How to measure memory bandwidth utilization on Windows? - windows

I have a highly threaded program but I believe it is not able to scale well across multiple cores because it is already saturating all the memory bandwidth.
Is there any tool out there which allows to measure how much of the memory bandwidth is being used?
Edit: Please note that typical profilers show things like memory leaks and memory allocation, which I am not interested in.
I am only whether the memory bandwidth is being saturated or not.

If you have a recent Intel processor, you might try to use Intel(r) Performance Counter Monitor: It can directly measure consumed memory bandwidth from the memory controllers.

I'd recommend the Visual Studio Sample Profiler which can collect sample events on specific hardware counters. For example, you can choose to sample on cache misses. Here's an article explaining how to choose the CPU counter, though there are other counters you can play with as well.

it would be hard to find a tool that measured memory bandwidth utilization for your application.
But since the issue you face is a suspected memory bandwidth problem, you could try and measure if your application is generating a lot of page faults / sec, which would definitely mean that you are no where near the theoretical memory bandwidth.
You should also measure how cache friendly your algorithms are. If they are thrashing the cache, your memory bandwidth utilization will be severely hampered. Google "measuring cache misses" on good sources that tells you how to do this.

It isn't possible to properly measure memory bus utilisation with any kind of software-only solution. (it used to be, back in the 80's or so. But then we got piplining, cache, out-of-order execution, multiple cores, non-uniform memory architectues with multiple busses, etc etc etc).
You absolutely have to have hardware monitoring the memory bus, to determine how 'busy' it is.
Fortunately, most PC platforms do have some, so you just need the drivers and other software to talk to it:
wenjianhn comments that there is a project specficially for intel hardware (which they call the Processor Counter Monitor) at
For other architectures on Windows, I am not sure. But there is a project (for linux) which has a grab-bag of support for different architectures at
In principle, a computer engineer could attach a suitable oscilloscope to almost any PC and do the monitoring 'directly', although this is likely to require both a suitably-trained computer engineer as well as quite high performance test instruments (read: both very costly).
If you try this yourself, know that you'll likely need instruments or at least analysis which is aware of the protocol of the bus you're intending to monitor for utilisation.
This can sometimes be really easy, with some busses - eg old parallel FIFO hardware, which usually has a separate wire for 'fifo full' and another for 'fifo empty'.
Such chips are used usually between a faster bus and a slower one, on a one-way link. The 'fifo full' signal, even it it normally occasionally triggers, can be monitored for excessively 'long' levels: For the example of a USB 2.0 Hi-Speed link, this happens when the OS isn't polling the USB fifo hardware on time. Measuring the frequency and duration of these 'holdups' then lets you measure bus utilisation, but only for this USB 2.0 bus.
For a PC memory bus, I guess you could also try just monitoring how much power your RAM interface is using - which perhaps may scale with use. This might be quite difficult to do, but you may 'get lucky'. You want the current of the supply which feeds VccIO for the bus. This should actually work much better for newer PC hardware than those ancient 80's systems (which always just ran at full power when on).
A fairly ordinary oscilloscope is enough for either of those examples - you just need one that can trigger only on 'pulses longer than a given width', and leave it running until it does, which is a good way to do 'soak testing' over long periods.
You monitor utiliation either way by looking for the change in 'idle' time.
But modern PC memory busses are quite a bit more complex, and also much faster.
To do it directly by tapping the bus, you'll need at least an oscilloscope (and active probes) designed explicitly for monitoring the generation of DDR bus your PC has, along with the software analysis option (usually sold separately) to decode the protocol enough to figure out the kind of activity which is occuring on it, from which you can figure out what kind of activity you want to measure as 'idle'.
You may even need a motherboard designed to allow you to make those measurements also.
This isn't so staightfoward as just looking for periods of no activity - all DRAM needs regular refresh cycles at the very least, which may or may not happen along with obvious bus activity (some DRAM's do it automatically, some need a specific command to trigger it, some can continue to address and transfer data from banks not in refresh, some can't, etc).
So the instrument needs to be able to analyse the data deeply enough for you extract how busy it is.
Your best, and simplest bet is to find a PC hardware (CPU) vendor who has tools which do what you want, and buy that hardware so you can use those tools.
This might even involve running your application in a VM, so you can benefit from better tools in a different OS hosting it.
To this end, you'll likely want to try Linux KVM (yes, even for Windows - there are windows guest drivers for it), and also pin down your VM to specific CPUs, whilst you also configure linux to avoid putting other jobs on those same CPUs.


Cycle accurate emulation

I'm currently learning C for my next emulation project, a cycle accurate 68000 core (my last project being a non-cycle accurate Sega Master System emulator written in Java which is now on its third release). My query regards cycle level accuracy as taking things to this level is a new thing for me.
To break things down to a granularity of 1 CPU cycle, presumably I need to know how long memory accesses take and so on, but my question is that for instructions that take multiple cycles in their memory fetch/write stages, what is the CPU doing each cycle - e.g. are x amount of bits copied per cycle.
With my SMS emulator I didn't have to worry too much about M1 stages etc, as it just used a cycle count for each instruction - in other words it is only accurate to an instruction level, not a cycle level. I'm not looking for architecture specific details, merely an idea of what sort of things I should look out for when going to this level of granularity.
68k details are welcome however. Basically I'm wondering what is supposed to happen if a video chip reads from an area of memory whilst a CPU is still writing the data to it mid way through that phase of an instruction, and other similar situations. I hope I've made it clear enough, thank you.
For a really cycle accurate emulation you have first to decide on a master clock you want to use as reference. That should be the fastest clock at which's granularity the software running can detect differences in order of occurance. This could by the CPU clock, but in most cases the bus cycle time decides at which granularity events can be discerned (and that is often only a fraction of the CPU clock).
Then you need to find out the precendence order the different devices (IC's) connected to that bus have (if there is more than one bus master). An example would be if (and how) video DMA can delay the CPU.
There exist generally no at the same time events. Either the CPU writes before the DMA reads, or the other way around (that is still true in case of dual ported devices, you just need to consider the device's inherent predence mechanism).
Once you have a solid understanding which clock is the effectively controlling the granularity of discernible events you can think about how to structure the emulator to reproduce that behaviour exactly.
This way you can create a 100% cycle exact emulation, given you have enough information about all the devices behavior.
Sorry I can't give you more detailed info, I know nothing about the specifics of the Sega's hardware.
My guess is that you don't have to get in to excruciating detail to get good enough results for the timing for this sort of thing. Which you can't do anyway f you don't want to get into the specifics of the architecture.
Your main question seemed to be "what is supposed to happen if a video chip reads from an area of memory whilst a CPU is still writing the data to it". Generally on these older chips, the bus protocols are pretty simple (they're not packetized) and there is usually a pin that indicates that the bus is busy. So if the CPU is writing to memory, the video chip will simply have to wait until the CPU is done. Because of these sorts of limitations, dual ported ram was popular for a while so that the frame buffer could be simultaneously written by the CPU and read by the RAMDAC.

Are there practical limits to the number of cores accessing the same memory?

Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue? Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Put another way: is the high powered desktop computer of the future apt to have 1024 cores using one set of memory, or is it apt to have 32 sets of memory, each accessed by 32 cores?
Or still another way: I have a multi-threaded program that runs well on a 4-core machine, using a significant amount of the total CPU. As this program grows in size and does more work, can I be reasonably confident more powerful machines will be available to run it? Or should I be thinking seriously about running multiple sessions on multiple machines (or at any rate multiple sets of memory) to get the work done?
In other words, is a purely multithreaded approach to design going to leave me in a dead end? (As using a single threaded approach and depending on continued improvements in CPU speed years back would have done?) The program is unlikely to be run on a machine costing more than, say $3,000. If that machine cannot do the work, the work won't get done. But if that $3,000 machine is actually a network of 32 independent computers (though they may share the same cooling fan) and I've continued my massively multithreaded approach, the machine will be able to do the work, but the program won't, and I'm going to be in an awkward spot.
Distributed processing looks like a bigger pain than multithreading was, but if that might be in my future, I'd like some warning.
Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue?
Yes, the GHz race is over. It's not practical to ramp the speed any more on the current technology. Physics has gotten in the way. There may be a dramatic shift in the technology of fabricating chips that allows us to get round this, but it's not obviously 'just around the corner'.
If we can't have faster cores, the only way to get more power is to have more cores.
Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Absolutely there's a limit. In a shared memory system the memory is a shared resource and has a limited amount of bandwidth.
Max processes = (Memory Bandwidth) / (Bandwidth required per process)
Now - that 'Bandwidth per process' figure will be reduced by caches, but caches become less efficient if they have to be coherent with one another because everyone is accessing the same area of memory. (You can't cache a memory write if another CPU may need what you've written)
When you start talking about huge systems, shared resources like this become the main problem. It might be memory bandwidth, CPU cycles, hard drive access, network bandwidth. It comes down to how the system as a whole is structured.
You seem to be really asking for a vision of the future so you can prepare. Here's my take.
I think we're going to see a change in the way software developers see parallelism in their programs. At the moment, I would say that a lot of software developers see the only way of using multiple threads is to have lots of them doing the same thing. The trouble is they're all contesting for the same resources. This then means lots of locking needs to be introduced, which causes performance issues, and subtle bugs which are infuriating and time consuming to solve.
This isn't sustainable.
Manufacturing worked out at the beginning of the 20th Century, the fastest way to build lots of cars wasn't to have lots of people working on one car, and then, when that one's done, move them all on to the next car. It was to split the process of building the car down into lots of small jobs, with the output of one job feeding the next. They called it assembly lines. In hardware design it's called pipe-lining, and I'll think we'll see software designs move to it more and more, as it minimizes the problem of shared resources.
Sure - There's still a shared resource on the output of one stage and the input of the next, but this is only between two threads/processes and is much easier to handle. Standard methods can also be adopted on how these interfaces are made, and message queueing libraries seem to be making big strides here.
There's not one solution for all problems though. This type of pipe-line works great for high throughput applications that can absorb some latency. If you can't live with the latency, you have no option but to go the 'many workers on a single task' route. Those are the ones you ideally want to be throwing at SIMD machines/Array processors like GPUs, but it only really excels with a certain type of problem. Those problems are ones where there's lots of data to process in the same way, and there's very little or no dependency between data items.
Having a good grasp of message queuing techniques and similar for pipelined systems, and utilising fine grained parallelism on GPUs through libraries such as OpenCL, will give you insight at both ends of the spectrum.
Update: Multi-threaded code may run on clustered machines, so this issue may not be as critical as I thought.
I was carefully checking out the Java Memory Model in the JLS, chapter 17, and found it does not mirror the typical register-cache-main memory model of most computers. There were opportunities there for a multi-memory machine to cleanly shift data from one memory to another (and from one thread running on one machine to another running on a different one). So I started searching for JVMs that would run across multiple machines. I found several old references--the idea has been out there, but not followed through. However, one company, Terracotta, seems to have something, if I'm reading their PR right.
At any rate, it rather seems that when PC's typically contain several clustered machines, there's likely to be a multi-machine JVM for them.
I could find nothing outside the Java world, but Microsoft's CLR ought to provide the same opportunities. C and C++ and all the other .exe languages might be more difficult. However, Terracotta's websites talk more about linking JVM's rather than one JVM on multiple machines, so their tricks might work for executable langauges also (and maybe the CLR, if needed).

Estimating how processor frequency affects I/O performance

I am doing research about dedicated I/O software that would run on consumer hardware. Essentially it boils down to saving huge data streams for later processing. Right now I am looking for a model to estimate performance factors on x86.
Take for example the new Macbook Pro:
high-speed Thunderbolt I/O (input/output) technology delivers
an amazing 10 gigabits per second of transfer speeds in both
1.25 GB/s sounds nice but most processors of the day are clocked around 2 Ghz. Multiple cores make little difference as long as only one can be assigned per network channel.
So even if the software acts as a miniature operating system and limits itself to network/disk operations, the amount of data flowing to storage can't be greater than P / (2 * N)[1] chunks per second. Although this hints the rough performance limit, I feel it's far from adequate.
What other considerations should one take estimating I/O performance in regards to processor frequency and other hardware specifics? For simplicity's sake, assume here that storage performs instantly under all circumstances.
[1] P - processor frequency; N - algorithm overhead
The hardware limiting factors are probably the I/O bus performance, say PCIe, and more recently, the FSB clock-rates, since memory controllers are moving from northbridge to the CPUs themselves.
Then, of course, you have to figure out what sort of processing you need to do on the input, and how much work it is to produce the output. These, at least for conventional software running on a CPU, are dependent on the processor clock, but not only. Writing your code to take advantage of the hardware facilities like caches, instruction-level parallelism, etc. is still a black art but can give you an order of magnitude performance boost.
Basically what I'm ranting about is that not all software is created equal, and you probably want to take that into account.
Likely, harddisk controllers will decide the harddisk I/O performance, graphics cards will decide maximum resolution and refresh I/O performance, and so on. Don't really understand the question, the CPU is becoming less and less involved in these kinds of things (well, has been for the last 10 years).
I doubt the question will even have bearing on CPUs with integrated GPUs, since the buffer to be output to screen is in external memory sharing a bus with (again) a controller on the motherboard.
It's all buffered, so I can only see CPUs affecting file performance if you somehow force the hardware buffer size to something insanely puny. Edit: and I'm pretty sure Apple will prevent you from doing such things. ;)
For Thunderbolt specifically, it's more about what the minimum CPU model is, that supports the kinds of bus speeds required by the Thunderbolt chip set version that is in the machine in question.
Thunderbolt is a raw data traffic system and performance specs are potential maximums, hence all the asterisks in the Apple specs. I believe it will indeed alleviate bottlenecks and in general give lag-free intelligent data shuffling doing many things simultaneously.
The CPU will idle-wait a shorter time for needed data, but the processing speed of the data is the same. When playing or creating a movie, codec processing time will be the same, but you will still feel a boost/lack of lag because the data is there when it needs it. For the I/O, the bottleneck will become the read/write speed of your harddisk instead, and the CPU bottleneck (for file copy operations, likely at least some code in Finder) will stay the same.
In other words, only CPU-intensive tasks such as for example movie encoding will benefit significantly from a faster CPU, while the benefits of Thunderbolt vs. a mix of interfaces will boost machines with both slow and fast CPUs.

Easiest way to determine compilation performance hardware bottleneck on single PC?

I've now saved a bit of money for the hardware upgrade. What I'd like to know, which is the easiest way to measure which part of hardware is the bottleneck for compiling and should be upgraded?
Are there any clever techniques I could use? I've looked into perfmon, but it has too many counters and isn't very helpful without exact knowledge what should be looked at.
Conditions: Home development, Windows XP Pro, Visual Studio 2008
The question is really "what is maxed out during compilation?"
If you don't want to use perfmon, you can use something like the task monitor.
Run a compile.
See what's maxed out.
Did you go to 100% CPU for the whole time? Get more CPU -- faster or more cores or something.
Did you go to 100% memory for the whole time? Which number matters on the display? The only memory you can buy is "physical" memory. The only factor that matters is physical memory. The other things you see on the meter are not things you buy, they're adjustments to make to the way Windows works.
Did you go to "huge" amounts of I/O? You can't easily tell what's "huge", but you can conclude this. If you're not using memory and not using CPU, then you're using the only resource that's left -- you're I/O bound and you need a faster bus -- which usually means a whole new machine.
A faster HDD is of little or no value -- the bus clock speed is one limiting factor. The bus width is the other limiting factor. No one designs an ass-kicking I/O bus and then saddles it with junk HDD's. Usually, they design the bus that fits a specific cost target based on available HDD's.
A faster HDD is of little or no value -- the bus clock speed is one limiting factor. The bus width is the other limiting factor. No one designs an ass-kicking I/O bus and then saddles it with junk HDD's. Usually, they design the bus that fits a specific cost target based on available HDD's.
Garbage. Modern HDDs are slow compared to the I/O buses they are connected to. Name a single HDD that can max out a SATA 2 interface (and that is even a generation old now) for random IOPS... A hard drive is lucky to hit 10MB/s when the bus is capable of around 280MB/s.
E.g. Even there the SSDs are only hitting 50MB/s. It's clear the IOPs are NOT the bottleneck otherwise the HDD would do just as much as the SSDs.
I've never seen a computer IOPs bound rather than HDD bound. It doesn't happen.
Using the task monitor has already been suggested but the Sys Internals task monitor gives you more information than the built-in Windows task monitor:
Sys Internals task monitor
You might also want to see what other things are running on your PC which are using up memory and / or CPU processing power. It may be possible to remove or only run on demand things which are affecting performance.
Windows XP will only support 3GB of memory using a switch that you have to turn on and
I seem to remember that applications need to be written to actually take this into consideration.

What is the best way to measure "spare" CPU time on a Linux based system

For some of the customers that we develop software for, we are required to "guarantee" a certain amount of spare resources (memory, disk space, CPU). Memory and disk space are simple, but CPU is a bit more difficult.
One technique that we have used is to create a process that consumes a guaranteed amount of CPU time (say 2.5 seconds every 5 seconds). We run this process at highest priority in order to guarantee that it runs and consumes all of its required CPU cycles.
If our normal applications are able to run at an acceptable level of performance and can pass all of their functionality tests while the spare time process is running as well, then we "assume" that we have met our commitment for spare CPU time.
I'm sure that there are other techniques for doing the same thing, and would like to learn about them.
So this may not be exactly the answer you're looking for, but if all you want to do is make sure your application doesn't exceed certain limits on resource consumption and you're running on linux you can customize /etc/security/limits.con (may be different file on your distro of choice) to force the limits on a particular user and only run the process under that user. This is of course assuming that you have that level of control on your client's production environment.
If I understand correctly, your concern is wether the application also runs while a given percentage of the processing power is not available.
The most incontrovertible approach is to use underpowered hardware for your testing. If the processor in your setup allows you to, you can downclock it online. The Linux kernel gives you an easy interface for doing this, see /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/. There is also a bunch of GUI applications for this available.
If your processor isn't capable of changing clock speed online, you can do it the hard way and select a smaller multiplier in your BIOS.
I think you get the idea. If it runs on 1600 Mhz instead of 2400 Mhz, you can guarantee 33% of spare CPU time.
SAR is a standard *nix process that collects information about the operational use of system resources. It also has a command line tool that allows you to create various reports, and it's common for the data to be persisted in a database.
With a multi-core/processor system you could use Affinity to your advantage.
