Creating instances with unique attributes using Factory Girl - ruby

I have a constraint and a validation placed on the guid field so that each is unique. The problem is, with the factory definition that I have below, I can create only one user instance, as additional instances fail validation.
How do I do this correctly so that the guid field is always unique?
Factory.define(:user) do |u|
u.guid UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.to_s

In general, Factory Girl addresses the problem with sequences:
Factory.define(:user) do |u|
u.sequence(:guid) { |n| "key_#{n}" }
I assume, however, that you do not want to have something iterator-like but a timestamp.
This could be done using lazy attributes (that evaluate at runtime):
Factory.define(:user) do |u|
u.guid { }
Or, assuming that UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create generates a (hopefully suitably formatted) timestamp:
Factory.define(:user) do |u|
u.guid { UUIDTools::UUID.timestamp_create.to_s }


Changing ID to something more friendly

When creating a record the URL generated to view that record ends with its id
I would like to be able to change that to something easier to read, such as my name and reference attributes from the model. I have looked at friendly_id but has trouble implementing a custom method to generate the URL
class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name_and_ref
def name_and_ref
I ended up getting an error
PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column animals.name_and_ref does not exist LINE 1: SELECT "animals".* FROM "animals" WHERE "animals"."name_an... ^ : SELECT "animals".* FROM "animals" WHERE "animals"."name_and_ref" = 'Clawd-A123456' ORDER BY "animals"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
def show
#animal = Animal.friendly.find(params[:id])
I then come across the to_param method which Rails has available, in my model I have
def to_param
which will generate a URL for me of
This works, but when I do the following it throws an error
def to_param
My question though is how can I generate the URL to be name and reference without it throwing
Couldn't find Animal with 'id'=Clawd-A123456
If you would like to use your own "friendly id" then you'll need to adjust the find statement in your controller to something like
id = params[:id].split(/-/, 2).first
#animal = Animal.find(id)
Similarly, for the name/reference combination
name, reference = params[:id].split(/-/, 2)
#animal = Animal.find_by(name: name, reference: reference)
The second choice is a little more difficult because you'll have to do some work in the model to guarantee that the name/reference pair is unique.
The easiest way, is to go with friendly_id and simply add the missing database column. Keep in mind that you will need to ensure this new column is unique for every record. It basically acts as primary key.

Rails 4 validation message: removes "_id" from message

# model.rb
validates :employee_id, presence: true, uniqueness: true
When left empty, the error message says "Employee can't be blank" when I want it to say "Employee ID can't be blank".
I resolved this by:
# model.rb
validates :employee_id, presence: { message: " ID can't be blank" }, uniqueness: true
which outputs "Employee ID can' be blank".
However, this isn't a really good solution IMO. I would like some means of customizing the entire message, including the attribute prefix.
Is there a simple way to do this?
There are several "correct" ways to go about this, but you definitely shouldn't do it via the validation itself, or by defining your own validation method.
On a model-by-model level, this is controlled by the class-level human_attribute_name method.
If you want your model's employee_id field to be a special case where the _id postfix isn't truncated, define that special case by overridding human_attribute_name:
class MyModel
validates :employee_id, presence: true
def self.human_attribute_name(attr, options = {})
attr == :employee_id ? 'Employee ID' : super
In broader terms, you can redefine human_attribute_name on ActiveRecord::Base to override handling of all _id attributes, but I doubt you want to do this. Generally, it's a good thing that Rails drops the _id postfix.
The second (and probably better) mechanism is to simply rely on localization. ActiveRecord ties into your locale YAML files for just about everything. If you want your employee_id field to humanize to Employee ID regardless of language, you'll need to edit your YAML files.
# config/locales/en.yml
employee_id: "Employee ID"
You can override human_attribute_name and always send default value with id
class MyModel
def self.human_attribute_name(attribute, options = {})
super(attribute, { default: attribute.to_s.humanize(keep_id_suffix: true) } )
You can write a custom validation. By doing it that way, you get to define the error message inside the validation method.
The relevant section from Rails Guides is here: Performing Custom Validations
Something like:
Class Paystub
validate :employee_id_is_not_blank
def employee_id_is_not_blank
errors[:base] << "Employee must be a part of the record.") if id.blank?
p = Paystub.create
p.errors.full_messages #=> ["Employee must be a part of the record."]
Section 7.4 in the Rails Guides specified using errors[:base]. Error messages shoveled into :base don't require an attribute to be tied to them.
Update: This is not the right answer. See #meagars answer above.

before(:create) in factory based on some condition with factory-girl gem

I have using factory_girl gem version:4.4.0 with ruby-1.9.3-p429. I am using before(:create) in one of the factory as follwing:
factory :entity1 do
event "test_event"
before(:create) { FactoryGirl.create(:entity2) }
factory :entity2 do
from_date -
till_date +
Now there is a unique condition on from_date and till_date on entity2, in other words I want to create entity2 only once. Is there some if condition I can introduce in factory of entity1 so that before(:create) clause get executed only first time I create entity1 and from next time onwards it doesn't create entity2.
The quickest way to get around your uniqueness issue is to look for an existing model before creating one:
before(:create) do
Entity2Model.find_by_unique_field('value') ||
However, I'd also take this as an opportunity to ask yourself some questions about this dependency:
If there's only ever one instance of entity2, does it need to be in the database?
If there's only ever one instance of entity2, does it make more sense as a singleton method than an association?
Does entity1 really need entity2 to exist every time it's used? If so, can they be decoupled?
If it's just a uniqueness constraint and you can have more than one, you can use a sequence to generate unique values of entity2:
factory :entity2 do
sequence(:from_date) { |n| n.days.ago }
till_date { from_date + }

Factory - field with sequence as fallback

Question: How can i use for one field both sequence and transient attribute?
Background: I have factory, which has a name. The name is sequence to keep it unique. However in few specs i need it set name chosen by me so i can predict it in expectation. It's not a Rails project.
In my head it looks like name {attribute_from_create_call||FactoryGirl.generate :name}. But i don't know how to get the attribute which i give to the create method
FactoryGirl.define do
sequence :name do |n|
'Testing Bridge '+n.to_s
factory :historical_bridge do
name {FactoryGirl.generate :name}
Usage of factory: FactoryGirl.create :historical_bridge, name: 'Bridge from '
You can use FactoryGirl to create a hash of attributes with the sequences and then merge in whatever changes to that hash you want:
new_name = 'Bridge from '
attr = FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:historical_bridge).merge(:name => new_name)
And then you could do something perhaps like create an object with those custom attributes:
I think you should not use predefined name instead of sequence but check something like:
let(:bridge) { create :historical_bridge }
it { == }

List dynamic attributes in a Mongoid Model

I have gone over the documentation, and I can't find a specific way to go about this. I have already added some dynamic attributes to a model, and I would like to be able to iterate over all of them.
So, for a concrete example:
class Order
include Mongoid::Document
field :status, type: String, default: "pending"
And then I do the following: "processed", internal_id: "1111")
And later I want to come back and be able to get a list/array of all the dynamic attributes (in this case, "internal_id" is it).
I'm still digging, but I'd love to hear if anyone else has solved this already.
Just include something like this in your model:
module DynamicAttributeSupport
def self.included(base)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
module InstanceMethods
def dynamic_attributes
attributes.keys - _protected_attributes[:default].to_a - fields.keys
def static_attributes
fields.keys - dynamic_attributes
and here is a spec to go with it:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "dynamic attributes" do
class DynamicAttributeModel
include Mongoid::Document
include DynamicAttributeSupport
field :defined_field, type: String
it "provides dynamic_attribute helper" do
d = 45, defined_field: 'George')
d.dynamic_attributes.should == ['age']
it "has static attributes" do
d = 'bar')
d.static_attributes.should include('defined_field')
d.static_attributes.should_not include('foo')
it "allows creation with dynamic attributes" do
d = DynamicAttributeModel.create(age: 99, blood_type: 'A')
d = DynamicAttributeModel.find(
d.age.should == 99
d.blood_type.should == 'A'
d.dynamic_attributes.should == ['age', 'blood_type']
this will give you only the dynamic field names for a given record x:
dynamic_attribute_names = x.attributes.keys - x.fields.keys
if you use additional Mongoid features, you need to subtract the fields associated with those features:
e.g. for Mongoid::Versioning :
dynamic_attribute_names = (x.attributes.keys - x.fields.keys) - ['versions']
To get the key/value pairs for only the dynamic attributes:
make sure to clone the result of attributes(), otherwise you modify x !!
attr_hash = x.attributes.clone #### make sure to clone this, otherwise you modify x !!
dyn_attr_hash = attr_hash.delete_if{|k,v| ! dynamic_attribute_names.include?(k)}
or in one line:
x.attributes.clone.delete_if{|k,v| ! dynamic_attribute_names.include?(k)}
So, what I ended up doing is this. I'm not sure if it's the best way to go about it, but it seems to give me the results I'm looking for.
class Order
def dynamic_attributes
self.attributes.delete_if { |attribute|
self.fields.keys.member? attribute
Attributes appears to be a list of the actual attributes on the object, while fields appears to be a hash of the fields that were predefined. Couldn't exactly find that in the documentation, but I'm going with it for now unless someone else knows of a better way!
try .methods or .instance_variables
Not sure if I liked the clone approach, so I wrote one too. From this you could easily build a hash of the content too. This merely outputs it all the dynamic fields (flat structure)
(d.attributes.keys - d.fields.keys).each {|a| puts "#{a} = #{d[a]}"};
I wasn't able to get any of the above solutions to work (as I didn't want to have to add slabs and slabs of code to each model, and, for some reason, the attributes method does not exist on a model instance, for me. :/), so I decided to write my own helper to do this for me. Please note that this method includes both dynamic and predefined fields.
module MongoidAttributeHelper
def self.included(base)
module AttributeMethods
def get_all_attributes
map = %Q{
function() {
for(var key in this)
emit(key, null);
reduce = %Q{
function(key, value) {
return null;
hashedResults = self.map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: true) # Returns an array of Hashes (i.e. {"_id"=>"EmailAddress", "value"=>nil} )
# Build an array of just the "_id"s.
results =
hashedResults.each do |value|
results << value["_id"]
return results
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include MongoidAttributeHelper
Once I've added the aforementioned include (include MongoidAttributeHelper) to each model which I would like to use this method with, I can get a list of all fields using User.get_all_attributes.
Granted, this may not be the most efficient or elegant of methods, but it definitely works. :)
