Should procedures and/or functions of the DBMS_STANDARD package be used in PL/SQL code? - oracle

Recently, I encountered a BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE trigger on a table. In this trigger, the author relies on the INSERTING and UPDATING functions (both return a BOOLEAN) of the DBMS_STANDARD package to determine if the trigger was fired before an insert or before an update.
For example:
/* Some code */
/* Some other code */
Yes, I know that two, individual triggers could have been written to handle the two events separately. That's not the point of this question.
After troubleshooting an error being received by these functions, we received word (from Oracle Support) that "dbms_standard routines are not really meant to be called by user programs". Is this true?
I find this a little strange, considering other procedures (such as RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR and COMMIT) are commonly used in PL/SQL code.

The functions INSERTING, UPDATING and DELETING are expressly provided for use in writing trigger code (see trigger documentation), so there is absolutely no proscription against using those. Similarly, RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR is documented to be intended for use by developers.
Having just DESCribed DBMS_STANDARD there are certainly some functions in there I don't know about and that perhaps shouldn't be used in your own code (for all I know) such as GRANTEE.
Generally, if you can find Oracle official documentation telling you how to use something, then it is OK to use it.


APEX Call external stored function or stored procedure

Is there any "best practice" on how to call a stored procedure from APEX instead of just using a simple DB-Link?
Calling PL/SQL Stored Procedures Within Oracle APEX
There's a great deal of detail involved with developing robust, maintainable and efficient solutions by paring PL/SQL stored procs with the Application Express web based frame work. Not knowing the current skill level of the author of the OP, I assume that the most helpful explanation is a simple example developed from scratch.
Getting Started: The APEX environment has a lot of tools that can get you started. If you don't already have an Oracle database environment with APEX installed, consider signing up for a free, hosted trial account through the APEX home page on
Application Design Decisions
PL/SQL stored procedures are not necessary to develop applications on Oracle APEX, however they do supply a greater amount of flexibility and customization during the development process.
This example will use the popular schema object: EMP typically available as an optional part of each Oracle database installation. In case you don't have it, here is the DDL and DML source for building the example table:
The EMP Table (A Copy Aliased as: LAB01_SAMPLE_EMP)
"MGR" NUMBER(4,0),
"SAL" NUMBER(7,2),
If you would like some test data, this is what I had to work with:
BUILD a SQL-based DML update statement that will change the SAL (Salary) value for one employee at a time based on their ENAME.
WRAP the UPDATE DML statement into a reusable, compiled PL/SQL stored procedure. Include parameter arguments for the two data input values for "Name" and "Amount of Increase".
TEST the stored procedure and verify it works as required.
DESIGN and CODE an APEX Application Page which will:
(a) Show the current contents of the employee entity table.
(b) Accept input values to pass into the PL/SQL Stored Procedure.
(c) Utilize native APEX Error and Success message settings to provide more feedback on the outcome of the procedure call.
TEST the APEX page and verify it works as specified.
REVIEW the discussion and conclusions section at the end for additional comments and more tips to keep you moving on your own path to developing Oracle skills.
Programming a SQL DML Process
This is the initial example created to accomplish this task.
SET SAL = SAL + 1250
A quick revision reveals how we can parametrize the approach to make this statement
SET SAL = SAL + p_salary_increase
WHERE ENAME = p_ename;
If you are not sure where to go next, this is where a lesson on "best-practices" is available thanks to APEX. Navigate to the OBJECT BROWSER and CREATE a Procedure Object. The application will walk through every step to set up a PL/SQL stored proc.
The Working PL/SQL Procedure Source Code:
After walking through the wizard setup, this is the cleaned-up stored procedure. There were some additional changes after debugging some compile-time error warnings:
create or replace procedure "PROC_UPDATE_SALARY"
(p_ename IN VARCHAR2, p_salary_increase IN VARCHAR2)
v_new_salary lab01_sample_emp.sal%TYPE;
SET SAL = SAL + p_salary_increase
WHERE ENAME = p_ename
RETURNING SAL INTO v_new_salary;
dbms_output.put_line('INCREASED SALARY FOR: ' || p_ename ||
' TO THE NEW AMOUNT OF: $ ' || to_char(v_new_salary));
Best Practices, a Quick Aside and Discusssion: You just have to keep doing it... coding that is. There is just no way around it. Look for examples at work or in life and try your hand at developing schemas and designs to satisfy made-up but realistic requirements. For beginning developers, the PL/SQL stored procedure above may already show some "unfamiliar" or odd coding syntax and commands.
That is only the tip of what is possible out there. Coding style is also only a part of it as you get deeper into things, you may notice a few things:
ORGANIZATION is important. Learn quickly some conventions in naming and notation to use in the code. This will keep things organized and easy to find or reference elsewhere.
RECYCLE and REUSE means your code should be developed with reuse in mind. Common routines and processes should be bundled together to avoid redundancy.
ALWAYS TEST your work suggests that less frustration is found when initial, fundamental steps in your process or application have been carefully tested first before proceeding.
TESTING the Oracle PL/SQL Procedure
I used the built-in APEX scripting engine found in the SQL WORKSHOP section of the environment. Below is a screenshot of the output logs of my testing script.
Bringing it Together: Designing an APEX Application Page with a Procedure Call
Create or open up an APEX Application and start out by making a new page. There are system wizard processes that will help you get started if you haven't done this before.
Select the option to BUILD a FORM on top of a STORED PROCEDURE. There will be prompts for permission to build the page items needed for input parameters. Follow the wizard to completion to make sure all the dependent page design elements are included.
My near-finalized design is below:
There are a few extras added, such as the REPORT region to provide immediate visibility to the table and any applied changes to its data.
The Form in Action: Testing Data Input and Results
The SUCCESS alert message is a feature available for certain page elements to inform the user of any significant events conducted on the database.
Closing Comments and Discussion
The immediate answer to the question of the OP is YES, there are best practices. It is such a huge subject that the only realistic way of handling it is by walking through different examples to see the ways that these practices are "commonly" applied.
There were a few shortcuts involved in this solution (based on several assumptions) and it might be helpful to bring them up as a parting discussion on the possibility of revisiting this walk-through to make an improved, EMP-2.0 project.
The procedure works on the EMP table based on searches by ENAME. What is the REAL key of this table? Are there any risks involved with this approach- possibly with respect to larger data sets?
Most Oracle PL/SQL Objects used in production ready environments have some level of error trapping or exception handling through a PL/SQL EXCEPTION BLOCK. What kind of errors would you want to trap? How?
Don't underestimate the resources available within the APEX tool. There are lots of wizards that walk developers through the process of creating different, functioning modules of code. These automated guides provide solutions that can also be reverse-engineered to understand how the code was generated and also what general design approaches make compliant design patterns.

"who_called_me" equivalent for Hibernate

We know that it is possible to dynamically figure out the name of the procedure or package that is currently executing as explained here and here. This generally applies to statements being executed from other stored procedures (compiled) in the database.
The problem:
We have been trying to log all UPDATE activity on a specific column (called STATE) by placing a trigger on the table and invoking who_called_me from within the trigger. The purpose of doing this is apparently as per the application design the column STATE could get updated by multiple pieces of code (residing in the database) based on certain business conditions. In addition to that, the column could also get updated by the application which is a hibernate based application and at times when the update happens by a hibernate query the who_called_me function returns nothing. There are multiple parts in the application that could also UPDATE the column STATE based on certain conditions.
The who_called_me strategy is working well for us in cases where a stored procedure (which resides in the database) issues the UPDATE statement and who_called_me is successfully capturing the corresponding owner, name, line no. etc. of the stored procedure. But in case the UPDATE happens from hibernate, the function captures no details.
Is there a way to capture which hibernate query UPDATEd the row through the trigger? Or is there any other way?
Note: The trigger code is similar to the answer posted on this question.
you can track the query with ora_sql_text function, e.g. this is the function I use for that:
-- getting sql code, which is calling the current event, as clob
function getEventSQLtext
return clob
sqllob clob;
sql_text ora_name_list_t;
dummy integer;
dummy := ora_sql_txt(sql_text);
for i in 1..sql_text.count loop
end loop;
return sqllob;
if dummy is null then null; end if; -- removing warning of non-used variable :)
This will be a query which is generated by hibernate and this is the only information you can get because this should be the only thing hibernate can do with DB.
It turns out, the who_called_me approach works better for stored procedure calls where the stack trace can point exactly which line invoked a DML. In, case of hibernate it is possible that the code may not call a stored procedure but in-turn may have individual DMLs which get invoked based on certain conditions. As opposed to other answer given by #simon, the ora_sql_txt function may only work in system event triggers or I may be wrong, but either way it is not capable of capturing the SQL Statement issued by Hibernate (tested that it does not works and retunrs a NULL value).
So at the end of the day, to find what SQL Hibernate is using, DB Trace files and Hibernate debug level logs is the only way for now.

Oracle after update trigger creating public database link

I have an error: 'ORA-04092: cannot COMMIT in a trigger' when trying to execute ddl command in one simple oracle after update trigger. Trigger needs to create public database link after one field in column is updated. Here is the source:
create or replace
TRIGGER CreateLinkTrigger
after UPDATE of Year ON tableInit
for each row
add_link VARCHAR2(200);
IF :new.year = '2014'
add_link := q'{create public database link p2014 connect to test14 identified by temp using 'ora'}';
execute immediate add_link;
So, as You can see i need to create new public database link after new year has been activated.
So when i try to update table 'tableInit' with year value of '2014' i get ORA-04092 error.
Is there any way to avoid this error, or another solution for this?
Creating a database link on the fly seems like an unusual thing to do; your schema should generally be static and stable. However, if you must, it would be simpler to wrap the update and the link in a procedure, or just issue two statements - presumably whatever performs the update is fairly controlled anyway, otherwise you'd have to deal with multiple people triggering this multiple times, which would be even more of a mess.
You can probably make this work by adding PRAGMA autonomous_transaction; to your trigger, as demonstrated for a similar issue (creating a view rather than a link) in this answer, but I'm not in a position to test that at the moment.
create or replace
TRIGGER CreateLinkTrigger
after UPDATE of Year ON tableInit
for each row
add_link VARCHAR2(200);
PRAGMA autonomous_transaction;
You could also make the trigger submit an asynchronous job to perform the DDL, as described in this answer, and there's more of an example in this answer, where you'd change the job's anonymous block to do your execute immediate.
It would probably be better to just create the links for the next few years in advance during a maintenance window, or on a schedule, or from a procedure; rather than trying to associate a schema change to a data change.

Can Coldfusion ORM access an Oracle trigger

I have ORM setup and working with Oracle on an existing database and have been able to get inserts to work when I access the sequence but because triggers were used in the original application the sequence skips a number.
Is there a way to get ORM to use the trigger?
Disabling the trigger is not an option since it is used by the existing app and cannot be disabled during migration.
component persistent="true" table="table_name" schema="schema_name" {
property name="table_id" column="table_id" fieldtype="id" generator="sequence" sequence="schema_name.sequence_name";
Triggers are not accessible program units. The only way to "call" a trigger is to execute the appropriate DML against the owning table.
There are two possible resolutions to your problem.
Rewrite the trigger. You say another application still needs the trigger to populate the ID, but you could change the trigger's logic with a conditional....
if is null then := whatever_seq.nextval; --11g syntax for brevity
end if;
This will populate the ID when the other application insert into the table but won't overwrite your value.
Stop worrying. Sequences are merely generators of unique identifiers. The numbers ascend but it really doesn't matter if there are gaps. Unless you are handling billions of rows it is extremely unlikely your sequence will run out of numbers before your applications get retired.
Do you mean that the DB normally assigns an ID, using an insert trigger? That would explain why you're skipping a number. You could try generator="select" which will get hibernate to read the ID back after the insert has occurred (and the trigger has been fired). It's there to handle exactly the situation I think you're describing.

Refactoring PL/SQL triggers - extract procedures

we have application where database contains large parts of business logic in triggers, with a update subsequently firing triggers on several other tables. I want to refactor the mess and wanted to start by extracting procedures from triggers, but can't find any reliable tool to do this. Using "Extract procedure" in both SQL Developer and Toad failed to properly handle :new and :old trigger variables.
If you had similar problem with triggers, did you find a way around it?
EDIT: Ideally, only columns that are referenced by extracted code would be sent as in/out parameters, like:
Example of original code to be extracted from trigger:
if :new.col1 = some_var then
:new.col1 := :old.col1
end if
would become :
procedure proc(in old_col1 varchar2, in out new_col1 varchar2, some_var varchar2) is
if new_col1 = some_var then
new_col1 := old_col1
end if;
proc(:old.col1,:new.col1, some_var);
It sounds like you want to carry out transformations on PL/SQL source. To do this reliably, you need a tool that can parse PL/SQL to some kind of compiler data structure, pattern-match against that structure and make directed changes, and then regenerate the modified PL/SQL code.
The DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a tool. It is parameterized by the programming language being translated; it has off-the-shelf front ends for many languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, COBOL and ... PL/SQL.
This is not exactly the answer. I have not enough reputation to edit original question, obviously.
The issue is that it is not a "refactoring" as we usually think of. Even when you'll create bunch of procedures from triggers, you'll need to make a proper framework to run them in order to achieve original functionality. I suspect that this will be a challenge as well.
As a solution proposal, I'd go with one python script, based on state machine (see for example). If you put strict definition of what should be translated and how, it will be easy to implement.
