Having context menu for NSButton created dynamically - cocoa

I am creating NSButton dynamically in the cocoa application which is fine. However once the application launches, I want to perform right click on the NSButton created or would like to have context menu for the NSBUtton. How to achieve this?

Subclass NSButton and override mousedown or menu for event


How can I dismiss NSPopover when not active?

I have a menu bar app that displays an NSPopover when the status icon is pressed. The problem is that it will only close if you click again on the status icon.
I want the view to close when I click anywhere outside the popover itself.
I tried changing the popovers attributes Behaviour to Transient but the issue persists.
What is the best way I can achieve this?
Use UIPopoverController instead of NSPopover and Present it in the required ViewController using the below method
- (void)presentPopoverFromRect:(CGRect)rect inView:(UIView *)view permittedArrowDirections:(UIPopoverArrowDirection)arrowDirections animated:(BOOL)animated
So if any other view is clicked apart from the popover, it will dismiss automatically.

How to Create a Document-Based OS X App that Launches with "Open..." Dialog

I am used to developing non-document-based applications with a single window, but now I am working on a document based application that I created using the document-based template in Xcode 5. When I run my application, it opens a new untitled document upon launch. Instead of automatically creating a new document, I would like my application to display an "Open..." dialog much like Xcode, TextEdit, and other Apple apps do. How do I go about implementing this? Is there a flag somewhere that I can set to show the dialog instead of a new document, or do I have to create an application delegate that shows the dialog upon launch? Thanks for your advice.
That would be customized behaviour.
In your application controller override applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: to prevent opening a blank document at startup, then display the file dialog.
This is not hard but not obvious and takes a few steps to get going.
Add a window to your MainMenu.xib
Set the Visible at launch to NO in the inspector.
Now create an NSObject subclass in your project. You might include AppDelegate in the name because you will want to make it the delegate of your app.
In the interface header be sure to declare the protocol right after the word NSObject.
While there, add an IBOutlet property an NSWindow.
Back to the MainMenu.xib ...
Add an NSObject (blue cube) to your xib from the library and set its class to your new app delegate class.
Next connect your window to the property in your app delegate class and connect the window's delegate outlet to your app delegate.
Now the menu.
Locate the View menu in MainMenu and add one NSMenuItem.
Give it a title. "My fancy main window" or whatever.
Now connect it to your app delegate with both an IBOutlet (in case you want to fiddle with its enabled state or title later )
And add an IBAction for this menu item as well. Something like showMyFancyWindow:
This menu item will be persistent.
In your IBAction method call makeKeyAndOrderFront: with your app delegate's property for your window as the argument.
Extra credit
Add a BOOL property to your app delegate.
Something like showsMyFancyWindowAtLaunch
Create a constant NSString as a key above your #implementation line.
Add a checkbox button to your window.
Bind its value to your BOOL.
Add an IBAction method for the checkbox.
Inside that
[[NSUserDefaults sharedDefaults] setBool: self.showsMyFancyWindowAtLaunch forKey: theConstStringKeyYouCreated]
Then in your applicationDidFinishLaunching:
Use the corresponding bool:forKey: method of NSUserDefaults to check whether or not to call showMyFancyWindow: method at launch.
My solution, for MacOS 15 and Xcode 13, after fleshing out some of the hints above:
In your AppDelegate (or equivalent) class, turn off the creation of a New "Untitled" document using:
func applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool
return false
Then, in add the following code to your applicationDidFinishLaunching() delegate method:
Seems to work, though it's impossible to say whether it's a best solution or not.

Where to implement methods for menu item that is not window dependent (Cocoa OSX

I currently implement most of the functions for my mainMenu in a NSWindowController subclass, this works fine for most functions but I would like to be able to use some menu items when no Window is selected. Where would be the best place to implement and validate these kind of menu items?
I would put those in my NSApplication delegate.

How do I get a textbox in an NSMenu?

I'm pretty sure i've seen this somewhere (not counting the help menu), and I feel like you could just drag one in under ib in leopard. Not that it matters, but it will either go into a dock menu or a service. Thanks
Try setting an NSTextField as the view of an NSMenuItem.
You can do this in IB by dragging the text field into the nib as a top-level object and setting the menu item's view outlet to point to the field.
Tricky thing you may need to solve in your app: In the IB simulator, at least, pressing return/enter did not dismiss the menu.

Programmatically Removing a Button from a Window in Cocoa OSX

I need to programmatically remove a button from a window in Cocoa but the only method close to this was dealloc in NSObject, but this is not what I want to do. Is there a way to actually delete the button from the window not just deallocate its memory?
Send the removeFromSuperview message to the button instance.
Though perhaps you just want to hide it instead (using setHidden:)?
An NSButton is a subclass of NSControl, which itself is a subclass of NSView.
You should be able to remove the button from it's superview by calling -removeFromSuperView on the button instance.
