Extranet with Integrated Windows Authentication - windows

Is it possible, safe and practical to use Windows Integrated Security on an Extranet?
E.g. there is an IIS website on the intranet that can be used over the LAN with integrated authentication. When the user disconnects from the LAN he wants to be able to use the browser on his domain-joined-notebook to connect to the same website over the internet (no VPN) without having to logon separately.

The question of whether it's "safe" is a question of what additional security threats you're exposing the user to in the Internet scenario, that they weren't exposed to in the Intranet scenario. Additionally, are you exposing the server to additional security threats - and assuming that the question isn't "whether to allow access to the server from the Internet" but rather "which authentication methods should we allow for this server-now-exposed-to-the-Internet", this secondary question boils down to "is it better to use Windows integrated authentication protocols or require the use of Basic, Digest or digital certificates"?
Security threats to user/client: are the user's credentials reasonably protected from attackers who "sniff them from the wire"? Windows-integrated authentication uses either NTLM or Kerberos; in extranet scenarios, the user/client can't generally rely on Kerberos, since that would require transparent access to a KDC (i.e. an Active Directory domain controller) from the Internet as well. While this can be done, it's unusual to see a security-conscious organization allow that. So we're talking about NTLM - which hashes the user's password with a "nonce" (random set of characters) that are sent from the server, so that the user's password doesn't appear in plaintext over the wire. Compare NTLM to Basic and it's a clear win; compare NTLM to Digest authentication, and it's somewhat equivalent; compare NTLM to client certificate authentication, and certs always win for security (but lose on the deployment/bootstrapping challenges). Generally you'll find your security or server admins will want to use an SSL certificate for the IIS listener that's exposed to the Internet, so that user's credentials are even more protected against "sniffers". SSL is hardly perfect and doesn't protect against more sophisticated attackers in the middle (or someone who has a trojan/bot on the client device), but it costs very little for an extra layer of peace of mind. SSL + NTLM is a reasonable choice made by many.
Security threats to server: server is exposed to unauthorized attackers trying to gain access to authenticated resources. If the server allows any AD-authenticated authentication protocols then it's equally susceptible (or not) to attacks that try to brute force a user's password, and some sort of IDS solution that raises alarm bells for repeated bad password attempts is advisable (but quite a challenge to get the signal/noise ratio down to manageable levels). The server is also exposed to the possibility that any exploitable holes (primarily in IIS, or anything else exposed through the firewall) can be used to gain privileged access to the server by an outside attacker. Better be prepared for frequent patching. Other less likely but scary-sounding security threats are possible, but that's the big ones to tackle first.

Yes, it is definitely possible to use integrated security. But, it also depends on the framework you are using for authentication. In ASP.NET you can use built in authentication module. You to set the authentication mode to "Windows" and .Net will manage it for you. You can also have different roles for managing different types of users in your web app. You web app must be available outside your LAN(i.e. your firewall should not block incoming HTTP requests)

As ParanoidMike points out by exposing a webapplication to the internet that uses windows authentication you are creating a brute force attack vector to hackers. To try and mitigate this threat you should consider taking the following actions:
Restrict Access by IP address
Set Accounts to Lock out after n failed login attempts.
Admin accounts cannot be set to lockout so choose obscure usernames for them.
I'm currently investigating if it is possible to exclude admin accounts all together


Delegation Error for Kerberos for Specific Windows Workstation

I am having an workstation specific Kerberos issue and hope anyone here would have additional recommendation.
Our application has an application server and web server and we have kerberos configured on both application layer and web layer.
And for certain users, when we provide the Kerberos link and they are not able to authorize in. And we found out the issue is workstation specific. And on the same problematic workstation, the user could access application server via Kerberos authentication.
And on the web logic we see the following error:
[SpnegoFilter.doFilter] Although user authentication to xxx was successful, Integrated Authentication could not extract the user's credentials because it appears delegation was either not configured or disallowed
I am looking for any of Windows setting could potential lead to this issue? We check that our domain is trusted on both working and nonworking machines on the browser level and GPO settings are the same.
What you're describing is unconstrained delegation, which is the act of a user handing the remote server their TGT so the server can impersonate the user without restriction.
Windows deems this as incredibly dangerous (it is) and is moving towards disabling it outright when certain security services are enabled on the client. Specifically Credential Guard. It will also block it for users that are members of the Protected Users security group, though the fact that it's affecting specific workstations leans towards Credential Guard.
If it is the above issues the correct solution is to switch to constrained delegation.

Issuing HTTP requests using IE proxy with AD authentication

In a corporate desktop scenario, where the user is logged in to an Active Directory domain, I'd like my application to issue HTTP requests using the same proxy as Internet Explorer uses. The problem is that the proxy requires NTLM authentication using the credentials of the currently logged in user, which is something I don't know how my application could acquire.
Besides asking the user for his/her password (for which I found a lot of solutions), is there a way to do it the right, like using some native API? I'm not picky about programming languages in this case, if it works in this scenario, I accept it, although I'd prefer C/C++.
Since you are on Windows, and you are using domain logins, you should rather rely on Kerberos. Anyway, you now several options:
If you use WinHTTP , you simple have to enable it.
Use libcurl on Windows and it will compile with SSPI support by default.
If you use sockets by yourself, you have to call SSPI with the Negotiate package and exchange tokens per HTTP all by yourself.

I'm confusing between NTLM and NTLM (on network)

Im doing a little research about Windows password and I've a little question.
Windows encrypt user passwords and store them on: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM encrypting them by the NTLM algorithm (plus Syskey)
NTLM is also a network authentication protocols, so I'm messing up with this.
I would like to know if the NTLM encryption is the same of the NTLM network protocol. I mean, in Windows, when you type your user and password, if the system starts a network protocol on the same system (localhost), as it would if they were too different computers (ip).
Or otherwise, if they are two different things with the same name.
It would be great if someone could give me a little explanation about the difference of both methods.
Hope you can understand my question, as I'm not English!
Thanks in advance!
Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft, but not on Windows or any team that developed NTLM. This knowledge comes from external sources and thus may not be accurate.
NTLM is two things: a one-way hash algorithm and an authentication protocol.
The one-way hash function is what the Windows OS uses to store passwords (in the secrets file, as you note.) This is, of course, so that plaintext passwords need not be stored on disk. When you type your password on the login screen, it will be hashed with the NTLM hash algorithm and compared against the existing hash in the secrets file. If they match, you'll be authenticated. If not, you'll be prompted to enter your password again.
The authentication protocol is a challenge/response protocol that authenticates some on-the-wire protocol like CIFS or HTTP. The algorithm utilizes the aforementioned NTLM hash algorithms in order to build the responses to the server's challenges based on the password that the user typed. The protocol specification for the NTLM authentication protocol is available from Microsoft under their Open Specifications license.
To answer your question, when you log in to Windows, it's likely just using the NTLM hash and checking it against the on-disk file, not doing some network call. Of course, if your machine happened to be a domain controller (and, somehow, couldn't do Kerberos) then it may do NTLM authentication over the network to localhost, but that's a pretty contrived example. Of course, if you're hitting a network resource on that local machine (say, CIFS file sharing or hitting a web site) then you'll be using the network authentication protocol, not going directly to the secrets file.
NTLM is not a network protocol. It's an authentication protocol. They are totally separate things.
There's a pretty good discussion of NTLM here. Pay special attention to the fact that NTLM isn't used any longer (it's been replaced by Kerberos and NTLM2, both of which are defined and discussed in the linked article).

What's the difference between Anonymous, Authenticate, Impersonate and Delegate, and why does Delegate need Kerberos?

When our customers install our software, they often opt for a "split install", where the services run on one box and the database is on another box. The services might talk to other services, or the database might contain stored procedures that need to talk to another database.
This leads us into the murky world of Kerberos and SetSPN.
I was about to send the support guys an email breaking down the difference between the various authentication levels supported by Windows, but I realised that my knowledge gets a bit vague about the difference between impersonate and delegate, and I'm really sketchy when it comes to Kerberos.
Can anyone enlighten me?
Authenticate (authn) means to identify a user. Authorize (authz) means to determine what rights an authenticated user has. An Anonymous user has not been authenticated but may have some rights on the system (a "guest"). Impersonate and delegate are two sides of the same coin. I impersonate you if I use your identity to do an action; you delegate me the right to impersonate you and take some action.
Kerberos (or "Kerb") is a token-based authentication scheme. That is, it's a way to let users log in and be properly identified (authn) and given rights (authz) in system.
Per comments: You don't need Kerb for delegation, but it's built in to Server 2003. You can also use NTLM, SSL Certificate Mapping or Digest Authentication. But none of those is as robust and flexible as Kerb. You also have the option to do constrained delegation which allows a delegation only to a certain services. The reason is that you need a trusted 3rd party to validate your token. Basically, the flow goes like this ...
I authenticate to my domain.
That domain issues a certificate to me. That cert makes claims about me.
I take that cert and give it to the service I want to allow me to do something
The service takes that cert and Valida's it with a trusted certificate authority
The service gives or denies access based on communication with the certificate authority
It's a deep subject as you know. :) Here is a good article on some of the above options. Also, check out this web cast -- it's about ADFS, but it does a good job on the concepts that might help.
You might want to brush up on Kerberos on Ken Schaefer's web site. His Kerberos FAQ rocks.
Adding to the above answer, delegation is having one server authenticate to another server using the client's original authentication. With Kereberos, this is relatively easy to accomplish - you just allow the first server to "re-issue" the client's authentication token. The alternative (NTLM) doesn't allow for delegation easily/securely since its a challenge/response authentication - the only way for the server to authenticate to the secondary server is if it can respond to the challenge/response, and to do that it would need the client's password.
I've got a ServerFault answer regarding Kerberos Delegation that might be interesting.

Does disabling anonymous access in IIS create a security risk?

If I uncheck the "Enable anonymous access" checkbox in IIS, so as to password protect a site, i.e. by restricting read access to designated Windows accounts, does the resulting password dialogue which is then presented to all anonymous http requests, represent a security risk in that it (seemingly) offers all and sundry an unlimited number of attempts to guess at any Windows account password?
Okay, not much joy with this so far, so I'm attaching a bounty. Just 50 points sorry, I am a man of modest means. To clarify what I'm after: does disabling anonymous access in IIS offer a password guessing opportunity to the public which did not exist previously, or is it the case that the browser's user credentials dialogue can be simulated by including a username and password in a http request directly, and that the response would indicate whether the combination was correct even though the page was open to anonymous users anyway? Furthermore, are incorrect password attempts submitted via http subject to the same lockout policy enforced for internal logins, and if so does this represent a very easy opportunity to deliberately lock out known usernames, or alternatively, if not, is there anything that can be done to mitigate this unlimited password guessing opportunity?
The short answer to your question is yes. Any time you give any remote access to any resource on your network it presents a security risk. Your best bet would be to follow IIS best practices and then take some precautions of your own. Rename your built in administrator account. Enforce strong password policies. Change the server header. Removing anonymous access, while a password guessing risk, is a very manageable one if used with the proper layered security model.
When you choose an authentication other than Anonymous, you certainly can be subject to password hacking. However, the account that is uses is subject to the standard account lockout policies set in Local Security Policy and your Domain's security policy.
For example, if you have a local account "FRED" and the account lockout policy is set to 5 invalid attempts within 30 minutes, then this effectively prevents account password guessing, at the risk of a denial of service attack. However, setting the reset window to a value (15 minutes?) effectively limits the DOS.
Basic Authentication is not recommeded for a non-SSL connection since the password will travel in plain text.
Digest Authentication requires passwords to be stored on the server using a reversible encryption, so while better than Basic, Digest has its flaws.
Windows Integrated Authentication
includes NTLM and Kerberos.
The IIS Server should be configured via Group Policy or Local Security settings to disable LM authentication ( Network security: LAN Manager authentication level set to "Send NTLMv2 response only" or higher, preferred is "Send NTLMv2 response only\refuse LM & NTLM") to prevent trivial LM hash cracking and to prevent NTLM man in the middle proxy attacks.
Kerberos can be used, however it only works if both machines are members of the same domain and the DC's can be reached. Since this doesn't typically happen over the internet, you can ignore Kerberos.
So the end result is, yes, disabling anonymous does open you up for password cracking attempts and DOS attacks, but these can be prevented and mitigated.
You should read about differnet authentication mechanisms available: Basic, Digest, NTLM, Certificates, etc. The IETF compiled a document that dicusses the pros and cons of some of these (NTLM is propriatary MS protocol).
Bottom line is: You are not done with just disabling anonymous access. You definitely have to consider carefully what the attack scenarios are, what the potential damage might be, what user may be willing to accept and so on.
If you introduce authorization you need to address the risk of credentials being compromised. You should also think if what you actually want to achieve is confidential transport of the content: In this case you will have to instroduce transport layer security like SSL.
I am by know means a hosting guru and I imagine there are ways and means of doing this but my personal opinion is that what you are talking about doing is defiantly an unnecessary security risk. If this site is to be available on the internet i.e. it will have public access then you probably don't want to disable anonymous access in IIS.
Please remember that the idea of being able to configure the anonymous access for a site in IIS is so that you can create a user which has specific permission to read the relevant files for a particular site. What we are talking about here is file access on a physical disc. For one thing a public web server should be in a DMZ and not part of your companies domain so users should not be able to log in with their domain credentials anyway.
The only reason why I could imagine that you would want to switch off anonymous access and force users to input their Windows credentials is for a site which will only be used internally and even then I would probably not choose to restrict access in this manner.
If you want to restrict access to content on a public website then you would probably be better of writing something which handles authentication as part of the site itself or a service which the site can consume. Then if someone were to obtain user credentials then at least all they will be able to do is gain access to the site and there is no potential for a breach of your internal network by any means.
There is a reason why developers spend allot of time writing user management solutions. You will find plenty of advice on how to write something like this and plenty of libraries that will do most of the work for you.
