Browser inside of a browser - ajax

I am not trying to track clicks or anything like other people - I just want to put a browser within a browser that can go back, forward, refresh, accept user-entered URLs, and store bookmarks. Can flash/silverlight/ajax/whatever do this? If so, how?

How about:
Solution 1:
Create or use an existing ActiveX Web Browser control.
And let your web/page host that ActiveX, or host multiple controls.
Solution 2:
Put an iframe inside a UserControl, a textbox and a go button.
Get the user provided url from textbox.
Change the src of the iframe when user clicks the go button.
<iframe id="iFrame" name="myFrame" src=""
width="100%" height="300" frameborder="0">
<p>Does your browser support iframes?</p>
This is in response to your comment; you posed 3 questions:
For 1, thats correct, ActiveX works for IE, more specifically for Windows; there are ways you can install ActiveX for different browsers, but it(the ActiveX) would require windows OS. See this.
For 2, try handling that using JavaScript; something like following within iframe block.
Checkout these examples.
For the third one, if I understand you correctly then you can always parse the url when user clicks onto the Go button; and respond accordingly before rendering the page.

flash can do basic html (AFAIK) not sure about silverlight.
you will struggle to do it with javascript/iframes. Especially back/forward/refresh buttons. If you are on the same domain you have some control over the iframe, but once it leaves your domain, you lose control

Would using an iframe or an object with type="text/html" be useful to you in terms of being able to embed a page within a page? Either method effectively permits loading a separate page within a page with little side-effect.


Facebook like button's iframe not expanded after ajax request

I'm adding a facebook share button to each post on a Wordpress (Using Facebook Share Button New plugin), it works ok for each post/page except when i'm loading them trough ajax, the result it's a normal Facebook like button but the popup (to write a comment) appears inside the button it is not expanded.
To check go to: and then click on any face at the bottom of the page, then test the like button and you'll see what happens.
I don't know what to do, i tried to FB.XFBML.parse() after loading the content but the result is the same.
Switching to HTML5 didn't help in our case. What did was to remove the FB object just prior to new content being inserted into the page via Ajax:
delete FB;
We reload full pages via Ajax and so new page content recreates the FB object and re-initializes XFBML anyway. Not sure if this workaround would work if we reloaded only parts of the page though.
The original answer is here.
I've managed to fix it by changing the implementation to HTML5 instead Iframe or XFBML using Facebook's tool to generate like buttons:

Can bookmarket modify original page?

I have a bookmarklet that opens a dialog (in reality an iframe) and extracts some information. When the dialog is dismissed I want to put that information into edit text fields on the original page in the browser (like the way LastPass will automatically fill-in login forms on a page).
Is this possible? I'm thinking that same-origin-policy will prevent this, but maybe there is a way (without installing extensions such as greasemonkey, etc).
Edit: to be more precise: the bookmarklet appends a DIV to the original page; that DIV contains an IFRAME that loads my page; this page fetches some information; once this information is fetched within the IFRAME I want to remove the DIV and (somehow) put that information into the original page.
The issue I face is communicating the information in the IFRAME back to the original page.
What you are looking for are the functions addEventListener and postMessage.
Relevant links:
How do you use window.postMessage across domains?

Html5 web pages in a window

I'm trying to get a web page in a window within a web page, so basily what I want is something like a standed os,
you have a exe it opens with in a window, well I want that but in HTML5
Would I use Ajax?
Anything would be helpful at this stage!
Thanks jrop
For your problem you don't need HTML5. You can solve it by using jQuery.
jQuert window plugin (You can choose one of them depending on your need):
If you want an actual window then you would use open. If you want a pseudo-window inside a page, then you would use <iframe>. If you don't want an actual page, but just a chunk of HTML then you would use DOM manipulation to create the elements in the page (and possibly Ajax techniques to get the data over HTTP if you don't have it in the page already).

Joomla Ajax Menu- refreshless content

I am trying to convert a flash site into a non-flash site. The site is already powered by Joomla CMS but it outputs XML into flash. You can see the site here
As you can see (and hear) there is a music player that persists across all pages in the site (i.e. the page does not refresh when you go to different sections)
To achieve this without flash I think what I need to do is frame the home page with the main Joomla menu and a media playing component. Then what I need is for the main menu to load Joomla content into the content area using ajax and use some equivalent of SwfAddress to enable the back and forwards buttons to work and for the pages to be directly linkable.
Things like edcwid seem to work like this (ie but I cannot find any information anywhere on how to go about getting Joomla to work this way...
Has anyone got any ideas?
I agree that the frame solution could be interesting.
I suggest making a frameset like this:
<frame id="mediaplayer" src="mediaplayer.htm" />
<frame id="main" src="{Joomla main page}" />
And then use css to hide the #mediaplayer, and custom javascript inserted on the joomlapage to send commands to the #mediaplayer frame where you run any kind of mediaplayer with a JS interface.
So keep the transport controls on your Joomla page and keep the mediaplayer over several changes of the #main frame.
Hope this makes sense :)
You could also consider using a javascript API to take care of the AJAX fetching of a page, to insert it in a content container on the page. This however require that you disable the header/footer of any Joomla page you request via this method. I however don't know if this is possible using Joomla.

How to get back button to work with anchors (#) and iframes

I am working on a site where the main part of it is driven by an ajax style navigation system using anchors in the url to define the application state.
On top of this I now need to support IFrames that are loaded on top of this application. The problem I'm having is that the back button breaks if I make use of fragments.
I've created a very simple sample, that isn't using any of the ajax libraries. All it has is a link that adds an anchor to the url and an iframe, with some normal links in it.
If I click then anchor link first, then I click the link in the iframe, I would expect the first back click to take back to the original iframe page and the second click to remove the anchor from the url.
I'm aware of all the various solutions out there (YUI, reallysimplehistory, jquery plugin) and they all work great, but they don't cater for iframes.
I'm also aware that I could add some JS to the framed pages and possibly route all navigation through the parent page, but I'm hoping that isn't necessary.
So the question is, can anyone explain what is going on inside the history object in this sample? Secondly is there anything I can do from the parent iframe to coax the history object to pick up these navigation entries?
Note: I'm only enquiring about FF/Safari/Chrome in this sample. IE needs to looked at separately.
Refer to
JavaScript .hashchange performance. Can it bring any slowdown?
How does Gmail handle back/forward in rich JavaScript?
