Google crawling indexing algorithms - algorithm

I am looking for some documents on how Google crawl and index content. I read many "light" papers and articles on what you need to do to improve your ranking and make sure your content is properly indexed but I am looking for some more advanced technical documents on how Google crawl and index content.
The things I would like to know more about:
What elements Google look for when it crawls: page content, URLs format, keywords, description etc...
How the index is updated?
Basically, I am trying to understand why some pages are indexed but not others even if the formats are similar. Why only 10% of my site's pages appear when I do a search on the entire domain even if I can see on my server logs that Google crawled every single link.

The answers to both things are closely-guarded trade secrets, ostensibly to prevent gaming the system.
Also keep in mind that Google makes over 400 algorithmic changes per year, making it close to impossible for an outsider to be accurate and up-to-date. Short of working for Google, you're likely not going to find an in-depth and accurate answer.
However, Matt Cutts, head of the web spam team, frequently provides the most accurate insights in how Google handles content, both on his blog and on the GoogleWebmasterHelp YouTube channel. It's worth going through his content to get a much better understanding of Google's methodology.

In order to provide a technical approach of how a webcrawler works I will suggest you to take a deep look into solution.
A typical webcrawler displays the following areas, a fetcher, a parser, and indexer and a searcher. To put it briefly a webcrawler fetch all urls available on a website and creates segments where its store up to 101kb per page. Those pages are parsed but typical words such as and-or-the are not stored but other words are analyzed using bayesian calculations in order to make a rank.
Search engine indexing collects, parses, and stores data to facilitate fast and accurate information retrieval. These tasks are mainly performed by storing a list of occurrences of each search critera, typically in the form of a hash table or binary tree using an inverted index.
As Mark stated Google´s calculations are mainly trade secrets but Patents issued by google could be a good start. Pagerank analyses backlinks mainly and the importance that websites pointing to your site have on people´s preferences. In my experience its important to offer an xml sitemap stating all your webpages at your site. On that sitemap you could define the crawl frequency for each page. is an interesting possibility.
Google Website Optimizer will give you the chance to see what is google finding on your site, logs are ok but probably the robot finds problem and the best way to know that is with google´s website optimizer in order to display errors.
Finally most of your concerns are things that SEO´s specialist live for, I suggest you to check sites like and their tools... You will learn how to position your website better on organic results on search engines.
hope it helps!, sebastian.

"Yes" Google like fresh & unique content.
Use Google webmaster guideline "try this instead" H1 or H2 meta tag on your HTML programming under the head tag ....your keyword. Anchor have to must use your business related keywords in H1, H2, it can help your site search engine.
Also use for Rich snippets in this tag..!

It scans you web page very precisely and sensitively. Factors like you have javascript embedded or in different file matter, whether you are using frames in designing or using heavy graphics can reduce the ranking of your page. Keywords are obviously rank affecting entities. Broken links also bring your website ranking down.
Basically you can refer to to go through all the important points of google's crawler. This will take a maximum of 40 mins.

MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

I analysed the latest algorithm and found that now
Google gives more importance to CONTENT rather than LINKS.
So if your content is good enough with properly available tags, Google will automatically generate index for you. I would suggest H1 - H6 all to be used in good manner.


How to build a price comparison program that scrapes the prices of a product across several websites

I am trying to build a price comparison program for personal use (and for practice) that allows me to compare prices of the same item across different websites. I have just started using the Scrapy library and played around by scraping websites. These are my steps whenever I scrape a new website:
1) Find the website's search url, understand its pattern, and store it. For instance, Target's search url is composed by a fixed url="" plus the search terms (in parsed url)
2)Once I know the website's search url, I send a SplashRequest using the Splash library. I do this because many pages are heavily loaded with JS
3)Look up the HTML structure of the results page and determine the correct xpath expression to parse the prices. However, many websites have results page in different formats depending on the search terms or product category, changing thus the page's HTML code. Therefore, I have to examine all the possible results page's formats and come up with an xpath that can account for all the different formats
I find this process to be very inefficient, slow, and inaccurate. For instance, at step 3, even though I have the correct xpath, I am still unable to scrape all the prices in the page (sometimes I also get prices of items that are not present in the HTML rendered page), which I dont understand. Also, I dont know whether the websites know that my requests come from a bot, thus maybe sending me a faulty or incorrect HTML code. Moreover, this process cannot be automated. For example, I have to repeat step 1 and 2 for every new website. Therefore, I was wondering if there was a more efficient process, library, or approach that I could use to help me finish this program. I also heard something about using the website's API, although I dont quite understand how it works. This is my first time doing scraping and I dont know too much about web technologies, so any help/advice is highly appreciate!
The most common problem with crawling is that in general, they are determining everything to be scraped syntactically, while conceptualizing the entities you are to be working with helps a lot, I am speaking from my own experience.
In a research about scraping I was involved in we have reached to the conclusion that we need to use a semantic tree. This tree should contain nodes, which represent important data for your purpose and a parent-child relation means that the parent encapsulates the child in the HTML, XML or other hierarchical structure.
You will therefore need some kind of concept about how you will want to represent the semantic tree and how it will be mapped with site structures. If your search method allows you to use the logical OR, then you will be able to define the same semantic tree for multiple online sources.
On the other hand, if the owners of some sites are willing to allow you to scrape their data, then you might ask them to define the semantic tree.
If a given website's structure is changed, then using a semantic tree more often than not you will be able to comply to the change by just changing the selector of a few elements, if the semantic tree's node structure remains the same. If some owners are partners in allowing scraping, then you will be able to just download their semantic trees.
If a website provides an API, then you can use that, read about REST APIs to do so. However, these APIs are probably not uniform.

What are the correct Google Webmaster URL Parameter settings for Pagination and Sorting?

We have about 4,000 products in a store, but Google is monitoring 31,000 URLS. To try and reduce the number of indexed pages, I have restricted the URL parameters in webmaster admin to:
P = 1
DIR = Asc
I'm thinking this will reduce the category pages indexed to 1 instance of each category.
The site has canonical URL tags defined, a comprehensive robots.txt and a daily updated sitemap.
Is this acceptable or is it better to Let Google Decide?
In general, if you are comfortable with what we decide is better for your site, then it's better to leave it to us. That said, if Googlebot is creating problems with crawling irrelevant or duplicate URLs, then of course, go ahead and create the filters.
Other than that, it's often much better to actually just disallow crawling the URLs if you can. That's less error prone and it will decrease the traffic to the roboted pages for good.
And finally, to actually answer your question, that setup looks good to me, although without knowing the exact URLs it's hard to say for sure.

Why do search APIs return different results from the main search engine?

I've been playing around with the Google and Bing search APIs, and I've noticed that even when both are configured to search the entire web, the APIs return different results from conducting searches on the actual search engines.
I've also noticed that for very long queries, the APIs tend to return very few results, and sometimes no results when a normal search on their website would return many results.
Why is this?
Search Engines tend to weight the results based on your own usage patterns online. Let's say you search for "Fluffy kitten", and you regularly spend time browsing around bar/restaurant directory sites, you might get that new hipster bar "Fluffy Kitten" at the top of your search results, while the person who spend more time reading pet fanatic sites might get the cute and cuddly search results.
This often catches people out who think their cool new site is number one in Google, when in fact, nobody else has the result at #1 and Google is just favouring it for them based on their online activity.
The APIs don't have the same knowledge about the user, so your results will vary.
There may be other reasons, but this usage-tracking stuff is very true.

Body Text extraction from websites e.g. extract only article heading and text not all text in site

I am looking for algorithms that allow text extraction from websites. I do not mean "strip html", or any of the hundreds of libraries that allow this.
So for example for a news article I would like to identify the heading and all the text, but not the comments section and so on.
Are there any algorithms for that out there? Thank you!
In computer science literature this problem is usually referred to as the page segmentation or boiler plate detection problem. See the report Boilerplate Detection using Shallow Text Features and its related blog post. Also, I have a few reports and software sites bookmarked that address the problem. Also, see this stackoverflow question.
there are a few open source tools available that do similar article extraction tasks. which was open source by
It has info on the wiki as well as the source you can view. There are dozens of unit tests that show the text extracted from various articles.
"Content extraction" is a very difficult topic. There are no common standards to identify the "main-article" content (there are several approaches to make HTML easier readably for crawlers, e.g., but none of these is very popularly used).
So it turns out, that if you want good results, its probably best to define your own XPath selectors for each (news) website you want to scrape. Although there are some APIs for HTML content extraction, but as I said its very hard to develop an algorithm which works for every site.
Some APIs you could use:
What you're trying to do is called "content extraction". It turns out to be a surprisingly hard problem to solve well, and many naive solutions do quite badly.
Instapaper and Readability both have to solve this, and you may learn something from looking at their solutions. They also both provide services that you may be able to take advantage of - perhaps you can outsource your problem to them and let their API take care of it. :)
Failing that, a search for "html content extraction" returns a great deal of useful results, including a number of papers on the subject.
I compared a few different libraries, and had really great luck with Mozilla's Readability library (Node), or its Python wrapper.
For example, take this CNN article:
Readability successfully returns only the relevant data:
New York (CNN Business) Elon Musk is demanding that Tesla office workers return to in-person work or leave the company. The policy, disclosed in leaked emails Musk sent to Tesla's executive staff Tuesday, was first reported by electric vehicle news site Electrek. "Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean *minimum*) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla. This is less than we ask of factory workers," Musk wrote, adding that the office must be the employee's primary workplace where the other workers they regularly interact with are based — "not a remote branch office unrelated to the job duties." Musk said he would personally review any request for exemption from the policy, but that for the most part, "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned."
I think your best shoot is study what information can you get from the metadata and write a good html parser, oEmbed could be a good standard =)

search APIs versus screen scraping

I would like to know as a newbie programmer what the benefits are of using for example google search API or newest buzz API for data content gathering instead of screen scraping; obviously apart from the legal aspects.
API's are less likely to change than a screen layout.
One big downside of screen scraping is that the screen can change and break your scraper. So you end up having to continually adjust your code to match theirs, and since you don't know about changes ahead of time, you suffer downtime/outages as a result.
Also, you may be violating their TOS, and they won't like it. If you have paying customers for your service, you can find yourself between a rock and a hard place pretty quickly.
Also, if you're simulating many users, you'll produce an unanticipated drag on the servers. So using a published/permitted API would be much more efficient for you, and for the web site serving up the source material.
