is there a sandcastle plugin for Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I really like the help files generated using SandCastle on my projects... is there a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 for SandCastle, or another good alternative program that integrates directly with Visual Studio?

SHFB has a VS2010 extension - available in the (beta 2) release. You will need to check subsequent releases to make sure those continue to include the extension.
and details here -

No. Like "not yet".
Check SHFB on codeplex (SandCastle Help File Builder) - not VS integrated, but MSBuild intraetaeed.
Check DochProject on codeplex. That actually is what you want, but it is IIRC not YET out for the new version of sandcastle / Visual Studio;) Should not take long, though.

VSdocman integrates directly in VS 2010.


What is background build in Qt VS tools

Relates to Error while using Qt in Visual Studio 2019
I have the same error. Unfortunately I cannot still fix it, as Qt VS Tools for VS 2015 aren't updated. But my question is not how to avoid background build.
My question: what is background build?
Oh, I believe you are running into the 32767 names for this.
Let me preface this by stating that 2015 may have been the last time I used Visual Studio or developed anything for a Microsoft platform.
Part of your answer is in this discussion.
I believe the latest (or more current) name for "background build" is "live code compilation."
This is a resource robbing, highly annoying, syntax checking thing Microsoft thought would be great. It ranks right up there with Microsoft Clippy as far as tragic ideas go.
Basically, as you type, visual studio tries to build your stuff, puts squiggles under errors and generally consumes a whole lot of resources.
If you are using that Qt plug-in to build a QMake project this can cause all kinds of hardship, especially when you have UI files that need to MOC compile and are in the designer modifying the .UI file.
Whatever version of Visual Studio I was forced to use for that project, the first thing I did was find out how to turn that off.
Qt appears to not play well with Visual Studio it seems.
Here is a more complete description if you happen to have the plug-in.
BuildOnSave is an extension for Visual Studio 2019 and 2017 that
builds the current solution as soon a file is saved, and in
combination with the the extension SaveAllTheTime, enables a live,
background build experience while you type.

Generate clang compilation database for a Visual Studio project

Visual Studio was added a lot of support for Clang.
I want to use clang-tidy.exe for a Visual-Studio project. In order to do that I need the JSON "compilation database".
Is there some way to export this database from a visual studio (2015) project?
To export the JSON compilation Database you can use the Clang Power Tools VS extension.
All you need to do is to select your VS project from Solution Explorer, open the context menu by pressing right-click on it, and then search for Clang Power Tools. In the submenu search for the Export Compilation Database option. The JSON compilation database will be automatically generated for you.
More details about this feature can be found in this article.
The extension is compatible with Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.
I've bumped into your question whilst searching for an answer to this very problem. This is what I have found so far:
SourceTrail provides a Visual Studio extension which is able to create a compilation database. See also this discussion. I have no experience with the extension, but it seems to tackle this problem.
compdb is a python script with all sorts of utilities for compilation databases. AFAIK it does not yet support visual studio, but it would be a great place to add support for this functionality.

Display start page when opening a Visual Studio solution

In Visual Studio 2010, is it possible to display a start/welcome page when opening a solution file?
I'd like to have some way to show build information to new developers joining the team.
Have you already considered writing your own extension for Visual Studio?
Soma Somasegar has pointed out where to start in his blog here.
You will need to install the Visual Studio SDK (online documentation here) from samples at MSDN.
I have not done this myself yet, but I know that you can create tool windows that already load with Visual Studio. You can request a notification when a solution is loaded and then execute your own custom code.
(I just read about the notfications yesterday in Rico Mariani's blog).
Should be possible. :-)

Write VS 2010 plugin/addin/extension

For my project I was need localization plugin. I dont find it and instead of write own console localiztion utility. I think this will be useful for community.
I want to wrap it into plugin for VS.
May be already exisists VS addings project templates?
Can anybody help me from what I should start?
Many thanks.
Download and install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK. It comes with plenty of sample code.

Ironruby IDE

Which IDE if any, are people using to develop Ironruby in?
If you are looking for an integrated Visual Studio editor, with intellisense etc, Microsoft has nothing in plan yet (according to this article with John Lam -> But there is an integrated editor which works pretty good - SappireSteel - at
If you just want to edit in VS and don't care about intellisense and such, you could try and set up an external tool from within VS and call the ir.exe (
There are numerous editors with support for ruby highlightning which you can try out as well, but there is no one (I think) with intellisense-like support for the .NET framework. Scite ( is pretty popular, Scott Hanselman blogged about Ruby support/highlightning in Notepad2 ( On Codeplex you can find a tool called IronEdit ( which I've not tried myself yet.
I ran RubyMine ( for a while, which seems to be a really good Ruby IDE (costs money), but doesn't have any specific support for IronRuby. I hope the JetBrains will release something which plugs into Visual Studio eventually...
Personally I think Sapphire will come up with something really good eventually. I hope this helps.
I use Vim as my IDE with some custom settings that I blogged about some time ago.
Visual Studio?
According to the IronRuby website Visual Studio C# Express can be used (and in turn, any commercial version of Visual Studio 2005+ I'll assume).
From the home page:
Today, you must check the source code out of the IronRuby Subversion repository on Rubyforge. You will need a Subversion client: we recommend TortoiseSVN. To build the sources from the command line, you must also have Ruby installed on your computer already: we recommend the Ruby one-click installer. You can also build the sources using Visual Studio; if you don't already own a copy, you can download a free copy of Visual C# Express 2008.
Ruby in Steel from Sapphire Steel is build on the Visual Studio Shell (integrated mode) that will merge with Visual Studio 2008 if you already have it installed or simply be a standalone installation if you don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Also, no use to you, but Microsoft are going to be releasing IronRuby Studio (and IronPython Studio) at some point in the future. I couldn't find much about these on the web though - they were mentioned by a speaker at Teched Europe a few weeks ago.
You might interested in IronEditor. which similar to SciTE. get it at
Sapphire has a version now specifically targeted at IronRuby. Furthermore, not only is the alpha free now but they claim production will be free as well.
edit:forgot to include linkage
IronRuby integration in VS2010 can be found here:
The IronRuby tools are a good place to start but I think the best IDE for doing Ruby or in more detail Rails is VIM. by using a plugin such as rails.vim you can keep all your shortcuts and scripts across the boundaries such as Windows / Linux or IronRubyOnRails / RubyOnRails ...
JetBrains is offering a great IDE with RubyMine. I can remember that I've read an article about how to configure RubyMine to support IronRuby.
But as already mentioned IronRuby Tools for VS2010 are a good place to start.
The current version(s) of IronRuby now contain Ruby Tools for Visual Studio, which install along with IR itself. This is true for versions 1.1 and later.
