Multiple stores and multiple admins with different roles - magento

I have no doubt magento can handle multiple stores, but I was wondering if each stores can handle with such specific user wherein they can access their catalog, sales, inventory, etc like administrator, but limited only on their specific store.
Here's my sample representation:
Magento website:
->Store Categories
--->Product Categories
--->Store Owner -------- Who can logged in the backend to see all their products, sales, inventory, etc.. Only
access their store.
--->Product Categories
--->Store Owner2 ------ Who can logged in the backend to see all their products, sales, inventory, etc.. Only
access their store.

No, Magento is not built to allow different vendors to have access only to their information. I believe that Enterprise tries to add some of this functionality, but do not rely on the system keeping everything separate.
Notably, even if the products can be hacked, there is no such system of permissions for attributes, or attribute sets. If one owner deletes an attribute set, the store for the other owner will be affected. Similarly, the category manager has the same issue. Order management in the backend is in the same place.
Maybe not the answer you wanted, but hopefully that helps.

Not at the Community Edition.
The Enterprise Edition allows you to set that kind of roles.


Determining registered customers programatically in Magento

Is there any way to determine which customers actually registered for an account and have a password (as opposed to guest checkout customers) in Magento? Specifically I am trying to identify where this information might be stored in the database, or how I might be able to determine this information programatically.
We are in the process of migrating to a new shopping cart and only want to make "accounts" on the new cart for people who actually had accounts on Magento. If we make accounts even for those who did guest checkout, people might have accounts on the new site and not even know it.
You can find all registered customers in the customer_entity table.
If you want to export all customers via the database make sure you export the following tables as well:
If you want to do this by code you can get all registered customers like this:
$collection = mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection();
When a customer places order in Magento using guest checkout, customer information is stored only in quote and order. Customer is not created in the system in that case.
So all customers have created account personally, registered during checkout or were created from admin.
So if you don't have any customizations that are creating customers on guest checkout, you can migrate all customers.
All records of customer_entity, customer_address_entity and corresponding eav attributes.
Using collections

How to restrict access to dashboards by user/group permissions?

We develop software for different customers and use a single instance sonarqube. We have created one dashboard per customer which contains all its projects.
Up to now just our developers used the system and everything was fine.
Now we would like to give our customers access to sonarqube so they can see their projects state.
We put the customer users in diffrent groups and restricted access to the projects by group. So each customer can only see his projects. Still fine.
But we did not find a way to restrict access to the dashboards. So each customer can see the list of alle available dashboards. This contains the list of all our other customers. How bad! Just to make it clear: For a customer user the list of projects of all dashboards except its own company dashboard will be empty - he just sees the names of the other customer, which is still to much.
So is there any solution to configure dashboard visibility by users/groups?
I do confirm that this is not possible to share a dashboard only with some users or groups. When sharing a dashboard, you share it with all users.

Magento split payments for different items in same cart

Here is the problem:
I have multiple suppliers of physical goods, each with their own bank account.
A user is able to order items from multiple suppliers in the same cart.
The payment from the user for each item needs to go into the relevant supplier's bank account - these transtactions will be handled by multiple separate Braintree accounts.
Is it possible to achieve this with Magento Enterprise Edition?
I was looking at a similar thread ( which is dealing with the shipping side of this problem but I am not sure if it can be adapted to also work with the payments?
Thanks for any help!

multi store magento - different domain, same products

I'm in doubt about the possibility of a configuration with multiple store magento.
I will explain my business:
I have a online store selling jewelry.
What I need:
I want to create micro franchise scheme to expand my shop
I want to provide a copy of my partner shop:
Different domain
Same products
Receive different paypal account
The seller will only see a list of your customers (independent customers)
The seller will only see a list of their requests (requests independent)
The main shop can see everything (requests, customers)
Is that possible?
Is there any technical procedure?
Is there any extension that makes it work so simple in creation of additional stores?
Please help me on how I can do this.
I have interest in hiring the service of realizing this project.
Thank you all!
Rodrigo Rodrigues (rodrigopantaneiro # gmail)
This is totally possible and easy enough to do with the multi-store and store front views.. You will need to edit the httpd.conf file for your domain problem Magento Multiple Store and Views
then the login to the admin area for the sellers would be set to only view their customers/items etc. via the roles and permissions on the system.

Add role to the customer and give certain permissions in Magento

I am working on the website where by using magento I need to create an account when the user is registered, then I need to give that user permission to add products to my predefined categories. I don't know how this could be done. And I really need help with this.
I think you're looking for a dropshipping extension.
This one is said to be one of the best:
There are few of these types of extensions, so a quick google search will show you all of them.
are you referring to a customer on the front-end or an admin user on the back-end?
For an admin user you can limit a admin users permissions by assigning them to a role that can only interact with the catalog module.
