How do I merge text in visual studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

To preface this I am an Emacs refugee on Visual Studio 2010's shores and am certain that I am working against the tool. Please could someone point me in the right direction. My problem is the MyProject.csproj file is kept under version control using TFS and my coworkers have made a number of changes that no longer get along with my version. Not a problem, I can just merge the changes and make things right. But I can't, or rather I don't know how to. The compare tool in VS only taunts me, it won't let me pick and choose differences like I need to.
What I would love to do is just use Merge in Emacs, run through the file hitting L(eft), R(ight), B(oth) and be done with it in no time. What I don't understand is why there are certain changes that are accepted by default, that I cannot alter. I think that what it is doing is identifying changes that I made to the ancestor document and forcing those to be made while providing me the option of merging the changes from my coworkers. My issue is that these things are contradictory and I would like to ignore my change to Line 12 while accepting the Repository's Line 42 but applying my Line 106.
But I cannot figure out how to tell it "no" to Line 12.
This has to be common, what does one do in VS to get this to work?

The standard diff tool that comes with Visual Studio ... blows. Its not intuitive and doesn't work all that well.
But its very easy to integrate different diff tools. I'm using this one:
(no affiliation; its free so don't ding me for spam kthx). Works pretty damn good. You might find one out there better suited for your tastes, in which case you can integrate it into visual studio. (again, not associated with me!)

I advise you to use WinMerge to compare or merge files with VS
You can define as Will said.


How do i get an automatic merge comment in TFS

In source control systems and tools like tortoises for svn or sourcetree for git, when I am committing a merge, I can usually just left a default comment generated by the tool that is basically a summary of what changes were merged. In visual studio using TFS, there is a comment textbox right above the changes list, but I have to type it all manually. It's not super important but it is a time saver sometimes. Maybe i'm just not looking at the right place.
If you're using TFS with Git, then this becomes less of an issue. When you merge all the individual commits come along for the ride, so it's not necessary to re-describe them in the merge commit.
Try extension Auto Merge
If you need set original comment setup Settings "comment_format" like {{OriginalComment}}
I have used TFS a lot, and unfortunately I don't think that option exists. I usually copy my original checkin text and then paste it if I am doing multiple merges. I realize this is a low tech way to do it and the original comment isn't generated for me. If you want to be able to do this bad enough, you can probably write a Visual Studio plug in that would do it for you, or you could code up just about anything you want to add with the Team Foundation Server SDK.

Problem in Add Reference dialog with paths containing #

I am new to using Microsoft development tools but have been using Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4 and C# for the past few weeks. I ran into a problem yesterday creating a new project the same way I have been doing it successfully from the start: right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer → Add Reference, which used to bring up this dialog:
Old Dialog Box
After a couple of weeks of no new projects I went to create one yesterday and got a new Add Reference dialog. And trying to add the same dll I have been adding for weeks now resulted in the error seen here:
New Dialog
So, after a painful day trying to determine the cause, it looks to me like it has something to do with the new dialog choking on the # I had in my reference path. When I removed the # everything works as expected. Considering Microsoft has two .NET languages with # in the name, I am surprised that this issue keeps biting people (I have heard of this problem over the years, but I have never done much with Microsoft tools until recently, so of course I did not recall it.)
Questions from a Visual Studio newbie:
Is it common knowledge to not use # in paths?
How/why did I get this new Add Reference dialog when my colleagues, using the same VS version, still have the old dialog that handles # in paths just fine?
My opinion is that if you use weird characters in paths, you get what you deserve. :)
I know there are bugs about '#' character in paths in the core VS product, in addition to whatever may be in the Pro Power Tools extension. There is a surprising amount of code that goes to/from URIs and filenames, and '#' characters (and everything thereafter) get dropped when roundtripping via a System.Uri.
In general, I think it's safe to assume that when creating filenames/paths, there will be 10,000 tools of various quality trying to parse the filenames, and a (large) subset of those tools will fail on 'weird' characters. Just avoid weird characters whenever possible. You gotta choose your battles. In an ideal world, tools would be robust to these kinds of issues. In the real world, it's better to name a path "CSharp" rather than "C#" and move on with more important things in life.
The second dialog is the one from the VS2010 productivity power tools pack - I havent used it myself so dont know of any problems with it. Have you recently installed this?

Is there a method / system / program to keep track of different stages and changes in writing the code for a project?

Forgive me, but I don't know the technical term to know what to search for.
I am trying to find a way to keep track of changes in my code during the development of my program. something that would allow me to go back to a section of code that I deleted. I am not talking about "undo". But rather a way that would let me keep track or be able to retrieve a section of my code that I deleted but now want it back.
Is there such a way? If there is, then what is this whole system/procedure called? Is there something that integrates with Visual Studio 2010?
you could use
but for local use, I would prefer SVN. its free and its easy.
For visual studio there are a few SVN client plugins (like VisualSVN). But, I would suggest TortoiseSVN as the client.
To be clear, SVN is the server, TortoiseSVN is the client. (Both are free open source tools)
It's called Revision Control.
The term you are looking for is Source Control. Modern source control's provide all the functionality you described plus much more.
Team Foundation Server seamlessly integrates into VS2010 and is very useful. Read through Source Control for Visual Studio to get up to speed.
I'm not familiar with Visual Studio, but generally there are two approaches to implementing this:
1) Source/Revision control - But the problem is that it is very low-granularity, you usually commit a file when it is ready, but lose any interim changes. There are a lot of solutions compatible with visual studio.
2) A local history that tracks multiple versions between commits. Eclipse has this built in, not sure how to access it in VS.
3) A very granular log of all your development activities so you can examine and revert past changes. Not familiar with a commercial version of this. I once developed something like this for Eclipse.
Please read this thread here at SO: Keeping track of changes I make by copying project folders.
subversion has a lot of mind share these days, but it's very old-school, first-gen tech. Distributed revision control is gaining a lot of momentum and I'd highly recommend that you become familiar with it if you're going to be a code monkey professional. Look up mercurial (also referred to as hg) or bazaar. If nothing else, perforce - a professional, commercial revision control tool - is free for up to two users. It works very well, as long as you keep your branching craziness to a minimum.
Every source control does that, you know ;)
YOu have a legal VIsual Studio 2010? Try Team System.

Does anyone know of a code change management tool that can highlight code changes in Visual Studio?

Hey all, I am trying to find a tool that can highlight code changes in Visual Studio so they can be easily found and reviewed. Below are some requirements for what we are looking for...
Identify and use a difference highlighting tool that meets the following criteria:
• can highlight areas that need to be reviewed
• there is a place to enter comments
• retains line numbering from code
• preference for doing within IDE
Issue addressed:
Hard to see what was changed in code - changes not identified. Coders do not provide administrators diffs. No tool that does a nice job to identify differences. Daunting/time consuming to provide a good diff. When highlighting differences was provided, loss of line numbers was a substantial issue (was worse).
A lot of source control systems offer this functionality.
Check out Subversion at
There is visual studio integration at Visual Subversion:
We use BeyondCompare for this. The 3 pane view for merge (original, theirs, yours) and the 2 panel pane for comparison like you want is excellent.
You can use it standalone, including just looking at file trees outside visual studio, or integrate inside and with most of the version control systems as well. Take a look here for the parameters. That example is for TFS, but you can change the command line to fir any version control.

How do I integrate VSS 6 so that VB 6 automatically checks out when editing?

I'm using Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Basic 6.0.
I have them integrated but when I check out a Project and then try to edit a module in that project it's locked and I have to manually right-click on it and do a Check Out to unlock it.
I thought there was a way to have VSS automatically check out the file for editing.
Any suggestions?
I agree with kris here. Now I know that a bunch of folks saying your "software stinks" doesn't really answer your question. But there is a world of difference between a check out style source control and a file locking system like Source safe. The general consensus is that Check out systems are far superior.
With check out, what you do is you check out the project from your repository. All the files are editable. You work on your project as normally. Then before you checkin you do another update. If anybody else in your team did a update the software will automatically merge in the changes into your code. You will have a chance to review the merges and resolve any conflicts. After the update you can then check in your changes which everyone else can retrieve.
The big scary part is the merging part. Back when CVS and subversion where just command line tools it was a little scary as it was a pain to retrieve what happened with the merging. But with today's tools like Tortoise is all visual. In the last couple of years I can't think of any instance where a automatic merge failed. Any conflicts (basically two people edit the same line of code) are display right here for you to resolve.
Tortoise SVN
There is an option in SourceSafe under the "Local Files" tab labeled "Use read-only flag for files that are not checked out". By default this option is selected, but if you unselect it, you will be able to edit any file in the project without checking it out.
Once you uncheck the option, you can get the latest version of a project to remove the read-only flag from all the files.
When you check out a file, you will be warned that there is a writable copy of the file in your working folder, at which time you can replace it with the version in the SourceSafe database.
I never figured out a way to do this. It was always a huge pain. Sorry for posting a negative answer, but I figured that you might want to know that you aren't alone in hating this, but that there wasn't an immediate and obvious answer. I'll be following this question along with you in case someone out there does know of a solution...
I don't think it is possible to do this (at least it wasn't when we used VSS eight years ago), but while you are experiencing the pain of a check out styled source control, run - don't walk, to some real, non-locking style source control solution. SVN, CVS, Git, Mecruial, anything that doesn't lock files, and doesn't leave your source in a proprietary file sytem. We switched to CVS eight years ago because we lost all of our source history (the code was checkout out so it was retrievable), due to a VSS glitch. Best thing we ever did, made collaboration ten times easier. Now CVS isn't the best solution (it was the most reasonable solution for windows back then), but anything is better than VSS.
Best solution I found was to check out all the files. Took a bit of poking around to figure out how to do that. Here's how:
How to check out all VB6 Project files from VSS?
when I check out a Project and then
try to edit a module in that project
it's locked and I have to manually
right-click on it and do a Check Out
to unlock it
Like it or not, it works that way by design i.e. you can check out all the files but you have to explicitly choose to do so, rather than being the default option. I guess that's because checking out all modules (class modules, forms, usercontrols, etc) locks out all other users from the entire project, which is normally undesirable in a team collaboration environment.
