Issue setting up GIT with SSH on Windows Server 2008 - windows

I´m following the steps outlined in Tim Davis´ blog for setting up GIT with copSSH on Windows ( but I´m having problems. I´ve gotten up to step 15 under the Installing Putty instructions but rather than getting a "Enter Login" message, I´m getting a "Network Error: Unable to connect to server" error.
I know that it could potentially be a myriad of things but I was wondering if by some miracle, someone could give me some ideas of what else I should check?
I´ve doublechecked the following:
IP address is correct
User has been added to copSSH
Key is stored in the specified user folder
Rule has been added to Firewall
(NOTE: We´re using a server on and the firewall rules allow us to specify a local port and a remote port. Have configured to local port 4837 and remote port to Any).
I tried to doublecheck if the SSH service is running but I don´t know what it´s called. I noted down the username and password from the copSSH setup but I haven´t seen anything remotely similar to SSH in the list of services.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!! I´ve never had to do something like this before so I´m a little lost.

Are you specifying port 4837 in the Putty window?
I personally suggest using OpenSSH or SmartGit, not Putty... I've seen too many issues with it.
Also, I suspect your firewall configuration needs to be local port=Any and remote port=4837.
The 5 minute shortcut
This installer sets up a windows git server using CopSSH. It configures the firewall, the user accounts, and gives you a GUI for all the SSH and keys stuff. It costs $9, but it saves hours of configuration (it's a 5 minute, 3-step install). It has a self-contained Git install, so no conflicts should happen.
NOTE: I'm the webmaster of I got the project started after taking a good look at Davis' tutorial and thinking.... oh, ----! The CopSSH author and I collaborated to make the automate the process and reduce the number of frustration-related keyboard deaths :)


Very slow svn client on windows, very fast svn client on linux

I am forced to use a visual-svn-server that is located in our windows domain. The problem is that it is super slow to use with windows client. Weird thing is that the same repository is very fast with linux client. The difference is like 3sec vs 90sec. I know somebody should fix the server, rather than me trying to fix the client, but i have no change of doing that.
So, to debug the problem I did some package capture with wireshark and it seems like windows, when doing 'svn up' (on up to date repository) does quite much ldap-negotiations before actually talking again with the actual svn-server. This takes time. Linux svn client when doing 'svn up' is not doing any ldap calls. The problem is not on my machine, but on all my colleagues windows clients too.
I tried forcing the svn client to 'basic' auth with configuration option http-auth-types (, but it didnt help. I figured that would be basic, no ldap, http-basic-auth. I am able to confirm that the setting is included, since setting it to 'digest' says that authentication method is not available. But even that takes about 60s, so my guess is that its doing the ldap-wacko stuff before trying to do the authentication.
The subversion client i am using is 1.8 serie from tortoise svn official build. I did try also slicksvn client and it did have the same problem. The svn versions shows ra_serf is handling the https requests and my repository is visual-svn server located at https://my_server_intra_dns_name/
When opening the address with browser, its again fast as it should, so problem should not be with dns or similar.
I am linux guy, so i am bit lost with windows, but does anybody have an idea wtf is going on here?
---- edit ----
I had also linux as guest operating system on the windows host, and inside that linux doing svn up was about 3s, compare that to native windows 'svn.exe up' that took over minute !
If a Windows machine has a limited connectivity to the Internet, then you may notice the delay when running Subversion client command's against a remote repository over HTTPS.
Using a traffic analyzer you can notice, that the delay happens when Windows attempts to access and gets a timeout. Windows attempts to access to check Certificate Trust List (i.e. Certificate Revocation List). With limited Internet connectivity, Windows may be unable to access it thus resulting in these delays.
If it's not your case, then I suggest contacting VisualSVN's support team for investigation.
In my case it was due ot Windows proxy settings - that you set in IE (I use TortoiseSVN client, and Visual SVN Server was set to use basic authentication).
After I've set up IE proxy settings accordinlgy (automatic for me, but for you it might be something different) initial delay was gone.
It helped even though the svn server is on local LAN and I have checked with Wireshark if the traffic goes over proxy. In Tortoise I have proxy disabled. Why it helped with my issue - no idea.
The initial delay I had was 11-13 seconds. Now next to none.
And I am not using ssh client.
Go to http(s) location of your SVN server using your browsers: IE, Fireofx, whatever, and if the response is quick then it is very possible that is an svn client problem, or due to some similar settings (similar to your browser settings).
For instance IE was slow (IE was set up for local connection only previously), Firefox (with proper proxy settings) was OK - and SVN server IS local (sounds like some sort of network/firewall/routing issue to me, but proxy settings helped me).

Can't connect to Team Foundation Server

I've been happily using Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio 2010 for the last couple of months at my current place of work when it has suddenly stopped working. I get the following errors:
If I browse to the wiki (Sharepoint) on the TFS server it works fine in Firefox but in Internet Explorer it fails with:
No authority could be contacted for authentication.
I'm not aware of any changes to the server or my machine that would cause the errors and other users of TFS are not affected.
The TFS server is on a different domain to my machine, but usually I get prompted to login and using a domain prefixed username works. At the moment, I don't even get a login prompt anymore.
How do I fix this?
I have recently started to experience a similar issue. We also host TFS on a different domain. Twice in the last week TFS has stopped authenticating users, and I have received messages similar to above. I have no idea what is causing this, but on each occasion SQL Server Agent service was stopped. A reboot of the server and a manual restart of SQL Server agent seems to fix the problem temporarily. I'm not sure if this information is helpful, but I would also really appreciate any help in getting to the bottom of this.
We used a workaround to get past this problem. We configured an entry in the Windows Stored User Names and Passwords tool for the domain of the TFS server. It got around the problem of TFS not prompting for credentials by explicitly supplying them via this tool.
When you change your password for that domain account, you must also change the password here otherwise your account can be locked after failing authentication too many times.
I had the same problem, sorted it by upgrading to tfs2012
In my case, I changed the default port 8080 to port 80 and everything worked fine. but the message could also happen due to wrong saved credentials. you can go to the control panel of the windows and search for credentials manager and then remove your TFS credentials.

Visual Studio 2010, remote debugging and AD not co-operating, what's wrong?

I'm remote debugging a console app which has some AD functionality.
When I run it on the remote server it works like a charm. (I mean I log in with RDC and literally double click the console app .exe file.)
While remote debugging however, I'm getting an error in the AD related code - "Could not find the domain or the domain does not exist".
Important to note is my dev machine is not on the same domain as remote server. I'm also remote debugging over VPN.
I also want to mention that otherwise the remote debugging seems to be working ok, breakpoints are being met, symbols loading, values populating.
The full source code is kinda long, so I'll just provide an illustation of what is causing the problem:
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry dirEntry; // in reality this is setup via an ad helper class
dirEntry.rootOU.Children.Find(strOU, "Something"); // BOOM! here is where it can't find the domain
Its not a code issue, and the domain does genuinely exist and is reachable, when code is natively executed on the server, issue only comes in with remote debugging.
Thanks in advance for suggestions on a fix / cause.
After hours of struggling, I found the problem but no solution.
The solution is to have your environments setup in best case scenario if you want to remote debug in an SOA application, connecting to many systems using domain accounts etc.
Your local dev environment should be running under the same domain and account as the account running the remote services on the server. Furthermore, this account needs to have correct permissions in your SOA systems. I.E: If you're working with AD, this account needs to have required permissions. If you're working with Sharepoint, you might need to use the farm admin account. SQL or Databases are much more forgiving because you can configure connection strings.
If you fail to do any of the above, remote debugging can still work for you but it might not. If it does not, what I've found is there is no work around.
You might think you would be able to use No authentication remote debugging, but that does not work with managed code. So (Jan 28th 2010) no solution exists.
I hope this is addressed in the future, because it can be extremely convenient debug remotely.

Is an SSH tunnel through Citrix Client possible?

I know it is not strictly a programmer question, on the other hand, I would really like to be able to do a simple svn up on the production servers, which would save us a lot of hassle.
Or production servers are within a corporate network, and access is only allowed through a gateway server. From that we can access the actual servers via Remote Desktop. Because of this maintenance unfriendly setup we use a sftp server to get our files to the production server (where the ftp server alwys resets last modified date), so it is complicated to determine which files have changed.
So if it would be possible to setup a ssh tunnel from the actual server through the citrix connection, it would ease the whole update process.
(On further option which I consider is to use bazaar to push our updates to the sftp server and then pull the updates from there, but unfortunately there is no working svn plugin for bazaar available [on windows])
Okay, not wanting this to remain unsolved, I posted the following on the usenet in alt.os.citrix:
G'day everyone
Someone asked me this question. I haven't a clue. Any ideas?
"the connection I have is PC -> Citrix Access Gateway -> actual Server. My question is, if it is possible to establish a ssh connection from my PC to the actual Server."
The response I got from a Catherine Jefferson was:
Should be. I do this all the time using an Access Gateway VPN, then ssh to servers inside the company LAN.
What version of the Access Gateway is this user running? I work for Citrix, might be able to get a more specific answer for him or her.
So may I suggest you hook into alt.os.citrix (probably via Google Groups if you don't have an NNTP tool) and buy into the conversation.
I do this a lot. The tunnel is like:
ssh -nvCXAN -L 1494: &
Then, you need an ICA file that points to localhost.
Connection To Citrix Server=
[Connection To Citrix Server]
WinStationDriver=ICA 3.0
Password=xxxxxxxxx ; has to be encrypted. I pulled from another ICA file generated internally
This all worked very fine on OSX until Citrix gave out a new version of the Citrix client which is now called the Citrix Online Plugin. Haven't been able to get it to work since then. Meanwhile, our VPN has been working fine, so haven't worried too much about it.
Citrix over SSH, How to Create a Key Pair for SSH Authentication Using PuTTYgen, Terminals. It seems that the answers are "out there" but not readily found. That was just five minutes in Google. HTH.

Cannot Access http://<tfs-server>:8080

I've installed TFS 2008, but I can't seem to access the server. When I try to connect to it in Visual Studio, I can't. If I try by browser on a remote PC, I get a generic page cannot be displayed. On the server, I get a 403. Nothing was touched in IIS and the service is running as a Network Service. Any ideas?
http://localhost:8080/Services/V1.0/ServerStatus.asmx. This will tell you if TFS is up and running. If you are getting anything else you need to look into IIS issues.
I wrote a blog post on diagnosing these types of TFS connections.
The very first thing I do is confirm that it works for a known-good configuration – usually my workstation.
Providing that works and the server appears to be functioning, the next thing I do is ask the user to call the CheckAuthentication web service using Internet Explorer.
The URL for this is: http://TFSSERVER:8080/services/v1.0/ServerStatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication
By doing this check, I am doing four things:
Eliminating Team Explorer from the picture
Eliminating the .NET networking stack from the picture
Ensuring that Windows Authentication is working correctly (that’s why I say IE)
Ensuring that proxy settings are set correctly
In most cases I’ve seen, the TFS connection issues are because the proxy settings have changed or are incorrect. Because .NET and Visual Studio use the proxy settings from Internet Explorer, it’s important to have them set correctly.
In rare cases it’s beyond this. That’s when I start looking at things like:
Can you resolve the server name?
Can you connect using the IP address?
Are there HOSTS file entries? (see: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
Can you ping the server?
Can you telnet to port 8080?
Does the user actually have access? Run TfsSecurity.exe /server:servername /im n:DOMAIN\User to check their group memberships
Have you changed your domain password lately? In some cases they’ll need to logoff the workstation and log back on again to get a new security token.
Is the computer's domain certificate valid? update the certificate: gpupdate /force
Hope this helps.
Turns out the time and date on my computer was not "close enough" to the time and date on the tfs server. Changed my system clock setting and problem went away.
What happens if you send a simple HTTP request to the server directly?
telnet 8080 [enter]
GET / HTTP/1.1[enter]
That might give a hint about whether IIS is actually serving anything. If you can do that on the server, what about from a different machine? If the results are different a good guess is there are some security/firewall issues somewhere. HTH a little.
I went through everything on a similar problem.
I logged onto my tfs server and connected directly there.
I also used a TFS admin tool I downloaded some time ago from Microsoft, and made sure I was in all the right groups and projects.
I then went back to the client PC with the problem, tried the services/1.0/serverstatus.asmx?op=CheckAuthentication Url again, and it worked this time.
AFter that full service was restored to my PC.
So I don't have the exact answer, but I would go through the checklists presented by Grant Holliday in his answer.
Add this to the cases for future users, as i had this issue on server 2016...
if your firewall allow only Domain and Private Network, it may not work on client. make sure you give public permission, if server network is set to public...
The error you may face:
