Large-scale pseudoinverse - algorithm

I would like to compute the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of an enormous matrix. Ideally, I would like to do it on a matrix that has 23 million rows and 1000 columns, but if necessary I can reduce the number of rows to 4 million by only running on one part of my experiment.
Obviously, loading the matrix in to memory and running SVD on it is not going to work. Wikipedia points to Krylov subspace methods and mention the Arnoldi, Lanczos, Conjugate gradient, GMRES (generalized minimum residual), BiCGSTAB (biconjugate gradient stabilized), QMR (quasi minimal residual), TFQMR (transpose-free QMR), and MINRES (minimal residual) methods as being among the best Krylov subspace methods. But I don't know where to go from here. Is computing the pseudoinverse of such a huge matrix even feasible? If so, using which algorithms or software libraries? I have a large computing cluster available, so parallel approaches are welcome.
This answer points to the R package biglm. Would that work? Has anyone used it? I normally work in Python, but don't mind using other languages and tools for this particular task.

You might be better off using a block iterative algorithm that converges directly to the least squares solution than computing the least squares solution through the pseudoinverse. See "Applied Iterative Methods" by Charlie Byrne. These algorithms are closely related to the Krylov subspace methods, but are tuned for easy computation. You can get an introduction by looking at chapter 3 of this preprint of another of his books.


Definition of matrix-vector division operator of Julia

I stumbled upon something, which I consider very strange.
As an example consider the code
A = reshape(1:6, 3,2)
A/[1 1]
which gives
3×1 Array{Float64,2}:
As I understand, in general such division gives the weighted average of columns, where each weight is inversely proportional to the corresponding element of the vector.
So my question is, why is it defined such way?
What is the mathematical justification of this definition?
It's the minimum error solution to |A - v*[1 1]|₂ – which, being overconstrained, has no exact solution in general (i.e. value v such that the norm is precisely zero). The behavior of / and \ is heavily overloaded, solving both under and overconstrained systems by a variety of techniques and heuristics. Whether this kind of overloading is a good idea or not is debatable, but it's what people have come to expect from these operations in Matlab and Octave, and it's often quite convenient to have so much functionality available in a single operator.
Let A be an NxN matrix and b be a Nx1 column vector. Then \ solves Ax=b, and / solves xA=b.
As Stefan mentions, this is extended to underdetermined cases as the least squares solution. This is done via the QR or SVD decompositions. See the details on these algorithms to see why this is the case. Hint: the linear form of the OLS estimator can actually be written as the solution to matrix decompositions, so it's the same thing.
Now you might ask, how does it actually solve it? That's a complicated question. Essentially, it uses a matrix factorization. But which matrix factorization is used is dependent on the matrix type. The reason for this is because Gaussian elimination is O(n^3), and so treating the problem generally is usually not good. But whenever you can specialize, you can get speedups. So essentially \ (and /, which transposes and calls \) check for a bunch of special types and pick a factorization or other algorithm (LU, QR, SVD, Cholesky, etc.) based on the matrix type. The flow chart from MATLAB explains this very well. There's a lot of details here, and it gets even more details when the matrix is sparse. Also IterativeSolvers.jl should be mentioned because it's another set of algorithms for solving Ax=b.
Most applied math problems reduce down to linear algebra, with solving Ax=b being one of the most important and difficult problems, which is why there is tons of research on the subject. In fact, you can probably say that the vast majority of the field of numerical linear algebra is devoted to finding fast methods for solving Ax=b on specific matrix types. \ essentially puts all of the direct (non-iterative) methods into one convenient operator.

Drawing a set of points taking into account the strength of their friendship

I have an n-by-n symmtric matrix F of non-negative integers: F[i,j] is a measure of how close the guys i and j are. I want to locate n points in the plane representing the n guys in such a way that
two guys which are close are represented by points which are close and,
ideally, two guys which are not that close and which are not even connected by a chain of close friendships are represented by points which are far away.
Is there a standard algorithm to do this?
What you're describing is generically referred to as multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) or Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCA--but be aware that there are other techniques also known as PCA).
There are quite a few well-known algorithms for carrying out MDS. That's mostly because the classical methods are pretty slow--O(N2). Most others are attempts at reducing the run-time while minimizing loss of accuracy.
At least in my experience, Landmark multidimensional scaling (LMDS) maintains pretty close to the accuracy of full MDS, but reduces run-time substantially. The basic idea here is to compute MDS on sub-groups of the points, the compute a way to fit the pieces together.
If you really want maximum speed, and don't care a whole lot about accuracy, you could consider the FastMap algorithm.
For what it's worth: what I've generally found most useful is to reduce the raw data to around 17-21 degrees of freedom using LMDS, then (if you want to display the results) reduce from there to 3 or 2 dimensions using FastMap. I haven't used the full MDS much, but if you're working with few enough points for it to be practical, it's generally the preferred solution.
Here are a few relevant links:

How to find the closest 2 points in a 100 dimensional space with 500,000 points?

I have a database with 500,000 points in a 100 dimensional space, and I want to find the closest 2 points. How do I do it?
Update: Space is Euclidean, Sorry. And thanks for all the answers. BTW this is not homework.
There's a chapter in Introduction to Algorithms devoted to finding two closest points in two-dimensional space in O(n*logn) time. You can check it out on google books. In fact, I suggest it for everyone as the way they apply divide-and-conquer technique to this problem is very simple, elegant and impressive.
Although it can't be extended directly to your problem (as constant 7 would be replaced with 2^101 - 1), it should be just fine for most datasets. So, if you have reasonably random input, it will give you O(n*logn*m) complexity where n is the number of points and m is the number of dimensions.
That's all assuming you have Euclidian space. I.e., length of vector v is sqrt(v0^2 + v1^2 + v2^2 + ...). If you can choose metric, however, there could be other options to optimize the algorithm.
Use a kd tree. You're looking at a nearest neighbor problem and there are highly optimized data structures for handling this exact class of problems.
P.S. Fun problem!
You could try the ANN library, but that only gives reliable results up to 20 dimensions.
Run PCA on your data to convert vectors from 100 dimensions to say 20 dimensions. Then create a K-Nearest Neighbor tree (KD-Tree) and get the closest 2 neighbors based on euclidean distance.
Generally if no. of dimensions are very large then you have to either do a brute force approach (parallel + distributed/map reduce) or a clustering based approach.
Use the data structure known as a KD-TREE. You'll need to allocate a lot of memory, but you may discover an optimization or two along the way based on your data.
My friend was working on his Phd Thesis years ago when he encountered a similar problem. His work was on the order of 1M points across 10 dimensions. We built a kd-tree library to solve it. We may be able to dig-up the code if you want to contact us offline.
Here's his published paper:

3 dimensional bin packing algorithms

I'm faced with a 3 dimensional bin packing problem and am currently conducting some preliminary research as to which algorithms/heuristics are currently yielding the best results. Since the problem is NP hard I do not expect to find the optimal solution in every case, but I was wondering:
1) what are the best exact solvers? Branch and Bound? What problem instance sizes can I expect to solve with reasonable computing resources?
2) what are the best heuristic solvers?
3) What off-the-shelf solutions exist to conduct some experiments with?
As far as off the shelf solutions, check out MAXLOADPRO for loading trucks. It may be able to be configured to load any rectangular volume, but I haven't tried that yet. In general 3d bin-packing problems have the added complication that the objects can be rotated into different positions so for any object with a given length, width and height, you effectively have to create three variables representing each position, but you only use one in the solution.
In general, stand-alone MIP formulations (or branch and bound) don't work well for the 2d or 3d problem but constraint programming has met with some success producing exact solutions for the 2d problem. Check out this abstract. Without looking at the paper, I like the decomposition approach for the problem where you're trying to minimize the number of same-sized bins. I haven't seen as many results for the 3d problem, but let us know if you find any that are implementable.
Good luck !
I've written a program which tests three various algorithms. Also this is a good source of information: A Thousand Ways to Pack the Bin - A Practical Approach to Two-Dimensional Rectangle Bin Packing. It is for two-dimensional rectangle bin, but you can always transform it to 3D.
From wikipedia:
Although these simple strategies are often good enough, efficient approximation algorithms have been demonstrated that can solve the bin packing problem within any fixed percentage of the optimal solution for sufficiently large inputs
Here are the two sources they give for this:
Approximation Algorithms
Bin packing can be solved within 1 + ε in linear time
Best exact solver: Use dynamic programming.
State variables:
Items you have packed and discarded.
Space filled in the container.
If the container is a parallelepiped grid, and the items "fit" in exact cells of the grid, you can use a 3-dimensional array to represent state variable 2. Otherwise, you will have to use more complex data structures.
Best heuristic solvers
I don't know. Perhaps Variable Neighborhood Search. There are some similarities between your problem and the timetable construction problem (which I'm working on), so the same heuristic might be good for both.
Off-the-shelf solutions to conduct experiments
I'm sorry, I don't even have a clue.
You question is similar to:
3d bin packing algorithm
Although, because you dis-allow rotation, you can get pretty good results. I suggest looking more towards a FIRST-FIT-DECREASING solution.
3dbinpacking is a commercial solution (not an algorithm) exposing an API to consume with nice visualization. It offers:
Single bin packing
Multi bin packing
Find third dimension
Find a bin dimensions

Determining the best k for a k nearest neighbour

I have need to do some cluster analysis on a set of 2 dimensional data (I may add extra dimensions along the way).
The analysis itself will form part of the data being fed into a visualisation, rather than the inputs into another process (e.g. Radial Basis Function Networks).
To this end, I'd like to find a set of clusters which primarily "looks right", rather than elucidating some hidden patterns.
My intuition is that k-means would be a good starting place for this, but that finding the right number of clusters to run the algorithm with would be problematic.
The problem I'm coming to is this:
How to determine the 'best' value for k such that the clusters formed are stable and visually verifiable?
Assuming that this isn't NP-complete, what is the time complexity for finding a good k. (probably reported in number of times to run the k-means algorithm).
is k-means a good starting point for this type of problem? If so, what other approaches would you recommend. A specific example, backed by an anecdote/experience would be maxi-bon.
what short cuts/approximations would you recommend to increase the performance.
For problems with an unknown number of clusters, agglomerative hierarchical clustering is often a better route than k-means.
Agglomerative clustering produces a tree structure, where the closer you are to the trunk, the fewer the number of clusters, so it's easy to scan through all numbers of clusters. The algorithm starts by assigning each point to its own cluster, and then repeatedly groups the two closest centroids. Keeping track of the grouping sequence allows an instant snapshot for any number of possible clusters. Therefore, it's often preferable to use this technique over k-means when you don't know how many groups you'll want.
There are other hierarchical clustering methods (see the paper suggested in Imran's comments). The primary advantage of an agglomerative approach is that there are many implementations out there, ready-made for your use.
In order to use k-means, you should know how many cluster there is. You can't try a naive meta-optimisation, since the more cluster you'll add (up to 1 cluster for each data point), the more it will brought you to over-fitting. You may look for some cluster validation methods and optimize the k hyperparameter with it but from my experience, it rarely work well. It's very costly too.
If I were you, I would do a PCA, eventually on polynomial space (take care of your available time) depending on what you know of your input, and cluster along the most representatives components.
More infos on your data set would be very helpful for a more precise answer.
Here's my approximate solution:
Start with k=2.
For a number of tries:
Run the k-means algorithm to find k clusters.
Find the mean square distance from the origin to the cluster centroids.
Repeat the 2-3, to find a standard deviation of the distances. This is a proxy for the stability of the clusters.
If stability of clusters for k < stability of clusters for k - 1 then return k - 1
Increment k by 1.
The thesis behind this algorithm is that the number of sets of k clusters is small for "good" values of k.
If we can find a local optimum for this stability, or an optimal delta for the stability, then we can find a good set of clusters which cannot be improved by adding more clusters.
In a previous answer, I explained how Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) can be used in visual clustering.
Otherwise, there exist a variation of the K-Means algorithm called X-Means which is able to find the number of clusters by optimizing the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), in addition to solving the problem of scalability by using KD-trees.
Weka includes an implementation of X-Means along with many other clustering algorithm, all in an easy to use GUI tool.
Finally you might to refer to this page which discusses the Elbow Method among other techniques for determining the number of clusters in a dataset.
You might look at papers on cluster validation. Here's one that is cited in papers that involve microarray analysis, which involves clustering genes with related expression levels.
One such technique is the Silhouette measure that evaluates how closely a labeled point is to its centroid. The general idea is that, if a point is assigned to one centroid but is still close to others, perhaps it was assigned to the wrong centroid. By counting these events across training sets and looking across various k-means clusterings, one looks for the k such that the labeled points overall fall into the "best" or minimally ambiguous arrangement.
It should be said that clustering is more of a data visualization and exploration technique. It can be difficult to elucidate with certainty that one clustering explains the data correctly, above all others. It's best to merge your clusterings with other relevant information. Is there something functional or otherwise informative about your data, such that you know some clusterings are impossible? This can reduce your solution space considerably.
From your wikipedia link:
Regarding computational complexity,
the k-means clustering problem is:
NP-hard in general Euclidean
space d even for 2 clusters
NP-hard for a general number of
clusters k even in the plane
If k and d are fixed, the problem can be
exactly solved in time O(ndk+1 log n),
where n is the number of entities to
be clustered
Thus, a variety of heuristic
algorithms are generally used.
That said, finding a good value of k is usually a heuristic process (i.e. you try a few and select the best).
I think k-means is a good starting point, it is simple and easy to implement (or copy). Only look further if you have serious performance problems.
If the set of points you want to cluster is exceptionally large a first order optimisation would be to randomly select a small subset, use that set to find your k-means.
Choosing the best K can be seen as a Model Selection problem. One possible approach is Minimum Description Length, which in this context means: You could store a table with all the points (in which case K=N). At the other extreme, you have K=1, and all the points are stored as their distances from a single centroid. This Section from Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning and Schutze suggest minimising the Akaike Information Criterion as a heuristic for an optimal K.
This problematic belongs to the "internal evaluation" class of "clustering optimisation problems" which curent state of the art solution seems to use the **Silhouette* coeficient* as stated here
and here: :
"silhouette plots and averages may be used to determine the natural number of clusters within a dataset"
scikit-learn provides a sample usage implementation of the methodology here
