Where to get Sudoku generator in C++? - sudoku

Here is one - http://ostermiller.org/qqwing/
But sometimes my PHP code (shell_exec('qqwing..')) dies and in syslog I can find segfault errors for qqwing.
So, I'm searching for better generator, but can't find one. Fast and with difficulty levels.
Any suggestions?

Sudokuki is a graphical SUDOKU game: Set up a custom sudoku from a magazine or so - Generate a sudoku - Solve a sudoku - Print a sudoku. Translated into: de, en, el, eo, es, fr, ja. Sudokuki is multiplatform GNU/GPL Free Software, in C++
If that isn't quite what you want, for some reason, then search further roon SF. I git 292 hits when searching for sudoku


Examples of Custom Control Flow Compiling Words

Forth famously allows users to alter the language by defining new words for control flow (beyond those given by the standard: DO, LOOP, BEGIN, UNTIL, WHILE, REPEAT, LEAVE IF, THEN, ELSE, CASE, ENDCASE, etc.)
Are there common examples of people actually creating their own new control flow words? What are some typical and useful examples? Or has the standard already defined everything that people actually need?
I'm hoping to find examples of useful language extensions that have gained acceptance or proved generally helpful to make the language more expressive.
One another big direction of control flow structures in Forth is backtracking. It is very expressive and powerful mechanism. To be implemented, it requires return address manipulation [Gas99].
Backtracking in Forth was developed as BacFORTH extension by M.L.Gassananko in ~1988-1990. First papers on this topic was in Russian.
The technique of backtracking enables one to create abstract iterator
and filter modules responsible for looking over sets of all possible
values and rejecting "undue" ones [Gas96b].
For some introduction see the short description: Backtracking (by mlg), also the multi-threading in Forth? discussion in comp.lang.forth can be useful (see the messages from Gassanenko).
Just one example of generator in BacFORTH:
: (0-2)=> PRO 3 0 DO I CONT LOOP ; \ generator
: test (0-2)=> CR . ." : " (0-2)=> . ;
test CR
0 : 0 1 2
1 : 0 1 2
2 : 0 1 2
The PRO and CONT are special control flow words. PRO designates generator word, and CONT calls the consumer — it is something like yield in Ruby or ECMAScript. A number of other special words is also defined in BacFORTH.
You can play with BacFORTH in SP-Forth (just include ~profit/lib/bac4th.f library).
In general, backtracking is just an algorithm for finding solutions. In Prolog this algorithm was embedded under the hood, so backtracking in Prolog is the process how it works themselves. Backtracking in BacFORTH is programming technique that is supported by a set of special control flow words.
[Gas96a] M.L. Gassanenko, Formalization of Backtracking in Forth, 1996 (mirror)
[Gas96b] M.L. Gassanenko, Enhancing the Capabilities of Backtracking, 1996 (mirror)
[Gas99] M.L. Gassanenko, The Open Interpreter Word Set, 1999
Here's one example. CASE was a somewhat late addition to the set of Forth control flow words. In early 1980, a competition for defining the best CASE statment was announced in Forth Dimensions. It was settled later that year with a tie between three entries. One of those ended up in the Forth94 standard.

What is this prolog output trying to say?

Years ago in college,I tinkered with some prolog, but that's long forgotten, so I count as a complete beginnner again (humbling!)
Anyway, I was playing with some of Bruce Tate's code, and came up with what I thought was a sudoku solver for the full (9x9) game. But, when I run it, it generates some very odd output:
Solution = [_#3(2..3),_#24(2:7),_#45(2..3:5:7),_#66(2..3:8),_#87(2..3:5..6:8),4,_#121(2:5..6),1,9,6,8,_#194(2..5:7:9),_#215(1..3:9),_#236(2..3:5:9),_#257(1..2:5:9),_#278(2:4..5),_#299(4:7),_#320(5:7),_#341(1..2),_#362(2:4),_#383(2:4..5:9),_#404(1..2:9),_#425(2:5..6:9),7,3,_#472(4:6),8,4,1,_#532(2:8),_#553(2:8),7,3,9,5,6,7,5,_#689(6:8),_#710(4:8..9),_#731(4:6:8..9),_#752(6:8..9),1,2,3,_#828(2..3),9,_#862(2..3:6),5,1,_#909(2:6),7,8,4,8,_#990(2:4:7),1,6,_#1037(2..5:9),_#1058(2:5:9),_#1079(4..5),_#1100(3..4:7),_#1121(5:7),5,_#1163(4:6..7),_#1184(4:6..7),_#1205(1:3..4:8),_#1226(3..4:8),_#1247(1:8),_#1268(4:6:8),9,2,9,3,_#1341(2:4:6),7,_#1375(2:4..5:8),_#1396(1..2:5:8),_#1417(4..6:8),_#1438(4:6),_#1459(1:5)]
I was expecting ... well, frankly I was half expecting total failure :) but I thought that only numbers could show up in this output. What's it trying to tell me with those #-tagged things, and stuff in parens that looks like ranges? Is it trying to say there are many possible solutions and it's telling me all at once (seems unlikely as it's very unhelpful if it is) or is this some kind of error state (in which case, why does it compile my code and say "yes" to this query?)
Any insight gratefully received!
I think it's the result of a set of constraints not sufficiently strong to determine a solution without search. For instance, _#3(2..3) could means that a variable named _#3 could assume values in range 2..3. You could try to label the variables, something like
..., labeling([], Solution).
Syntax details depend on your solver, of course...

Running Sudoku Solver Example in hadoop

I am trying to run sudoku solver provided with hadoop example jar file. I am not sure the format in which input is supposed to be given. Can anybody guide?
From the documentation:
The sudoku solver is so fast, I didn't bother making a distributed
version. (All of the puzzles that I've tried, including a 42x42 have
taken around a second to solve.) On the command line, give the solver
a list of puzzle files to solve. Puzzle files have a line per a row
and columns separated by spaces. The squares either have numbers or
'?' to mean unknown.

Generation of sudoku questions

I am doing a sudoku game. My problem is the generation of sudoku questions. I want to generate questions in three difficulties. Is there any idea to generate 3 level questions?
If we go for pre generated sudoku puzzles, maybe you could have a look at this :
we used terminal sudoku in the Linux distributions
it has a batch generator mode.
the website is down but it is packaged for some linux distributions.
generate puzzles for each level : easy, medium and hard
sudoku -fcompact -ceasy -g5>sudoku_easy.txt
sudoku -fcompact -cmedium -g5>sudoku_medium.txt
sudoku -fcompact -chard -g5>sudoku_hard.txt
solve the puzzles
sudoku -fcompact -v sudoku_easy.txt >sudoku_easy-resolved.txt
sudoku -fcompact -v sudoku_medium.txt >sudoku_medium-resolved.txt
sudoku -fcompact -v sudoku_hard.txt >sudoku_hard-resolved.txt
I checked some of them and they had only one solution.
Generate full (filled) sudokus and before printing the sudoku out, make some percentage of the fields empty again for the human to fill.
Select random fields to empty. Raise the percentage of empty fields on each difficulty level.

Word Suggestion program

Suggest me a program or way to handle the word correction / suggestion system.
- Let's say the input is given as 'Suggset', it should suggest 'Suggest'.
Thanx in advance. And I'm using python and AJAX. Please don't suggest me any jquery modules cuz I need the algorithmic part.
Algorithm that solves your problem called "edit distance". Given the list of words in some language and mistyped/incomplete word you need to build a list of words from given dictionary closest to it. For example distance between "suggest" and "suggset" is equal to 2 - you need one deletion and one insertion. As an optimization you can assign different weights to each operation - for example you can say that substitution is cheaper than deletion and substitution between two letters that lie closer on keyboard (for example 'v' and 'b') is cheaper that between those that are far apart (for example 'q' and 'l').
First description of algorithm for spelling and correction appeared in 1964. In 1974 efficient algorithm based on dynamic programming appeared in paper called "String-to-string correction problem" by Robert A. Wagner and Michael J. Fischer. Any algorithms book have more or less detailed treatment of it.
For python there is library to do that: Levenshtein distance library
Also check this earlier discussion on Stack Overflow
It will take a lot of work to make one of those yourself. There is a really nice spell checker library written in python called PyEnchant that I've found to be quite nice. Here's an example from their website:
>>> import enchant
>>> d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
>>> d.check("Hello")
>>> d.check("Helo")
>>> d.suggest("Helo")
['He lo', 'He-lo', 'Hello', 'Helot', 'Help', 'Halo', 'Hell', 'Held', 'Helm', 'Hero', "He'll"]
