Cleaning Visual Studio custom build step output - visual-studio

I've created a custom build step in Visual Studio 2010 that produces multiple files by running a command-line tool. The step creates these files as it should when invoking a build, but on a clean, it only cleans the first file I listed as an output of the step in the "Outputs" field of the custom build step. I've separated individual files with a semicolon and also tried the multi-line editor for the field and put each file on a separate line (VS inserts the semicolons when closing the multi-line editor). In any case, it doesn't seem to be the format of the field that's the issue - whatever file is first gets cleaned, the rest don't.
From reading the documentation, it seems that you should be able to have multiple files listed as output so that the step can properly clean any artifacts it produces. Does anything special need to be done to clean multiple files or is this a bug?

If the temporary output file extension filter doesn't work (which seems to be your case), try making a script that checks if any files were generated from a previous build; if so, delete them, if not do nothing, then carry on with the script you normally use. Set this as a prebuild step.
I had a custom VS shell and I couldn't select the temporary file extensions in that shell and this was the only solution I could use at the time. (obviously, if you're in a hurry, you can just call rm or del and not worry about checking first).
If you're good at perl, try using that, if not just use a normal batch file.
If it is a bug that happens to a lot of people, maybe they'll fix it someday. Personally I use VS2008 just cos I don't trust VS2010.


Create Visual Studio Project for building using command

I have a solution where there is a dependency on 7zip's sfx. Out of desire to keep the entire solution (plus the sfx) managed and coordinated, I want to create a new project to house all the source files that is used by sfx, and when building, execute a command line that tells 7zip to build a sfx from the source files, and place into the output so that it can be then referenced by actual Visual Studio projects within the same solution.
I think I can figure the command line by using Build events and providing the appropriate macros to ensure that the 7zip's output is placed into the target folder with appropriate name so that it can be then correctly referenced by other VS projects. But what I am not sure about is what Visual Studio project I need to use or steps to take to tell Visual Studio that there isn't going to be any code to be compiled in this project and it just has to execute this script I give it.
The closest thing I can come up with is VS's Make project but I don't know if that is the right thing since this has nothing to do with Make at all.
So, what is the Visual Studio project template I need to use? If empty, then what configuration do I need to perform so that it won't try and look for some code files to compile but instead just execute scripts as part of the solution's build?
For now, it seems that using C++ Makefile Project works. I had to make few configurations:
1) I had to specify the project's "Configuration Type" as "Utility"
2) I used Pre-Build event and provided a command to invoke a batch file included in the project. The batch file then takes care of everything.
3) Normally, non C++ files are not considered for determining whether build is needed or if it's already up to date. To ensure that a new build is perform if the batch file or other key files are edited, I set the file's "File Type" to "MakeFile". Even though it isn't actually a Make file, it ensures that any edits made to the file will cause a new build.
The downsides I've found so far are:
1) C++ uses "Filters", not folders. Therefore, keeping the files in same directory structure is a big PITA. One can "include" files and get a one-to-one mapping between "Filters" and the actual directory structure on disk but it's annoying and tedious. Wish it was a C# project
2) I'm a bit wary about how it will detect new files or other changes for files that I didn't explicitly set to "MakeFile". I expect the source to be stable but I worry that when I realize I need a new file and add it, I might forget and not notice that the build is not correctly including the new file.
I'm not sure if this is the best method but this works for my purpose - having a project to manage external tools as part of bigger build process.

msbuild schema compare - Empty target

I am looking at using MSBUILD from a command line to run the schema compare (*.scmp)
Within the solution we have several databases and the team aren't always that great at remembering to check changes (stor procs, tables etc..) into the solution. Although Visual studio can show the comparison, I can't find a way of exporting the list of errors, for me to chase the team about. Screen shots seem to be the only way.
I thought That I would see if there were any tools in order to produce a list of differences. I came across an example on the following:
I saw this example:
C:\SampleProject > msbuild /t:SqlSchemaCompare /p:SqlScmpFilePath="d:\sc.scmp" /p:target="d:\target.dacpac" /p:TextOutput="d:\1.out" /p:Deploy="true
However I can't get it to work. When I run the equivalent against my particular set up I get:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\SSDT\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets(843,5): SchemaCompare error : The tar
get participant is invalid or empty. at Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Tasks.Sql.SqlSchemaCompareTask.Execute() [C:\TFS\Argon_Main Solution_Latest R
Has anyone got any ideas?
I ran across this issue the other day. Turns out the problem was i needed to use the VisualStudioVersion command line argument.
msbuild /t:SqlSchemaCompare /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 /p:SqlScmpFilePath="MySchemaCompare.scmp" /p:target="MyConnectionString" /p:TextOutput="..\output.out"
Your Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets file should be located at C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{Your VS Version}\SSDT
I realize it's been a while since this was asked, but I'll answer anyway.
Firstly, it's unclear to me what you're trying to compare exactly. Do you want to compare two versions of the project to see the differences, or are you comparing a project to a database?
One thing I noticed is that you're specifying the target twice in the command line. Firstly, the .scmp file referenced via the SqlScmpFilePath parameter contains a source and target. Secondly, the target parameter also defines a target. The target parameter will override whatever is in the .scmp file.
Maybe this is intentional, though, if your .scmp file has the right source but you want to specify the target in the .dacpac file.
The .dacpac file can be found in the bin\Debug or bin\Release folder of your SSDT project after a build. For your command to work, you'll need to make sure "d:\target.dacpac" exists and is such a file.
The .scmp file is created by doing a Schema Compare in Visual Studio and then saving the comparison window after selecting the source and target. For your command to work, you'll need to make sure that "d:\sc.scmp" exists and is such a file.
Please let me know if this helps.

MSBuild to build all defined configurations

I'm looking for a way to call MSBuild with all possible configurations/platforms defined in the solution file.
I've looked here:
Using MSBuild to Build Multiple Configurations
which requires explicit knowledge of the configurations, as you must enumerate them on the command line,
and here:
which leads to another page that suggests defining another project file to encapsulate the msbuild calls. Unfortunately, it too requires explicit knowledge of the configurations.
So then, is there any way to obtain through the command line, the list of configurations/platforms availalbe to a given project? (It must be the same list that is modified in Visual Studio. ie: adding/removing a configuration in Visual Studio, saving, exiting, and getting the list, would reflect the changes.)
Parsing the solution file as XML is not an option, as it wouldn't be stable if Microsoft decided to change how it is formatted.
You can't parse a solution as XML it's not a markup file without having MSBuild emitting a meta project first. I recommend you play the odds and be pragmatic, read the .sln as a text file and RegEx it on SolutionConfigurationPlatforms pairs, then build the ItemGroup and batch it. If you are truly utterly paranoid about Microsoft completely reengineering the solution file syntax then look inside Microsoft.Build.Construction and/or .Evaluation, the internal SolutionParser, or Roslyn or even Mono since if the syntax changes then those parsers and loaders would be updated accordingly and in case of Microsoft.Build and Roslyn -- simultaneously.

File Tracker Log file format

In Visual Studio 2010 incremental builds are done using the File Tracker (Microsoft.Build.Utilities.FileTracker). It seems that it is responsible to the creation of these *.1.tlog files on the intermediate directory.
I couldn't find any reference to the syntax of these .tlog files.
They contain a list of paths to files that are read/written while the tracker tracks the execution of some tool, in order to check which files should be compiled in an incremental build. However, these files also contain some special characters such as "^" and "|".
Another thing I noticed was that these files are sometimes edited from Visual Studio targets files. For example, in Microsoft.CppCommon.targets on CustomBuildStep target I found the following line:
<!-- Appended tlog to track custom build events -->
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(IntDir)$(ProjectName).write.1.tlog" Lines="#(CustomBuildStep->'^%(Identity)');#(CustomBuildStep->MetaData('Outputs')->FullPath()->Distinct())"/>
So this probably means that the project file is dependent on the custom build step outputs.
My questions are:
Does anyone know of a reference for the .tlog file syntax?
In which cases is the tracker-log used on Visual studio? I know of the CL and maybe Link tasks that use it, but it seems that Visual Studio IDE itself uses it in order to decide whether to run msbuild at all for a certain project.
Another hint:
CanonicalTrackedInputFiles Class is document as "the filetracking log interpreter for .read. tracking logs in canonical form or those that have been rooted (^) to make them canonical"
When I have time I'll dig into it a bit more. Perhaps this class and others under Microsoft.Build.Utilities could be used to help us work with tlog files instead of working with the raw text tlog files directly.
See also: CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles Class, FlatTrackingData Class and of course FileTracker Class.
This stuff doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, so I've had to figure this out based on trial and error and by staring at some example targets/xml/props files:
The reason the custom build step writes to the tlog file by hand is that Build|Clean - and probably its command line counterpart - scrapes the tlog files to find which files to delete. It seems to look for all files matching *.write.tlog, or maybe *.1.write.tlog, in the intermediate folder, read the list of file names in each, and delete the files named. So, if the custom build steps knows what its outputs are, it can simply record them in a tlog file, and interact with Build|Clean that way.
(You can try this out yourself - build your project, create some temp files, add your own tlog file to your project's intermediate folder containing the paths to the temp files, then do a Build|Clean. Your temp files will be deleted along with the usual build artefacts.)
In a tlog file, a file with no prefix is the name of an output file. These files are deleted when you do a Build|Clean.
A file with a ^ before it a comment, I think - perhaps obviously, Build|Clean doesn't touch any of these.
As for |, I've only seen it in comment lines, used to separate different file names. I suspect this is just a convention, and not some special syntax, since if you put multiple output files on line, separated by |, Build|Clean doesn't delete them.
The tlog file format is now documented here:
Read .tlog format
Read .tlog files (.read..tlog) contain information about source files and their dependencies.
A caret (^) at the beginning of a line indicates one or more sources. Sources that share the same dependencies are separated by a vertical bar (|).
Dependency files are listed after the sources, each on its own line. All file names are full paths.
The tlog file is generated by the file tracking system in MSBuild. It isn't specific to individual compilers, it can capture any file reference by anything done in the MSBuild process, depending on how it is configured.

Run a Visual Studio custom tool at build time

I have a script that will convert a text file into a resource file, so that I can have multiple language support by having text files for different languages converted into different resources. Once I run the script to get the resx file, I then have to run a custom build tool (as described here:Link to Code Project) in order to create the Designer.cs files to use the new files.
In keeping with the philosophy that I should be able to build the entire project with a single button click, how can I remove the step where I have to explicitly call the custom build tool in order to make the codebehind files?
I've tried automatically deleting the Designer.cs files as a pre-build step, since I would think that the custom build tool would automatically run if there were no Designer.cs files, but no dice.
So, I want my build script in Visual Studio/msbuild to do:
1) convert text to resx (done)
2) move resx files to appropriate directory (done)
3) create designer.cs files using a custom build tool (not done)
It's that last step...
Unfortunately I don't think there's an easy way of doing this. Custom Build Tools only run from within VS.NET - they don't run when you build your project using MSBuild from the command line.
In general, if you have the choice of writing a build tool as a Customer Build Tool or an MSBuild Task then choose the MSBuild Task every time as these Tasks will run in VS.NET and from the command line.
The designer.cs files for resources are there to support your coding. They give you the strongly typed access into the resource file. So, as long as you create your culture invariant resources in VS.NET (and let it create the .designer.cs files) then adding additional language support later (additional .resx files) should work fine.
If, however, your text files are your primary resource files, and you're adding new resource strings into these text files first, then you'll need to find another way of generating .cs files that allow you to code against those resources. If you HAD to, generating the .designer.cs file yourself (or somethign similar) wouldn't be that difficult. Using CodeDom or T4 you could create the helper class, using an existing .designer.cs file as a template.
There is a way to generate the *.Designer.cs for *.resx as part of the build process. There is a built-in MSBuild task GenerateResource, which basically a wrapper around the SDK tool resgen.exe. Here you can find an example how to use it.
Another thing you would find useful, if the generated *.Designer.cs version is not correct, basically, GenerateResource task is not calling the desired version of resgen.exe, setting property SdkToolsPath might help you.
Have you tried adding a Exec step in Before/AfterBuild step in your csproj? You have to manually edit the file for this, but that should solve your problem.
I'm not fully clear on if you want this done before or after the build. If you need it done sometime after Pass1/Pass2, you can hook into the targets directly. Try looking into Microsoft.Build.Common.Targets to get a feel for how to do this.
