Apache ant deleting directories no matter what - windows

How do I get Apache Ant to delete a directory no matter what. I want it to be deleted even if there are locks or usages of the directory on windows.
I am using a continuous integration remote agent on a Windows box which fails to delete the build directory and as a result fails the build. This is extremely annoying and is disruptive to the statistics.
There is nothing actively using the directory, and the antivirus is disabled.
I just want to delete the directory no matter what. How can I achieve that on Windows with Apache Ant?

I think you will need external program to do this.
check this one:
here you have comparison of unlocking tools.Check this with command line interface:
If you know what process is holding your folder you can just call taskkill...(you can even kill explorer.exe but and you can start it again)
and if your folder is shared you can use net delete command

The best you can do in Ant is to set the parameters: quiet="true" and includeemptydirs="true" in order to prevent the build halting when the directory is missing or when a lock exists and to delete the top level directory even if it is empty. Eg:
<delete quiet="true" includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="stubbornDir"/>
You can also make sure that the resources you are attempting to delete are not read only, so include something like this in your script before your <delete> task:
<!-- The following only works on UNIX -->
<chmod perm="a+w">
<fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<exclude name="${app.context.path}"/>
<!-- Win NT alternative -->
<echo message=" To permit file deletion, execute attrib.exe to change read permissions on: ${dist.dir}"/>
<exec dir="${dist.dir}" executable="attrib.exe" os="Windows NT,Windows 2000,Windows XP">
<arg line="-R **/*.jar"/>
But, to answer your question, I'm afraid, using Ant, it is not possible to delete files or directories when a lock exists.
However, also be aware, if you have used the <javac> task earlier in your script, then unless you have set fork="true", the task will lock all files in your classpath and keep them locked during the entirety of your build.
Hope this helps!


In eclipse executing Sass with ANT task. Why have I to set 'executable' to 'sass.bat' instead of 'sass'?

I have this ANT task to execute Sass in an eclipse project:
<project basedir="." default="sass">
<target name="sass">
<apply dest="www/styles" executable="sass">
<fileset dir="styles" includes="*.scss"/>
<mapper from="*.scss" to="*.css" type="glob"/>
It works fine in Ubuntu. In Windows 7 I have to set the executable as sass.bat.
This is the error:
Buildfile: D:\my_workspace\my_project\build.xml
D:\my_workspace\my_project\build.xml:3: Execute failed: java.io.IOException:
Cannot run program "sass" (in directory "D:\my_workspace\my_project"):
CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
Total time: 326 milliseconds
Both, sass and sass.bat can be invoked from the command line so as the Ruby/bin folder is in system PATH variable.
I don't want to mantain two versions of this file for different OS.
How can I solve this?
[not an answer-but too big for comment ]
Windows shell understand how to expand pathext. Ant does not interpret - it only try .exe, not others.
See comments for Windows Users
The task delegates to Runtime.exec which in turn apparently
calls ::CreateProcess. It is the latter Win32 function that defines
the exact semantics of the call. In particular, if you do not put a
file extension on the executable, only ".EXE" files are looked for,
not ".COM", ".CMD" or other file types listed in the environment
variable PATHEXT. That is only used by the shell.
Note that .bat files cannot in general by executed directly. One
normally needs to execute the command shell executable cmd using the
/c switch.
A common problem is not having the executable on the PATH. In case you get an error message
Cannot run program "...":CreateProcess error=2. The system cannot find
the path specified. have a look at your PATH variable. Just type the
command directly on the command line and if Windows finds it, Ant
should do it too. (Otherwise ask on the user mailinglist for help.) If
Windows can not execute the program add the directory of the program
to the PATH (set PATH=%PATH%;dirOfProgram) or specify the absolute
path in the executable attribute in your buildfile.
I've solved it by adding the conditional variable exec_file with value sass.bat for Windows family OS and sass for other.
<project basedir="." default="sass">
<condition property="exec_file" value="sass.bat" else="sass" >
<os family="windows" />
<target name="sass">
<apply dest="www/styles" executable="${exec_file}">
<fileset dir="styles" includes="*.scss"/>
<mapper from="*.scss" to="*.css" type="glob"/>

How to preserve exec file in ant copy task

I have created Java FX bundle for Mac OS X using Ant. It creating bundle with two files -
1. MyApplication.app
2. MyApplication.dmg
I wish to copy both files at other folder, so I wrote command in my build.xml as -
<copy todir="my_new_folder">
<fileset dir="old_folder\bundles"/>
It copying both files successfully at "my_new_folder". But on running .app from "my_new_folder" not launching my application though it is launching from "old_folder" correctly.
On comparing copied app I found that on exec (Unix Executable File) resided at MacOS folder ("Show Package Contents/Contents/MacOS") not preserving, its kind been changing in document file.
How to preserve its kind to Unix Executable File as I am simply executing simple copy directory.
Neelam Sharma
As noted in the ant copy task guide:
Unix Note: File permissions are not retained when files are copied; they end up with the default UMASK permissions instead. This is caused by the lack of any means to query or set file permissions in the current Java runtimes. If you need a permission-preserving copy function, use this instead:
<exec executable="cp" ... >
So, in your case, replace <copy> with:
<exec executable="cp">
<arg line="-R old_folder/bundles my_new_folder"/>
(note that you should use forward slashes, even if this ant script is being used under Windows).

Problem with CruiseControl.net configuration

I started using ccnet to build my project. This is quite new issue for me so I have some problems.
First thing: Why does ccnet copy directory with my project to another directory (ccnet creates new folder named the same as project name included in ccnet.config file and copies to them directory with my project)
Second thing: Dashboard page cannot show reports for recent build (When I click on any item in recent build then I get page: "The page Cannot be found" I suppose that page cannot link files with logs. but I don't know how to link it.
I create one publisher:
<xmllogger logDir="c:\Branches" />
Can anyone help me?
Just a question, does the batch file "C:\Branches\Scripts\Build Release.bat" perform that step?
Because I can't see anything obvious within the CruiseControl config to copy the files into "c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Sever\TestProject"...
In build Release script I just call devenv to compile my project
Not sure I fully understand the 'first thing' if you can elaborate on it I'll try to help.
On our system it performs an SVN checkout of the code to a specified location and builds it there. Even though our CCNet installation is on the same box as the SVN repository it still needs somewhere separate to build the project.
On the 'second thing' it sounds like you have not set the <webURL> element properly - not a major problem. If you can post your config file that may help (with both issues).
Our CCNet installation pretty much worked out of the box but it is pretty fussy about it's config files. Have you made any changes to the dashboard.config file or is it as installed?
[Edit in response to posted config file]
I can't see anything in this config that will cause CCNet to copy the project to c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Server\TestProject. It could be something to do with the way you are calling devenv in your batch file - do you specify any paths in there?
Based on your config file and assuming you have an out of the box installation, your <webURL> element should read something like this:
On top of all that I would highly recommend that you drop the use of .bat files and devenv.exe for building your projects. Although this is the way I started with CCNet I quickly found that using NAnt and MSBuild well worth the effort.
I Try explain it more.
I have my local copy of repository on the path: "c:\Branches\trunk"
here is my config file:
<project name="testProject">
<intervalTrigger name="interval trigger" seconds="600" initialSeconds="30" />
<sourcecontrol type="svn" autoGetSource="true">
<description>Compile program</description>
<executable>C:\Branches\Scripts\Build Release.bat</executable>
<xmllogger logDir="C:\Branches\Trunk\Logs" />
<state type="state" directory="C:\Branches\Trunk\Logs"></state>
I didn't change anything in dashboard.config File.
cnet copy all folder c:\Branches\Trunk
to new folder c:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\Sever\TestProject
First problem was cause because in previous version of config file i use filesystem as sourcecontrol. Right now this problem don't occur.
Second problem is not resolved, But I have one Idea, Does any configuration files should be placed in virtual directory?

Checking a file out (TFS) for a pre-build action

I've added a pre-build action for an ASP.NET web control (server control) project, that runs jsmin.exe on a set of Javascript files. These output files are part of the source control tree and are embedded into the assembly.
The problem is when the pre-build runs, jsmin can't write the file as it's readonly. Is it possible to check the file out before hand? Or am I forced to set the file's attributes in the command line.
Any improved solution to the problem is welcome.
One small issue with Mehmet's answer -you need to prepend the VS directory:
"$(DevEnvDir)tf" checkout /lock:none "$(ProjectDir)myfile"
If you're using Team Foundation Server, you can use team foundation command line utility (tf.exe) to check out the file(s) during pre-build and then check them back in during post-build. If you're using something else for source control, you can check if they have a command line tool like tf.exe.
If you do not want to check the files in as part of the build (which you normally wouldn't for this sort of thing) then I would simply set the attributes of the .js files before running jsmin on them. The easiest way of setting the files read-writeable is to use the the Attrib task provided by the MSBuild community extensions. The same community extensions also provide a JSCompress task for easily calling JSMin from MSBuild.
Therefore you'd have something like the following (not tested):
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" />
<!-- rest of TFSBuild.proj file -->
<Target Name="AfterGet">
<Message Text="Compressing Javascript files under "$(SolutionRoot)"." />
<CreateItem Include="$(SolutionRoot)\**\*.js">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="JsFiles"/>
<Attrib Files="#(JsFiles)" ReadOnly="false"/>
<JSCompress Files="#(JsFiles)" />
Note that by modifying the files after getting them may well cause issues if you tried to move to an incremental build.

How to copy a build to test server?

Hope someone can assist me with this. Have TeamCity up and running and doing builds on various projects. I'd like to be able to copy/deploy a successful TeamCity ran build to a test server automatically.
I was thinking of using PowerShell to do this but, am open to other ideas. Can some provide me with info on how I can accomplish this.
I use WGet. Here are the instructions for forming the team city URL. You can do a WGet in powershell, but if you only wanted powershell for this functionality, you can just use a plain wget utility for windows.
EDIT: Here is an example from our QA deployment (names changed to protect the guilty):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NcFTP\wget.exe" "http://teamcityserver.domain.com:8111/guestAuth/repository/download/bt6/.lastFinished/Artificat.ear"
The location of the wget isn't relevant, that is just where it happens to be. The guestAuth part of the parameter specifies the authentication type (in our case we enabled guest authorization to not have to bother with passwords - it is an internal server only anyway and protected by firewalls). The options are in the documentation I linked to.
The other interesting feature of the parameters is the bt6. That is the unique key of the build, and is different for every project. You can discover what it is by navigating the team city website to the configuration of that build - it will be there. There are also instructions for referencing the configuration by name, but we found that was too verbose to bother with.
I've been implementing this for our applications today. Using msbuild. I have found this very useful as we can add in custom steps such as modifying config files, archiving live builds and notifying people of changes.
Here is a build script you may find useful. It precompiles the application and then copies it into the deploy directory.
<Project xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" DefaultTargets="Deploy">
<WebsiteProject>[Project name here]</WebsiteProject>
<Target Name="Deploy">
<RemoveDir Directories="$(WebsitePublishDirectory)" />
Debug="false" />
<PublishedFiles Include="$(WebsitePublishDirectory)\**" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(PublishedFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(WebsiteDeployDirectory)\%(RecursiveDir)" />
You could also install a TeamCity agent on the test server. That's actually how TeamCity was intented to be used.
I created a Post Build Script in Visual Studio like this:
exit 0
Then on the TC-server I have a .bat that looks like this:
net use r: \\WebSite password /USER:domain.com\administrator
xcopy "C:\TeamCityBuild\path\WebSite*" "r:\" /R /Y /E
r: \\WebSite /DELETE
if errorlevel 1 goto buildFAILED
echo Wehej!!!
exit 0
echo Oh NOOO!!!
exit 1
'R:' is a mapped drive to the test server.
The error handling is only needed to avoid script errors when someone builds the project on a environment without the correct folder structure.
So far everyting is working great!
