Install builder for Java application [closed] - installation

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a framework to create an install kit for my Java web application.
I need something that would install JBoss, a Database Server, Java, and of course the application itself with all the dependencies and settings on a Windows platform.
I prefer free tools. What do you recommend and why?

Install4J: Not free but easy to use and extensible.

As pointed out earlier in a comment there is another similar thread, which anwsers my question. Thanks to #Zaki for this info.

You can use the SetupBuilder Gradle Plugin to create a native msi installer with a simple Gradle script.


SFCC (demandware) Debugging [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How I can debug Controllers or template in SFCC (Demandware) without Eclipse?
I know about atom debugger, but maybe you now something else, something more comfortable.
Please check VSC code editor and prophet debugger plugin. This is an alternative solution for SFCC development against to Eclipse IDE.
Also, you can check this post on xChange
As from now you can also use Jetbrains IDE with this plugin Salesforce B2C Commerce ​(SFCC)​ to debug your code(and even much more).
You can use Visual Studio Code with Package Prophet Debugger it is Free
Or use Jetbrains IDE with the plugin Salesforce B2C Commerce ​(SFCC)​ it is not free you must buy

How do I start learning play framework with scala from scratch? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to learn scala and I want to build a web application using play framework. How set up the environment in mac and how to start?
I would say this is not the best place to ask, and I would recommend you to ask on the scala subreddit at
Nevertheless make sure you have:
sbt installed. Documentation at
Follow the Play framework tutorials
Find some tutorials online. I wrote one, a while ago:
I also recommend a good IDE as Intellij at

Automated Installation for Debian Jessie [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an exisiting automated Installer for Ubuntu based on Kickstart and want to build one for the Debian. In the interest of uniformity using Kickstart seems to be the best option.
a. Can Kickstart be used for the automated installation of Debian?
b. Any merits of using FAI for Debian instead of kickstart?
c. Any solutions thats used and tried as reference will be highly appreciated.
On Debian you can use "preseed" ( to build you automated Debian install ;)

Ajax: anyone using a RAD tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know a good RAD tool for AJAX interface programming?
Is Grails doing the job for you?
If you are comfortable with Java then WaveMaker has a RAD WYSIWYG development tool that uses a mix of the top frameworks to provide a very powerful tool. It requires no Java experience and creates a standard WAR file for deployment however in the real world experience you will need to do some customization or tweaking with Java.
Hope this helped.

What cocoa applications are using the AquaticPrime Licensing System? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm thinking about using the AquaticPrime licensing system for my new mac app. Is the framework popular? What apps are using it?
It's used by a lot of applications. Make sure you get the latest version of the source from its new home:
The latest version fixes several bugs that are still in the version that's hosted at
You should use the CoreFoundation version of Aquatic Prime, the Objective-C code is very easy to bypass. In fact, you shouldn't really use Objective-C for any registration-related code.
I know that Pukka, a desktop bookmarks posting client for, uses AquaticPrime.
