I have a Scalr EC2 cluster, and want an easy way to synchronize files across all instances.
For example, I have a bunch of files in /var/www on one instance, I want to be able to identify all of the other hosts, and then rsync to each of those hosts to update their files.
ls /etc/aws/hosts/app/
returns the IP addresses of all of the other instances
As Zach said you could use S3.
You could download one of many clients out there for mapping drives to S3. (search for S3 and webdav).
If I was going to go this route I would setup an S3 bucket with all my shared files and use jetS3 in a cronJob to sync each node's local drive to the bucket (pulling down S3 bucket updates). Then since I normally use eclipse & ant for building, I would create a ANT job for deploying updates to the S3 bucket (pushing updates up to the S3 bucket).
From http://jets3t.s3.amazonaws.com/applications/synchronize.html
Usage: Synchronize [options] UP <S3Path> <File/Directory>
or: Synchronize [options] DOWN
UP : Synchronize the contents of the Local Directory with S3.
DOWN : Synchronize the contents of S3 with the Local Directory
I would recommend the above solution, if you don't need cross-node file locking. It's easy and every system can just pull data from a central location.
If you need more cross-node locking:
An ideal solution would be to use IBM's GPFS, but IBM doesn't just give it away (at least not yet). Even though it's designed for High Performance interconnects it also has the ability to be used over slower connections. We used it as a replacement for NFS and it was amazingly fast ( about 3 times faster than NFS ). There maybe something similar that is open source, but I don't know. EDIT: OpenAFS may work well for building a clustered filesystem over many EC2 instances.
Have you evaluated using NFS? Maybe you could dedicate one instance as an NFS host.
I have a large tarball (expands to 13G of stuff). I want an EBS snapshot of a volume with the contents of the tarball as the contents of the volume.
I have an existing rig that involves using Linux loopback mounts to create an ext2 file system, fill it up, unmount it, push it to S3, and tell Amazon to make a snapshot from it. I don't like this rig, because it can only be run on servers where I've set up the apparatus -- but mostly because I suspect that I've reinvented a wheel.
Is there a common technique that makes more use of Amazon tools? I'm imagining something like a chef recipe that creates an instance with the necessary big empty volume, pushes the content to S3, pulls it from S3 to the instance and unpacks it.
Packer from Hashicorp is probably what you are looking for.
I'm working with EMR (Elastic MapReduce) on AWS infrastructure and the default way to provide input files (large datasets) for programs is to upload them to an S3 bucket and reference those buckets from within EMR.
Usually I download the datasets to my local,development machine and then upload them to S3, but this is getting harder to do with larger files, as upload speeds are generally much lower than download speeds.
My question is is there a way to download files from the internet (given their URL) directly into S3 so I don't have to download them to my local machine and then manually upload them?
No. You need an intermediary- typically, an EC2 instance is used, rather than your local machine, for speed.
I am looking to have multiple Amazon EC2 instances use the same data store. Amazon does not condone mounting an S3 Bucket as a file system, so I am trying to avoid this solution. Is there a way to synchronize an EBS volume with S3 or would it be best to use rsync and cron?
Do you really have to have the files locally available from within EBS? What if instead you served them to yourself via CloudFront, and restricted the permissions so that only your instances (or only your Security Group) could see the files?
Come Fall 2015 you'll be able to use Elastic File Storage (EFS) for this. But until then, I would suppose the next best thing is to use the AWS command-line to sync down from S3 to your volume:
aws s3 sync s3://my-bucket/my/folder /mnt/my-ebs/
After the initial run, that sync command is surprisingly fast. So from there you could just cron it to run hourly or so?
I've been trying to get to grips with Amazons AWS services for a client. As is evidenced by the very n00bish question(s) I'm about to ask I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head round some very basic things:
a) I've played around with a few instances and managed to get LAMP working just fine, the problem I'm having is that the code I place in /var/www doesn't seem to be shared across those machines. What do I have to do to achieve this? I was thinking of a shared EBS volume and changing Apaches document root?
b) Furthermore what is the best way to upload code and assets to an EBS/S3 volume? Should I setup an instance to handle FTP to the aforementioned shared volume?
c) Finally I have a basic plan for the setup that I wanted to run by someone that actually knows what they are talking about:
DNS pointing to Load Balancer (AWS Elastic Beanstalk)
Load Balancer managing multiple AWS EC2 instances.
EC2 instances sharing code from a single EBS store.
An RDS instance to handle database queries.
Cloud Front to serve assets directly to the user.
Edit: My Solution for anyone that comes across this on google.
Please note that my setup is not finished yet and the bash scripts I'm providing in this explanation are probably not very good as even though I'm very comfortable with the command line I have no experience of scripting in bash. However, it should at least show you how my setup works in theory.
All AMIs are Ubuntu Maverick i386 from Alestic.
I have two AMI Snapshots:
git - Very limited access runs git-shell so can't be accessed via SSH but hosts a git repository which can be pushed to or pulled from.
ubuntu - Default SSH account, used to administer server and deploy code.
Simple git repository hosting via ssh.
Apache and PHP, databases are hosted on Amazon RDS
Apache and PHP, databases are hosted on Amazon RDS
Right now (this will change) this is how deploy code to my servers:
Merge changes to master branch on local machine.
Stop all slave instances.
Use Git to push the master branch to the master server.
Login to ubuntu user via SSH on master server and run script which does the following:
Exports (git-archive) code from local repository to folder.
Compresses folder and uploads backup of code to S3 with timestamp attached to the file name.
Replaces code in /var/www/ with folder and gives appropriate permissions.
Removes exported folder from home directory but leaves compressed file intact with containing the latest code.
5 Start all slave instances. On startup they run a script:
Apache does not start until it's triggered.
Use scp (Secure copy) to copy latest compressed code from master to /tmp/www
Extract code and replace /var/www/ and give appropriate permissions.
Start Apache.
I would provide code examples but they are very incomplete and I need more time. I also want to get all my assets (css/js/img) being automatically being pushed to s3 so they can be distibutes to clients via CloudFront.
EBS is like a harddrive you can attach to one instance, basically a 1:1 mapping. S3 is the only shared storage stuff in AWS, otherwise you will need to setup an NFS server or similar.
What you can do is put all your php files on s3 and then sync them down to a new instance when you start it.
I would recommend bundling a custom AMI with everything you need installed (apache, php, etc) and setup a cron job to sync php files from s3 to your document root. Your workflow would be, upload files to s3, let server cron sync files.
The rest of your setup seems pretty standard.
I spent the day experimenting with AWS for the first time. I've got an EC2 instance running and I mounted an Elastic Block Store (EBS) to keep the MySQL databases.
Does it make sense to also put my web application files on the EBS, or should I just deploy them to the normal EC2 file system?
When you say your web application files, I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to.
If you are referring to your deployed code, it probably doesn't make sense to use EBS. What you want to do is create an AMI with your prerequisites, then have a script to create an instance of that AMI and deploy your latest code. I highly recommend you automate and test this process as it's easy to forget about some setting you have to manually change somewhere.
If you are storing data files, that are modified by the running application, EBS may make sense. If this is something like user-uploaded images or similar, you will likely find that S3 gives you a much simpler model.
EBS would be good for: databases, lucene indexes, file based CMS, SVN repository, or anything similar to that.
EBS gives you persistent storage so if you EC2 instance fails the files still exist. Apparently their is increased IO performance but I would test it to be sure.
If your files are going to change frequently (like a DB does) and you don't want to keep syncing them to S3 (or somewhere else), then an EBS is a good way to go. If you make infrequent changes and you can manually (or scripted) sync the files as necessary then store them in S3. If you need to shutdown or you lose your instance for whatever reason, you can just pull them down when you start up the new instance.
This is also assuming that you care about cost. If cost is not an issue, using the EBS is less complicated.
I'm not sure if you plan on having a separate EBS for your DB and your web files but if you only plan on having one EBS and you have enough empty space on it for your web files, then again, the EBS is less complicated.
If it's performance you are worried about, as mentioned, it's best to test your particular app.
Our approach is to have a script pre-deployed on our AMI that fetches the latest and greatest version of the code from source control. That makes it very straightforward to launch new instances quickly, or update all running instances (we take them out of the load balancing rotation one at a time, run the script, and put them back in the rotation).
Reading between the lines it looks like you're mounting a separate EBS volume to an instance-store backed instance. AWS recently introduced EBS backed instances that have a ton of benefits vs. the old instance-store ones. I still mount my MySQL data on a separate EBS partition, though, so that I can easily mount it to a different server if needed.
I strongly suggest an EBS backed instance with a separate EBS volume for the MySQL data.