Very simple Ruby GServer leaking memory - ruby

I've got the following Ruby script:
class Server < GServer
def initialize
def serve(io)
while true
io.puts `ps -o rss= -p #{$$}`.to_i
server =
while true
sleep 10
When I open a connection to the server, it shows increasing memory usage over time, without me opening any new connections or doing anything at all.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a memory leak issue in GServer?
BTW: I tested it on MacOSX with Ruby 1.8.7 and on a Debian System with 1.9.2.

16kb doesn't necessarily mean a memory leak. If you have a real memory leak it will go up and up to hundreds of MB's over time. That being said you can look for memory leaks using mem-prof and valgrind.


Ruby, strange forked processes behaviour on MacOS vs Debian

Using Ruby (tested with versions 2.6.9, 2.7.5, 3.0.3, 3.1.1) and forking processes to handle socket communication there seems to be a huge difference between MacOS OSX and a Debian Linux.
While running on Debian, the forked processes get called in a balanced manner - that mean: if having 10 tcp server forks and running 100 client calls, each fork will get 10 calls. The order of the pid call stack is also always the same even not ordered by pid (caused by load when instantiating the forks).
Doing the same on a MacOS OSX (Catalina) the forked processes will not get called balanced - that mean: "pid A" might get called 23 or whatever times while e.g. "pid G" was never used.
Sample code (originally from:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# server.rb
require 'socket'
# Open a socket
socket ='', 9999)
puts "Server started ..."
# For keeping track of children pids
wpids = []
# Forward any relevant signals to the child processes.
[:INT, :QUIT].each do |signal|
Signal.trap(signal) {
wpids.each { |wpid| Process.kill(:KILL, wpid) }
5.times {
wpids << fork do
loop {
connection = socket.accept
connection.puts "Hello from #{ }"
Run some netcat to the server on a second terminal:
for i in {1..20}; do nc -d localhost 9999; done
As said: if running on Linux each forked process will get 4 calls - doing same on MacOS OSX its a random usage per forked process.
Any solution or correction to make it work on MacOS OSX in a balanced manner also?
The problem is that the default socket backlog size is 5 on MacOS and 128 on Linux. You can change the backlog size by passing it as the second argument to TCPServer#listen:
Or you can use the backlog size from the environment variable SOMAXCONN:
socket.listen(ENV.fetch('SOMAXCONN', 128).to_i)

Chef Ohai plugin infinite loop, resources leak and shell out risk minimizing

Usually, Ohai plugin runs periodically to collect some host parameters and some of the plugins usually added to all nodes in the company. This could be sensitive for resources using and how Ohai handle that. So I have two questions here.
The first one is what will happen if I will put infinite loop accidentally? Does Ohai/ruby has some max heap size or any memory limits?
Second question would be about shell out in Ohai. Is it possible to reduce timeout? Do you know more protections just in case?
I use only special ruby timeout for now:
require 'timeout'
status = Timeout::timeout(600) {
# all code here
rescue Timeout::Error
puts 'timeout'
The chef-client run won't start/succeed, if ohai hangs.. you should notice this in some kind of monitoring.
Regarding the timeout part: Searching the source code reveals this:
def shell_out(cmd, **options)
# unless specified by the caller timeout after 30 seconds
options[:timeout] ||= 30
so =, options)
So you should be able to set the timeout as you like (2 seconds in this case):
so = shell_out("/bin/your-command", :timeout => 2)
Regarding the third sub-question
Do you know more protections just in case?
you are getting pretty broad. Try to solve the problems that occur, stop over-engineering.
Just for the sake of completeness, Chef does not guard against broken or malicious Ohai plugins. If you put sleep 1 while true in your Ohai plugin it will happily sit there forever.
Seems I have found solution to limit Ohai resources for Redhat Linux in terms of CPU, disk space usage, disk space I/O, long run timeout and heap size memory limit. So you will not affect other host's components. In ideal world, you write optimised and right code, but memory leak is global problem and could happen so I think protections are needed especially when you have loaded Ohai plugin to hunders or tousands production servers.
If I'm right Ohai plugin gets lowest cpu priority (-19?). Please confirm this if you know. So Ohai plugin cannot affect your production app in terms of CPU.
Disk space -
Ohai plugin should write to node attributes
Protection for unexpected long run -
require 'timeout'
status = Timeout::timeout(600) {
# Ohai plugin code is here
rescue Timeout::Error
puts 'timeout'
Protection for unexpected long run of shell_out:
so = shell_out("/bin/your-command", :timeout => 30)
Memory (RAM) heap size limit -
require "thread"
# This thread is memory watcher. It works separately and does exit if heap size reached.
# rss is checked including childs but excluding shared memory.
# This could be ok for Ohai plugin. I'm assuming memory is not shared.
# Exit - if heap size limit reached (10 000 KB) or any unexpected scenario happened.
Thread.start {
loop do
sleep 1
current_memory_rss = `ps ax -o pid,rss | grep -E "^[[:space:]]*#{$$}"`[1].to_i
if current_memory_rss != nil && current_memory_rss > 0 && $$ != nil && $$.to_i > 0
exit if current_memory_rss > 10_000
# Your Ohai code begins here
# For testing, any code can be included to make memory growing constantly as infinite loop:
loop do
puts `ps ax -o pid,rss | grep -E "^[[:space:]]*#{$$}"`[1].to_s + ' KB'
Please let me know if you have better solutions, but it seems it works.
Disk I/O read heavy usage -
timeout should help here, but recommended to avoid commands like find and similar others

wrk is displaying odd results on Rack vs Sinatra benchmark

I'm benchmarking a "hello world" equivalent using sinatra and rack.
Command in question wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s: 12 threads, 400 open HTTP connections, 30 seconds.
require 'rack'
app = do |env|
['200', {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['A barebones rack app.']]
end app
# wrk $ wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:8080
# Running 30s test # http://localhost:8080
# 12 threads and 400 connections
# Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
# Latency 11.82ms 38.97ms 488.51ms 99.32%
# Req/Sec 705.04 568.62 2.20k 61.82%
# 16576 requests in 30.08s, 1.55MB read
# Socket errors: connect 157, read 274, write 0, timeout 0
# Requests/sec: 551.05
# Transfer/sec: 52.74KB
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
status 200
headers \
'Content-Type' => 'text/html'
'A barebones rack app.'
# wrk $ wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost:4567
# Running 30s test # http://localhost:4567
# 12 threads and 400 connections
# Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
# Latency 40.12ms 90.46ms 1.39s 98.67%
# Req/Sec 265.47 147.50 1.17k 73.15%
# 90322 requests in 30.08s, 18.78MB read
# Socket errors: connect 157, read 333, write 0, timeout 0
# Requests/sec: 3002.52
# Transfer/sec: 639.21KB
If both Rack and Sinatra run Thin, how come Sinatra manages 3002.52~ req/s while pure Rack manages only 551.05 req/s? What am I missing?
I didn't install wrk, I wasn't in the mood for an install, but I ran both your examples using time:
for i in {1..1000}
curl localhost:8080/ > /dev/null 2>&1
# sinatra, run via `bundle exec ruby sinatra.rb -p 8080`
$ time sh
sh 3.67s user 2.79s system 66% cpu 9.768 total
# rack, run via `bin/rackup`
$ time sh
sh 3.65s user 2.87s system 74% cpu 8.799 total
# sinatra with the puma server, by adding the line `set :server, "puma"`
$ time sh
sh 3.67s user 2.71s system 92% cpu 6.924 total
I got very similar results, so perhaps it's something to do with wrk or your system. I'm running OSX Mavericks, but I found this answer that says to benchmark with time you should really use chrt to avoid contention with other processes. I'm not sure what the OSX equivalent of chrt is though. Perhaps that's what is happening on your system, or perhaps the ports are running at different speeds, for whatever reason.
I also sandboxed my gems using bundle install --binstubs --path vendor.noindex, perhaps that would have an effect on your system too.
Otherwise, I can't see any reason for such disparity. I a little surprised by the results I got as I'd expect Sinatra to be quite a bit heavier than Rack, but perhaps things seem different with more complex or larger apps. Or perhaps not, Sinatra is such a neat little library.

Thor Start Jekyll then Open Page in Browser

Hi I want Thor to start a server - Jekyll / Python / PHP etc then open the browser
However the starting is a blocking task.
Is there a way to create a child process in Thor; or spawn a new terminal window - couldnt see and google gave me no reasonable answers.
My Code
# Project Thor File
# #use thor list
class IanWarner < Thor
# Open Jekyll Server
# #use thor ian_warner:openServer
desc "openServer", "Start the Jekyll Server"
def openServer
say("Start Server\n\t")
system("jekyll --server 4000 --auto")
say("Open Site\n\t")
system("open http://localhost:4000")
It looks like you are messing things up. Thor is in general a powerful CLI wrapper. CLI itself is in general singlethreaded.
You have two options: either to create different Thor descendents and run them as different threads/processes, forcing open thread/process to wait until jekyll start is running (preferred,) or to hack with system("jekyll --server 4000 --auto &") (note an ampersand at the end.)
The latter will work, but you still are to control the server is started (it may take a significant amount of time.) The second ugly hack to achieve this is to rely on sleep:
say("Start Server\n\t")
system("jekyll --server 4000 --auto &")
say("Wait for Server\n\t")
system("sleep 3")
say("Open Site\n\t")
system("open http://localhost:4000")
Upd: it’s hard to imagine what do you want to yield. If you want to leave your jekyll server running after your script is finished:
desc "openServer", "Start the Jekyll Server"
def openServer
system "clear"
say "\n\t"
say "Starting Server…\n\t"
r, w = IO.pipe
# Jekyll will print it’s running status to STDERR
pid = Process.spawn("jekyll --server 4000 --auto", :err=>w)
say "Spawned with pid=#{pid}"
rr = ''
while (rr += r.sysread(1024)) do
break if rr.include?('WEBrick::HTTPServer#start')
Process.detach(pid) # !!! Leave the jekyll running
say "Open Site\n\t"
system "open http://localhost:4000"
If you want to shutdown the jekyll after the page is opened, you are to spawn the call to open as well and Process.waitpid for it.

Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory - cat

I have a job running on production which process xml files.
xml files counts around 4k and of size 8 to 9 GB all together.
After processing we get CSV files as output. I've a cat command which will merge all CSV files to a single file I'm getting:
Errno::ENOMEM: Cannot allocate memory
on cat (Backtick) command.
Below are few details:
System Memory - 4 GB
Swap - 2 GB
Ruby : 1.9.3p286
Files are processed using nokogiri and saxbuilder-0.0.8.
Here, there is a block of code which will process 4,000 XML files and output is saved in CSV (1 per xml) (sorry, I'm not suppose to share it b'coz of company policy).
Below is the code which will merge the output files to a single file
Dir["#{processing_directory}/*.csv"].sort_by {|file| [file.count("/"), file]}.each {|file|
`cat #{file} >> #{final_output_file}`
I've taken memory consumption snapshots during processing.It consumes almost all part of the memory, but, it won't fail.
It always fails on cat command.
I guess, on backtick it tries to fork a new process which doesn't get enough memory so it fails.
Please let me know your opinion and alternative to this.
So it seems that your system is running pretty low on memory and spawning a shell + calling cat is too much for the few memory left.
If you don't mind loosing some speed, you can merge the files in ruby, with small buffers.
This avoids spawning a shell, and you can control the buffer size.
This is untested but you get the idea :
buffer_size = 4096
output_file =, 'w')
Dir["#{processing_directory}/*.csv"].sort_by {|file| [file.count("/"), file]}.each do |file|
f =
while buffer =
You are probably out of physical memory, so double check that and verify your swap (free -m). In case you don't have a swap space, create one.
Otherwise if your memory is fine, the error is most likely caused by shell resource limits. You may check them by ulimit -a.
They can be changed by ulimit which can modify shell resource limits (see: help ulimit), e.g.
ulimit -Sn unlimited && ulimit -Sl unlimited
To make these limit persistent, you can configure it by creating the ulimit setting file by the following shell command:
cat | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/01-${USER}.conf <<EOF
${USER} soft core unlimited
${USER} soft fsize unlimited
${USER} soft nofile 4096
${USER} soft nproc 30654
Or use /etc/sysctl.conf to change the limit globally (man sysctl.conf), e.g.
I have the same problem, but instead of cat it was sendmail (gem mail).
I found problem & solution here by installing posix-spawn gem, e.g.
gem install posix-spawn
and here is the example:
a = (1..500_000_000).to_a
require 'posix/spawn'
This time creating child process should succeed.
See also: Minimizing Memory Usage for Creating Application Subprocesses at Oracle.
