I open up a Design.csproj and a whole solution opens! - visual-studio-2010

I expect only the project to open.
The only way that I could accomplish what I wanted to do was to create a new project test.csproj, add design.csproj, save the solution, and then remove test.csproj.

In Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General, there is a checkbox, labeled "Always show solution".
With this option checked, opening a project from within the folder stucture of a solution will still open the whole solution. If you click only the project, I believe the IDE finds the solution by simply traversing the parent directories for the .sln file.
The reason I say that is because if you copy the directory containing a single project and paste it somewhere else, then double click it, the project is opened on its own (still inside a solution, but a temporary one, which only exists as an .suo file for now (until you save the solution.))
So we are halfway there. Now if you uncheck the option which I mentioned at the start of my post, you will see the project open on its own like so:
I agree that it should be possible to open a project without a solution (and that it should be easier than it is currently.) I'd go as far as to say that VS should also give you the option to easily make and run programs in a single file without all the hand-holding and creating projects and solutions for you. Perhaps you can, but if so - it's not obvious.

Maybe because you have "Open most recent solution" in Options?

Maybe it was a Solution file (sln), wrongly labeled as a C# Project File (csproj).
If you open the file in a Text Editor you'll see references to other projects, like in a solution file.

Projects are linked to solutions; you cannot open a project without its parent solution.
Otherwise, things like project references wouldn't work.


Why would the solution and the project be in totally different locations?

I just noticed that my one-project solution is in:
C:\Users\Clay\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\Platypus\Platypus.sln
...whereas the project itself is in:
What is the sense of separating things out that way? I did choose the project's folder, but not the solution's. I can see why the "buried" location would be used if I hadn't chosen a specific separate location for my project, but I would expect that choice to have put the project AND the solution in that folder.
Seems like a weird way to run a ship.
Is this normal? Any "gotchas" as far as backing it up goes? IOW, is backing up the project enough, or do I need to explicitly back up both?
This is the default location at which the solution file is created however if you want to change the location of the solution file then try when you create the project simply uncheck the default box for "create directory for solution". This will create the File (.sln) in the same directory as the web project. Or you may start with a Blank Solution under "Other Project Types-->Visual Studio Solutions" in the New Project dialog after that add your website.

change solution file to a different folder

How do I change the folder of my existing solution file (sln)?
It's right now inside one of my project's folder; if I cut the solution file and paste it in the root folder,it doesn't load any of my projects.
Open solution explorer in Visual Studio and select the solution.
Click on File > Save MyProject.sln As ...
and choose the new location.
The solution file is just a text file. You should be able to move it and then edit it to make sure that any relative paths referenced in the file are correct.
I've also been able to right-click on the solution file in the solution explorer and then use save-as to save it in a different location. That doesn't seem to work everytime for me though.
Open a blank solution, save it to a location where you would like to move. Then add "Existing Project" and select the Old.sln file to add all the projects under the old solution file.
I just had to do this with some legacy projects I inherited so thought it might be worth documenting...
After upgrading from VS 2005 solution, I noticed that the solution file was at the same level as the project files. Our standard is to have the solution file one level above.
Opening the solution file in 'Notepad' I see the following:
Add required relative path to each of the project path and save in correct location:
In my case to bring up one level 'BloombergPriceRequestService\'
SO project line(s) will look like this:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BloombergPaydownService", "BloombergPaydownService\BloombergPaydownService.csproj", "{17DDDD3E-CD39-48B4-BE3F-71E550FCBBFC}"
Don't forget to delete your old solution file!
if I cut the sln file and paste it in
the root folder,it doesn't load any of
my projects
Do this anyway, and try to open the solution. It will tell you that some projects couldn't be loaded: ignore the warning.
Then, go ahead and delete all the projects from the solution. After this right click the solution and select Add => Existing project and browse to your project file. Repeat for all projects in your solution.
Sometimes, the solution file may contain more than 5 projects attached to it.
In that case, Creating the new solution and adding projects to that is cumbersome and takes more time.
You can just edit the solution file to load the projects correctly.
Steps to do
1. Open the solution file in notepad or any text editor.
2. update the path which is underlined and made bold.
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BloombergPaydownService", "BloombergPaydownService\BloombergPaydownService.csproj", "{17DDDD3E-CD39-48B4-BE3F-71E550FCBBFC}"
Save the file and open in Visual studio.
Editing the solution file is a hazardous way to do things and I found a better way. Just create a new solution and add copies of the folders containing the various projects (in their respective folders) to the project.
You need
to select solution in solution explorer
then to find button File -> SaveAs solution.sln as
Press it
There are two ways you can do it:
Simply delete the entire project and create the entire project again in the other folder ( which is not recommended).
Here are the steps to follow without missing any files.
a. Goto Source control explorer Create a new folder or Just move the solution to which you want to move the folder to.
b. Load the solution in your local and it will prompt a message saying that do you want to reload it from source control click yes.
c. Once we load the solution you will see that the project you have moved won’t be loaded (Since we moved to the other folder)
d. So now, Remove the project which was not loaded and then add it as an existing project
e. I am sure that if you have added nugetPackages they won’t get loaded.
f. Goto file explorer of the particular project open the .csproj file and try to check the packages location, Error condition, Project reference and Import and apart from them if there are any
Which are pointing to a directory.
g. The simplest way is just adding some nuget package and see what is the path generated by visual studio.
h. Once we change the locations they will be loaded in references
i. After adding references try to build the solution and it will throw some build errors because we moved the project from one folder to other.
j. Add the project reference wherever needed after moving the files
k. Now the build will be succeeded.

How is "Add Existing Item..." in Visual Studio meant to work?

I never use "Add existing item..." feature in Visual Studio's Solution Explorer because it is confusing:
it seems to me the way it should work is that if you have a Customer.cs file in Models directory, that you could choose "Add existing item", it would then show you which items exist in that directory an allow you to choose one. Instead, it opens a file dialogue to some seemingly random directory on your hard drive, and I'm not sure if it is going to make a copy of that file, or use it outside the solution, etc.
instead, if I want to "add an existimg item", I go into windows explorer, click file, CTRL-C, click folder in solution explorer, ctrl-v, and it is clear
Do others do it differently? Am I missing something about how "add existing item" in solution explorer is supposed to work?
The folder opens where-ever you last left it...
As for using this feature; by default (Add) it does IMO the least useful thing; copy the file. But if you notice, the add button is actually a drop-down; hit the down arrow and you can add a link to the file - i.e. leave it where it is and reference it by location (Add As Link).
The quick and easy way to do what you are trying to do (add an existing file that already exists within the folder in your project) is:
At the top of the Solution Explorer window is an icon/button for "Show All Files", enable it (if it is already enabled and the file you are looking for is not shown, click "Refresh"). Note that this setting is enabled on a per project basis.
Right click on the file that you want to include and select "Include in Project".
Add Existing file adds the file to the project. Keeping it in the project directory is something different and making it a part of the project is something different. By making it a part of the project, its entry is made in .csproj/.vcproj/etc and then further properties can be set of this file such as specifying a custom build step etc.
And No, it doesn't create a copy of the file in your current project's directory in case of a Visual C++ project. In case of a CSharp Project, it does create a copy.
e.g., I use this when I need to add a bitmap/png file in my project which I have gotten from an external source. I just copy the file to my project directory and then use Add Existing File to add this to the project.
I'm using it. I even didn't know it's possible to ctrl+c ctrl+v in solution explorer.
It's particulary handy, if you want to add something 'as link'.
I do use it but often I just add file as a link. That make it easier to maintain some common classes if you do not want to make full assembly out of them.
As far as my experience goes using this function, it does the same copy and paste that you are describing.

Moving files from one Visual Studio solution to another

What I usually do is create a new file in the solution where I want to use it (same name), copy & paste the contents of a class from the source solution to the target, fix the namespace & imports as needed.
The only other way I know to do it is open the source file in the target solution and then just save a copy into that folder, which can get confusing with two files open with the same name in one solution.
Does anyone have an easier way to do this?
You can just copy and paste the files themselves.
When you have your solution open, look at the top of the solution explorer and you'll see an icon that looks like a page with a page outline behind it and a yellow page (not a very intuitive icon). This is the "show all files" button. Click that and you'll see all the files in your currently selected project (it is project-specific). Highlight any files that you want to include, right-click, and select "Include in Project."
You could just copy the file with Explorer. Or better yet, start refactoring your projects so that you'll create assemblies that are usable by multiple client projects.

Visual Studio open files question

Is it possible to open a project in Visual Studio 2008 without opening all the files that were previously opened last time I had the project open. I have a habit of keeping many files open as I am working on them, so next time I open the project, it (very slowly) loads up a bunch of files into the editor that I may not even need open. I have searched through the settings and cannot find anything to stop this behavior.
Simply delete the .suo file.
It contains the list of open files.
A bit of research turns up the fact that you can do it with a macro:
Create a new macro (or use an existing one). You should see a module called EnvironmentEvents in Macro Explorer. (For details, see here.)
Open the EnvironmentEvents module.
Put in this code:
Public Sub CloseDocsOnExit() Handles SolutionEvents.BeforeClosing
End Sub
Save and Build the macro.
Open a whole bunch of documents in your solution, then close Visual Studio.
Yay! No more open documents!
(Note: Despite that it says SolutionEvents, it also works if you're working on a project that doesn't have a solution.)
I never realized how much that annoyed me as well! I haven't been able to find a setting, but in Options > Environment > Keyboard you can bind a shortcut to Window.CloseAllDocuments. ALT+X was unbound for me so I just used that. I'm interested if there's some hidden setting to automatically do this on solution exit though (or load).
Edit: Totally read the question wrong at first - ignore my first (now gone) answer. :)
I changed the keyboard mapping for CTRL-SHIFT-C from bringing up the Class View to closing all document windows - something I use several orders of magnitude more often - and then I just clear my workspace before closing a solution.
Try the following:
Close the program after closing all files.
Make a copy of [whatever].suo
Open the solution again, open some files, and exit.
Copy (don't move) the old .suo file over the one that was just generated.
Make the .suo file read only.
If you have a repository you might want to check that file in.
I suggest this because I was having the reverse problem, where it wasn't opening my old files automatically, and the cause was a .suo file that had been checked into the repository and was (for some reason) not being overwritten by Studio. The file wasn't even write protected.
I was hoping for something a little more automatic. VS will create a new .suo file every time the project is saved. So I would have to delete that file every time I open the project. I also don't want to have to remember to close all the files before closing VS.
Other IDEs that I have used have similar functionality, but also make it rather simple to turn on/off.
Thanks for your help.
Or you can close all open document from the Window menu before closing VS.
In Visual Studio 6.0 (VC++), the procedure is slightly different.
Delete the .ncb file (located normally in the same place as your .dsp or .dsw files).
The only way works for me is : change the project location and again reopen the solutions form there. :)
