word wrap / line wrap option in Aptana Studio 3 Beta? - word-wrap

I have been searching for an hour and cannot seem to find any information whatsoever about a word wrap / line wrap option in the new Aptana Studio 3 Beta (aka RadRails 3 Beta). I can't find an option for it anywhere in the Preferences. The lack of a line wrap is killing my productivity. Can anyone shed some light on this please? I can't imagine that an open source project as high-profile as Aptana would lack such a generic and necessary option.

In the latest version of Aptana Studio 3, you can enable word wrap from the preferences. Try going to Preferences > Aptana > Editors and check off "Enable Word Wrap"

Right click in the code panel and check "Word wrap".
Took me ages to find but it is there!

It isn't a standard feature but you can use a work around outlined on the below links,
I sure hope word wrap makes it into the final release b/c it is the only real issue for me using Aptana 3


Coda 2 indent guides like notepad++

Recently switched editor and I would like to know if it is possible in Coda 2 to have indent guides like notepad++, Like this image i found: http://www.freesoftwareworkshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/notepad-plusplus.png
I am talking about the gray dotted vertical line when tabbing. I hope this is possible in Coda or some plugin i could install for it.
I have tried searching Google but its a hard example to search for and did not find any result.
I'm currently using Coda's 2.5b8 beta and can confirm that this feature is now a part of Coda and should be included in their next release.
In the Preferences>Editor settings, there is a checkbox labeled "Show indentation guides". This is the setting you'll want checked.
As of 03/19/2014, this is only available to those with beta access.
I too want this feature desperately and have searched high and low to find it but with no success.
I have however put in a request with them to include this in there next major release so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

How can I prevent Visual Studio 2012 Find in Files defaulting to "Current Document"?

In Visual Studio 2010 and earlier, the Find in Files feature remembered your selection for the "Look in" option.
In 2012, the option sometimes gets reset to "Current Document", making it only search in a single file. This can be annoying, particularly when you don't notice it's done it.
Is there any way I can force this setting to stick with what I want it to be (generally "Entire Solution")?
As an example of the problem, highlight a few lines of text in a source file and bring up the Find in Files box. It will have changed the "Look In" setting to "Selection". Close it, deselect the text and do Find in Files again. The setting will have silently reverted to "Current Document". Doing this in 2010 and earlier doesn't change the setting.
There's another description of the problem here.
I find that its intermittent (but more often that not) and that its a potential bug. For me it resets to "All Open Documents" which could be far more disastrous.
Do you have any plugins installed as I was thinking of raising this as an issue with vs if its not a 3rd party tool affecting it?
I have the following installed:
Resharper 7.1
Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2
Ghost Doc
Microsoft Web Developer Tools
Spell Chekcer
SQL Server Compact Toolbox
VS Extensions for Windows Library JavaScript
I guess we should rule out some of these first?
Anyone else find this who has no extensions installed?
Try if the SmartFind extension helps in your case. I wrote it because I had a similar problem.
Source is here: https://github.com/laktak/vs-smartfind
What worked for me is under keyboard customization i made it so Ctrl-Shift-F maps to Edit.SwitchtoFindInFiles instead of the default (Edit.FindInFiles). I did also install the SmartFind extension (mentioned above in this tread) but by itself it didn't seem to fix it. I'm not sure if it's the combination of the two that fixed it in my case. Also note that this applies to VS2012 so YMMV.
I always use ctrl + f to search in document and ctrl + shift + f to search the entire solution.
Might not be an answer to your question, but it should solve your problem.

Removing empty whitespace at the end of a line of text in Aptana 3

In Aptana 2 there was this tidy thing or something like that that you could setup to remove empty whitespace from the ends of lines after saving. You could set it to preserve empty lines and so on. Can this be done in Aptana 3 because I'm not seeing that ability and if it is there I can't find it.
Check out AnyEdit for Eclipse at http://andrei.gmxhome.de/anyedit/
It does what you are looking for and adds some nice conversion tools for characters and spaces.
I use it for web stuff (with Aptana), Android and App Engine. Works great with all of them.
When installing from the URL on that site, just select your Eclipse version and pick AnyEditTools.
There is a JIRA ticket currently filed against it: http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/APSTUD-814. You could watch the ticket for progress or add your voice there.
Turns out this was implemented in Aptana Studio 3 in 2012, go to Preferences -> Aptana Studio -> Editors
and in there enable Remove trailing whitespace characters. Then when you save a file you should see the whitespace disappear.

Resharper 6.0 tab instead of spaces

How to force resharper 6.0 to use tab instead of spaces during code clearup ?
ReSharper uses VS settings, it doesn't have own settings for this task.
Go to Tools->Options->Text Editor->Necessary lang or All Languages->Tabs and select "Insert spaces" or "Keep tabs".
This is a bug in ReSharper. It typically uses the VS settings, but when aligning it always uses spaces and ignores the VS settings (particularly the Smart Tabs).
A request for a fix to this has been around since version 4, but is still not fixed in verstion 6 (the most recent release).
The bug is noted here: RSRP-150306
and here: RSRP-200204
Update: One thing you can do to work around this issue, after doing the ReSharper cleanup, you can use the VS formatting call to have it fix the tabs/spaces. The default shortcut for this is
Ctrl-K,Ctrl-D for the entire document
Ctrl-K,Ctrl-F for just the selected text.
Another option is to install the Productivity Power Tools package (through NuGet or here) and then enable the 'Fix Mixed Tabs' option which offers you an option to Tabify or Spaceify files when it senses a mixture.

Visual Studio identical token highlighting

I coded a Mancala game in Java for a college class this past spring, and I used the Eclipse IDE to write it. One of the great (and fairly simple) visual aids in Eclipse is if you select a particular token, say a declared variable, then the IDE will automatically highlight all other references to that token on your screen. Notepad++, my preferred Notepad replacement, also does this.
Another neat and similar feature in Eclipse was the vertical "error bar" to the right of your code (not sure what to call it). It display little red boxes for all of the syntax errors in your document, yellow boxes for warnings like "variable declared but not used", and if you select a word, boxes appear in the bar for each occurrence of the word in the document.
A screenshot of these features in action:
After a half hour of searching, I've determined that Visual Studio cannot do this on its own, so my question is: does anyone know of any add-ins for 2005 or 2008 that can provide either one of the aforementioned features?
Being able to highlight the current line your cursor is on would be nice too. I believe the add-in ReSharper can do this, but I'd prefer to use a free add-in rather than purchase one.
There is a RockScroll alternative called MetalScroll which is essentially the same thing with a few tweaks and improvements.
Also there is a small and simple WordLight plug-in that only highlights the identical tokens.
Both are open source and support code folding which is nice.
Imho, the bar next to the scroll bar in Eclipse is a lot more elegant solution than the scroll bar replacement of RockScroll/MetalScroll. Unfortunately I couldn't find any VS plug-ins that do it the Eclipse way, so I just stick with WordLight.
Check following addins
Productivity Power Tools- Displays error in scrollbar and
Highlight selected word
In a different question on SO (link), someone mentioned the VS 2005 / VS 2008 add-in "RockScroll". It seems to provide the "error bar" feature I was inquiring about in my question above.
EDIT: RockScroll also does the identical token highlighting that I was looking for! Great!
Old question but... Visual Studio 2010 has this feature built-in, at last.
The highlight functionality is conveniently implemented in VisualAssist.
In my opinion, they are both must-have.
1) Highlight identifier under editing caret:
Options -> Advanced -> Refactoring -> Automatically highlight references to symbol under cursor
2) Highlight search result - in all windows. Works for RegExps!
Options -> Advanced -> Display -> Highlight find results
About RockScroll: It doesn't highlight the identifiers. It only highlights the same string in the source code! If there are similar identifier declared : ex. _test and test, and test is highlighted it will highlight the string "test" in variable _test too! And it will also highlight the same string in a method called "sometesting()". So it isn't exactly like eclipse and doesn't work for me.
The automatic highlight is implemented in Visual Assist as the refactoring command "Find References". It highlights all occurences of a given variable or method, but that's not automatic (binded to a keyboard shortcut on my computer).
Here is an exmaple:
DevExpress CodeRush does this when you press TAB when the cursor is in an identifier, you can then tab through all the highlighted instances. There's also a DXCore plugin (the foundation upon which CodeRush/Refactor Pro are built) that does current-line highlighting.
In VS 2017, this can be solved by installing the Match Margin plugin.
It appears to be part of the Productivity Power Tools (which might be worth looking at for other features), but surprisingly, installing PPT didn't solve the problem for me, I had to install Match Margin separately.
The "error bar" functionality is provided in JetBrains ReSharper. I'm not sure if it does highlighting of references to the currently selected identifier.
For selected word(s) highlight function only, there is also StickyHighlight.
StickyHighlight supports Visual Studio 2010 & 2012.
