CRM data import error 0x80040265 - dynamics-crm

I try to upload new Account with the data import wizard via a csv file, the only column is the Account Name. I always received the error code 0x80040265 with no log on the server. I do the same thing for Contact with more columns and it works without errors.
Someone have this problem?

After searching a lot, a plugin crashed for each account record into the csv file, it's not normal that there are no log...


Elasticsearch Is ML disabled for newer ES versions?

I'm using 7.8.1 version
I'm trying to upload csv data
I hit the link of Upload data from log file Import a CSV, NDJSON, or log file
And it takes me to /app/ml#/filedatavisualizer and shows the following error
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}
There's discussion, at , they say it's been resolved, but it's not..
I found the answer,
you need to add the machine_learning_user or machine_learning_admin role to the user.

Dynamics 365 - Data Migration - Export Portal Entities

I'm facing a very weard bug trying to export records from my Dyn365 Portal environment.
Anyone is getting the same error?
Error message:
RetrieveMultiple: GetEntityDataSearchParams |=> Failed to download a file entity [Annotation] with Id...
The specified blob does not exist...
Thank you all.
Ok, I found the issue.
Corrupt Note records was the culprit.
After remove all the records and create it again, i'm good to go...

oracle apex CSV upload no data found error

I have an apex application which will upload .CSV file
I have 2 users both having same db access rights
One user able to upload .CSV file where second user is getting no data found error.
I m trying with same data .CSV file.
Any thoughts ?
-M Kani
Resolution: removing users uploaded file from www_flow_file_objects$
Issue: user uploaded csv files with incorrect data's. this caused the issue. So removed those csv file data and it worked
Example incorrect data: REF# etc.

Magento : Internal Server Error on import more products by csv file.

I am getting internal server error on import more products by csv file.
I have a custom magento module which is use for import associated product of grouped product which is basically use for create grouped product with it's associated products. associated product import by csv option. I have simple products csv file which have 359 records. when i created groped product and import this csv file, my custom module script run and after some minute display error message on screen.
in this case groped product save with 229 simple product successfully.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
I checked same process in local system but i it working great and import all simple product successfully.
what could be the issue ? can anyone help ?
Is server configuration problem ?
You can check the system log to see whats the problem, you can locate this file under var/log/system.log
Also you can add this code snipped to follow the error on the system.log, this piece of code will add new information to your system.log so you can follow the problem and fix it.
in /lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php file
$xml = simplexml_load_string($string, $this->_elementClass);
add after:
if(!$xml){ Mage::log($string); }
Please note that you are going to change a core file, once you have fixed the problem you can rollback.
Error 500 can be caused by so many factors, following this way, you will be abble to catch your real problem.

Sinatra-Synchrony is causing HttpProtocolException: HTTP-headers - are expected Error for some users

I have a webapp that updates data in Pardot through one of their API's.
The webapp is coded with Sinatra. The user adds the api url and a csv file with the data that needs to be updated in a form and hits submit. The code parses the csv data and sends it to the url that was provided. The back end server is Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 and HeliconZoo.
Because of performance issues Helicon tech support pointed me to Sinatra::Synchrony and I decided to implement it.
I tested it on multiple different computers with different OS's and browsers and everything works good. Performance was noticeably faster when more then one computer was connected and had submitted the form.
The problem I have is that some users keep getting this error after every time they submit the form:
Helicon Zoo module has caught up an error. Please see the details below.
Worker Status
Windows error
Internal module error
message: HTTP-headers - are expected
job: JobHttp[#3] - /
RAW output bytes:0
RAW output Begin
Empty stderr
type: ZooException
file: JobHttp.cpp
line: 266
Even though they get this error the data was sent to Pardot successfully.
Here is an entry from the ZooError.log file:
[10/24/2012 10:44:01] HttpProtocolException: HTTP-headers - are expected
job: JobHttp[#212] - /
RAW output bytes:0
RAW output Begin
Empty stderr
Where do I even start to troubleshoot this error?
Neil. I'm from Helicon Tech and will try to help you.
Please check the log of your Sinatra application, as according to our logs Sinatra responded with empty response which is not good.
It can be some issue in Zoo, so if you could provide some test application and instructions on how to reproduce such behavior to our helpdesk, we would try to detect and fix it.
I want to thank Tony for offering to help but this error didn't have anything to do with Helicon Zoo. The errors that were displayed on the screen from Zoo weren't any help but this ended up being an issue with my own code.
I was sending data to Pardot that came from a csv file. The users where creating the .csv files from excel by copying from one excel sheet to the other. By doing this excel was copying a bunch of blank lines and these blank lines were then saved into the csv file.
So...once I checked for blank rows in the csv file:
if !row.empty?
I stopped getting the error.
