Problem with Visual Studio 2005 Solution - visual-studio-2005

My colleague created a Visual Studio 2005 solution for me and I have copied the entire folder in my machine.
The solution contains three different projects. Unfortunately, two of them opens and the third project doesn't with the error message, "The project type isn't supported by this installation". I have installed Visual Studio 2005 with default settings. I don't understand why this would occur.
I tried googling, but none of those worked. I would request the community here to advice me on this.
Thanks in advance.

The issue is resolved. I had to install Service Pack 1.


Visual Studio 2019 startup "The 'Visual Studio Common IDE Package' package did not load correctly."

I'm facing this issue when start Visual Studio 2019 new installation:
Microsoft Visual Studio
The 'Visual Studio Common IDE Package' package did not load correctly.
The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation of another extension. You can get more information by examining the file 'C:\Users\E0509783_LAR\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\16.0_cabeeb93\ActivityLog.xml'.
Restarting Visual Studio could help resolve this issue.
Continue to show this error message?
Yes No
Does anyone idea how to solve?
Thank you in advance.
The solution with the most upvotes in this post worked for me. I had multiple partially uninstalled instances of Visual Studio 2019 and 2022. As a result, I had multiple 16.0_xxxxxxxx and 17.0_xxxxxxxx folders. I kept the most recent folders and deleted the others, and VS opens with no error message.
Yes, I had the same problem as yours and I solved it by repairing it from the Visual Studio Installer. You can try

VS 2013 Express for Desktop wont open vcxproj project files

I am trying to open the Direct3D Tutorial Win32 Samples with VS 2013 Express for Windows Desktop. To my surprise it claims that the individuals projects in the solution each cannot be opened because their project types (.vcxproj) are not supported by this version of the application.
Does anyone know why the vcxproj files cannot be opened, or how I could diagnose and repair the root cause of the problem?
Edit: I can also not open the vcxproj files in Mike Farnsworth's Rayito project.
It means that the projects were created in another version of Visual Studio.
Try to upgrade the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting Upgrade Solution.
Alternatively you could use Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition to see if that resolves the problem.
Windows Dev Center indicates that Visual Studio 2012 is required.
Hope this helps
Neither of the other answers seemed to help.
I uninstalled visual studio. I uninstalled SQL server. I reinstalled visual studio. Now it loads C++ projects correctly.
I understand a previous install of visual studio can cause the problem I was having. Apparently so can installing SQL server Express prior to installing Visual Studio 2013 Express.

Error message "No exports were found that match the constraint contract name"

This morning I faced a problem while opening my Visual Studio solution, and when I tried to run it, it said:
No exports were found that match the constraint contract name
How can I fix this problem?
I solved this problem by clearing Visual Studio Component Model Cache.
Just delete or rename this folder:
and restart Visual Studio.
The version of Visual Studio you have is specified by the number e.g.
Visual Studio 2012 is 11.0 (as shown above)
Visual Studio 2013 is 12.0
Visual Studio 2015 is 14.0
Visual Studio 2017 is 15.0
Visual Studio 2019 is 16.0
For those that don't know:
%LocalAppData%\ is the same as C:\Users\{yourUsername}\AppData\Local
For those who have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed, e.g. 2012 and 2013, it might help to remove the ComponentModelCache for both versions before restarting Visual Studio, e.g. 11.0 and 12.0.
No need to rename or delete the whole folder:
Just rename or delete the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache file inside the above location.
Visual Studio Express 2012 has different paths.
Visual Studio Express
With Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web
I did not have to re-install Visual Studio Express
This will really work like a champ:
Solution: Try to delete ComponentModelCache folder from the below location.
[C:]\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[Visual Studio version number]
And after successful delete, recreate the folder with the same name, "ComponentModelCache".
This issue can be resolved by deleting or clearing all the folders and files from %AppData%\..\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ComponentModelCache
This actually clears the Visual Studio component model cache.
On Windows 7 machines, the path is different. When you type %appdata% in Run dialog, it opens the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming.
Click the 'up' button to navigate to the parent folder and select the folder 'Local'.
Final path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ComponentModelCache
Deleting the Component Model Cache did not work for me (well, the relative directory given above did not exist in my machine). Instead, I installed an extension to Visual Studio 2012 Express. Menu Tools → Extensions and Updates... → Online → Choose any and then download. This apparently invalidates the cache causing Visual Studio to rebuild it.
Here's my source.
For Visual Studio 2013 you need to remove that folder from this path:
for Visual Studio 2012 and later versions, the solution must be deleting the content of the folder ComponentModelCache:
Visual Studio 2013
I had the same problem upon launching Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate, and the solutions here didn't work for me. I tried deleting the mentioned folders and starting Visual Studio again, but it didn't work.
However I had other problems too, like Microsoft.visual studio package did not load correctly and also Page '312e8a59-2712-48a1-863e-0ef4e67961fc' not found VS 2012. The latter refers to a message in the Team Explorer window saying "Page 'somenumber' cannot be found".
So I run devenv /setup on the Visual Studio command prompt with administrative rights. It did the job, and everything is fine now.
Remove ComponentModelCache folder content.
Clearing the folders didn't work for me. So I went to 'Programs and Features' and used the change button to startup the Visual Studio 2013 setup.
In the setup I choose the repair function and that fixed the problem for me.
I had the same problem with Visual Studio Express 2013 of Windows 8.1.
Unfortunatly there was no "ComponentModelCache" folder in
I found the "ComponentModelCache" folder in
and solved this problem by removing this folder from there.
If you have VS 2013, you have to go to: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0
then rename the ComponentModelCache folder.
I experienced a similar problem after some updates released from Microsoft (part of them where about .NET framework 4.5).
On the Internet I got the following link to the Microsoft knowledge base article:
Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (KB2781514)
It worked for me.
This happened to me with Visual Studio 2013 Web, after Windows installed several updates. Unfortunately none of the suggestions in this thread helped.
I had to re-run the installer and select the "Repair" option. After that (and a reboot) it was working once again.
In some cases you may have to repair more than one version of Visual Studio. One example is when a Script Task control in VS 2013 opens VS 2012 when you click Edit Script.
Renaming the ComponentModelCache folder worked for me in Visual Studio 2015, but with a slightly different path:
I have Windows 7 x64 with a second partition on which Windows 8 (preview installed). While working with Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone, I come up with the same problem. But the ComponentModelCache is found here:
I am unable to delete or rename as I get the "access is denied" message when I try to use command prompt:
Administrator: VS2012 X64 CrossToolsCommandPrompt
This issue is because of a MEF cache corruption.
Installing the feedback extension (or installing any extension) will invalidate the cache causing VS to rebuild it.
click for source.
i experienced this problem in Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for windows phone while trying to open file.
Then i browsed to
And Inside ComponentModelCache i deleted Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache CACHE file. Finaly i restarted visual studio and reopened my project.
Then my problem was solved, i was able to open file.
Note: My OS is windows 8. And i installed SDK 8 for developing windows phone app
I am using Visual Studio 2012. After installing the Visual Studio 2013 web express, when I want to run or open any project in Visual Studio 2012 it shows me the following error:
"no exports were found that match the constraint contract name".
I also tried the above solution for clearing the ComponentModelCache,
but I did not find the folder. I solves my problem just by: Repair Visual Studio 2012
For the Express versions of the software, the folder you need is in a slightly different place(s): For Express 2012 for Web it is C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VWDExpress - not in the Visual Studio folder.
I got an error with the same error message - two years later.
It's a different problem this time though, related to .NET Core dnx things.
I couldn't find an answer on Stack Overflow, but there's a GitHub issue that contains a workaround:
Below is the most important part of the workaround:
Delete the entire C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\DNX directory. (As far as I understand, it belongs to the old version of ASP.NET Core
RC1, which for some reason is still shipped even with Visual Studio 2015 Update-3).
Delete the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\devenv.exe.config file.
Run the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio 2015 as Administrator, and execute the devenv /setup command. The new devenv.exe.config file is generated. This time there are many assemblies that refer to the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\DotNet directory.
Run the Visual Studio 2015 and check that it shows the Microsoft .NET Core Tools (Preview 2) 14.1.20624.0 in the Help => About Microsoft Visual Studio menu.
Thanks to olegburov's post on GitHub for figuring this out.
I had to uninstall some external components like Postsharp and Apex and then it worked. I also tried the chosen solution but it gave me more errors.
Deleting the folders haven't worked for me i have go control panel and repaired
Visual Studio Installer Projects extensions for VS 2013.
And it worked for me
I got this error after reinstalling IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper for C# in Visual Studio 2013.
First, I got an error problem with extensions, and after this I got this error:
"No exports were found that match the constraint contract name”
I simply removed folder ComponentModelCache and resolved this error.
My 2 cents:
Following all above lifesaving tips, I had a slightly different experience; mine is VS 2017 Community Edition, installed once, and I notice that have all these 3 folders:
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0 ==> Empty
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7f0c75b0 ==> has only the CoreCon folder
This is the one that has the ComponentModelCache:
Deleting only the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache had no effect.
So, I deleted all 4 files there: .cache, .err, .external and catalogs.
On restarting VS, problem gone and appeared a 5th file:
Removing ComponentModelCache did not work for me. Reinstalling VS 2019 did thanks to a recommendation on this Microsoft support thread.
This seems to be a known bug with a fix incoming from MS (as of 1/7/2020)
Experienced after upgrading from VS2019 Pro 16.2 (i think it was?) to 16.4.2 using Visual Studio Installer
Error displayed when trying to launch both nuget console and nuget package manager

The error "This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio" displayed

I installed Vs 2010 Express in my PC, and created a poject named myproject with .net 4.0, it works well in Vs 2010 Express.
Now I installed Vs 2012 Express in my PC, and open the project myproject and upgrade it to .net 4.5, it wells well in Vs 2012 Express too.
I delete the project myproject all files, then restore it from my old backup file, when I try to open the project from Vs 2010 Express, I get the following information.
"This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio", why?
How can I open the project in Vs 2010 Express? I guess the Vs 2012 Express maybe mark the project as .net 4.5 and stored the information in the somewhere of hard drive. Although I restore the project myproject from old backup file, Vs 2010 Express still think it is a project of .net 4.5.
If the message "This project is incompatible with the current version of Visual Studio" is due to an attempt to open a project targeting .Net 4.5 with Visual Studio 2010, then the "solution" or workaround is to edit the .csproj file and change the TargetFrameworkVersion from "v4.5" to "v4.0". That at least allows the project to be loaded, although it may result in compiler errors if the program is dependent on 4.5 features.
I know this is a little old, but just in case the above solutions don't work: don't be an idiot like me and try to open an MVC project using "VS for Desktop" instead of "VS for Web" (or vice-versa), since it will give you the incompatible message.
I use TFS at my job and I tried to open a MVC project via the TFS Solution Explorer. I wasn't paying attention to which Visual Studio version I had open and since both IDE's look alike, I was confused at what was going on - a common mistake, I'm sure =P
If you are getting the same error for a project which is actually an extension (.vsix), please install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK
Installing KB2781514 - Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 solved the problem for me.
Check the directory that contains the solution file for an UpgradeLog.htm file. It will probably show what's wrong. In my case I tried to open an ASP.NET project, but the Web Developer Tools were not installed.
The Web Developer Tools can be installed afterwards by going to the Control Panel and to modify your existing Visual Studio installation. After adding Web Developer Tools the project opened without issues.
In my case the problem was the Component Model Cache (Visual Studio for C++).
in VS2013 it is located in
in VS2015 in
Rename this folder and restart visual studio.
I received this error because during the BizTalk install I did not check the Developer Tools and SDK checkbox. I went back and modified my installation and that error went away for me now.
Trying to load a BizTalk Project in VS2012 without BizTalk installed on your developer machine, will result in this error and the projects will load. This should be the first thing you check.
Make sure that all your extensions are same as in previous version. For me, when I upgraded from old PC to New PC, I didn't downloaded correct extensions hence resulting in above issue.
I faced out with this problem, the solution was:
Open VS2017
Go to Tools
Go to Extensions and updates
Search for Reporting Services Project and then "Enable"; close your VS.
Open again your project/solution.

Unable to open solution in visual studio 2005

i came across this weird problem and don't seem to find a solution for it.
the problem is....
my OS crashed and i had to reinstall XP and VS 2005 again....but
when i tried to open my solution (which was created using visual studio 2005) in VS 2005 it gives me the following error:
The application for project 'D:\VSS\SomeSolution\SomeProj\SomeEntityLayer\SomeEntityLayer.csproj' is not installed.
Make sure the application for the project type (.csproj) is installed.
Please help
Did you check that the project exists in the location mentioned. I think it is something to do with the folder where your project is locatted.
Got the problem,
Visual studio 2005 was not installed properly with the required components.
Once i did that everything went perfect !
thanks any ways!!
tc : )
