How to load and compile Gedit+GTK+ sources for debugger - debugging

I would like to learn how to make a text editor using GTK+. I think the best way to do this is to watch what is happening in the code when one runs Gedit. I have been told that one has to compile the sources of Gedit and GTK+ for -g option. But as I am a very beginner of open source world, I would like to know
How can I load the sources of GTK+ and Gedit to my computer?
How to compile them to one package which can run on debugger?
How to run the Gedit and debugger so that I can see what is going on when one runs the program?
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I haven't done debugging earlier so I thought that DDD or Nemiver would be the easiest to learn but any suggestions are welcome.

For Ubuntu, simply do:
cd ~/Desktop # or wherever you want it
apt-get source gedit # does not need sudo
Check the README / INSTALL files - they should give you plenty information about compiling, just adapt the instructions to your needs. For a simple compile it's just:
The GEdit main development page is at:
You can get the upstream source code using git clone git://

You should use ./configure --enable-debug so it contains debug information in the first place (usually, C executable don't which is why they are so small).
So to correct the above from what you have now:
make clean
./configure --enable-debug
In DDD, F5 is step, F6 is next, F8 is finish and you can set breakpoints.


How to build a package from source?

I'm working on a Windows 7 computer at work and want to use the libpostal package. Unfortunately, it's apparently not available for Windows, so I'm trying to configure it through Cygwin and I'm SO close. The last step is to install snappy from Google. Again, not available on Windows...
My assumption (based on nothing) is that I can just download the tarball and build it from source, right? I tried that, and I think it worked? But a) I don't know how to tell, and b) if it did, I don't know how to tell ./configure in libpostal to find it.
In order to build it from source, I downloaded the tarball and saved it in the folder that Cygwin reads as my home, which is C:\cygwin64\home\brittenb\. From there, I ran bash, which created the ./configure that I needed. So I ran that and while some responses to the checks were no, it seemed to run fine. I then ran make and make install. Nothing seemed out of place, so my assumption is that it did what it was supposed to do. I just have no idea where to go from here.
Here is the output from ls after I run everything:
AUTHORS snappy.h snappy.lo
autom4te.cache snappy.o
ChangeLog snappy.pc
config.h snappy_unittest.exe snappy_unittest-snappy_unittest.o
config.log snappy_unittest-snappy-test.o
config.sub snappy-c.h
configure snappy-c.lo snappy-c.o
COPYING snappy-internal.h
format_description.txt snappy-sinksource.h
framing_format.txt snappy-sinksource.lo
INSTALL snappy-sinksource.o
install-sh snappy-stubs-internal.h
libtool snappy-stubs-internal.lo snappy-stubs-internal.o
m4 snappy-stubs-public.h
Makefile snappy-test.h
missing stamp-h1
NEWS testdata
README test-driver
ls /usr/local/bin shows nothing, but ls /usr/local/include shows:
snappy.h snappy-c.h snappy-sinksource.h snappy-stubs-public.h
So... my question: did it work? Why does ./configure in libpostal say it can't find snappy? Thanks in advance.
The snappy dependency has been removed as of release 1.0.0. I made changes to the source and make and config so that it will build on MinGW.
Get it in my repository:
Note that this is not the complete source since not everything had to be changed. I would suggest merging my changes with the official libpostal distribution to make sure you've got everything. Also, there are some extra DLLEXPORTs in some source files that I haven't removed yet, and the part in the Makefile that builds the executables like address_parser.exe was removed because some porting is necessary to build those programs on Windows. You can write your own using the DLL you'll get in the Windows build and the original source as a reference.
Check the return code from make install ($?). If it is zero, make install succeeded.
snappy looks like a library, so maybe it doesn't install anything in /usr/local/bin. The library is probably installed into /usr/local/lib.

how to use and install SystemC in terminal mac OS X?

how to use and install SystemC in terminal mac OS X?
I tried the Logic poet application, But i use os x 10.10 so it doesn't work.
so i want to know how can i compile and execute SystemC in terminal.
I could't find the detail of SystemC in terminal.
Thank you
The other answer is correct and perfectly fine, however, I thought I'd also answer and provide a little more detail.
Install Apple's "Command Line Tools"
You have two options: install Xcode (a big download), or just the command line tools (a much smaller download). If your goal is simply building SystemC applications at the command line, then I recommend the latter.
Install Apple's "Command Line Tools" by launching Terminal, entering
$ xcode-select --install
then clicking Install. After that, you'll have make, clang and more available at the command line.
Build and install Accellera's SystemC implementation
Download the latest release from the Accellera Downloads page (annoyingly, you'll have to provide a few personal details) and extract the contents of the .zip file.
I like to keep a copy of the SystemC source code available, because it can be useful for debugging or understanding how something works. Therefore, I move the extracted folder (systemc-2.3.1) into ~/Work/Other. That's where I keep source code for third party libraries. However, you can put it wherever you like.
Open Terminal, change into the extracted folder (systemc-2.3.1), and execute:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export CXX=clang++
$ ../configure --with-arch-suffix=
$ make install
The --with-arch-suffix= option prevents a -macosx64 suffix being add to the lib folder name, allowing your build scripts to be simpler.
After that process, the salient include and lib folders should be available within the systemc-2.3.1 folder.
Configure your build environment
There are many ways you can do this; I have a simple approach that I believe is close to what the SystemC maintainers envisioned. I define two environment variables in my .bash_profile (which is executed for every new Terminal session on OS X):
export CXX="clang++ -fcolor-diagnostics"
export SYSTEMC_HOME=~/Work/Other/systemc-2.3.1
Build a SystemC application
You could use Make, the quintessential build tool, which you get with Apple's "Command Line Tools", or any one of the plethora of other options. I use SCons with SConstruct files that look something like this:
import os
env = Environment(CXX=os.environ["CXX"],
env.Program("main.cpp", LIBS="systemc")
View trace (VCD) files
Scansion is a nice tool for this. GTKWave is another option, but it's a bit clunky.
Ensure you have xcode command line tools installed.
Follow instructions provided in the official repository.
From personal experience.
Compiling SystemC library with clang results in segmentation fault: 11
error every time I include systemc library into my code. To avoid this use gcc instead.
Note that I use gcc-8, installed with homebrew.
$ cd path/to/systemc-2.3.3
$ mkdir objdir
$ cd objdir
$ export CXX=g++-8
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make install
Use $ make check to launch examples compilation and unit tests.
To compile and run hello world example:
$ export SYSTEMC_HOME=path/to/systemc-2.3.3
$ g++-8 hello.cpp -o hello.o -L $SYSTEMC_HOME/lib-macosx64 -I $SYSTEMC_HOME/include/ -l systemc
$ ./hello.o
Tested on macOS 10.13.6; gcc version 8.2.0; systemc-2.3.3
Go here click the first link and fill in your information to get the source code
Then cd to the folder
Then run the following commands
./configure --with-unix-layout
sudo gmake install
gmake clean
After you do that it should all be saved in your use/local/(lib&include) directories
To Use
In code do this
#include "systemc.h"
I use a single makefile normally. But you could write the following to link the library. Given your cpp file is called main.
g++ -o main main.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lsystemc

Can't install OpenCv on Mac: there are no files in /usr/local

I've downloaded tar.gz files from official site(versions 2.4.3, 2.4.7, 2.4.8). Then unzipped them somewhere.
mac-mini-olia:Data olia$ cd opencv-
mac-mini-olia:opencv- olia$ mkdir build
mac-mini-olia:opencv- olia$ cd build/
mac-mini-olia:build olia$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
mac-mini-olia:build olia$ make -j8
after the last command output is
3910 warnings and 12 errors generated.
Errors are like
/Volumes/Data/opencv- error: source file is not valid UTF-8
/Volumes/Data/opencv- error: expected identifier or '('
And after that in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include there are no files of opencv.
There are multiple ways to install OpenCV on OSX.
You can use MacPorts
Make sure you have XCode installed with it's Command Line Tools first.
(An easy way to test that is to see if xcodebuild if a found command in Terminal)
After you install MacPorts simply do
sudo port install opencv
This will take care of building the project from source and installing it for you.
(The path might be /opt/local/lib /opt/local/include though, haven't used it in a while)
There are also port variants: opencv with options. For example if you plan to use openni 1.5.x and have it integrated with opencv you can try
sudo port install opencv +openni
If you do
sudo port variants opencv
you should get a list of all the options(e.g. python support, qt support, etc.)
If you want to build from source yourself, I recommend installing the ccmake command (I think macports can also do that for you) or use the CMake gui tool. This will allow you to easily configure the build and setup your install location(/use/local/...and so on)
So you can try someting like this:
cd /path/to/your/opencv_folder
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..
At this stage you should see something like this:
hit Enter to change an option and Enter again to exit edit mode and use the up/down keys to scroll through the options. When you're happy with the settings, press C to configure. Once that's done, you can press G to generate. This will generate the makefiles for you so you can do this:
sudo make install
make install will actually copy the built libraries/headers to the /usr/ folder.
You might run into errors when running make, depending on your setup(e.g. if you're missing dependencies, etc.), but the cool thing about ccmake is that you can go back, run it again, disable the things you don't want to build right now and go back to the make stage.

How to learn to use make? I'm never ever able to build sources with make and makefiles

I'm new to NX OSes, actually MacOS, and when I try to build sources with make and makefiles, I never can.
I try to run make, even try to run it passing the makefile as an argument, but all I get is "There's nothing for make to do"
Can you point me to a tutorial, reference, or something ?
This one is excellent.
(You can also read some criticism to round your knowledge.)
(If after reading these, you want to try cmake, then you want to go here. It works perfectly on Mac OS X.)
Generally if you're trying to install from a tarball there will be a file named README or INSTALL with installation instructions. Usually all you have to do is run from the terminal
sudo make install
It's generally possible to set options for compilation by adding flags to ./configure, to see what they are run
./configure --help
Here is a tutorial to help you get started.
Just remember to use tabs instead of spaces when indenting lines in the makefile :)

How do I use ruby-debug inside Emacs?

I know Emacs has some sort of integration with gdb (though I never used it) to jump through files as you debug a program. I'd like to do the same with Ruby programs.
As erenon said, use ruby debug, which provides a library for emacs that lets you use it just as gdb.
Install rdebug by issuing this command on your terminal(the sudo is optional, depending on your system):
<sudo> gem install ruby-debug
You then need to download the ruby-debug-extra file from rubyforge, and install it in the standard way.
sh ./configure
make test # optional, but a good idea
sudo make install
This gives you the elisp files for the interaction with rdebug, plus documentation for ruby-debug that can be viewed from within emacs.
There is another emacs to ruby-debug interface. See .
More generally, it works with other ruby debuggers and other debuggers in general.
You may want use rdebug.
I am getting "Cannot open load file: gdb-ui" in GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin10.0.0, NS apple-appkit-1038.11) of 2009-10-31
I was stuck with same problem with gdb-ui, but I found the solution: I downloaded gdb-ui.el from here and put it into ruby-debug-extra/emacs dir... then I've adjusted Makefiles to point to this file before any other rdebug*.el files. After this step you'll get make working. Since I'm using emacs-snapshot and gdb mode is available already in my emacs environment, this issue is only about to build rdebug mode. After this I've installed it with "sudo make install" and it works perfectly :) Don't forget to add (require 'rdebug) to your ~/.emacs or whatever else you use to bootstrap your config.
The chosen strategy can be made to work, although texi2html and texinfo were not enough on my system, but I stopped pursuing this strategy without installing the extra packages.
Here's what I did: download ruby-debug-extra-0.10.4.tar.gz from, untar it, but DON'T do the whole configure/make/blah/blah thing. Instead, I simply copied the 'emacs' directory to ~/.emacs.d/rdebug, and then added to my ~/.emacs.d/init.el file (you can also use your ~/.emacs file):
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/rdebug")
(autoload 'rdebug "rdebug" "ruby-debug interface" t)
This won't byte-compile it, I didn't care. I prefer this solution because I got really annoyed that the packages forces you to install the docs.
