Why the sh script cannot work - bash

I write a sh script (test.sh) like this:
echo $#
and then run it like this:
#./test.sh '["hello"]'
but the output is:
In fact I need
The bash version is:
#bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.25(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
And if I run
# echo '["hello"]'
I don't know why the script cannot work...

You probably mean "$#", though I don't think it should make much of a difference in this case. It's also worth making sure that the script is executable (chmod +x test.sh).
EDIT: Since you asked,
Bash has various levels of string expansion/manipulation/whatever. Variable expansion, such as $#, is one of them. Read man bash for more, but from what I can tell, Bash treats each command as one long string until the final stage of "word splitting" and "quote removal" where it's broken up into arguments.
This means, with your original definition, that ./test.sh "a b c d" is equivalent to echo "a" "b" "c" "d", not echo "a b c d". I'm not sure what other stages of expansion happen.
The whole word-splitting thing is common in UNIXland (and pretty much any command-line-backed build system), where you might define something like CFLAGS="-Os -std=c99 -Wall"; it's useful that $CFLAGS expands to "-Os" "-std=c99" "-Wall".
In other "$scripting" languages (Perl, and possibly PHP), $foo really means $foo.

The manual test you show works because echo gets the argument ["hello"]. The outermost quotes are stripped by the shell. When you put this in a shell script, each shell strips one layer of quotes: the one you type at and the one interpreting the script. Adding an extra layer of quotes makes that work out right.

Just a guess, but maybe try changing the first line to
so that it actually runs with bash?


Why are quotes preserved when using bash $() syntax, but not if executed manually?

I have the following bash script:
$ echo $(dotnet run --project Updater)
UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a"
$ export $(dotnet run --project Updater)
Why is it $UPDATE_NEEDED is 0 on the 3rd command, but '0' on the 5th command?
What would I need to do to get it to simply set 0? Using UPDATE_NEEDED=0 instead is not an option, as some of the other variables may contain a space (And I'd like to optimistically quote them to have it properly parse spaces).
Also, this is a bit of a XY problem. If anyone knows an easier way to export multiple variables from an executable that can be used later on in the bash script, that could also be useful.
To expand on the answer by Glenn:
When you write something like export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' in Bash code, this is 100% identical to export UPDATE_NEEDED=0. The quotes are used by Bash to parse the command expression, but they are then discarded immediately. Their only purpose is to prevent word splitting and to avoid having to escape special characters. In the same vein, the code fragment 'foo bar' is exactly identical to foo\ bar as far as Bash is concerned: both lead to space being treated as literal rather than as a word splitter.
Conversely, parameter expansion and command substitution follows different rules, and preserves literal quotes.
When you use eval, the command line arguments passed to eval are treated as if they were Bash code, and thus follow the same rules of expansion as regular Bash code, which leads to the same result as (1).
Apparently that Updater project is doing the equivalent of
echo "UPDATE_NEEDED=\'0\' MD5_SUM=\"7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a\""
It's explicitly outputting the quotes.
When you do export UPDATE_NEEDED='0' MD5_SUM="7e3ad68397421276a205ac5810063e0a",
bash will eventually remove the quotes before actually setting the variables.
I agree with #pynexj, eval is warranted here, although additional quoting is recommended:
eval export "$(dotnet ...)"

Why does printf behave differently when called from a Makefile?

The printf program can be used to print binary data, e.g.:
$ printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
If I put this in a Makefile on its own, it works the same:
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
$ make
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
However, if I want to do anything else on the same shell invocation in the Makefile, for example to redirect it to a file, or just printing something else afterwards, then although the command printed by Make doesn't change (suggesting it's not an escaping issue), but the output changes to a backslash followed by an "x" followed by a double "f", twice:
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'; printf 'wtf?\n'
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'; printf 'wtf?\n'
What is going on here? Why do the two printfs in one line behave differently than a single printf?
#chepner is on the right track in their comment but the details are not quite right:
This is wild speculation, but I suspect there is some sort of
optimization being applied by make that causes the first example, as a
simple command, to be executing a third option, the actual binary
printf (found in /usr/bin, perhaps), rather than a shell. In your
second example, the ; forces make to use a shell to execute the shell
command line.
Make always uses /bin/sh as its shell, regardless of what the user is using as their shell. On some systems, /bin/sh is bash (which has a builtin printf) and on some systems /bin/sh is something different (typically dash which is a lightweight, POSIX-conforming shell) which probably doesn't have a shell built-in.
On your system, /bin/sh is bash. But, when you have a "simple command" that doesn't require a shell (that is, make itself has enough trivial quoting smarts to understand your command) then to be more efficient make will invoke that command directly rather than running the shell.
That's what's happening here: when you run the simple command (no ;) make will invoke the command directly and run /usr/bin/printf. When you run the more complex command (including a ;) make will give up running the command directly and invoke your shell... which is bash, which uses bash's built-in printf.
Basically, your script is not POSIX-conforming (there is no %b in the POSIX standard) and so what it does is not well-defined. If you want the SAME behavior always you should use /usr/bin/printf to force that always to be used. Forcing make to always run a shell and never use its fast path is much trickier; you'll need to include a special character like a trailing ; in each command.

prevent script injection when spawning command line with input arguments from external source

I've got a python script that wraps a bash command line tool, that gets it's variables from external source (environment variables). is there any way to perform some soft of escaping to prevent malicious user from executing bad code in one of those parameters.
for example if the script looks like this
/usr/bin/tool ${VAR1} ${VAR2}
and someone set VAR2 as follows
export VAR2=123 && \rm -rf /
so it may not treat VAR2 as pure input, and perform the rm command.
Is there any way to make the variable non-executable and take the string as-is to the command line tool as input ?
The correct and safe way to pass the values of variables VAR1 and VAR2 as arguments to /usr/bin/tool is:
/usr/bin/tool -- "$VAR1" "$VAR2"
The quotes prevent any special treatment of separator or pattern matching characters in the strings.
The -- should prevent the variable values being treated as options if they begin with - characters. You might have to do something else if tool is badly written and doesn't accept -- to terminate command line options.
See Quotes - Greg's Wiki for excellent information about quoting in shell programming.
Shellcheck can detect many cases where quotes are missing. It's available as either an online tool or an installable program. Always use it if you want to eliminate many common bugs from your shell code.
The curly braces in the line of code in the question are completely redundant, as they usually are. Some people mistakenly think that they act as quotes. To understand their use, see When do we need curly braces around shell variables?.
I'm guessing that the /bin/sh in the question was intended to be a #! /bin/sh shebang. Since the question was tagged bash, note that #! /bin/sh should not be used with code that includes Bashisms. /bin/sh may not be Bash, and even if it is Bash it behaves differently when invoked as /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash.
Note that even if you forget the quotes the line of code in the question will not cause commands (like rm -rf /) embedded in the variable values to be run at that point. The danger is that badly-written code that uses the variables will create and run commands that include the variable values in unsafe ways. See should I avoid bash -c, sh -c, and other shells' equivalents in my shell scripts? for an explanation of (only) some of the dangers.
To avoid injections at best, consider switching to [T]csh.
Unlike Bourne Shells, the C Shell is "limited", thus instructing one to take different, safer paths to write scripts. The "limitations" imposed by the C Shell make it one of the most reliable Shells to work with.
(E.g: Nesting is minimal to impossible, thus preventing injections at all costs; there are better ways to achieve what one want.)

Why bash cannot accept option of command as string?

I tried following code.
"${command1}" 'case1'
command2="echo -e"
"${command2}" 'case2'
echo -e 'case3'
The outputs are following,
echo -e: command not found
The case2 results in an error but similar cases, case1 and case3 runs well. It seems command with option cannot be recognized as valid command.
I would like to know why it does not work. Please teach me. Thank you very much.
Case 1 (Unmodified)
"${command1}" 'case1'
This is bad practice as an idiom, but there's nothing actively incorrect about it.
Case 2 (Unmodified)
command2="echo -e"
"${command2}" 'case2'
This is looking for a program named something like /usr/bin/echo -e, with the space as part of its name.
Case 2 (Reduced Quotes)
# works in this very specific case, but bad practice
command2="echo -e"
$command2 'case2' # WITHOUT THE QUOTES
...this one works, but only because your command isn't interesting enough (doesn't have quotes, doesn't have backslashes, doesn't have other shell syntax). See BashFAQ #50 for a description of why it isn't an acceptable practice in general.
Case X (eval -- Bad Practice, Oft Advised)
You'll often see this:
eval "$command1 'case1'"
...in this very specific case, where command1 and all arguments are hardcoded, this isn't exceptionally harmful. However, it's extremely harmful with only a small change:
eval "$command1 ${thing_to_echo}"
...if thing_to_echo='$(rm -rf $HOME)', you'll have a very bad day.
Best Practices
In general, commands shouldn't be stored in strings. Use a function:
e() { echo -e "$#"; }
e "this works"
...or, if you need to build up your argument list incrementally, an array:
e=( echo -e )
"${e[#]}" "this works"
Aside: On echo -e
Any implementation of echo where -e does anything other than emit the characters -e on output is failing to comply with the relevant POSIX standard, which recommends using printf instead (see the APPLICATION USAGE section).
Consider instead:
# a POSIX-compliant alternative to bash's default echo -e
e() { printf '%b\n' "$*"; }
...this not only gives you compatibility with non-bash shells, but also fixes support for bash in POSIX mode if compiled with --enable-xpg-echo-default or --enable-usg-echo-default, or if shopt -s xpg_echo was set, or if BASHOPTS=xpg_echo was present in the shell's environment at startup time.
If the variable command contains the value echo -e.
And the command line given to the shell is:
"$command" 'case2'
The shell will search for a command called echo -e with spaces included.
That command doesn't exist and the shell reports the error.
The reason of why this happen is depicted in the image linked below, from O'Reilly's Learning the Bash Shell, 3rd Edition:
Learning the bash Shell, 3rd Edition
By Cameron Newham
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: March 2005
ISBN: 0-596-00965-8
Pages: 352
If the variable is quoted (follow the right arrows) it goes almost (passing steps 6,7, and 8) directly to execution in step 12.
Therefore, the command searched has not been split on spaces.
Original image (removed because of #CharlesDuffy complaint, I don't agree, but ok, let's move to the impossible to be in fault side) is here:
Link to original image in the web site where I found it.
If the command line given to the shell is un-quoted:
$command 'case2'
The string command gets expanded in step 6 (Parameter expansion) and then the value of the variable $command: echo -e gets divided in step 9: "Word splitting".
Then the shell search for command echo with argument -e.
The command echo "see" an argument of -e and echo process it as an option.
Trying to store commands inside an string is a very bad idea.
Try this, think very carefully of what you would expect the out put to be, and then be surprised on execution:
$ command='echo -e case2; echo "next line"'; $command
To take a look at what happens, execute the command as this:
$ set -vx; $command; set +vx
It works on my machine if I give the command this way:
cmd2="echo -e"
if you are still facing a problem I would suggest storing the options in another variable so that if you are doing shell scripting then multiple commands that use similar option values you can leverage the variable so also try something like this.
$cmd1 $opt1 Hello

how does this escaping work?

Here is what it finally took to get my code in my makefile to work
Line 5 is the question area
echo $$((${FORMATTED_NUMBER}))
why do i have to add two $ and two (( )) ?
Formatted_Number if i echo it looks like "50+1" . What is the logic that make is following to know that seeing $$(("50+1")) is actually 51?
sorry if this is a basic question i'm new to make and dont fully understand it.
First, whenever asking questions please provide a complete example. You're missing the target and prerequisite here so this is not a valid makefile, and depending on where they are it could mean very different things. I'm assuming that your makefile is something like this:
echo $$((${FORMATTED_NUMBER}))
Makefiles are interesting in that they're a combination of two different formats. The main format is makefile format (the first five lines above), but inside a make recipe line (that's the last line above, which is indented with a TAB character) is shell script format.
Make doesn't know anything about math. It doesn't interpret the + in the FORMATTED_NUMBER value. Make variables are all strings. If you want to do math, you have to do it in the shell, in a shell script, using the shell's math facilities.
In bash and other modern shells, the syntax $(( ...expression... )) will perform math. So in the shell if you type echo $((50+1)) (go ahead and try it yourself) it will print 51.
That's why you need the double parentheses ((...)): because that's what the shell wants and you're writing a shell script.
So why the double $? Because before make starts the shell to run your recipe, it first replaces all make variable references with their values. That's why the shell sees 50+1 here: before make started the shell it expanded ${FORMATTED_NUMBER} into its value, which is ${BASE}+${INCREMENT}, then it expanded those variables so it ends up with 50+1.
But what if you actually want to use a $ in your shell script (as you do here)? Then you have to tell make to not treat the $ as introducing a make variable. You do this by doubling it, so if make sees $$ then it does not think that's a make variable, and sends a single $ to the shell.
So for the recipe line echo $$((${FORMATTED_NUMBER})) make actually invokes a shell script echo $((50+1)).
You can use this in BASH:
Is using non BASH use:
