Any way to programmatically force IE8 to open popups in a new window instead of a tab? - internet-explorer-8

Is there a way to programmatically instruct IE8 to open a popup in a new window rather than a new tab? I know that IE supports modal windows but I have a bunch of legacy code with ordinary popups.
I am using Javascript's method to create popup windows. However, when a user has their IE8 settings set to "Always open popups in a new tab", the popup is launched in a new tab rather than a new window.

Using html, the best you can do is set open page target to blank. Everything else is controlled by the client side and they can choose to open it in a new window or tab.
However, you can use javascript to open the window. Create Link to open in new window here

Since no one else is chiming in... After doing further research, it seems that you cannot force a pop-up to open into a new window when an IE8 user has the following browser setting enabled: Tools>>Internet Options>>Tabs>>When a pop-up is encountered:>>Always open pop-ups in a new tab.
Since I am in an Intranet environment, I have the option of locking down a users IE settings to either "Let Internet Explorer decide how pop-ups should open" or "Always open pop-ups in a new window".
I don't really care to exercise the above option so in order to get the desired user experience, I will resort to making one of the following code changes:
Convert existing pop-ups to IE specific Modal Dialogs using the showModalDialog() method.
Convert existing pop-ups to Javascript Modal Dialogs using jqModal or some other jQuery plug-in.

If you opt to let Internet Explorer decide how to display pop-ups, it
will display the pop-up in a new window if the pop-up specifies size
or display requirements. Otherwise, the pop-up is displayed in a new
So if you don't set any specific window requirements and it should open in a new tab, unless a user has changed these settings.


Handle Webpage dialog box in selenium

I am automating an web application through selenium, in that application on click of Search button a web page dialog box appears.
This dialog box is not identified by developer tool, developer tools still identifies parent window.
Driver.getwindowhandles is returning count of 1, which looks like the dialogbox is not a child window.
Tried Alert, frames, iframes but none them has identifed this dialog box.
Also this popup is not a window pop up.
Can someone please suggest how to handle this kind of webpage dialog box.
This is a nightly job, so i cannot use Robot class , AutoIT or sikuli because these require an active window session.

Is there a way to make the displayed tab in Firefox "follow" the opened Inspector window(s)?

When I am debugging frontend work, I frequently have multiple Inspector windows open at the same time, each inspecting a different page. As I change Inspector windows, I would like the displayed tab or window to follow me. In other words, I would like the browser to always automatically change to the page I am inspecting; I do not want to change Inspector windows, then go to the browser and find the corresponding tab or window myself.
Is this possible in Firefox? Is it possible in any browser?
(I realize I could dock the Inspector to each tab or window. I do not want to do that because I use the multiple Inspector windows side-by-side for comparison.)
While I am not aware of any way to switch to the target browser tab when selecting a given inspector window, you can certainly do it the other way around:
Say you have 3 tabs opened, and you have opened devtools for each them, in window-mode (undocked). Now, whenever you select any of these 3 tabs, if you just hit F12 (or ctrl+shift+I/cmd+alt+I), then the corresponding devtools window will be brought to the front.
That's an easy way to keep track of which devtools window is linked to which browser tab.
Now, doing this the other way around would require a new feature to be implemented. This can't really be automatic (or at least hidden behind a config of some sorts) because it could be considered frustrating to some users, having their current tab being switched away from each time they click in a devtools window.
I have filed this bug to get it done:

xul dialog box wont have maximize and minimize buttons after updating firefox to version 32.0

used dialog tag in xul for a dialog box for an xul application.Earlier before firefox update the tool had maximize and minimize buttons but after update the buttons are no longer there in the tool.
MDN Docs: Window.openDialog,, <window>, <dialog>, <dialogheader>, Dialogs and Prompts
Without all of: The Firefox version from which you were upgrading, the version you upgraded to, the code you are using to open the window, and the XUL used to describe the window it is difficult to provide you with an answer which actually covers what you want to know.
MDN has the following to say on dialog windows: "Dialog windows are windows which have no minimize system command icon and no maximize/restore down system command icon on the titlebar nor in correspondent menu item in the command system menu. They are said to be dialog because their normal, usual purpose is to only notify info and to be dismissed, closed. On Mac systems, dialog windows have a different window border and they may get turned into a sheet."
That makes is clear that dialog windows do not normally have the controls you are asking about.
However, you can pass minimizable in the features parameter of the or window.openDialog() functions to turn on minimize control.
In general, if you want a dialog to have minimize and maximize buttons, you have to open it as a normal window with You can limit the other toolbars that it has at the top by supplying appropriate parameters in the call. You can also make it modal, like some dialogs. You then create your own OK and Cancel buttons with appropriate code to accept the information in the dialog or cancel. Basically, if you want a maximized window for a dialog it should usually be doing quite a bit. In such case, you probably want more control over how your window looks than is available from a dialog window. Dialogs are, generally, subset of what windows can do with the ability to have a few buttons easily provided.

Coded UI testing in multiple IE browser windows

I am testing a chat client at a web service. I thought the best way to do this was to open the website in one internet explorer window, log in, open the chat. Then open a new IE window(in private mode so that the log in details will be forgotten) go the the page and then log in with another user and open the chat, and then start chatting with the other user in the other browser window.
The problem is when I have done everything in the first window and I open a new window, all actions are triggered in the first window even though the second window is selected. Is there any way to select which browser window to use? Or are there better ways to test this functionality without opening two internet explorer windows?
Solved: I solved this by opening a new window in private mode. When I wanted to do actions in that window I defined the browser window as:
BrowserWindow privateWindow = new BrowserWindow();
You need to find some characteristic of the two IE windows that is different and ensure that it is included in the search criteria used to find the two windows. However modern browsers are complex, the distinction between windows and tabs it not always clear; window titles can change depending on which tab is selected.
Specific windows are selected by setting the properties of the UITestControl objects (and of derived objects). In the UI Map editor the properties panel has fields for the "Windows Title" and the "Search Criteria". For some controls there is also a "Filter Properties" field. The same fields are available if hand coding rather than recording tests.

Internet Explorer 8 - Session Shared among Explorer Window

IE 8 sharing session among different Explorer Window for same domain.
Like if you are a logined at in IE 8, and you have open another explorer window for, you will automatically logined.
This was not in IE 7, In IE 7 session has shared in the same explorer tab rather different Explorer Window.
Can anyone have a idea about this, Whether it is bug or something else in IE 8
File -> New Session
Well, it is not a bug. Browsers usually share data via cookies. IE8 have this 'new session' feature to let you use multiple email accounts (and similar services) with multiple browsers.
Modify IE8 Shortcut to Permanently Launch New IE Browser Window in New Session
Right click on the IE8 shortcut (all IE8 shortcuts or icons on desktop, Start Menu, Quick Launch bar or Taskbar that you want it to run as a new instance session have to be changed), and choose Properties from the right click context menu. Then, append -nomerge to the end of the of the program path in “Target” text box at “Shortcut” tab. For example,
“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” -nomerge
Create a new shortcut to ieplore.exe, add the -nomerge switch. This will always start a new session.
I prefer using "Run" and just type "iexplore.exe -nomerge"
Your question isn't that clear.
Are saying in IE8 when you open a new window that window shares the same session as the previous window hence any login made in one is shared by the other?
If so then that would be normal behaviour and not any different to the way IE7 handled it.
OTH are you saying that when you open a new window in IE8 it doesn't continue to share the same session as the previous window? If you mean using the New Window action from the Page menu then that would appear to be a bug to me but it doesn't happen on my copy of IE8.
If by new window you mean starting a new instance of IE from quick links or Start menu then it would be correct for that to start a new session and not share session cookies with the other session you have running.
I suspect this last is the real situation, previously the standard IE link added to Start Menu or Desktop would simply open a new window using one of any existing IE sessions currently running, IE8 doesn't do that it will invoke a new session from this link.
You can prevent new windows from sharing session cookies by File -> New Session, however you cannot prevent new tabs from sharing data by default.
Any new window that you open (using iexplore.exe and not openning from inside another window) shares the same session as any previous.
Open a window and log in into your bank account.
Open another window (blank window).
Close the bank account window by clicking on the X.
Wait 5 minutes (just to emphasize the problem).
open another window and type the bank account address.
Result => You are logged into the bank account.
Don't tell me that this is not a bug. This is a huge one! (maybe a design bug)
Most users do not expect this behavior and complain that there is a "problem with our site" because they have another window open on some radiostation which makes sure the session of another site is persisted, I then have to explain to them that Microsoft/Google decided that that's the "right" way. The default should be -nomerge and not the other way around.
