CakePHP Session Expires Even When Browser is Active - session

I am working on a e-commerce project using the Auth Component for authentication and Sessions Component for storing my cart.
The problem is that the session gets cleared abruptly after a while even when I am actively browsing the site. I know this should be because of the Session timeout but just increasing the timeout value is not the solution I am looking for.
I want the session to expire only when a user closes his browser. Can this be achieved?

AFAIK all you can do is to set a session timeout variable far into the future. Sessions are automatically cleared when the browser is closed (unless you set a Remember Me type cookie). Setting it far into the future will effectively accomplish what you need to do.
How long into your session is it timing out? It should only timeout when your user is inactive for a period of time. If it times out in-between requests, and you know the timeout time has not elapsed, you have some other issues going on. What are the settings in your core.php file regarding your security levels and session timeouts?


Ctrl+Shift+Del (clearing Browser cache) vs Session Expiry

Lets say session for an application is opened and its session expiry time is 15 min.
Leaving the application for 15 min and doing some action after that - leading to Login Page.
In other way I am removing the Browser cookies by using (Ctrl+Shift+Del) and trying to navigate in the application - leading to Login Page.
The Question is: Will both of the above cases were one and the same or will there be any difference in the behavior.
The first scenario is based on a cookie expiring while the second one will have the cookie removed.
If you are guaranteed the refresh for the first case is made after the cookie expired, then the client behaviour will be the same (login page) although the internal workings will be different (check the cookie exists vs check its expiry date)
If you can't guarantee the operation will happen after the cookie expiry, then you won't get the same outcome.
Depending on what you do on the server, you might end up with multiple sessions for the same user in the second case, because the server doesn't know the user has deleted the cookie (there are mechanisms to compensate for this though).

Why do sessions expire after closing the browser window?

According to Where are $_SESSION variables stored?: "Usually the session-id is stored in a cookie, but it can also be appended to urls". Once I read that, I asked myseld: so, why is it said that the session-id is deleted when closing the browsers window if it is stored in a cookie?
Then, after Googling a little bit more about it, I found that there are two different types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies.
I guess that the session-id is stored in a session cookie, but: beyond the name evidence, why is a session stored in a session cookie and not in a persistent cookie? What is the need of creating a new session-id every time the browser is opened? Why don't re-use it?
There are many reasons you store sessions in session cookies. One case is public computers: if the previous user has logged into their bank account at the library to pay bills you don't want the next user to be able to log into that session by just looking at the History log in the browser. Being sure that the session is gone by closing the browser alleviates this.
You can also use persistent cookies, and many do too, such as Gmail, but what is then important is to set an expiration time that is not too long. Otherwise, if someone gets hold of the session id they can use that forever. Usually the server will send you a new valid session id some minutes before the next goes out to keep your session alive.

Express connect session expiry not working as expected

In a web app am developing using express.js am having a problem expiring sessions when a user has not been active for more than 10 minutes. Am using connect-couchdb as the session store.
I tried setting the req.session.cookie.maxAge = 600000. But this causes the session to expire 10 mins after logging in irrespective of user activity. My understanding of the documentation is that req.session.touch() will be called automatically by the connect middleware and hence maxAge (and the expires date) should get refreshed so it lasts another 10 mins, but it is not happening!!
I also tried setting maxAge to 600000 on each request and calling but even then there is no effect.
What am I doing wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong---this is a bug in Connect. The session cookie gets updated in the server, but not pushed to the client, and so the client keeps trying to use the old cookie, which will expire sooner than you want.
More details and discussion here.

Lift Session expires

I am new to lift and trying to write a simple login application. When I leave my login page for some time, and I enter username and password it doesn't login instead it perform session expire behavior.
I checked the log and found that whenever I got INFO - Session navoo0xdu1ia1vi8m1c0cnl3w expired log message, the above behavior happens.
I am not able to understand why request is using the existing session, even if it's already expired. Please guide me where can I found documentation/example/tutorial to understand this behavior and how to implement simple session based login functionality.
Any help will be appreciated since this problem is bottleneck to me. I googled a lot but couldn't find anything useful.
If your session is expiring then it is because of one of two things:
1) The value set in LiftRules.sessionInactivityTimeout
2) The value set for session expiry within your container session.
The former is actually set to nothing by default, which means the latter will override it. Be aware however that provided you are interacting with Lift and have not disabled the heartbeat pulse then sessions do not expire. If you watch the AJAX traffic you will notice a page heartbeat used for function GC which keeps the page bound functions alive.

How do websites generally log users out automatically when session expires?

How do websites generally log users out and send them to the log in screen automatically when a user's session expires? Is this done through ajax or running async handlers? Can you give me a bit of an explanation.
Banks and such use a client-side timeout via javascript, or something similar. Really, though, the server handles the actual session, so if you disabled the client-side logic it would act as if you were attempting to make transactions while logged out.
Use a cookie as well as a session.
Cookie must be set when a session is
If the cookie is present but the
session is gone, redirect to the
login screen.
If there is no session and no cookie
do nothing
(pardon me if you can't do that because I never used ASP and basing my answer on my PHP knowledge)
Typically, you set an expiration timestamp on your session ID cookie. When the cookie fails to be sent, the client is logged off (no given session ID).
This method is often combined with JavaScript and another timestamp token. When the timers start running down, a notification is sent that allows the user to "refresh" their session... essentially, making a request before the session timestamp expires.
The "refresh" request could be anything, even something as simple as an image load.
If you are using Tomcat you can use its built in <security-constraint> mechanism within your web.xml definition. All of the timing, login screen, and page redirects are handled by Tomcat with little effort on your part other than definitions.
Oh, IIS... nevermind.
