Mysterious cross-server display issue - internet-explorer-8

I have a problem I haven't seen before. I am doing a realign on our company's website and am testing locally. However, when I upload to our test server I notice display discrepancies within the same browser (IE8)!
Here is a screenshot of the two pages, both viewed in IE8 but residing on different servers. In the page on the right, you can see there is a weird chunk of white space to the side underneath the .swf file.
Can anyone give any insight as to why the same page on distinct servers would look different in the same browser? I have also noticed a couple of other cross-server bugs within Firefox.

One possibility that comes to mind is IE8's compatibility mode. There is the X-UA-Compatible header directive that forces IE8 into compatibility mode or out of it. Maybe one of the servers sends out that information.
Try adding a compatibility mode directive to the header and see whether it has any effect:
<!-- Mimic Internet Explorer 7 -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" >
and alternatively:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=100" > <!-- IE8 mode -->
Reference at MSDN: Defining Document Compatibility


Force IE8 to use Browser compatibility view

I have a page using the mixitup jquery script.
It works perfectly in Chrome, Opera and IE11.
But I need it to work in IE8 too.
I have the script working in IE8, just without the fancy animations, which is fine.
Except, it only works in IE8 when I set the browser compatibility view to 'Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View'.
In the screenshot below, it shows different version, but you can see what option I mean, the second one rather than the first one.
I have tried entering the following meta to the top of page:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1">
and also:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" >
But both those just seem to force the 'Internet Explorer 8', the equivalent to the top options in the screenshot... not the second one, which I need.
Can that be done?
If I understand your question correctly then may be below explanation will help you.
Using <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=" _______ " />
The Standard User Agent modes (the non-emulate ones) ignore <!DOCTYPE> directives in your page and render based on the standards supported by that version of IE (e.g., IE=8 will better obey table border spacing and some pseudo selectors than IE=7).
Whereas, the Emulate modes tell IE to follow any <!DOCTYPE> directives in your page, rendering standards mode based the version you choose and quirks mode based on IE=5
Possible values for the content attribute are:
If meta tag solution wasn't working for you then set it
header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge,chrome=1');

HTML1113: Document mode restart from IE9 Standards to Quirks

When I am trying to upload a file using ieframe in IE9<, am getting the error in developer tools:
HTML1113: Document mode restart from IE9 Standards to Quirks
Hence the upload status is not displayed. I tried using meta tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"> but it's still not working.
Can any one throw some light on it.
According the IE11 console error reference:
"HTML1113: Document mode restart from [mode] to [mode]
The webpage requires a different document mode than the browser was
currently set to.
This message can occur when the user browses from another page, so it can be out of the developer's control."
Given your description, it sounds like your child frame is embedded within a larger document. If that's the case, verify that the document modes of both document are consistent. If one requires standards mode, the other should be using it as well.
For best results, use the HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>) for all documents; this will trigger standards mode (or edge mode, as it's now called) in each version of IE. If you're not able to do this, then you may wish to try opening the framed document in a new window, rather than embedding it on a parent document.
Hope this helps...
-- Lance

DD_belatedPNG not working in IE8?

Might anyone know why DD_belatedPNG works wonders for my transparent pngs in IE6 and IE7, but not in IE8?
You can also use the content attribute to specify multiple document compatibility modes. To specify multiple document modes, set the content attribute to identify the modes you want to use. Use a comma to separate each mode.
If a particular version of Internet Explorer supports more than one requested compatibility mode, it will use the highest available mode listed in the content attribute. You can use this fact to exclude specific compatibility modes, although this is not recommended. For example, the following header excludes IE7 mode.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9; IE=7;" >
This should force IE8 to run like IE7 and IE9 to stay as IE9
According to this blog, you have to use a X-UA-Compatible meta tag for it to "work".

Pasting HTML into IE8

One of our products uses a Javascript Rich text editor, which has the ability to accept pasted HTML/Word and clean it up so the html is XHtml valid and presentable.
This has been working fine for a few years, but recently we've been having complaints about pasting; from users with IE8.
It turns out that regardless of setting the group policy setting for allowing pasting, or prompt for pasting; if IE8 mode is enabled, it won't paste.
If you turn on compatibility mode, it works correctly, but we'd like to have a solution that works across the board.
Has anyone had this issue or similar ?
Unfortunately, we deal with a lot of corporate/local goverment entities that don't have the flexibility to change their browser/policies without submission through strict change-request red-tape :(
Thanks for any insight!
If you aren't worried about formatted text then try the clipBoardData object. It's not ideal but its about the only thing that works other than running in compatibility mode via the web developer tools.
Not a solution, but could you use the <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> meta-tag to force compatibility-mode for IE8 users?
I think some intranet group policy settings may override that and it's a sticking plaster rather than a solution, but it may get you by while you find a proper fix.

why am I triggering quirks mode in IE8?

I'm working on a page that, when I load into IE8 and view the developers tools it tells me that page default is quirks mode.
I've got a strict DTD:
I even went ahead and put in the explicit standards switch, though I didn't think I'd need to:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
I can't understand why page default isn't IE8 standards?
Only thing I can think of is that to get to this page, I first have to log in to an application and the first pages I must traverse are old quirks mode pages. Does IE decide on which mode to use at a server level, or is it supposed to decide page by page?
Does IE decide on which mode to use at a server level
Not generally, no. There is the ugliness of the compatibility view list, which is site-specific, but that only kicks you back to IE7-style-Standards Mode, not IE5.5-style-Quirks-Mode.
Your code otherwise looks OK, as long as that DOCTYPE is the very first thing on the page. IE will be forced to document.compatMode= 'BackCompat' if there is a comment, PI, XML declaration (prior to IE8) or any non-whitespace textual content before the doctype. If a control character has snuck in that you can't see in your text editor, that could do it.
Example problem page?
