => g).ToList<Equipment>();
The exception is related to the TagAndLocation. TagAndLocation is defined in the model by
/// <summary>
/// Creates concatenation object that will not be mapped in the database but will be in the
/// Object Relational Mapping (ORM) of the EF model.
/// </summary>
public string TagAndLocation { get { return Tag + " (" + Location.Name + ")"; } }
A first chance exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll
Additional information: The specified type member 'TagAndLocation' is
not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members,
and entity navigation properties are supported.
Why is this happening now?
My connection isn't applying the path properly anymore.
I have it being done by a DbConfiguration class which auto runs, I guess due to its inherited class type. As shown below
class HAIDbJob_EFConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public HAIDbJob_EFConfiguration()
SetProviderServices(SqlCeProviderServices.ProviderInvariantName, SqlCeProviderServices.Instance);
// Create the connection string programmatically - Setting the filename and path.
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(new System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlCeConnectionFactory(
System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Databases"),
#"Data Source=" + System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Databases") +
Instead of creating a file in the runtime location ...\bin\Debug\Databases\Hazardous_Area_Database_Job.sdf, it creates it at
Which is the full namespace of the database model... I have tried a few solutions found for other people problems of a slightly different nature, but none of it works. Any ideas would be extremely appreciate.
1: The EF provider attempt to translate TagAndLocation to SQL and fails. You must use LINQ to Objects for this grouping.
2: Why not have a named connectionstring in your app.config, or pass it in the DbContext constructor.
I did a string compare in the group by statement since location has a string member Location.Name.
When I originally wrote this I wanted to dynamically name the database all the time and this is why I wrote the initialiser class.
To get around the problem, I just followed Erik's advice and put a XAML connection string in app.config using "Source=./Databases"..... to get the subfolder.

Exception DateTime OleDbParameter

I’m using Visual Studio 2010. Within the project we add a DataSet, inside it; we have a Query Table Adapter to do all the queries to a SQL Server 2000 Data Base. One of the queries is formed using a Stored Procedure that receives four parameters. One of the parameters is a DateTime data type. Although we have check many times, we are receiving an unexpected exception:
Provider encountered an error while sending command parameter[0] '' value and stopped processing.
Conversion failed for command parameter[1] '' because the data value overflowed the type used by the provider.
Provider encountered an error while sending command parameter[2] '' value and stopped processing.
Provider encountered an error while sending command parameter[3] '' value and stopped processing.
Provider encountered an error while sending command parameter[4] '' value and stopped processing.
Working around this, if we delete the DateTime parameter of the Store Procedure, the query executes successfully otherwise we get the exception mentioned before.
We notice that the DateTime parameter has the property set as follows:
DbType: DateTime
ProviderType: DBTimeStamp
Any approach trying to accomplish the execution of the Query will be greatly welcome.
When I received this error, I had to change my date parameter to tell what the data type was.
Old Way
cmd.Parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("TDate", DateTime.Now));
New Way
OleDbParameter dateParam = new OleDbParameter("TDate", OleDbType.Date);
dateParam.Value = DateTime.Now;

Cast IPrincipal to IClaimsPrincipal returning null

I have inherited come code (an MVC web app) and am having trouble getting it to start.
These two lines exist:
var claimsPrincipal = principal as IClaimsPrincipal;
if (claimsPrincipal == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot convert principal to IClaimsPrincipal.", "principal");
principal is an IPrincipal (in this case a System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal), and is not null.
The first line sets claimsPrincipal to null, so the exception is thrown. I'm assuming it must have worked for someone at some point, and this is a fresh copy from source control. Why would this cast return null for me?
I see that this post is a long time ago. But I encountered the same problem today, and finally I get the way to resolve it.
In framework 4.5 or 4.6, you can directly cast System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal into IClaimsPrincipal, because the first one implements the second one. But in framework 3.5 or 4.0, you cannot do this, becasue the first one doesn't implement the second one.It just implements IPrinciple, not IClaimsPrincipal. You can see it from MSDN link here.
Here it a way to resovle this and get the IClaimsPrincipal object.
var t = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity;
WindowsClaimsPrincipal wcp = new WindowsClaimsPrincipal(t);
IClaimsPrincipal p = wcp as IClaimsPrincipal;
HttpContext.Current.User is a WindowsPrincipal, and finally you can get IClaimPrincipal.
principal might in fact be null. Did you debug that?
Check to see if the type of principal implements the IClaimsPrincipal interface.

porting tigase from derby to hsqldb ... how to call stored Java procedure and throw away (ignore) the result?

Trying to configure tigase to use hsqldb (hsqldb- instead of derby (don't ask why, that's not the point) and everything works fine, except for setting some properties in the end. In Derby I had
CREATE procedure TigAddUserPlainPw(userId varchar(2049), userPw varchar(255))
EXTERNAL NAME 'tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw';
call TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
When I try to replices this with hsqldb by
FOR "tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw";
CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
I get this error message
[root#tikanga scripts]# ./ /var/lib/tigase/db/tigase
SQL Error at '/etc/tigase/database/hsqldb-schema-4-props.sql' line 1:
"CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL)"
Wrong data type: [Ljava.sql.ResultSet; in statement [CALL TigAddUserPlainPw(]
Any idea, what I am doing wrong?
You cannot use the Java static methods as they are. The Result[] parameters are not acceptable to HSQLDB 1.8.x.
It would be easier to convert to HSQLDB 2.0, as its stored procedure support has improved over version 1.8.
Your example shows we need to make some more improvements to HSQLDB to support these procedure declarations.
As far as I know, HSQLDB supports Java functions that return a ResultSet (Fred will correct me if I'm wrong):
You would need a new method:
public static ResultSet tigAddUserPlainPw(
String userId, String userPw) throws SQLException;

Having trouble with Spring.NET caching

I have been reading this post to help me get going on my caching and am running into a problem. When I attempt to do a call to the method below I get the following error:
"Cannot initialize property or field node 'LocalTariffId' because the specified context is null."
I thought the attribute syntax I am using below would use the LocalTariffId property of the result once it returns to cache my data. This error occurs as soon as I attempt to step into the method. It seems to me that it is trying access that property too soon. I must be missing something so any advice you could provide is greatly appreciated!
[CacheResult("AspNetCache", "'LocalTariff.Id=' + LocalTariffId", TimeToLive = "00:10:00")]
public Domain.LocalTariffs.LocalTariff GetDefault(string agencyCode)
I am also getting a weird error after the first error I was hoping somebody could shed some light on. It has to do with log4net at least I think it does. My logging is working so I am not sure what this one is about.
IGCSoftware.HHG.Business.LocalTariffsFacade - Exception thrown in GetDefaultLocalTariff;GetDefaultLocalTariff;9c0bb393-369c-4501-a2ce-9325fe525e38;183341 ms
<log4net.Error>Exception rendering object type [Spring.Core.NullValueInNestedPathException]<stackTrace>System.BadImageFormatException: The parameters and the signature of the method don't match.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeParameterInfo.GetParameters(IRuntimeMethodInfo methodHandle, MemberInfo member, Signature sig, ParameterInfo& returnParameter, Boolean fetchReturnParameter)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.FetchNonReturnParameters()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.GetParameters()
at System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.ToString(TraceFormat traceFormat)
at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Exception.GetStackTrace(Boolean needFileInfo)
at System.Exception.ToString(Boolean needFileLineInfo)
at System.Exception.ToString()
at log4net.ObjectRenderer.DefaultRenderer.RenderObject(RendererMap rendererMap, Object obj, TextWriter writer)
at log4net.ObjectRenderer.RendererMap.FindAndRender(Object obj, TextWriter writer)</stackTrace></log4net.Error>
You can't use the returned object to generate the key of the CacheResult attribute.
You have to use parameters of the method to generate the key (here '#agencyCode').
