Can't install Prism...? - installation

Should have been simple but I guess not.. I downloaded the Prism 2.2 source and the Prism Prism 4.0 Drop 3 source and they both do the same thing. I run the installer and click "Yes" to agree to the terms and then it loads but no files are put on my computer.

I've seen this issue at the Prism forum at codeplex many times, and it is usually related to the fact that there are some policies in your computer that don't allow vbscripts to run (this usually happens if that's your office's policy).
You should treat the .exe as a .zip file from which you can manually unzip content. Related links below:
Installation Issue
issues with Prism v2.2/v4.0 when a
non-default program is used to open
zip files
I hope this helps people who run into this.


Visual C++ - Successful build but exe file is not created

I am using Visual Studio Community 2017 (C++) with default configuration on Windows 10 (64 bit).
I have a single CPP file and I am trying to compile it.
The problem is that the "build" works fine, it says success, but the expected exe file is just not created.
I spent a few hours now trying all the available options - release/debug, 64bit/32bit, empty project/console app and many settings changes as was advised on various forums - no luck.
Does anybody know what could be the problem? I just can't find a solution for this.
I found my executable in my projects folder called "Release" (for x32) and "x64/Release".
Although I didn't see them either the first time going through the folders looking for it.
Alternatively I found this site with standalone build tools:
ps: for the pros, I am still a big noob, so I can't tell if that site and tools is of going to be of any use, or even right, to the person asking the question.
So atleast I have added it and is for him/her to decide if so. ;p
E Karaagacli

Trying to Use Visual Studio Online with Orchard 1.8 Source

I'm a n00b with these source control methods. I just signed up for the simple VS online. Previously, when I was working with Orchard's source, I put it up in my OneDrive in order to work from the office and from home. It's worked pretty well.
But now I wanted to try out VS online. I guess because of how the source folders of Orchard is set up I cannot "Add solution to source control" from the top-level Orchard (i.e., opening Orchard.sln contained under the ~/src folder). From what I gathered in my research you have to manually add stuff, but I can't even get that far.
I created a project in VS online, and tried to "map" it, but was unsuccessful (all it did was add some build process templates).
Anyone know of the steps to add a clean Orchard 1.8 source to VS online. Thank you in advance.
Edit: Adding 100 Bounty
I'm really out of options here, so hoping a bounty of 100 will get me a detailed answer with steps to accomplish this properly.
I was originally using OneDrive (7GB free version), but am running low on space for Orchard source (I have other work on there, Orchard is less than 1/2 that space). I also have OnDrive for Business (20GB I think), which should have been sufficient HOWEVER they limit the amount of files to 20,000, and with third party modules/themes in my source I am running close to that number and the files won't sync because of that limit.
It seems to me the free VS Online would be the best option, then for me to just push/pull changes between home and work.
Any help is much appreciated and I hope my small offering for bounty is sufficient to elicit some good answers.
Create a new project in VS Online for Orchard
Make sure you have Visual Studio Online source control setup in your local instance of Visual Studio
Get a clean copy of Orchard CMS source code
Open the Orchard.sln in in VS
Right click the Orchard.sln and select 'Add Solution to Source Control' near the middle of the popup menu
Select if you want Team Foundation or Git style of source control (this may not appear as you may have defaulted it)
Select the project from VS Online that you want to add the source code to (see picture)
Check in your code from VS
You should be done.

creating setup of a project in VB6.0

i have created a application in VB6.0 which is connected to MySQL through ODBC connection,there are two dsn which connects to application.Now i want to create a setup of the application that i can install on any computer.but how? I tried using Package and Development wizard in VB but it gives me error "access denied ieframe.dll" something like that while installing it AND also after using that wizard,now all my forms are corrupt.I craeted new and i don't want this to happen again.Help me!!
tired googling now!!!
I am not sure of the version of VB6 you are running, I do know that there was an InstallSheild Light version that shipped with Visual Studio 6 Professional. It was an optional install. If you have your original installation media try looking for it. There was also Visual Studio Installer 1.1 that used to be available from Microsoft. I found a link on that still works. I have used this to build msi files for VB6 in the past. You need to have Visual Interdev because it gets added as project type to it.
And since you mentioned that the Package and Deployment Wizard corrupted your project, you should make a backup of your data or use some type of source control. It will be a lot less painfull to recover when problems occur.
First of all, I take it that the two DSNs are not relevant to this problem?
I have never seen the error "access denied ieframe.dll", but I would guess that you are trying an installation via internet explorer. I would try creating a standard application installation.
I have to say that I am surprised to hear of "corruption" of your forms. Do you really mean your source code? Or this the forms in the executable. In any case, you really should be using some form of source control.
In any case, if you want a better answer, try giving a step by step run-throught of exactly what you are doing.

Recommend a Visual Studio FTP deployment plug-in

we've recently stumbled across the excellent Dispatch for ASP FTP deployment plug in. It looks great apart from one thing: It doesn't work with Visual Studio 2010, at least for us, anyway. (It's supposed to work fine.)
(Yes, we've tried everything: We've managed to get Dispatch working for another FTP site, but not the main one we regularly deploy to. We have managed to connect to our main site through FileZilla FTP, so the site itself is configured correctly. All settings have been triple checked, but the software still throws up weird errors (always to do with its internal libraries).)
So does anyone know of any other comparable FTP-based, deployment plug-in for Visual Studio?
Here's what Dispatch does (and so any suggested replacement must do):
Monitor any altered files
in the project. When a file is
changed, it's added to a list of
files to be deployed.
To deploy these
files to the live site, all we need
to do is click "Upload" and the plugin will
connect via FTP to our live site and
upload the selected files.
We can filter out
any filenames we don't want to be
monitored/uploaded (e.g. .cs or
web.config or /Images/, etc.)
I think that's all the features that we need. Thanks for any suggestions!
Note: If you're wondering why we need such a service, it's because we deploy many site changes over the course of a single day. Publishing the entire project to a folder, zipping it up, then FTPing that zip file, only to have to unzip it, and then install the entire project into the live wwwroot takes far too long. With Dispatch you're able to upload individual files in a single click.
After much back and forth between me and the creator of Dispatch, we managed to narrow down the problem to the library he was using (Rebex FTP). I posted a question about the issue on the Rebex forums, and it was revealed that their software might have a bug with IIS7.5. They suggested a quick hack/fix, which I tested and discovered worked.
Mr. Dispatch then quickly implemented this hack/fix into his software, and lo! I had a fully working copy of Dispatch... So no need for a replacement any more!
(And from what I've seen, there isn't even any other plug-ins offering this functionality, so it's just as well.)
Just an update - Dispatch does not work with VS 2013 so if you have VS 2012 with Dispatch installed, Keep it. Also the website is gone so it looks like all development has ceased. I have been using Dispatch since VS2005 and it has been great for just sending single files up when I need to. Too bad it is gone.
I built a very simple one for myself - you right click the file in Solution Explorer and it then uploads that file based on a settings file you create.
It's super crude but it works and the source is there to make it better if you like -
Big enhancements have been added to VS2008, VS2010, VS2012. Below is the article. I found that Microsoft did all the above while I was searching. Since this came up high in what I was searching, thought should share this knowledge.
Deploy a Web Application Project Using One-Click Publish Without Web Deploy

MSTest run fails because source assembly is not trusted

I just added xUnit to our test project (for the Asserts, we're still using MSTest as the framework) and immediately the test runs refused to execute any of the tests. This is the error message:
Failed to queue test run '{ .... }'
Test run deployment issue: The
location of the file or directory
'...xUnit.dll' is not trusted.
It took me a few tries to find the answer in Google, so I'm putting it here in case anyone else runs into the same problem. A detailed description can be found at this blog posting.
Basically, the fix invovles right-clicking on the dll file (xunit.dll for example) in Windows Explorer, going to Properties, and clicking "Unblock" at the bottom of the tab next to the 'Security' text. It seems that Vista / Windows 2008 will automatically mark assemblies that come from other machines or the internet as unsafe.
As a couple commenters have mentioned, you may also need to restart Visual Studio for this to take effect.
In my team we had the same problem.
Your solution didn't work, but this post by Charles Sterling did help.
We used the following line:
caspol -machine -addgroup 1 -url file://\\server/share/* FullTrust -name DevShare
After having this issue and burning hours trying to get "Unblock" to stick longer than a few minutes and/or figuring out caspol to no avail, I finally found a little tidbit via Google that the assemblies will be blocked again the next time you build or rebuild the project, since they're re-copied from their original source location. (I guess I never noticed that this happened before with references assemblies, but anyway...)
My fix for this was the following:
Copy all the needed DLLs to another
spot for safe-keeping
Remove the
references in Visual Studio
Physically delete the DLLs in the
bin folder
Unblock the DLLs
individually in the spot where they
were copied off
Add the references
back in Visual Studio from the
holding spot
Every subsequent build or rebuild worked fine afterward.
Running on an XP machine (even with .NET 3.5 SP1 installed) I was not able to get any of the other solutions listed here to work.
However working from the same post by Charles Sterling that Davy Landman references, I finally succeeded with this variation:
Run the .NET 2.0 Configuration tool (Settings... Control Panel... Administrative Tools... .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration)
Click down to "My Computer ... Runtime Security Policy ... Machine ... Code Groups ... All_Code"
Create a new code group with membership condition of "Zone"="Local Intranet" and assign the permission set "FullTrust"
Restart Visual Studio
After these steps I am able to run tests, including after restarts and rebuilds.
EDIT: as described in this answer, you may need to install the .NET SDK (which is different from the .NET framework) in order to have the .NET 2.0 Configuration tool on your system.
I had the same problem with moq. But would not 'unblock'. Every time I unblocked it, it was still blocked!?!?
I had to unblock the original zip file I downloaded. Then copy the DLL from the zip file again. It work after that.
It may seem really obvious now, but when I was clicking unblock the file was set as read-only.
Only after un-checking that attribute, applying, then selecting unblock did I actually get this working.
Give that a go.
PS: I also deleted all the old dll's in my bin folder, just to make sure Visual Studio wasn't picking up the old one.
I had the same problem with downloaded DLLs blocked by Vista.
You need Administrator rights to get the "Unblock" button on the file's Properties.
I simply replaced the DLLs with the latest version from source control (TFS) where I had committed them before.
Go to file
Right click and select Properties
On the first Register click on Allow
I also tried opening the file in notepad++ and renaming it.
Slightly different approach, but it worked for me. The local file system then think it comes from the same machine.
It's not just the moq.dll that needs to be unblocked. The latest zip file includes an moq.xml and moq.pdb file - referencing the dll copies these other two files to the bin folders as well. If all three have not been unblocked the tests won't run, I found.
