ruby bitwise or - ruby

Here is code
def tmp
a = ancestors.first(ancestors.index(ActiveRecord::Base))
b = a.sum([]) { |m| m.public_instance_methods(false) |
m.private_instance_methods(false) |
m.protected_instance_methods(false) } {|m| m.to_s }.to_set
I thought | is bitwise OR operator. So how come b contains non boolean values?

It would have helped if you said what your code was supposed to do, but I think I finally got it. The | that you have is not an OR at all, neither bitwise nor logical. It is an array union operation. Look it up under Array rubydoc. It takes Array arguments and gives an Array result consisting of all elements that are in either array.
Since pretty much everything in Ruby is an object (aside from blocks, not relevant here), there are no absolute "operators" except for simple assignment. Every operator is in fact a method defined on some class, and therefore contextual.
Also, as someone rightly pointed out (deleted now), bitwise OR deals with integers, not booleans: 7 | 12 == 15. Logical or || deals with boolean values, but it too can return a non-boolean, since strictly speaking everything except for nil and false is true. Thus, 7 || 12 returns 7, not true (which is still equivalent to true in most contexts).
UPDATE: I've overlooked the fact that || and &&, when used on a Boolean object, can not actually be defined in Ruby, because of their short-circuit semantics. This nevertheless does not change the fact that they behave like methods of Boolean.


|| and && aren't methods on Object -- what are they?

The single pipe "or" | exists as a method on TrueClass and FalseClass, but the short circuit || operator does not. Neither does it exist as a method on Object.
This seems to be an exception to ruby's "everything is an object" metaphor.
Main Question: Syntactically speaking, what are || and &&? Are they just baked bits of global syntax?
Secondary Question: I'm flagging this as not part of the main question, because it is potentially subjective, though I suspect it probably isn't.
Is there a language design or performance reason for this asymmetry? It seems to me both operators could have been implemented as methods on Object. Something like:
class Object
def short_circuit_or(other)
!nil? ? true :
!other.nil? ? true : false
I assume there is a reason they were not. What is it?
Both | and || are operators. || is part of the language while | is implemented as a method by some classes (Array, FalseClass, Integer, NilClass and TrueClass) .
In programming languages, | is used in general as the bitwise OR operator. It combines the bits of its integer operands and produces a new integer value. When used with non-integer operands, some languages convert them to integer, others prohibit such usage.
|| is the logical OR operator. It combines two boolean values (true or false) and produces another boolean value. When its operands are not boolean values, they are converted to boolean by some languages. Ruby (and JavaScript and other languages) evaluate its first operand as boolean and the value of the expression is the value of its first operand if its boolean value is true or the value of its second operand if the logical value of its first one is false. The type of the resulting value is its original type, it is not converted to boolean.
Each language uses its own rules to decide what non-boolean values are converted to false (usually the number 0, the empty string '' and null or undefined); all the other values are converted to true. The only "false" values in Ruby are false (boolean) and nil (non-boolean); all the other values (including 0) are "true".
Because true || anything is true and false && anything is false, many programming languages including Ruby implement short-circuit evaluation for logical expressions.
Using short-circuit evaluation, a logical expression is evaluated from left to right, one operand at a time until the value of the expression can be computed without the need to compute the other operands. In the examples above, the value of anything doesn't change the value of the entire expression. Using short-circuit evaluation, the value of anything is not computed at all because it does not influence the value of the entire expression. Being anything a method call that takes considerable time to execute, the short-circuit evaluation avoids calling it and saves execution time.
As others already mentioned in comments to the question, implementing || as a method of some class is not possible. The value of its second operand must be evaluated in order to be passed as argument to the method and this breaks the short-circuiting behaviour.
The usual representation of the logical values in programming languages uses only one bit (and I guess Ruby does the same.) Results of | and || are the same for operands stored on one bit.
Ruby uses the | symbol to implement different flavors of the OR operation as follows:
bitwise OR for integers;
non-short-circuit logical OR for booleans and nil;
union for arrays.
An expression like:
x = false | a | b | c
ensures that all a, b and c expressions are evaluated (no short-circuit) and the value of x is the logical OR of the logical values of a, b and c.
If a, b and c are method calls, to achieve the same result using the logical OR operator (||) the code needs to look like this:
aa = a
bb = b
cc = c
x = aa || bb || cc
This way each method is called no matter what values are returned by the methods called before it.
For TrueClass, FalseClass and NilClass, the | operator is useful when short-circuit evaluation is not desired.
Also, for Array (an array is just an ordered set), the | operator implements union, an operation that is the semantically equivalent of logical OR for sets.

Multiplying string by integer vs integer by string in ruby

I was playing around in irb, and noticed one cannot do
5 * "Hello".
String can't be coerced into Fixnum
However "Hello"*5 provided "HelloHelloHelloHelloHello" as expected.
What is the exact reason for this? I've been looking around in the doc's and could not find the exact reason for this behavior. Is this something the designers of ruby decided?
Basically, you are asking "why is multiplication not commutative"? There are two possible answers for this. Or rather one answer with two layers.
The basic principle of OO is that everything happens as the result of one object sending a message to another object and that object responding to that message. This "messaging" metaphor is very important, because it explains a lot of things in OO. For example, if you send someone a message, all you can observe is what their response is. You don't know, and have no idea of finding out, what they did to come up with that response. They could have just handed out a pre-recorded response (reference an instance variable). They could have worked hard to construct a response (execute a method). They could have handed the message off to someone else (delegation). Or, they just don't understand the message you are sending them (NoMethodError).
Note that this means that the receiver of the message is in total control. The receiver can respond in any way it wishes. This makes message sending inherently non-commutative. Sending message foo to a passing b as an argument is fundamentally different from sending message foo to b passing a as an argument. In one case, it is a and only a that decides how to respond to the message, in the other case it is b and only b.
Making this commutative requires explicit cooperation between a and b. They must agree on a common protocol and adhere to that protocol.
In Ruby, binary operators are simply message sends to the left operand. So, it is solely the left operand that decides what to do.
So, in
'Hello' * 5
the message * is sent to the receiver 'Hello' with the argument 5. In fact, you can alternately write it like this if you want, which makes this fact more obvious:
'Hello' gets to decide how it responds to that message.
Whereas in
5 * 'Hello'
it is 5 which gets to decide.
So, the first layer of the answer is: Message sending in OO is inherently non-commutative, there is no expectation of commutativity anyway.
But, now the question becomes, why don't we design in some commutativity? For example, one possible way would be to interpret binary operators not as message sends to one of the operands but instead message sends to some third object. E.g., we could interpret
5 * 'Hello'
*(5, 'Hello')
'Hello' * 5
*('Hello', 5)
i.e. as message sends to self. Now, the receiver is the same in both cases and the receiver can arrange for itself to treat the two cases identically and thus make * commutative.
Another, similar possibility would be to use some sort of shared context object, e.g. make
5 * 'Hello'
equivalent to
Operators.*(5, 'Hello')
In fact, in mathematics, the meaning of a symbol is often dependent on context, e.g. in ℤ, 2 / 3 is undefined, in ℚ, it is 2/3, and in IEEE754, it is something close to, but not exactly identical to 0.333…. Or, in ℤ, 2 * 3 is 6, but in ℤ|5, 2 * 3 is 1.
So, it would certainly make sense to do this. Alas, it isn't done.
Another possibility would be to have the two operands cooperate using a standard protocol. In fact, for arithmetic operations on Numerics, there actually is such a protocol! If a receiver doesn't know what to do with an operand, it can ask that operand to coerce itself, the receiver, or both to something the receiver does know how to handle.
Basically, the protocol goes like this:
you call 5 * 'Hello'
5 doesn't know how to handle 'Hello', so it asks 'Hello' for a coercion. …
… 5 calls 'Hello'.coerce(5)
'Hello' responds with a pair of objects [a, b] (as an Array) such that a * b has the desired result
5 calls a * b
One common trick is to simply implement coerce to flip the operands, so that when 5 retries the operation, 'Hello' will be the receiver:
class String
def coerce(other)
[self, other]
5 * 'Hello'
#=> 'HelloHelloHelloHelloHello'
Okay, OO is inherently non-commutative, but we can make it commutative using cooperation, so why isn't it done? I must admit, I don't have a clear-cut answer to this question, but I can offer two educated guesses:
coerce is specifically intended for numeric coercion in arithmetic operations. (Note the protocol is defined in Numeric.) A string is not a number, nor is string concatenation an arithmetic operation.
We just don't expect * to be commutative with wildly different types such as Integer and String.
Of course, just for fun, we can actually observe that there is a certain symmetry between Integers and Strings. In fact, you can implement a common version of Integer#* for both String and Integer arguments, and you will see that the only difference is in what we choose as the "zero" element:
class Integer
def *(other)
zero = case other
when Integer then 0
when String then ''
when Array then []
times.inject(zero) {|acc, _| acc + other }
5 * 6
#=> 30
5 * 'six'
#=> 'sixsixsixsixsix'
5 * [:six]
#=> [:six, :six, :six, :six, :six, :six]
The reason for this is, of course, that the set of strings with the concatenation operation and the empty string as the identity element form a monoid, just like arrays with concatenation and the empty array and just like integers with addition and zero. Since all three are monoids, and our "multiplication as repeated addition" only requires monoid operations and laws, it will work for all monoids.
Note: Python has an interesting twist on this double-dispatch idea. Just like in Ruby, if you write
a * b
Python will re-write that into a message send:
However, if a can't handle the operation, instead of cooperating with b, it cooperates with Python by returning NotImplemented. Now, Python will try with b, but with a slight twist: it will call
This allows b to know that it was on the right side of the operator. It doesn't matter much for multiplication (because multiplication is (usually but not always, see e.g. matrix multiplication) commutative), but remember that operator symbols are distinct from their operations. So, the same operator symbol can be used for operations that are commutative and ones that are non-commutative. Example: + is used in Ruby for addition (2 + 3 == 3 + 2) and also for concatenation ('Hello' + 'World' != 'World' + 'Hello'). So, it is actually advantageous for an object to know whether it was the right or left operand.
This is because that operators are also methods(Well there are exceptions as Cary has listed in the comments which I wasn't aware of).
For example
array << 4 == array.<<4
array[2] == array.[](2)
array[2] ='x' == array.[] =(2,'x')
In your example:
5 * "Hello" => 5.*("Hello")
"hello" *5 => 5.*("hello")
An integer cannot take that method with a string param
If you ever dabble around in python try 5*hello and hello*5, both work. Pretty interesting that ruby has this feature to be honest.
Well, as Muntasir Alam has already told that Fixnum does not has a method named * which takes a string as argument. So, 5*"Hello" produces that error.But, to have fun we can actually achieve 5*"Hello" this by adding that missing method to the Fixnum class.
class Fixnum # open the class
def * str # Override the *() method
if str.is_a? String # If argument is String
temp = ""
self.times do
temp << str
else # If the argument is not String
mul = 0
self.times do
mul += str
puts 5*"Hello" #=> HelloHelloHelloHelloHello
puts 4*5 #=> 20
puts 5*10.4 #=> 52.0
Well, that was just to show that the opposite is also possible. But that will bring a lot of overhead. I think we should avoid that at all cost.

Does Ruby auto-promote numeric values for comparison?

Why on earth does comparing a float value of 1.0, to an integer value of 1, return true?
puts '1.0'.to_i
puts '1.0'.to_i == 1.0 #so 1 == 1.0 is true?
puts 1.0 == 1 #wtf?
Does Ruby only read the first part of the floatin point value and then short circuit? Wuld someone be able to explain with a link to some documentation please? I have flipped through the API but I don't even know what to look for in this case...
== compares the value, the value of 1.0 is equal to 1 in math, so it's not much surprising. To compare value as well as type, you can use eql?:
1.0 == 1
#=> true
1.0.eql? 1
#=> false
In Ruby, == is a method. That means to understand it you need to look at the specific class calling it.
1 == 1.0
The caller is 1, a Fixnum. So you need to look at Fixnum#==.
1.0 == 1
The caller is 1.0, a Float. So you need to look at Float#==.
A surprising result of this is that == is not necessarily symmetric: a == b and b == a could call completely different methods and return completely different results. In this case though, both == methods end up calling the C function rb_integer_float_eq which converts both operands to the same data type before comparing them.
Actually there already is a nice answer "What's the difference between equal?, eql?, ===, and ==?" about equality in Ruby, with references and stuff. There is a surprising amount of ways to compare for equality in Ruby, each with its own purpose.
Since mathematical meaning is not enough for you, you can compare differently. Like, say, eql? that is heavily used in Hashes to determine if two keys are the same. And it turns out that 1.0 and 1 are different keys! his is what I get in IRB of Ruby 2.1.2:
> 1.0.eql?(1.0)
=> true
> 1.eql?(1)
=> true
> 1.eql?(1.0)
=> false
Ruby is coercing the operands of == (as needed) to the same type, then performing a comparison of their numeric values. This is normally what you want for numeric comparisons.
Most languages will automatically increase the precision of a variable's type in order to perform operations on them such as compare, add, multiply, etc. They "usually" do not decrease the precision, nor unnecessarily increase it. E.g. 1/2 = 0, but 1.0/2.0 = 0.5.

OR between two function call

What is the meaning of a || between two function call
//some code
return Find(n.left,req)||Find(n.right,req);
can some one help me to understand . Many thanks in advance.
It means that it returns true if one of the two functions is true (or both of them).
Depends on the programming language, the method calls Find(n.left,req) -> if it's true - returns true. if it's false, it calls Find(n.right,req) and returns its Boolean value.
In Java (and C and C#) || means "lazy or". The single stroke | also means "or", but operates slightly differently.
To calculate a||b, the computer calculates the truth value (true or false) of a, and if a is true it returns the value true without bothering to calculate b, hence the word "lazy". Only if a is false, will it checks b to see if it is true (and so if a or b is true).
To calculate a|b, the computer works out the value of a and b first, then "ors" the answers together.
The "lazy or" || is more efficient, because it sometimes does not need to calculate b at all. The only reason you might want to use a|b is if b is actually a function (method) call, and because of some side-effect of the method you want to be sure it executes exactly once. I personally consider this poor programming technique, and on the very few occasions that I want b to always be explicitly calculated I do this explicitly and then use a lazy or.
Eg consider a function or method foo() which returns a boolean. Instead of
boolean x = a|foo(something);
I would write
boolean c=foo(something);
boolean x = a||c;
Which explicitly calls foo() exactly once, so you know what is going on.
Much better programming practice, IMHO. Indeed the best practice would be to eliminate the side effect in foo() entirely, but sometimes that's hard to do.
If you are using lazy or || think about the order you evaluate it in. If a is easy to calculate and usually true, a||b will be more efficient than b||a, as most of the time a simple calculation for a is all that is needed. Conversely if b is usually false and is difficult to calculate, b||a will not be much more efficient than a|b. If one of a or b is a constant and the other a method call, you should have the constant as the first term a||foo() rather than foo()||a as a method call will always be slower than using a simple local variable.
Hope this helps.
Peter Webb
return Find(n.left,req)||Find(n.right,req);
means execute first find {Find(n.left,req)} and return true if it returns true or
execute second find return the value true if it return true, otherwise false.

Range and the mysteries that it covers going out of my range

I am trying to understand how range.cover? works and following seems confusing -
("as".."at").cover?("ass") # true and ("as".."at").cover?("ate") # false
This example in isolation is not confusing as it appears to be evaluated dictionary style where ass comes before at followed by ate.
("1".."z").cover?(":") # true
This truth seems to be based on ASCII values rather than dictionary style, because in a dictionary I'd expect all special characters to precede even digits and the confusion starts here. If what I think is true then how does cover? decide which comparison method to employ i.e. use ASCII values or dictionary based approach.
And how does range work with arrays. For example -
([1]..[10]).cover?([9,11,335]) # true
This example I expected to be false. But on the face of it looks like that when dealing with arrays, boundary values as well as cover?'s argument are converted to string and a simple dictionary style comparison yields true. Is that correct interpretation?
What kind of objects is Range equipped to handle? I know it can take numbers (except complex ones), handle strings, able to mystically work with arrays while boolean, nil and hash values among others cause it to raise ArgumentError: bad value for range
Why does ([1]..[10]).cover?([9,11,335]) return true
Let's take a look at the source. In Ruby 1.9.3 we can see a following definition.
static VALUE
range_cover(VALUE range, VALUE val)
VALUE beg, end;
beg = RANGE_BEG(range);
end = RANGE_END(range);
if (r_le(beg, val)) {
if (EXCL(range)) {
if (r_lt(val, end))
return Qtrue;
else {
if (r_le(val, end))
return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
If the beginning of the range isn't lesser or equal to the given value cover? returns false. Here lesser or equal to is determined in terms of the r_lt function, which uses the <=> operator for comparison. Let's see how does it behave in case of arrays
[1] <=> [9,11,335] # => -1
So apparently [1] is indeed lesser than [9,11,335]. As a result we go into the body of the first if. Inside we check whether the range excludes its end and do a second comparison, once again using the <=> operator.
[10] <=> [9,11,335] # => 1
Therefore [10] is greater than [9,11,335]. The method returns true.
Why do you see ArgumentError: bad value for range
The function responsible for raising this error is range_failed. It's called only when range_check returns a nil. When does it happen? When the beginning and the end of the range are uncomparable (yes, once again in terms of our dear friend, the <=> operator).
true <=> false # => nil
true and false are uncomparable. The range cannot be created and the ArgumentError is raised.
On a closing note, Range.cover?'s dependence on <=> is in fact an expected and documented behaviour. See RubySpec's specification of cover?.
