Close browser/Exit from website Events - events

Nowadays I am creating browser game, using ASPX, CSS and AJAX.
I need to know when the user close the browser or exit from website,
because of these cases for example:
if a player opens a game room and than close the browser or exit from the website,
this room need to be deleted immediately.
2 players are playing in a room, and than one of them leave so the game is finished and the one that stay is the winner.
In this case I can use the countdown timer of the players' turns, and when the countdown timer reaches 0 - The other player wins,
but I prefer that the message will appear as soon as the player left the room,
its faster, and when the countdown reaches 0 there is 2 possibilities - the player left or the player didn't react in time.
Anyone can tell me how can I know when the user close the browser or exit from my website?
because as far as I know the Session object won't be effective since the Session_End method runs several minutes after the browser is close or the user is AFK,
and I can't let the Session_End close the room for players that are AFK since they are waiting for more players to join, and I need to fire my events immediately.
P.S: I found this method, I don't know if its works but I don't think it will fit my needs because I need the event to fire even when the user move from my site to another website.
Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'beforeunload', function() {
alert('cross-exit tab click AND cross-exit browser click');

The onbeforeunload event fires before the user leaves a page. This fires when the user closes the browser or tab, or goes to another page, even if that page is on your own website.
Inside the event handler, you'd make a call back to your server saying that the session was closed. Note that this will have to be an authenticated call with a crumb to avoid an XSRF (ie, player B tricks player A into ending his session).
The only caveat is that it does not work on Opera. For opera, you could use the onunload event, but since this fires when the browser is closed, it's very hard to send anything back to your server in this event handler.

Handling onbeforeunload will probably work.


How do I pause or continue a page animation when going to another tab in the browser?

I don't code so asking for help :-) Hi, I have an issue for a page animation with a couple of interactions. How do I insert a code snippet to tell the browser to either continue or pause the animation, when a user opens/clicks another tab.
Right now, the animation pauses for the first part, but the subsequent interactions keep going. And it's a jumbled mess.
What is the easiest/simple way to do this? Can someone share the full/complete code snippet to accomplish this? I've been searching for hours and can't seem to find the right solution.
I'm using Webflow for the site. Thanks a bunch.
When the user clicks away from a window, certain events are fired off. You can add event handlers to your window object that respond to these events.
You probably want to listen for 'focus' and 'blur' events. JavaScript:
window.addEventListener('blur', function (evt) {
// turn off your animation here
window.addEventListener('focus', function (evt) {
// turn on your animation here
Documentation on window blur event, window focus event, addEventListener().
I have a simple page that reports all window events, it might be useful:

Polymer 1.0 Unable to stop on-tap event propagation

I have a paper-button with the on-tap function that opens a paper-dialog that contains a "Accept" paper-button that will close it when clicked.
The problem i'm getting is if depending on my screen resolution, and the dialog's "Accept" button is over the initial button to open the dialog, when clicked, the dialog opens and closes. I'm assuming the on-tap event is being fired to both.
I've tried these 2 methods but they do not seem to help.
event.cancelBubble = true;
The problem is that a capacitive screens or even mouses can generate multiple tap event on the same spot within a few milisec.
The mouses because a quick change in a high and low voltage (logical 1 and 0) generating an AC signal wich can jump trough on a capacitator (which can be the button two contactor between the air) if the conditions matching. But the onclick event is already catching this case and you does not require to do anything to solve it.
The capacitve screens are capacitators and just rolling your finger should trigger multiple tap events because your skin has different depth of insulation and hard to mark the tap begin and end in some cases.
This physical problem should be solved by the platform, but it is not in every situation currently (but most of the devices are filtering this). Im usally solving this isse with a transparent overlay element wich can catch the pointer events for a little duration so I could catch the "prelling" of a button or the capacitive screen for a few ms.
If a 10-20ms is enough for you then wait a frame in your on-tap function with requestAnimationFrame and then show the dialog. Cheap trick, but it does what it has to, but ultimately you can wait a fix timeout to show the dialog, because you have 100ms to respond a user interaction.
You cannot fix this by manipulating the browser events options though because as I know you dont have option to how much time need to pass until the next same event should happend. But if you wait a frame thats could behave like you add a delay between the events.

Autohotkey: multiple / contingent uses for one command

I'm working on a game design / UI project to redesign an existing game's control scheme (in this case, Trine) to use minimalistic input. I am trying to map lateral movement and the jump function to a Win8 tablet's volume buttons. Here is the basic code I am using:
Loop 5
Send {right down}
Sleep 50
Send {right up}
Loop 5
Send {left down}
Sleep 50
Send {left up}
This is working fairly well and is pretty responsive for moving left and right. However, the desired behavior that I want is to trigger jump (i.e. up) when BOTH buttons are depressed. For instance:
Player holds VolumeUp to move right.
Player comes to an obstacle.
Player continues to hold VolumeUp to queue right-bound movement and;
Player taps VolumeDown momentarily
Player jumps, movement continues up-and-over obstacle toward the right.
I have tried various permutations on using another script with the (Volume_Up & Volume_Down::) syntax to trigger this interaction, but that always seems to interfere with the movement commands. I think this may call for a nested If statement inside the move-left / move-right commands, to check if both buttons are depressed, but the Autohotkey documentation is not very clear and I'm unsure how to code that (I'm more of a game designer than I am a programmer). Any help would be really appreciated!
First of all, give attention to the comment from MCL. Pressing a button down 5 times and never releasing it in between does not seem to do much.
I think that you want multiple threads to be able to run at the same time.
Look up threads, but be aware about the following:
"Although AutoHotkey doesn't actually use multiple threads, it simulates some of that behavior: If a second thread is started -- such as by pressing another hotkey while the previous is still running -- the current thread will be interrupted (temporarily halted) to allow the new thread to become current. If a third thread is started while the second is still running, both the second and first will be in a dormant state, and so on."

iScroll is firing multiple clicks on an LI element

I've implemented iScroll into a web page, intended for a smartphone. I haven't tried this yet in an emulator so I don't know if this is just a PC problem.
The scroller contains a UL. Each LI is marked with an onclick event handler:
function showItemDetails() ...
When I implemented this prior to using iScroll, if I click ONCE on a LI I get one call to my click handler (which opens another view window). After using iScroll I have two bad behaviors.
When scrolling around, sometimes iScroll thinks that I want to click on something. That is, iScroll is working something like an "onmouseup" event.
When clicking on an event, whether intentionally or not, iScroll is generating 10, 20 and even 30 events (or event threads) for that one place that a single event is intentioned for. I traced it, and all of the events are coming from the same LI item. This occurs just as badly if I change the click handler to a double-click handler (dblclick()).
In the immediate, I'm reduced to putting in a gatekeeper, a flag saying "I'm already busy with an event, go away". I could also change the interface to have the user click (select) an LI and then click on a separate button to see the details.
But I'm concerned about what iScroll is doing.
Any ideas? Need to see code? I can't put on the whole app (a thousand lines long, after comments), but I can show decent snips. But I'm hoping that this is an "oh, yeah" moment and someone tells me a known story.

Mouse pointer state in Windows applications doesn't change until mouse moves

Did anyone notice that in Windows applications the mouse pointer doesn't change from Hourglass back to normal until you move the mouse?
So even if your application has finished a task and the mouse pointer has been set to go back to default, it will stay as an hourglass until you move the mouse. What is the reason for this, and can be it resolved?
I'm not sure if other people have noticed this but it is quite strange and it might be some kind of event-driven way to conserve OS resources.
The dialog box should maintain the logic of the hourglass. The worker thread should send a message to the dialog itself, telling it to start maintaining an hourglass thread. (You could test this by adding a temporary button to the dialog which starts and stops the hourglass.)
Another thing to be aware of is that having a second process set the hourglass of the first is an odd thing to do. An hourglass should only happen due to user action. While an hourglass is up, typically the only action that should be available to the user is "Cancel [whatever operation is keeping the hourglass up]."
Can it be resolved? Call ShowCursor(FALSE) before you call SetCursor(), and ShowCursor(TRUE) afterwards. Should do the job.
