VBScript: XPath Query with multiple namespaces - xpath

What XPath query should I use to get to the GetLogisticsOfferDateResult Node?
I have attached the vbscript that I'm using.
I suspect the problem has to do with the multiple namespaces in the document. But how do I reference the second namespace in the XPath?
Dim responseXML
responseXML = '"<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/""><s:Body><GetLogisticsOfferDateResponse xmlns=""http://schneider-electric.com/OrderEntryService""><GetLogisticsOfferDateResult>2010-07-20</GetLogisticsOfferDateResult></GetLogisticsOfferDateResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>"'
Dim responseDoc
Set responseDoc = WScript.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
responseDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:s='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'"
Dim requestedNode
'This node is not found
'Set requestedNode = responseDoc.selectSingleNode("//s:Envelope//s:Body//GetLogisticsOfferDateResponse//GetLogisticsOfferDateResult")
'This node is found
Set requestedNode = responseDoc.selectSingleNode("//s:Envelope//s:Body")
'This node is found
'Set requestedNode = responseDoc.selectSingleNode("//s:Envelope")
If requestedNode Is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "Node not found"
WScript.Echo requestedNode.text
End If
Set responseDoc = Nothing
Set LODateNode = Nothing

Turns out my setting of selectionNamespaces had to be as follows:
responseDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "xmlns:sc='http://schneider-electric.com/OrderEntryService' xmlns:s='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'"
Then the XPath query had to be:
Set requestedNode = responseDoc.selectSingleNode("//s:Envelope//s:Body//sc:GetLogisticsOfferDateResponse//sc:GetLogisticsOfferDateResult")

You have not defined the default namespace of the document (http://schneider-electric.com/OrderEntryService) in your code.
responseDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", "'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' 'http://schneider-electric.com/OrderEntryService'"
You will either need to add it, or prefix the elements that belong to it with it.


Setting content control title

I am having an issue with setting a Content Control value using VBS. Here is what I am doing:
Sub saveToWord
Set docObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
docObj.visible =true
docObj.Documents.open "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test.docx"
docObj.SelectContentControlsByTitle("Title").Item(1).Range.Text = "Test title"
End Sub
It works perfectly in VBA,but it doesn't work for VBScript. There is an error:
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'docObj.SelectContentControlsByTitle'
Are there any alternatives to achieve this? I had a look into ContentControls Object Docu, but couldn't find any suitable way.
The problem is that you assign the Word.Application to the variable docObject. SelectContentControlsByTitle is a member of the DOCUMENT, not the Application object. You need something more like
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wdApp.Visible = true
Set docObject = Documents.Open(fileName)

For Loop gives Object Required Error

I am comparatively new to UFT as well as VB script.
I am trying to check innertext of divs inside For loop.
set getData = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").Object.getElementsByClassName("ClassName")
'Below line outputs 5'
msgbox getData.length-1
'output innertext for all these divs'
For i=0 to getData.length-1
msgbox getData(i).innertext
This gives me Object Required Error on this line
msgbox getData(i).innertext
My first and 2nd element is blank while 3,4,5 are non-empty values.
When I write
msgbox getData(0).innertext
msgbox getData(1).innertext
msgbox getData(2).innertext
It gives me proper results
I further need to check this data against "Data" spreadsheet in UFT
Any pointers would be very much helpful.
Clarification needed:
As you would like to query div text, Is that any reason to use ClassName? If that so, you could use getElementsbyTagName instead getElementsByClassName.
However, I enhanced the code and adapting the query by any tag name option in the function. Here you go.
Dim objResultsDictionary
Set objResultsDictionary = GetTextContentFromHtmlTag(Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("title:=.*"),"div","")
Msgbox objResultsDictionary.Count
Set objResultsDictionary = GetTextContentFromHtmlTag(Browser("title:=Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("title:=.*"),"ClassName","mouseOut")
Msgbox objResultsDictionary.Count
Result = 11
Public Function GetTextContentFromHtmlTag(ByVal BrowserObject,ByVal TagName,ByVal TagValue)
Dim objDictionary
Dim objCollection
Set objDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Select Case UCase(TagName)
Case "DIV"
Set objCollection = BrowserObject.Object.getElementsByTagName(TagName)
Set objCollection = BrowserObject.Object.getElementsByClassName(TagValue)
End Select
intDivCount = objCollection.Length
If intDivCount > 0 Then
For intCounter = 0 To intDivCount
If IsObject(objCollection(intCounter)) Then
strTagInnerText = objCollection(intCounter).innerText
If strTagInnerText <> "" Then
objDictionary.Add intCounter,strTagInnerText
End If
End If
End If
Set GetTextContentFromHtmlTag = objDictionary
End Function
What you have to do:
You have to iterate the dictionary and get the innertext of the each tag.
Its giving you that error most probably because, there is various elements with the same class name other than the div or divs.
Try using some other properties.

How to read and write non-standard document properties of word file in vbscript?

Microsoft Word is offering some default document properties to be set in Word documents.
There is a number of default properties, for which vbscript has constants.
But Word (2011) is offering some more properties, e.g. companyfaxnumber, publishingdate,keywords.
There is a possibility to access the builtin properties by calling
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Visible = True
For Each prop In oWord.ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties
WScript.Echo prop.Name + "::" + oWord.ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(prop.Name).Value
But how do i find the names of the "custom" properties that are offered by word, but are not present in vbscript as constant?
There is the function
But if i do a listing like the one above, i get properties named info1, info2, etc.
Too access the Word CustomDocumentProperties, you will need to be able to access the OLE File Property Reader. This expands beyond the normal/simple document properties because it allows you too add custom properties as well.
There is a Tales from the Script article from 2005 detailing the installation and usage of utilizing CustomDocumentProperties within Word -> Here
For the download to install the OLE Property Reader DLL, Go -> Here
Here is an example of property set/get once the property read is installed:
Const msoPropertyTypeBoolean = 2
Set objFile = CreateObject("DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties")
objFile.CustomProperties.Add "Document Reviewed", msoPropertyTypeBoolean
Set objProperty = objFile.CustomProperties.Item("Document Reviewed")
wscript.echo objProperty.Value
Hi recently figured out how to get there myself:
The Word "Frontend Editor" is cheating on the document properties. There is a hard defined set of properties like author,category, keywords etc.
The additional properties offered by the editor are so called custom properties which are defined in an external XML structure inside the docx-container.
So there is no easy vbscript function to modify the values of these custom properties.
Thanks to the web, someone did some hacking and this is the solution for it:
Sub WriteCustomCoverProperties(ByRef wordInstance, strProp, strText)
Dim oCustPart
Dim oNode
Dim strXPath
strProp = Replace(strProp, " ", "")
Select Case strProp
Case "Abstract" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:Abstract[1]"
Case "PublishDate" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:PublishDate[1]"
Case "CompanyAddress" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:CompanyAddress[1]"
Case "CompanyPhone" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:CompanyPhone[1]"
Case "CompanyFax" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:CompanyFax[1]"
Case "CompanyEmail" strXPath = "/ns0:CoverPageProperties[1]/ns0:CompanyEmail[1]"
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
Set oCustPart = wordInstance.ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts(3)
Set oNode = oCustPart.SelectSingleNode(strXPath)
oNode.Text = strText
Set oCustPart = Nothing
Set oNode = Nothing
End Sub
May it be of help =)

VB6 - Items not adding to collection

I'm having problems building a collection of data. The problem code is as follows:
'Basic defitions are as follows:
Private mCol As Collection
Dim mcnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim mrs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim uCustomClass As CustomClass
On Error GoTo 0
'set Find to false to catch any errors
Find = False
'checks for an active connection and then..
Set mCol = Nothing
Set mCol = New Collection
With mrs
.Open AN_SQL_SELECT_STATEMENT , mcnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
While Not .EOF
Set uCustomClass = New CustomClass
Set uCustomClass.Connection = mcnn
uCustomClass.CustomerName = NullToEquiv(.Fields("customer_name").Value,NULL_STRING)
uCustomClass.NumberOfOrders = NullToEquiv(.Fields("num_of_orders").Value, NULL_LONG)
uCustomClass.FavoriteColour = NullToEquiv(.Fields("favorite_colour").Value, NULL_STRING)
'Cache orginal values in case the keys change
'add to collection
mCol.Add uCustomClass
Now the result of this in run time is that the uCustomClass tree structure looks like:
+ mcnn
It's all good bar I'm not getting Item1, Item2 and Item3 directly under the uCustomClass but only in mCol. I've what appears to be the exact same code running elsewhere for a different custom class and I'm getting what I want e.g.
+ mcnn
Any ideas where the problem might be?
Not sure how uCustomClass would ever get those items added. Is there some missing code or something?
One point worth making is that collections can't have the same keys more than once, which would explain why they are able to be added in one area, but not able to be added again. There might be something that is even trimming strings or something that would aggravate the situation. So just make sure your keys are unique.

VBScript Find a node in XML node and replace the value

How to write a vbscript which should search for a specific node in a XML file and replace the value of that node with another value?
So far I can read a node and get the value.
set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objXML.async = "false"
Set Root = objXML.documentElement
For Each x In Root.childNodes
if x.nodename="showList" then
msgbox plot
end if
please suggest me some example which should read a specific node in the xml file and replace the value of that node.
Here is a simple XML edit and save example in VBScript. I recommend lokking into using Xpath to select your node instead of looping over the child nodes, you can provide your XML for more detailed answer.
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.load "MYFILE.xml"
'Locate the desired node
'Note the use of XPATH instead of looping over all the child nodes
Set nNode = xmlDoc.selectsinglenode ("//parentnode/targetnode")
'Set the node text with the new value
nNode.text = "NEW VALUE"
'Save the xml document with the new settings.
strResult = xmldoc.save("MYFILE.xml")
