ActiveRecord Versioning plugin/gem compatible with rails3? - activerecord

I googled for the the plugin/gem to do the ActiveRecord versioning for Rails3.
But all I've got is not compatible for Rails3. I even searched in too, but no luck.
Do you know any that is Rails3 ready?

There is also

The acts_as_versioned gem seems to not officially support rails3 yet, but this guy has forked the project and created a rails3 branch. Take a look at it.


Ruby : What changes needed to make test-unit-1.2.3 working with Ruby-2.4.1

I am new to Ruby Development. Now i am working on ruby test-framework code which was working fine with Ruby-1.8.7
Now i want to upgrade ruby for this framework. I have found that test-unit-1.2.3 is included in Ruby-1.8.7 so i have installed it separately with Ruby-2.4.1.
Currently i am facing method missing issue ["register_autorunner"] with this combination. Because these method have not been used in ruby-1.8.7
Can anyone please tell me other changes needed to make this combination [Ruby-2.4.1 , test-unit-1.2.3] working.
Thanks in advance
You should update to TestUnit 3.x, which will have a higher chance of working with Ruby 2.x. Then you need to figure out the changes between Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 2.4.1, and how to fix your existing code, which is most likely broken, even after you have fixed/updated your unit test configuration.
Also, consider a switch to Minitest or Rspec, as they are a lot more popular today, so it will be easier to find examples and supporting tools for them. Minitest is also the default test framework used by Ruby on Rails currently.

Rails 3.1 - Thumbs_up gem missing from Where did it go?

I wanted to look at the thumbs_up gem documentation. All the references I see point to:, but today I get a 404 error when I go to that URL. Does any one know what has happened? Has the thumbs_up gem moved somewhere else?
It's still on RubyGems, but it might not be the latest version.
edit: After more digging, it's got quite a network on GitHub. The most recently updated fork is by tarnacious, but bouchard's repo is getting forked the most. bouchard seems to update pretty regularly, so that's a good sign.

Salesforce Gem for Rails 3.1

I have this rails Application which uses salesforce App. I want to know if there are any gem and tutorials to build Salesforce App in rails easily. I found this rforcedotcom gem but it lacks tutorial for Rails 3.
The current standard gem is the databasedotcom gem, which is updated fairly actively and officially endorsed by Salesforce.
There is also the asf-rest-adapter gem (which has a dependency on asf-soap-adapter) by Ray Gao which I have running in a number of apps, and works quite well.
There's yet another gem out now called Restforce.
The author bills it as "lighter weight" with "greater flexibility and more advanced functionality" than the databasedotcom gem (and he should know -- he worked on the that gem too).
Another alternative is to use Active Force that uses RestForce as a backend and provides an ActiveRecord like interface. It also have some generators to get up and running faster.

Where to find the Rails API rdoc template

I'm trying to prettify my rdoc documentation, using version 3.5.3. I'm not a fan of the built-in darkfish theme, so I tried to find a way to replace it with the one used by the official Rails API documentation at, but I've had no luck finding it in any readily available form. I've searched all over github, among other things.
What I've found so far is
which might be slightly out of date, and it's fork
Both are nice, but not quite what I want. So before I start fiddling with those templates, does anyone know if the template used by the Rails API docs is available as a gem somewhere?
I know this is very late, but it looks like the new version of Rails uses something called sdoc, which enhances the output with JavaScript searching, and is a little cleaner IMO. Doing a simple "gem install sdoc" will get what you need, then just use rdoc.options << '-f' << 'sdoc'.
The github project appears to be at
By the way, thanks for the question! Without the initial answer posted, I'd have never found where to look, and been stuck with that horrible darkfish theme for my own projects!
This looks like it. Ignore the instructions that say to do a gem install horo --pre -- that'll actually give you an older beta version. Just do gem install horo and you'll get the current 1.0.3 version (Edit: I sent a pull request to update the instructions, which has already been accepted).
By the way, I found this by looking at the Rails source code and viewing the Rakefile to see the RDoc options. Specifically, line 67 shows rdoc.options << '-f' << 'horo'.

Rails 3 integrated with Sequel?

There appear to be at least four repos on github that claim to tie in Sequel to the latest Rails 3 beta.
Has anyone successfully replaced ActiveRecord with Sequel in a Rails 3 project? Could you provide some hints on how to best go about it?
I'm interested in starting a new project on Rails 3 and trying to get off on the right foot: ideally sequel, minitest, and omniauth (with devise if it won't be painful). I know this is not the blessed stack, but these gems appeal to my spidey sense. I'm looking for any advice that will help me work through any gem issues and conflicts.
I've used Sequel with Rails 2 and 3. If you aren't using any of the ActiveRecord integration features, it's actually easy even with Rails 2, you just have to set up the Sequel database connection manually either in an environment file (environment.rb or environments/*.rb), or in an initializer. Your Sequel models still go in app/models/.
With Rails 3 and the Sequel active_model plugin, integration should work fine from a code perspective. Most of what the github repos do is deal with things like rake tasks and generators, which while nice, are not actually necessary.
Because sequel-rails no longer seems to be maintained, I looked for forks. The TalentBox version seems to be promising and is actively maintained.
I have to add however, the migrations (rake db:migrate and the like) seem to be somewhat broken. There are some patches in my fork, see the iblue/sequel-rails production branch. I will eventually push them to talentbox, when the are stable.
EDIT: TalentBox is working quite fine now.
