Silverlight f5 debugging error - debugging

I am attempting to create a simple silverlight 4 application in visual studio 2010 ultimate running on windows 7 x64 and I am unable to use f5 debugging.
The error is:
Unable to start debugging. A fatal
error occurred. For more details,
please see the Microsoft Help and
Support web site. HRESULT=0x8004005.
In researching this I see a few people who say that reinstalling the developer runtime will correct the issue. I have done this several times but the issue remains. I have also tried running without debugging (works fine) and then attaching the debugger to the ie silverlight process, however this doesn't work either (it only breaks on the 'throw new Error(...)' javascript eval code.
I can do f5 debugging of projects without issue.
I have looked at several other silverlight debugging posts and either their error is different or their solution did not work for me.

This appears to have been caused by a windows phone 7 tools beta. By uninstalling it and installing the rtm version, the issue went away. shrug


Error occurred while starting debugger for ASP.NET Core application on VS2015.3

I am teaching myself how to build websites using core/mvc6. For the same, I installed VS2015 update 3 community edition. I have extensive background with C# and .NET Framework, but not much with web applications
I am just trying to create a simple project and start debugging, but the debug mostly (say 90% times) fails with the below message
An error occurred attempting to determine the process id if the
{APPLICATION} which is hosting your application
You can reproduce my issue by following the below steps:
Create a new "ASP.NET CORE" application in visual studio, using default selections
Build the project successfully without errors or warnings
Click the "Start Debugging" button
I get the "Debug is starting" progressbar,
After that it mostly fails but sometimes succeeds in starting the debug session. When it fails, I get the below message.
When it succeeds I first get a dialog complaining about 64 bit debugging and then the debug session starts fine.
I have tried the below with no luck
I can run fine the website through Visual Studio without debugging.
I can also debug and run fine a .NET core console application from within VS.
I have Avira (antivirus) and ZoneAlarm (Firewall) installed on the machine where I am trying all this. I have tried exiting ZoneAlarm and stopping real-time protection on Avira and set my UAC to not prompt, and then try debugging, but no luck. I cannot uninstall those items for trying.
I have tried repairing VS2015.3. I have also tried uninstalling and installing cleanly VS2015.3.
If I follow the below steps, the debugger starts fine (sometimes with the 64 bit debugging warning). I am sure that attaching the debugger to the running website would also work fine:
Start Debugging using F5
Right click IIS Express and browse to the application quickly
The debug works fine, if I use the kestrel web-server
I have tried using ASP.NET Core 1.0.1 and 1.1.0.
Using IE instead of Chrome did not make any difference
I even tried using VS 2017 RC2
I would like to be able to debug without any "hacks" and also, get rid of the 64 bit slowness complains
It works fine in my VS2015.3 (version 14.0.25431.01) based on your steps and successful no matter how many times I debug it.
Please check your .NET Core version to make sure it is the latest version first. The latest version should be NET Core 1.0.3. You could get it from this link:
And according to the message when you could successful debugging, your are using some 3rd party networking software. So please make sure you closed all other programs when debugging.
In addition, I found you are debugging using Chrome. Please choose Internet Explorer to confirm whether this issue related to the Chrome.

Silverlight 5.0 debugging issue on Windows 10

I've recently upgraded my OS to Windows 10. I have a very basic Silverlight 5 application which gives me Unable to start Debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime Not Installed. Please Installed a matching version error in VS 2010 whenever I am trying to run the project.
I have :
Target Silverlight version is set to Silverlight 5 in web project.
I have installed Silverlight SDK, Silverlight5_Tools with SP1 installed & Silverlight Runtime which is 64-bit.
After doing all these steps and going through many online posts, still I'm unable to resolve this issue.
My Doubts are :
Do the Windows 10 upgrade has anything to do with this situation?
Windows 10 comes with a new browser Edge, is this because of this browser? Like Silverlight compability.
Again I am not sure but these are my doubt. Any suggestions?
Do you have a 64 bit OS ?
If so - uninstall Silverlight (developer!) and make sure you install the silverlight.exe (developer!) not the 64 bit version.
That worked for me.
Go to the properties of the Web folder start project. Click Web on the left tab. Unclick Silverlight in the debuggers.
Not a total solution but at least it allows you to debug other portions.
I had this issue and Uninstalling and Reinstalling didn't work.
Error in debug mode (F5 Debug solution configuration) was "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
In Debug configuration I would get the above error but finally I put the solution into release mode and it worked - then back to debug mode and everything worked without error.
Seems like a really odd fix but sure enough closing and re-opening the solution everything works now - Same install procedure as OP.
Another thing that's interesting is, the Debug only works in Chrome. If I target IE or edge I still get "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
I uninstalled Silverlight and then installed Silverlight_Developer.exe. I also switched default browser in Visual Studio to Internet Explorer (I have Edge otherwise which won't work...).
Nice to see some more people also using Silverlight these days, hehehe.
This is a really old thread, but I just ran into this issue with a project. I was getting the message that the Developer runtime was not installed, but in fact it was, and another similar project ran just fine on the same machine with the same version of VS 2015.
The fix was to ensure that the startup project is the WEB project, not the Silverlight project. Somehow, the default startup project got switched to the SL project. After I switched back, then it worked just fine.

Losing focus/stealing focus in visual studio 2013

While running my application in debugging mood in visual studio 2013 it keeps loosing focus from my browser and the IDE. If i stop debugging then the problem doesn't occur.
I am using windows 8.1.
This is being one heck of a problem and cant find a proper solution. Would be a great help anyone can give me solution for it.
I had the same problem running windows 8.1 on a Lenovo w540. To solve this I used the code from this post. It turned out to be wermgr.exe trying to report an error in xrdd.exe which is the X-Rite Device Services Manager. This has never run correctly on my machine. I still get warnings about my monitors needing to be re-profiled for colour calibration.
Anyway I'm not sure if the problem lies with windows reporting the error or xrdd.exe itself but I have uninstalled X-Rite Device Services Manager and this has solved the problem for me.

Windows 8.1 Apps not Compiling

Recently, I needed to refresh my Windows 8.1 PC, and now that I have finally finished getting all of my programs reinstalled and everything is back to normal, I am ready to finish work on my Windows 8.1 app, but I am having an issue with compiling my apps. Every time I try to compile, I get the following error.
Now normally when I need to refresh my developer licesnse, Visual Studio tells me, but this time I didn't get any prompt at all, and that is the error that I got when trying to compile. How can I fix this? I am installing updates for Visual STudio at the moment, and I am hoping that doing so will somehow magically fix the problem, but I am also aware that it probably won't.
EDIT: Now that I have updated, the message has been shortened to "Can't resolve Windows.metadata."
For some reason, even though the Windows 8.1 SDK is supposed to be installed with Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, it wasn't for me. I was able to find the Windows 8.1 SDK by Googling it, and it came up as the top result. I installed it, and suddenly all of my errors went away and Visual Studio started recognizing them as legitimate Windows 8.1 app code.

Intermittent IIS8/Visual Studio 2010 debugging issue

I have an intermittent issue when trying to debug local IIS sites.
Visual will hang and eventually displays the error:
The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server
If I wait a minute and hit "Start Debugging" again it will work (sometimes I may get the error several times but it eventually works).
There is nothing in the Event Viewer around the times I try to debug.
The app pool is .net V4.0 Integrated.
I am running Windows 8 Pro with IIS 8 and Visual Studio 2010.
Also its a site using EpiServer 6 R2.
I have tried IISReset, stopping/starting the site, closing and reopening Visual, rebooting my machine. None of that seems to make a difference, its hit and miss whether the solution will debug or not.
Once the solution is debugging, it runs fine without issue. Until I stop debugging and try and start debugging again.
The site runs fine in all other aspects, its only when I try to debug.
So... I never fixed this issue, but have since upgraded to a solid state drive. So I now have a fresh install of Windows 8 Pro and Visual and the issue has not resurfaced.
